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I was minding my own business and mind your…

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1 know your own mind
2 stick to your guns
3 in a sense Twitter
4 your comfort zone
5 grit your teeth
6 fill sb in (on)

7 catch up

speak your mind = to say exactly what you think in a very direct way

Эл. почта
mind your own business (informal) = to think about your own affairs and not to ask
questions about, or try to get involved in, other people’s lives and problems, etc.
I was minding my own business and Mind your own business! are both informal, but
the second one when said to sb else is rude.
cross your mind = to come into your mind, occur to you, e.g. It never crossed my
mind to ask him how his father was.
be in two minds about something = to be unable to decide what you think about sb or
Этот документ был вам полезен?
sth, or whether to do sth or not

(Suggested answers)
1 the nuns thought I was stupid.
2 my clothes / the way I dressed.
3 it was hard for me
4 tell him (the good and bad things) about my day.

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2 Because of
3 to
4 even though

1 many workers have lost their jobs.
2 we felt as if we’d known each other for ages.
3 the terrible storm.
4 hurt his feelings.
5 was a huge commercial success.
6 cannot be named.
7 technical problems.
8 don’t have to spend so much time commuting.

The two most important factors are:
1 Having friendly, supportive colleagues.
2 Doing enjoyable work.

The two least important factors are:

1 Having your achievements recognized.
2 Earning a competitive salary.


1 Yes, she does.
2 People work long hours (because they are passionate about their jobs).

1 She had always liked them as a company (and followed their website and weekly
2 They mix people up from different departments so you make friends with people in
different areas of the business (and are therefore aware of the projects others are
working on and the pressures they are under).
3 Employees don’t have to dress up to go to work / people often don’t wear shoes /
there is a grassy floor in the office.
4 People tend to stay at the company for a long time.
5 No, she thinks it’s important to ‘feel like you are adequately financially rewarded
for what you do.’

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6 She loves smoothies and always drinks innocent smoothies. (She thinks that she and
her colleagues feel passionate about their work because they know they have a good

1 D short-term contracts (= work contracts which are for a short space of time, usually
just a few months. Opposite long-term contracts)
2 A work–life balance (= the relative amount of time people spend at work and the
time they spend on other aspects of their lives, e.g. family and hobbies. People try to
achieve a good work–life balance.)
3 E working environment (= the physical conditions existing where you work, e.g.
behaviour of colleagues and superiors, level of comfort, noise, etc.)
4 F line manager (= the person who is your day-to-day boss, and who is usually one
position above you in the company)
5 C staff turnover (= the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced
by other people. We talk about high / low staff turnover.)
6 B competitive salary (= a salary which is good compared to those offered by similar

a demanding job tests the same things but has negative connotations.
a challenging job tests your abilities and energies in a positive way

wages = the money paid weekly to do a job

salary = the money that you are paid monthly or annually to do a job, especially
professional employees

profession usually refers in a general sense to jobs that require special training or
qualifications, e.g. the medical profession.
career refers to the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually
involving more responsibility as time passes, e.g. a career in journalism. It can also
refer to the period of your life that you spend working, e.g. He had a long career as a
tennis player.

skills = particular abilities required in a job

qualifications usually refers to exams passed

being sacked = being made to leave your job because you did it badly / did something
wrong, etc.
being made redundant = losing your job because a company / employer no longer has
work available for you

get a rise = be paid more than before

get promoted = be given a higher post in the company

good prospects = good possibilities of future promotion

good opportunities = for example the chance to travel, to use your English, to do
something you’re really interested in

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out of work = unemployed

off work = temporarily absent because of illness or for example, parental leave

1 I managed to get a challenging and motivating job.
2 I don’t have any qualifications or experience.
3 There’s no job security and I might be made redundant.
4 I’ve had a very rewarding career in publishing.
5 The job has a competitive salary and excellent benefits.
6 It’s a stimulating working environment with good opportunities and prospects.
7 The employees don’t enjoy their work as it’s very monotonous.
8 After she retired, she did voluntary work at her local hospital.

(archaeologist) Pros: travelling around the world, visiting exotic places
(hairdresser) Cons: having to stand up all day and touch people’s hair; dealing with

The two noises are ‘Er’ and ‘Um’.

cautious = not taking any risks. Can be positive or negative according to the situation.
conscientious = taking care to do things carefully and correctly. Usually positive if not
taken to extremes, though can imply a lack of imagination.
curious = having a strong desire to know about things and people, interested in things.
Usually positive. Compare with nosy = being too interested in other people’s affairs.
easy-going = relaxed and happy to accept things without getting angry or worried.
Usually positive.
independent = confident, without needing help from other people. Usually positive.
logical = thinking and acting in a sensible and reasoned way. Usually positive.
loyal = remaining faithful to sb or to a company or cause and supporting them / it.
Usually considered positive.
mature = behaving in an adult and sensible way. Positive.
quiet = tending not to talk very much. Often considered a negative quality.
rebellious = unwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of behaviour, dress,
etc. Usually negative, but can be positive, e.g. many people think teenagers ought to
be a bit rebellious.
self-sufficient = not needing other people’s help or company. Positive.
sensitive = aware of and able to understand other people’s feelings or easily offended
or hurt. The first meaning is positive, but the second is negative.

1 plan
2 get
3 make
4 catches

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5 go with
6 face
7 tell, hurt
8 keep


1 a) have is a main verb in B, D, G, and H.
b) have is an auxiliary verb in A, C, E, and F.
2 When have is a main verb, you use an auxiliary verb (be, do / will / would, etc.) to
make questions and negatives, e.g. Do you have any money? I didn’t have my car
serviced yesterday because I didn’t have enough time.
When have is an auxiliary verb (with got, and for perfect tenses), you reverse have
and the personal pronoun to make questions and add not to have to make negatives,
e.g. Have you got time to help me with my homework? I haven’t got Internet access at

1 The man who is second from the left in the group (Prince Fernando is number 3)
2 The king’s sister (number 4) is the old woman behind Prince Fernando. The king’s
brother (number 10) is the old man behind the king.
3 There are two theories:
a) She may be Princess Maria Amalia, one of the King’s daughters, who had died in
childbirth three years before the picture was painted. She’s looking away because she
is dead.
b) The other (more popular) theory is that she represents the woman that Crown
Prince Fernando would marry in the future. In this case she is looking away because
she didn’t actually exist at that time.
4 The queen’s brother is second from the right (number 12).
5 Goya made the Queen, Maria Luisa, (number 7) the central figure in the painting
because she had a very strong personality and she completely dominated her husband
the King.
6 He is the painter, Goya.

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Персональный подход к клиенту

Профессиональные услуги авиаперевозки грузов и
таможенного оформления разной сложности

V Freight Открыть

1 B, E
2 A, D

6 and 12 niece and uncle (or sister-in-law and brother-in-law, as her uncle married one
of her sisters.)
8 and 4 nephew and aunt
13 and 9 grandson and grandfather

1 great-grandmother
2 extended family
3 single-parent family
4 A stepbrother is the son of your stepmother / stepfather, i.e. not your biological
A half-brother is a boy who has either the same mother or same father as you.
5 A nuclear family is a family which consists of a mother, father, and children.
An extended family is a family group which includes not only parents and children but
also uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc.
6 Take after your father means to look or behave like your father; look like your
father means to have a similar appearance to your father.
7 My sister and my cousin aren’t on speaking terms.
8 My brother and I don’t see eye to eye about politics.
9 Who wears the trousers in their marriage?
10 I’m sure they have a few skeletons in their cupboard.


1 I quite agree.
2 I totally agree.
3 That’s what I think too.
4 Absolutely.
5 I take your point but …
6 I see what you mean but…
7 I agree up to a point but…
8 I completely disagree
9 I don’t agree at all.

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1 False (Around one-quarter of the world’s population can communicate reasonably
well in English.)
2 True
3 True

1 starts
2 a restaurant
3 the women ... the men
4 advice
5 I phoned to my brother…
6 We discussed about global warming…

1 All of them.
2 a The writer thinks grammatical accuracy is important in written English, for
example, if you want to get an article published in an academic journal.
b The writer thinks it does not matter in spoken English, where simply being
understood is the main aim especially as in most cases both speakers are non-natives.

1 remain
2 poor
3 conduct
4 adhere to
5 notion
6 omit
7 require
8 view
9 thus
10 transcribe

2 There used to be, √
4 shave myself
5 talking to each other
7 one another
The mistake in sentence 5 would probably cause a communication problem as talking
to themselves has a completely different meaning to the intended meaning of talking
to each other.

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1 I’d say that …
2 If you ask me, …
3 Personally, I think that …
4 Personally speaking …
5 In my opinion …
6 In my view …
7 I feel that …
8 My feeling is that …
9 As far as I’m concerned …

Cristina finds non-native speakers who speak standard English easiest to understand.
She has problems with some regional accents, e.g. a friend from Glasgow, and with
non-native speakers where she is not used to their accent from certain places, e.g.
some Asian speakers of English.
Zoltán says as regards pronunciation, he finds it easier to understand native speakers
who speak with these standard accents, e.g. BBC English. He sometimes has
problems with some regional accents, e.g. Scots, Geordie, or New Zealand.
As regards content, he finds it easier to understand non-native speakers because they
don’t use idiomatic expressions, obscure cultural references, phrasal verbs, or regional
slang, and they are more direct (they don’t use allusions and metaphors).
Cristina doesn’t mind. Her children, who ar e bilingual, often correct her.
Zoltán doesn’t mind but doesn’t like being corrected by non -native speakers whose
English he thinks is not as good as his. He also thinks that non-native speakers often
spell better than native speakers – a native speaker recently corrected his spelling of
accommodation (he thought it was spelled with one m) but Zoltán was right (it has a
double m).

Cristina had a misunderstanding when her phonetics professor at university (whom
she liked) said ‘See you later’ and she wondered where she was going to see him later.
She didn’t realize he was just saying goodbye.
Zoltán had a misunderstanding about kites. When an English friend said he had seen
a kite near his house, Zoltán thought he was talking about the kites children fly. In
fact, he was talking about a kind of bird.

Cristina says her problem is cultural things she doesn’t know about. She mentions
The Simpsons as an example of the kind of cultural knowledge that a non-native
speaker may not have, however fluent their English is.
Zoltán says he prefers to use his own language when he is counting.

1 an idiom
2 collocation
3 register
4 a phrasal verb

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5 slang
6 colloquial
7 a synonym
8 a metaphor

1 refuse to change your mind about something even when other people are trying to
convince you that you are wrong
2 say exactly what you think in a very direct way
3 were determined to continue despite the difficult circumstances
4 don’t agree with each other
5 is the dominant partner

1 catch up
2 put off
3 take after
4 bring up
5 grow up

a (and b)
1 E (one is more formal)
2 D (consequently)
3 F (owing to)
4 B (benefits)
5 H (omit)
6 C (however)
7 A (adhere to)
8 G (require)

1 completely
2 hurt
3 close
4 distant
5 security

1 heir /eə/
Rule: the letter h is nearly always pronounced /h/. Common exceptions: heir, honest,
honour, hour, exhausted, rhythm
2 power /"pa ʊə /
Rule: the letters ow are often pronounced /əʊ/ as in blow, window, below, but are also
often pronounced / ǽʊ/ as in frown, towel, now. ! Occasionally, the same letters have

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