Sample Concept Note

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Concept of the project-

As we all know that agriculture depends largely on the nature of the soil and the climatic
conditions and many times, we face unpredictable changes in climate like non-seasonal
rainfall or heat waves or fluctuations in humidity levels, etc. All such extreme events cause
a great loss to our farmers and farming, because of which they are not able to utilize their
agricultural land to its fullest. So to solve all such problems, A Machine Learning Model
can be made by the virtue of which farmers can be helped to optimize agricultural
production because this predictive model will help them understand that for a particular soil
& given climatic condition, which crop will be best suitable for the harvest. There are 7 key
factors that would be taken into account which will help in determining, exactly which crop
should be grown and at what period of time, viz. Amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and
Potassium in soil, Temperature in degree celsius, Humidity, pH, and Rainfall in mm.

Problem Statement-
Build a Predictive Mode using Machine Learning so as to suggest the most suitable crops to
grow based on the climatic and soil conditions.

The objective of the Project:

Achieve Precision farming by Optimizing Agricultural Production.
This Project is intended for Precision Farming
● We have to Optimize Productivity.
● By Understanding the requirements of climatic and soil conditions for crops.
● Helps us to cope with weather Unpredictability.

Data sources used

Data Analytics software used-

Python & Jupyter Notebook Libraries used:
● Numpy- solve complex mathematical problems
● Pandas-use for dataframe manipulation
● Seaborn-to create data visualization
● Matplotlib- to create data visualization
● ipywidgets- Interactive analysis
● sklearn- Implement complex machine learning algorithm
Machine Learning Algorithms used:
● Clustering Analysis
● Logistic Regression

Data sets probable visualizations-

Bar Graphs and Line Charts will be used using for better visualization

In this work, machine learning applied what had been used to set parameters and embedded
it into a dataset on a mobile application. The machine learning algorithm was designed to
maximize land productivity. The dataset contains parameters of some inputs that are critical
for plant growth.

The machine learning algorithm defines the relationship between these input parameters and
certain internally stored prediction parameters and provides a solution for the output. The
values in the database have been converted to a range system of 0 to 1; the need for
conversion to the same range is due to data incoherence; data were derived from different
sources and were therefore inconsistent, thus requiring specific alterations.

Probable Outcome-
The system proposed includes an input collection system incorporating user input, which is
processed using the optimizer algorithm. The scope of this work is concerned with food
crop agriculture and using machine learning to help optimize land for maximal crop yield
by efficiently utilizing land resources.

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