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Struggling with writing a thesis on prison overcrowding? You're not alone.

Crafting a well-
researched and compelling thesis on such a complex and pressing issue can be incredibly challenging.
From gathering relevant data to analyzing various perspectives, the process requires meticulous
attention to detail and critical thinking skills.

Moreover, addressing the multifaceted nature of prison overcrowding demands a deep understanding
of social, economic, and legal factors. Navigating through the plethora of scholarly articles, reports,
and statistical data can feel overwhelming.

If you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed by the task, fret not. Help is at hand. At ⇒
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papers on topics like prison overcrowding.

Our team of experienced writers understands the intricacies of crafting a high-quality thesis that
meets academic standards and addresses the key issues surrounding prison overcrowding. Whether
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overcrowding. Our writers are adept at synthesizing information, constructing persuasive arguments,
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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis on prison overcrowding hold you back. Reach out to ⇒ ⇔ today and let us help you achieve your academic goals. With our expert
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But in light of stories like that of Sesson and Simmons, reform can’t come soon enough. Proper
rehabilitation programs can make a difference for those who get out of prison for them not to return.
Perrone and Pratt (2003) state that, “To help alleviate some of this cost, policy makers have turned
to private companies under the assumption that private agencies can construct and run prisons at a
higher—or at least comparable—level of quality and at a cheaper cost than can the state” (p.302).
So, one can easily identify that privatization of prisons is based upon profit, and this results in prison
overcrowding. That’s according to Prison Policy Initiative’s Mass Incarcerations: The Whole Pie
2016. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. While pre-pandemic systems were
already fraught with rampant human rights violations, the COVID-19 response in the criminal legal
system only compounded the situation. I believe with parts of both I believe more prisons should be
built but I also believe that people should be educated inside of prison, so they can pay something
back to the community. Much of this has been applied to the continued social stigmatization of
drugs. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or
additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot
usually be used to identify you. In writing this paper the author will attempt to explain the 4th, 5th,
6th, and 8th amendments of the United States Constitution and how they apply to criminal
defendants. The. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 111 (No. 2): 319-351. Chappell, Duncan.
1988. “International Developments in Corrections,” The Prison Journal, LXVIII: 34-40. Certain
drugs and Driving While Intoxicated are some offenses that now carry heavy penalties with them
and also have lengthy sentences associated with them, that has led to an increase in the prison
population. Besides, rapid increase in crime rate and related incarceration creates several problems
within prison systems. On the other side, the policy makers and judiciary consider that imprisonment
is enough to lessen crime rate in the society, but the current prison system is helpless to handle
overcrowding. They were given nothing but a mattress and all of their property was confiscated.
(Rakia, 2019). For instance, this sort of accumulation of cheap prisoners result in the overcrowding
of government owned prisons. Also, a system of graduated penalties imposed by courts can provide
supervision of the offenders, rehabilitation, restitution of victims and public safety. The main goal of
this work is to unearth the relationship between prison overcrowding and different elements within
the criminal justice system. Majority of the correctional facilities have been able to adopt this method
since it has been seen to be much effective, efficient and able to reform the individuals. This was
only the beginning though, litigation lawsuits continued through the years, new policies had been
enforced. Within two years of being released from prison, 32% of the drug users are incarcerated
again for drug charges (Fox). A couple of issues associated with overcrowding include increased
costs and less number of proficient prison officers. Most remarkably, legislators implement judgment
reforms in order to reduce the duration of sentences given to the inmate. To be specific, there must
be proper balancing between the judgments on imprisonment by the Criminal Justice System and the
capacity of prison system. Implementing extra diversion programs helps to minimize overcrowding in
prison facilities. Prisons and Jails. The Emergence of Prisons the Penitentiary Era (1790-1825)
Philadelphia’s Walnut Street Jail Pennsylvania System. Davey, J.D. (1998). The Politics of Prison
Expansion: Winning Elections by Waging War on Crime. Overcrowding conditions can only be met
with if the law and penalties given are taken into account and reviewed. To find the answer, they
heard testimony from Cook County’s top prosecutor Anita Alvarez. Prison overcrowding is when
there is no more space for inmates inside prisons, which means inmates are stuck together in cells
where they do not fit. If you want to learn more about the cookies we're using, make sure to check
our Cookie policy.
Instead, they carry a record which impairs them from obtaining jobs, and the psychological problems
of being behind bars for an extended period of time (Phlisher). This number is significantly lower
than the 32% recidivism rate for drug users who go to prison (Fox). An Analysis of the Effects of
overcrowding in Canadian Penitentiaries. Many of the present arguments against the establishments
of drug courts is related to a theoretical rise in drug users due to a less severe punishment. Like said
before prison overcrowding leads to having poor healthcare which also leads to diseases being
spread around the prison, since there isn’t a proper way to treat them it affects everyone, diseases
tend to be more common. The constitutional reform act 2005 made him the first Lord Chief Justice
to be President of the courts. On the other side, lack of proper planning is curbing the development
and proper functioning of state owned and private prisons. It was observed that at the end of 2013,
Illinois alone housed 48,653 prisoners while, the prisons are modeled only to hold 32,075 prisoners.
This increase has fostered the argument of California’s prisons being overcrowded. But in light of
stories like that of Sesson and Simmons, reform can’t come soon enough. In the certain areas where
drug courts are present in America, such as Florida, there has not been a statistically significant
increase in the amount of drug usage or drug users (Marlowe). He’s also a strong believer of
restorative justice and a supporter of the YJB (Youth Justice Board.) He has one of the best ideas of
the people who go into prison and the effects it has on them. In a study comprising of 13 prisons, the
range of prisoners who used injectable drugs while incarcerated was 16% to 54%. (Lines). When
sharing injectable drugs, the prisoners also share the needle. This is achieved through numerous
community and institutional sanctions to make sure no future offenses committed. Sentence Fewer
Offenders? by M. Hough, R. Allen and E. Solomon Justice Tankebe 2010, The Howard Journal of
Criminal Justice Lecturer in Criminology, School of Law, University of Sheffield. Solutions for the
Problems with the Current Diversion Programs. As the prisoner influx increases, the number of
prison guards is seen to be decreasing. There are also harsher penalties for criminal activities, changes
to laws that make new actions illegal, high incidences of repeat offender rates and improvements to
the penal system itself. Increased amounts of drug trade, due to less severe consequences. 2.
Monetary fines can cause hardships for families. (with children) 3. The treatment strategy will not
work on everyone. William Head Correctional Institute. 35 hectare minimum security prison On a
peninsula Surrounded by Ocean on southern tip of Vancouver Island in Metchosin, British Columbia
Nestled by woods and rocky outposts Serene natural setting. Researchers are working to find the
factors that are linked with a rise in the criminal susceptibility of a few individuals. Paroles and other
orders of “good behavior” that led to the release of prisoners on early basis now require new
conditions that take longer time to be met with, which has also caused a major overflow of
prisoners. She believes that the answer to prison overcrowding now is to build more prisons yet again
“so my answer to prison overcrowding is more prison space, not deciding to send people there.”
However this is biased for many reasons, Widdecombe is a conservative MP and it is generally
conservatives view that people she be put in to prison and not rehabilitated. And, after the courts
caught up with covid backlogs, masses of people were admitted into prisons in a short period of
time. The safest way to minimize this problem without affecting society too much is by looking for
alternatives to incarceration. This was only the beginning though, litigation lawsuits continued
through the years, new policies had been enforced. The proposed 1. 2 billion dollars is a fraction of
135. 8 billion dollars the nation already pays for the creation of rehabilitative programs (Lyons). The
lawsuit ended in Ruiz winning the case, ruling the prison conditions were cruel and unusual
punishment. From the drastic causes of prison overcrowding, a lingering question is; can prison
overcrowding be halted. This has brought out the necessity of coming up with a recommendations of
having future researches allocated much money and time so as to come up with appropriate data and
discussions (Rakis 11).
Still, one cannot argue that this sort of conviction and incarceration is dishonest, but the same results
in prison overcrowding. The 4-foot, 8-inch by 10 foot, 8-inch cells are built for one person, but that
doesn’t keep correction officers from placing two prisoners together for “disciplinary segregation.”.
The decline in prisoners and their imprisonment mostly, depend on the increase in other displacement
facilities. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. This would
ensure that all strategies are done accordingly and appropriately towards ensuring that all the ex-
offenders have been properly rehabilitated and as well making them useful individuals in the
community into which they have been re-introduced. The first program to look at is conditional
diversion. As well, some individuals have been noted to have mental imbalances and therefore it
should be necessary that appropriate intervention so that the follow-up problems can addressed
(Borzycki 79). This is achieved through numerous community and institutional sanctions to make
sure no future offenses committed. It is fundamental to mention that the ruling Ruiz v. The prison
population is at its highest levels in history and tougher sentencing laws have placed an immense
burden on our prison systems with regard to keeping prisoners in for longer periods of time. The
other implies that new laws need to be put into place, and much more money and time should be
spent on crime prevention. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own,
that is cheating. Also you. Understanding the root causes that lead to crime can result in lowering the
crime rates in the country (Resnikoff). In the beginning, private agencies were allowed to undertake
some services related to prison system like transportation and serving food. They allow us to measure
the effectiveness of the ads that are relevant for you. In 2005, the government spent 135. 8 billion
dollars stopping substance abuse and addiction (Lyons). Residents of “total institutions”: May be
sent there forcibly Are cut off from larger society Operate like “small societies”. The end result of
the decision of Judicial System to punish more offenders is overcrowded prisons. The courts still
assign prison as sentences for drug users, as opposed to rehabilitation (Vrecko). Additionally, there is
overcrowding and violence inside prisons which altogether provide a very unhealthy atmosphere for
the inmates. If this situation is not handled, a deteriorating justice system is not far away (Evans and
Goldberg 6). Since, 2007 many states have been trying to reduce the prison budget by making
correction and limiting the sentence policies of certain crimes. Prison overcrowding is a problem
faced at large by the justice system and the large influx of prisoners is hard to maintain. One can see
that homeless people and those who are under the influence of drugs are convicted and sent to
prisons. Mobile judges move to prison facilities to hold court trials (Prison Fellowship International
1). It discusses the causes of prison overcrowding and the dangers that the overcrowding can cause.
In that case, the conditional diversion has an advantage due to the fact that it brings in the element of
counseling to the criminal who is under the correctional process (Rakis 8). In different areas poverty
is the beginning of this cycle, not all areas though. It is interesting to me how different aspects of
society can effect a person and their views on the world around them. It is postulated that America
keeps voting for politicians who embrace policies which favor prison -stuffing.
Judges make use of community service and probation as a substitute to prison. Freeman (1999)
states that, “Where parole has not been eliminated outright, there has nevertheless been a tightening
up of probation and parole criteria that has affected prison overcrowding” (p.86). But some inmates
with minor crimes are allowed to make use of the benefits of parole; the Criminal Justice System
floods the prisons by forcing the prison authorities to accommodate more than enough inmates. This
was only the beginning though, litigation lawsuits continued through the years, new policies had
been enforced. If this situation is not handled, a deteriorating justice system is not far away (Evans
and Goldberg 6). This single fact thus makes the process not commonly adopted in different parts of
the world. Every justice system around the globe has certain flaws and this is also true of the
American justice system that has its flaws surfacing up and there is an urgent necessity to deal with
these flaws. Minor crimes but long prison sentences are also a contributing factor in the flawed
justice system which needs to be revised by the policy makers if the mistakes in the present federal
justice system are to be amended. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative
ideas for their writing assignments. To be specific, there must be proper balancing between the
judgments on imprisonment by the Criminal Justice System and the capacity of prison system. In
short, policies related to prison system must be able to meet the needs of the prison authorities,
officers, and inmates. There are also harsher penalties for criminal activities, changes to laws that
make new actions illegal, high incidences of repeat offender rates and improvements to the penal
system itself. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. An article on iresearchnet
explains how poverty is intertwined with all of these causes. For every story like hers, there are
hundreds of stories where the drug user would be sent to prison, shattering his or her future (Cain).
But law abiding individuals never allow themselves to be in prisons. In short, co-ordination and co-
operation among different agencies related to law enforcement can easily deal with the problem of
overcrowding in private and government owned prisons in general. To browse and the
wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. It’s time
so see prison overcrowding with seriousness. Prison space must be available for violent offenders
who pose a danger to society, and Alabama must better utilize alternatives to prison for offenders
who can be supervised in the community. Whilst she was Minister in charge of prisons, she also had
to deal with the issue of prison overcrowding. In writing this paper the author will attempt to explain
the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th amendments of the United States Constitution and how they apply to
criminal defendants. The. In conclusion, the leading causes in the incarceration of crime rates can be
owed to the socioeconomic factors and the society in general of which the individual is a part of. As
the rate of violent crimes is increasing, there is no other solution, but imprisonment. The correctional
system and the management of the inmates plays a vital role in incarceration. The national crime rate
might be dropping but there are still places where the crime rate it high and flourishing and this is
seen to be tied directly to the financial and social conditions prevailing in the area. A question to ask
why do people keep going to prison. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your
Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved
for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Private Prisons. The argument against:
Research shows they: Monitoring does not seem to work. But in the modern context, several factors
(say, apart from internal insurgencies and wars) force prisons to face the problem of overcrowding.
The largest drawback of the prison system, is its inability to reduce recidivism.

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