Easter Sunday Icc

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SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016


UKWE MBATA ekpe ndi di ndu na ndi nwuru anwu ikpe.
Ndi amuma nile bukwara amuma maka Ya,
Ebilitego M n’onwu! Mu na gi ka nokwa! na onye o bula kweere na Ya enwetala
Aka Gi ka I bikwasala m. Amamihe Gi di mgbaghara njo site n’aha Ya.
itunanya, Aleluya!!
Okwu nke Oseburuwa.
EKPERE MMEGHE Ekele diri Chukwu.

Chineke anyi, n’ubochi taa, I sitela n’aka ABUOMA NA AZIZA YA 117:1-2, 16-17,
otu Nwa Gi bu Onye meriri onwu, 22-23. Az. 24
megheere anyi onu uzo ndu ebighi ebi.
Anyi na-ario, mee ka anyi bu ndi no n’oriri Aziza: Ubochi taa bu Onyenweanyi mere
mbilite n’onwu nke Onyenweanyi, si na ya; ka anyi nurianu, k’anyi gorienu!
mgbanwo nke Mmuo Nso bilite n’uju nke
ndu. Site na Dinwenu anyi…. 1. Aleluya, nyenu Onyenweanyi ekele
n’ihi na Odi mma. Ihunanya Ya
IHE OGUGU NKE MBU Acts 10:34, 37-43 enweghi njedebe, Ka umu Izrel kwuo
si: ‘Ihunanya Ya enweghi ngwucha’
Isi Okwu: Anyi na Ya rikoro nukookwaa Aziza.
mgbe O siri n’onwu kulite. 2. Ka umu Izrel kwuo si: Aka nri nke
Dinwenu emerigo; Aka nri nke
Pita wee bido okwuchukwu ya si: “Ugbu a Dinwenu kulitere m. Agaghi m
ka m na-aghota n’eziokwu na Chineke anwu, kama aga m adi ndu, wee na-
abughi Onye na-aso mmadu anya. Unu ma eto aka oru Ya. Aziza
maka ihe ukwu ahu merenu mgbe Jon 3. Nkume ndi oru juru aju aburugo ide ji
kwusasiri mmirichukwu ya, nke akuko ya ulo. Dinwenu mere nke a! O bu ihe
gazuru ala ndi Juu dum, bido na Galili. Unu itunanya n’ebe anyi no. Aziza.
ma maka Jesu Onye Nazaret, otu Chineke
si wukwasi Ya Mmuo Nso na ike. O IHE OGUGU NKE ABUO Kolosi 3:1-4
jeghariri, na-eme mma, na-agwo ndi oria na
ndi nile ekwensu kere agbu, n’ihi na Isi Okwu: Unu ga na-acho ihe nke
Chineke nonyeere Ya. Anyi bu ndi akaebe eluigwe, ebe Jesu no.
nke ihe nile a mere n’ala ndi Juu dum n’ime
Jerusalem. Ha gburu Ya site n’ikpogide Ya O buru na unu so Kristi n’onwu Ya, na-
n’obe. Ma Chineke mere ka O si n’onwu achonu ihe di n’eluigwe, ebe Kristi no
bilie n’ubochi nke ato, wee mee ka O puta n’oche eze Ya, n’aka nri nke Chineke.
ihe gosi mmadu onwe Ya. O bughi mmadu Tukwasinu uche unu n’ihe di n’eluigwe, o
dum ka O gosiri onwe Ya, Kama nani anyi bughi n’ihe di n’elu uwa. N’ihi na unu
bu ndi akaebe, ndi Chineke hoputara na nwuru anwu n’ebe mmehie di. Ma e zoola
mbu. Anyi soro Ya rikoo nri, sorokwa Ya ndu unu nke oma n’ebe Kristi no, n’ime
nukookwa ihe onunu, mgbe O bilitechara Chineke. Mgbe o bula Kristi ga-aputa ihe,
n’onwu. O nyekwara anyi iwu ka anyi unu ga-eso Ya chawaputa n’ebube.
kwusaara oha mmadu ozioma, ka anyi
gbasikwaa akaebe ike na Jesu bu Onye Okwu nke Oseburuwa.
ahu Chineke hoputara ka o buru onye ga- Ekele diri Chukwu.
UKWE OMA (SEQUENCE): Ma Nwaazu nke ozo ahu gbakariri Pita
n’oso, wee buru ya uzo ruo nili. O wee
Victimae Pascalli Laudes hulata, nyoo anya, hu akwa ulari ahu, ebe o
Immolent Christiani. gbasara n’ala, mana o banyeghi abanye.
Agnus remedit oves; Saimon Pita, onye so ya n’azu, wee biaruo,
Christus innocens Patri banye n’ime ili ahu; hukwa akwa ahu
Reconcilliavit peccatores gbasara n’ala. O hukwara akwa e ji kechie
Mors et vita duello isi Jesu. Ichafu ahu na akwa ulari ahu
Conflixere mirando: agasaghi n’otu ebe. Kama, a piara ya apia,
Dux vitae mortus, debe ya iche n’ebe ozo. Nwaazu nke ozo
Regnat vivus. ahu buru uzo biaruo, banyekwara n’ili ahu.
Dic nobis Maria, O huru, biakwa kwere. Mgbe a na-ekwu
Quid vidisti in via? ihe a, ha aghotabeghi ihe a kuziri
Sepulchrum Christi viventis, n’Akwukwo Nso, na Jesu ga-esi n’onwu
Et gloriam vidi resurgentis: bilite.
Angelicos testes, Ozioma nke Oseburuwa.
Sudarium et vestes. Otito diri Gi, Kristi.
Surrexit Christus spes mea;
Praecedet vos in Galilaeam. EKPERE NHUNYE
Scimus Christum surrexisse
A mortuis vere; Onyenweanyi, anyi na-awuli elu n’onu nke
Tu nobis, victor Rex, Meserere; mbilite n’onwu Gi, wee na-ehunyere Gi aja
Amen. Alleluia. nke a. O bu ya ka I ji na-amughari Uka Gi
ozo, na-azukwa ya n’uzo di ebube. Site na
ALELUYA Kristi Onyenweanyi.
Aleluya! Aleluya!! Kristi, Onye bu Ngabiga
anyi aghola ihe e ji chuo aja. Ka anyi menu UKWE ORIRI NSO
mmemme a n’ime Onyenweanyi. Aleluya!!! Kristi Onye bu Ngabiga anyi, aghoola ihe e
jiri chuo aja. Maka ihi ya, ka anyi werenu
OZIOMA John 20:1-9 idi ocha na eziokwu mee mmemme achicha
na-ekoghi eko.
Isi Okwu: O ga-ebiliteriri n’onwu.
N’isi ututu ubochi mbu nke izu uka, mgbe
chi na-abozibeghi, Mary onye Magdala Chineke anyi, were ebere Gi di okpu na-
biarutere n’ili. O huru na e bupula nkume echekwaba Nzuko Gi mgbe nile. Site n’idi
ahu e ji mechie onu ili. O gbaara oso ohuru nke anyi nwetara n’emume ihe omimi
jekwuru Saimon Pita na Nwaazu nke ozo Ngabiga nke a, mee ka anyi rute n’ihe di
ahu Jesu huru n’anya, wee si ha: “Ha ebube nke mbilite n’onwu. Site na Kristi
ebupula Onyenweanyi n’ili. Anyi amaghi Onyenweanyi.
ebe ha togboro Ya.” N’ihi ya, Pita na
Nwaazu nke ozo ahu jiri oso gawa n’ili.


Heari ng about the rec ent happenings does not give us j oy or a s ense of s urpris e rather a feeling of pai n and dis appointment.


Heari ng about the rec ent happenings does not give us j oy or a s ense of s urpris e rather a feeling of pai n and dis appointment. There is terroris m bombings in our homes, churches , mosques, airports, mar ketplac es , str eets, railroads and public gatherings. The political utter ances that have s tirred up feelings of hatr ed and di visi on. T he protest to stop Tr ump is gathering momentum. But these and other happeni ngs in our worl d of today and i n the pas t c annot be c ompared to the stor y of the EMPT Y T OMB and the Res urrec tion narr ati ve. It is unpr ec edented but predicted though people di dn't understand that pr ophec y until it came to pass. J esus Chris t did what nobody has done and will ever do. H e rose from death. H e c onq uer ed death, si n and our enemies . H e has br oug ht us freedom and r edemption. He defeated the powers of dar kness and the authoriti es of this world. H e r eigns and conti nues to s hine brightl y as the Light of the world. H e has Ris en. Allel uia. Shout to the top mountains that He li ves . H appy Easter.

Hearing about the recent happenings does not give us joy or a sense of surprise rather a
feeling of pain and disappointment. There is terrorism and bombings in our homes, churches,
mosques, airports, marketplaces, streets, railroads and public gatherings. The political
utterances have stirred up feelings of hatred and division. The protest to stop Trump is
gathering momentum. But these and other happenings in our world of today and in the past
cannot be compared to the story of the EMPTY TOMB and the Resurrection narrative. It is
unprecedented but predicted though people didn't understand that prophecy until it came to
pass. Jesus Christ did what nobody has done and will ever do. He rose from death. He
conquered death, sin and our enemies. He has brought us freedom and redemption. He
defeated the powers of darkness and the authorities of this world. He reigns and continues to
shine brightly as the Light of the world. He has Risen. Alleluia! Shout to the mountain tops
that He lives. Happy Easter!

Produced by ICC Choir

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