Tridosh Vigyan

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General description ofTridosha (aaq %1 THY TRqa)

Inter relationship between Ritu-Dosha-Rasa-Guna(g-4-H- Te Hdu)
Biologicalrhythms of tridosha on the basis of day, night, age, season and food intake (arT4
Role of doshain the formation of Prakritiof an individual (ff f É Tfr frytv far
Role of dosha in maintaining health ( g r H t ¾t gfes)
Prakrita and vaikrita dosha (91T d45 a4)

(constituents) AOT HB
1. 4, 2. g, 3. 4TI

(.4.-ryez TH4)



Root Verb ()

1. 3icd 3rcRAT (normal/physiological state)

<tq:1(4A., 20/3)
2. fatd 3qRI(abnormal/pathological state)

1. rT, 2. lHI, 3. 44, 4. 0I

Dosha 19

General description of tridosha (act4

Definition (vfrr):
1.9rtk, 2. 47|

1. rtT, 2. 47|

1. 9rtifr ag

Sreqetqttiarvat...1(.0. )

General locations (IHI FT):



General functions (HTH FH):

qITfaqH (Diffusing power) 1
tft, fq, fag (Chan 2
ges, motion, potential differe 3
nce) etc.
2 frTHIGT (Catabolic function)
YI, fecT (Analysis disinte
gration) etc. 6

34T#450 54 (Anabolic function) Biological rhythms of tridosha- On the basisof

i2qT (Synthesis, day, night, age, seasonand food intake (9rT A0Y
integration) etc.
54 physiological variation <RTtt
Inter relationship between Ritu-Dosha-Rasa *.34q
Guna (-<14- 74-y- T HdY): (Biological rhythms of

(First) (Middle) (Last)

Dosha 21
1 q4 (Age)

2 3TE 5 (zygot) AIHT Aag ai FHy (organisation of

(day time)
3 IA physiological limit , T4eT fr tferi (6II
(night time)
4 (rela
ted to meal)

Seasonal rhythm of Tridosha (H 1 9 s àu seafã t (arTM, fÜTT, R) 413

seasonal rhythms of tridosha ht ~iàt HIT (physical), rr 4IHSq qeift5 (physiological &

. AT9 HIT 4 (Seasonal Role of Dosha in maintaining Health (1Rq


2 fT
(physiological limit) Et EY ART rêr HrITRT
3 6

Role of Tridosha in theformation of prakriti qI t I HT: q t THE q HE4E

of an individual ( I afe f t fr4 (qualitatively or quantitatively) 4 A Ft a

(male gamete) gfor (female gamete) -t

22 Kriya Sharir (Physiology)
1. JHI< YTT 2. fE YIT (4T YT/3HIT4I)I

qraftmtHO: tE0YA}TA: I(H.21/3)

quality) 5 0 ft quantity &quality Ì THTAT STt

Prakrita and Vaikrita dosha (1T yq t

ag yar BIt-1. AIþT 2. eci I

TT phenotype expression +fry G(e aà

q unicellular zygote Gy gt

2.5 g

o Trido_a Vijñna
O Doss are initiators for any sort of Kriyã
Learning objectives (function/action) or process happening in
At the end of the chapter a student will be able a living body. Trido_s are 'Deha Sambhava
to Hetu'.
Explain the theory of Trido_a. They are responsible for the formation
Describe about the characteristics of of the human body or Sar+ra. Do_s have
Trido_a along with their relation to ^adrasa, a capacity to vitiate themselves and also
Vaya and Rtu vitiate any other Dhãtu, Mala or Srotas
where they reside.
Describe the biological rhythms of Trido_s
Describe the concept of Prkrta and Vaikrta Trido_s as Tristhina

General description of Trido_a) arraufyrqtfA,

y-fdafaTUT faArE0AaITI T.H 20/9
Do_as are the primary elements of the Zarira. The three Do_s form the three pillars upon
Do_s are characterized by their propertyof which every physiological, psychological,
'Dk_ana or vitiation. pathological and interventionalactivity in the
Doss have the tendency to
body depend upon.
themselves and also other constituents of
the body like Dhãtüs and Mals. Do_s are responsible for the Sthir+krana
or instill stability to the body hence they
U They are also the reason for the formation are called 'Tristhüns or three pillars of the
of [arira (Deha Sambhava Hetu) and they are body.
also the three pillars or supporters of Sarira. The body is supported and made out of
by the Dhãtüs which are structurally alive
2. urTYAIT aeT: gfa1 3FH 20/5 or functionally viable only due to the
lodgment of Do_s in them.
3. yrêr qqUIg T:1 VIIg 5/24

U Do_a is an entity that has the tendency to Do_as as the deciding factors of health and disease
T 9/3
fA 1/14
316 1/20
2. araftrY,TUT t v a trE:llH. 21/2 O Do_s are the functional entities behind the
18 Textbook of Kriy Sar+ra PAPER-I (PART A)
functions of every structural entity in the Rakta as fourth Do_a
O They are responsible for the sustenance;
growth and strength of the body.
When these Do_s are not in equilibrium
they have tendency to vitiate themselves
and to further vitiate the Dhãtus and Mals.
H. 21/2
Do_s are themselves responsible for both
Vta, Pitta and Kapha are the three Doss
Subha (Physiology)and A[ubha (Pathology) and are the three Hetu (reasons) for the
in the body.
formation of Sar+ira. Tridoss are also called
Enumeration of Doss Tristhkna as they support the body by
doing its Dhârana.
A./56 In state of their derangement these Tridoss
along with Rakta will be responsible for
Do_a are mainly of2 types 'Laya' or destruction of Sar+ra.
1. Zriraka Do_a: They are of three types
1 Vta
g1 21/4
2 Pitta
Sar+ra will cease to exist without Vta, Pitta,
3. Kapha Kapha and Rakta.
2. M«nasika Do_a: They are of two types Here we can find that Su[ruta while
1. Rajas explaining Trido_s gives a lot of importance
2 Tamas to Rakta along with the Trido_s as seen in
the above two quotations.
Why do we have only three Do_s
But in the same time he clarifies that Doss
are only 3 in number and Sarira is Tristhüna.
su su 21/8
O Apart from the above quotation Rakta
The human body is devised along the is also given primne importance in Sarira
system of Loka (LokaPuru_a Smyata). Kriyã as much as the other Do_s in many
O Just like we have the Soma Sürya and Anila contexts of Ayurveda.
maintaining the universe we have Vta, Rakta has been given a lot of importance from
Pittaand Kapha in our body. clinical aspects- In classification of diseases
Trido_a Siddhnta can explain all the Guns we can see diseases like Raktaja Gulma,
and Laksans of a human body and any Raktaja Atisära along with routine Do_ik
pathological changes in the body can classifications like Vtaja, Pittaja, Kaphajaetc.
also be understood by the help of Trido_a Rakta is been given a lot of importance form
Siddhnta. treatment point of view- Raktamok_ana is
O According to some scholars' Rakta is one among the Pañcakarma. (Pañcakarma
also discussed as a Dosa in a few isolated is a procedure for Sodhana or driving out
Contexts. the vitiated Do_s and none of the Dhãtüs
This concept of Rakta as Caturtha Do_a is not are having a Pañcakarma named after them
accepted universally. except the Rakta. Basti is advised for vitiated
Väta, Virecanafor vitiated Pitta and Vamana
Trido_a Vijñna 19
Chapter 3
Constitution of Trido_a
for Kapha. Vitiated Rakta is eliminated
through Raktamok_ana).
Rakta is one among the PrFyatana - Rakta rf-HaTrago: T4: Ttageryfarifr1
H.4 1/27
is said to be a location of Prna and is
therefore considered to be one of the most
vital elements of the body. A.4.4 20/2

Many classifications of body constituents are Similar to every entity in this

also done onthe basis of Rakta - Ex. Raktaja universe Tridoss too are composed of
Sir is considered to be one among the 4 Pañcamahãbhkts.
types of Sir namely Vtaja, Pittaja, Kaphaja Do_s are in direct relation to Triguns too,
and Raktaja.
Some authors have given importance to Rakta this is relation between Trido_a Triguna and
Pañcamahãbhütacan be tabulated as follows.
as much as a 4th Dosa in isolated references but
they themselves have clarified on Do_s being Do_a Pañcamahbhkta TriguFa
three in number in many other instances. This Vyu and Ak[a Rajas and Satva
opinion has also been grossly negated amongst
Pitta Agni Satva and Raja
the scholars because of following points.
Kapha Ap and Prthv+ Tamas and Satva
O In different contexts of Samhits it has been
clearly told about3 Do_s and been compared
to Tristhüna and Soma Sürya and Anila Inter relationship between Ritu-Do_a-Rasa-Guna.
(we don't find references of four pillars) Biological rhythms of Trido_a on the basis of
day-night-age-season and food intake
Rakta and Pitta are present in A[raya A[rayi
Sambandha. i.e., Pitta is taking seat in Rakta.
Biologicalrhythms of Trido_s
Two Doss cannot be present in A[raya
A[rayi Sambandha. Trido_s are a dynamic entity and can have
an increase arnd decrease in their status
Rakta is having a Dhtvagni attributed to it based on the time, age, season, food, time
unlike the Do_s. of digestion etc.
Rakta has Upadhtüs and Dhtu mala The increase arnd decrease of Doss based
whereas Do_s do not have either Upadhtu on food or exposure to various Vihrs is
or Dhãtu mala. individualistic in nature based on a person
O Formation of Do_s takes place during the activity.
Trividha Avasthpka, whereas the formation But the certain biological rhythms are same
of Rakta Dhtu takes place from the Rakta for all.
Dhãtvagni during Dhãtuposana from the The biological rhythms of Do_s due to
Po_aka Am[a of Rasa Dhãtu. diurnal variation are as follows.
Avasthãpka of Madhura, Amla and Kau Status during
Avasthpka are attributed to 3 Do_s only. Do_a Day/Night Age digestion
It can be concluded that Rakta is one of the Evening and During the
most important constituents of the body, Late night (Last Old
last stages
physiologically, pathologically, and clinically, Vta part of the day
of digestion
but it cannot be considered as a Do_a. and Do_a and Last part of (During Kau
are only three in number. the night) Avasth Pka)
Textbook of Kriy Zar+ra PAPER-I (PART A)
Do_a Agni
Status during
Do_a Day/Night Age digestion Väta Vi_amgni
During middle Pitta Tik_ngni
phase of Kapha Mandgni
Middle part of Mid digestion of
Pitta day and middle Sama Vta Pitta Samgni
Age food (During
part of night Amla Avasth
Do_a and Ko_a
During First
First part of phase of
the day and Child may also be
Kapha first part of the hood
digestion. According to Su[ruta Krürako_a
(Madhura found in Bahu Kapha association too (Su Chi
night Avasth Pka) 33/21).
Do_a Ko_a
Kapha- Earlypart of life (Blyvasth), early Väta
part of day (immediately after sunrise), Pitta Mrdu
early part of night (immediately after Kapha Madhyama
sunset), first part of Pcana (immediately
after food).
Relationship between ^adrass and Trido_s
Pitta: -Middle part of life (Madhayamvastha),
middle part of day, midnight and middle
part of Pcana kla. 3A7.4 1/15

O Väta:- Latter part of life (old age), Latter Do_a Rasa

part of the day, Latter part of night and last Vtakara
part of digestion of food). Kau, Tikta, Ka_ya
Vtahara Madhura, Amla, LavaFa
Do_a and Agni Pittakara Amla, Lavana, Kau
Pittahara Ka_ya, Tikta, Madhura
Kaphakara Madhura, Amla, LavaFa
Kaphahara Kau, Tikta. Ka_ya
Do_a gati
(afa 6/13)
Do_s and Agni are interrelated and
following pattern of Do_a - Agni relation
can be observed.

A (Based on the type of qualitative disturbance)

K_aya Sthna Vrddhi
B (Based on direction or Gati)
O Ürdhva Adha
C(Based on location) Tiryak
Zkh Ko_a Marmsthi sandhi
D(Based on Kriykla) O Sañcaya O Prakopa
E(Based on normalcy and abnormality) Pra[ama
Prkrta Vaikrta
Chapter 3 Trido_a Vijñna 21

O Every Do_a has its own Gati based on 5. Prkrta and Vaiksta gati
various factors like location, direction and (Based on normal or abnormal state)
state of increase and decrease.
O There are mainlythree types of Do_a Gati. Based on the state of 'Physiological state
and or Deranged state there are two Gatis
1. K_aya, Sthna, Vrddhi
(Based on state of increase of decrease)
of Do_a namely Prkta gati and Vaikyta Gati.
O It is divided into K_aya, Sthna and Vrddhi Säma and Nirma Do_a
based on its status of increase or decrease.
OIn K_aya stage the Do_s will have undergone 31eRATgfrhfrauiTafd:|
adecrease, in Vrddhi increase and in Sthãna foi HOH0HIHH0, fArTATU0 fayetu: AZ 13/24
they will be physiologically normal. that are associated with Ama will
O Do_s
2. Ürdhva- Adha -Tiryak be characterized by Srotorodha (Blockage
(Based onthe direction of movement) of channels), loss of strength, heaviness,
movement of Vãta will be blocked, laziness,
O Do_s can attain upward, downward, or Indigestion, spitting. constipation and loss
sideways movements based either on their of appetite.
natural feature or due to any pathology or
in case of forceful removal of Do_s (As in Nirma Do_s will have Lak_ans opposite
Zodhana Cikits). to this or will be performing their normal
O They are three namely Urdhva (Upward),
Adha (Downward) and Tiryak gati (Oblique Do_a Sthna
Sideways). O Each and every Do_a is associated with
3. Ko_a - [kh- Marmsthi sandhi a particular location where they are
(Based on the involved Roga Mrga) dominantly present.
OThere are three Rogamrgs namely Kosta, General location
`khã and Marmãsthi sandhi.
34.7 1/7
The mnovemernts of Do_s along these
Vta Do_a: Below Nabhi
Rogamrgãs constitutes the third type.
Pitta Do_a:Between Hrdaya and Näbhi
d lwO more types of Dosa Gatis can be seen in
Some other contexts. Kapha Do_a: Above Hrdaya
Do_a Sthna
4. Caya, Prakopa, Pra[ama
(Based on the stage of vitiation of Do_a) Vta BelowNbhi
Pitta Between Hrdaya and Nbhi
Do_s can undergo a state of Vrddhi called Kapha Above Hrdaya
as Caya (accumulation of aggravated Do_as Role of Do_a in the formation of Prakrti of an
location), or another state (Increase of the
individual and in maintaining of health
accumulated Do_s), Pra[ama (Do_s getting
subsided and coming back to normalcy). For detailed study, refer Chapter No. 9 on
Lhese stages/mnovements constitute the Pg. No 59.
fourth Gati of Do_s.
22 Textbook of Kriy [ar+ra PAPER- (PART A)
Prakrita and Vaikrita Do_a)
Uttapatti of Trido_a
Every human being is bestowed with 3TH VT 8/5
Trido_s right at the time of conception. Prkrta Do_a are unchangeable and
This will be a status of Do_s that is produced at conception itself. (The word
unchangeable and is called as Prakrti. Prkrta taken in the context of 'something
O The Trido_s that are present in ahuman that is not produced).
body at the time of birth are called as Vaikyta Do_a are produced in the body and
Prkta Doss. willonly supplement the already existing
These Do_s are constantly replenished by Präkta Do_s. These Do_s are produced as
the Do_ãs that are produced from Ahra and a Dhãtumala or doing the Avasthápka from
Dhtu Mals. the Ahra. (The word Vaikrta taken in the
The Do_s that are produced in the body context as an entity that is produced as a
daily from Ahra are called as Vaikrta Do_a. byproduct).
The term Vaikrta Do_a is used in two contexts Indu the commerntator of A_täñga Sañgraha
and meanings. considers the Prkrta Do_s to be Bijabhüta
1. Vikrta: Something that is produced as a or progenitors to the Vaikyta Do_a.
Vikra of Pañcamahbhkts or something
that is produced as in the case from Ahra. Difference between Präkta/Vaikrta Do_a and
Prksta/Naikrta gati of Do_a
2. Vaikta Do_a - In the context of Do_a gati
Vikta Vaikrta Do_a is the Do_a that is
pathological in nature. freaHU: vfthtruTyyratI
Apart from the Do_s that are already
present in the body we can find that dosas
are produced at the level of Jahargni
during the Avasthäpka.
D During Avasthpka Kapha, Pitta and Vâta T 17/114
Do_s are produced during Madhura, Amla
and KatuAvasthpka In A_täñga Sañgraha concept of Präkrta
respectively. and Vaikyta Do_s, the explanation is in the
Similarly at the level of Dhâtvagni Kapha context of Uttapatti or formation of Do_S.
and Pitta are also produced as Dhtu Mals In the context of Dosa gati, Caraka has
of Rasa and Rakta respectively.
explained Prkrta and Vaikrta gati which
is to be considered as physiological and
Hence the word Vaikrta Dosa in context of
Uttapattishould be taken as the one that is
produced in the body and in the context of
Do_a gati the word Vaikrta is considered as a
3T41 8/6
pathological state of Do_a.
A Vikrta Do_a according to Caraka Samhit
Trido_a Vijñna 23
Chapter 3

will cause diseases where are Prkrta Vta balance as Prasdarüpi.

is considered as Prâna, Prâkrta Pitta helps in
Status of L+na Do_a
digestion and Prakrta Kapha is considered
as bala of the body whereas Vaikyta Kapha is
told be equal to Mala.
3H8 13/28
Prasda and Mala bhkta Dosa
Sama Do_s that spread all over the body
will remain in a latent stage or dormant
stage in the body.
These Doss are in Linãvasthã.
They are neither normal nor strong enough
to produce independent diseases.
O (Such Do_s should not be expelled by
Sodhana method of treatment. These Ama
Do_s should be converted in to Pakvvasth
O The body entities are of two types and should then be expelled}.
Those which are nourishing the body
and 348 13/25
Those that are giving Bãdha or pain. Due to weak digestive fire the Ahãra and
The entities that give pain are called as Ähâra Rasa will not be properly digested
Malarkp+ and those that are sustaining the leading to a condition of Amvasthã.
body are Prasdarüpi. This Ama will get accumulated in Am[aya
and wwill cause various diseases after
O Hence the Prakupita Do_a are considered
afflicting the Do_s.
as Malarüpi and the Doss that are in their


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