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5/3/24, 10:39 Behavioral Safety Audits - Offices - SafetyCulture

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Tarefa a ser realizada durante auditoria


Data 

Tools and Equipments

The tools are correctly store after use

OK NOK N/A Feedback

No use of improvised blades, only safety cutting knives are in use

OK NOK N/A Feedback… 1/3
5/3/24, 10:39 Behavioral Safety Audits - Offices - SafetyCulture

The heavy objects are stored on the bottom shelf

OK NOK N/A Feedback

There are no sharp objects on the desk

Yes No N/A

Stairs and platforms are used safely

OK NOK N/A Feedback

The electric equipment is turned off at the end of the day

OK NOK N/A Feedback

The desk is clean and organized

OK NOK N/A Feedback

PPE and Safety Systems/Procedures

The escape routes are not blocked

OK NOK N/A Feedback

The lights are turned off when the office is empty

Yes No N/A

The handrails are used on the stairs and ladders

OK NOK N/A Feedback… 2/3
5/3/24, 10:39 Behavioral Safety Audits - Offices - SafetyCulture

The drawers and cabinet doors are closed

OK NOK N/A Feedback

The fire related equipments and the emergency exits are not blocked

OK NOK N/A Feedback

The workers know the medical emergency number and the general emergency number

OK NOK N/A Feedback

The workers know their meeting point and the location of fire equipment

OK NOK N/A Feedback


Whenever there's manual lifting, right postures are observed

OK NOK N/A Feedback

Correct desk posture (adjust monitor position/chair/light)

OK NOK N/A Feedback


Waste are placed in appropriate container

OK NOK N/A Feedback

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's
solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice.
You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should
independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.… 3/3

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