Case 1 Sullivan Ford Auto World

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Case: Sullivan Ford Auto World Date: 11th February, 2024

Student Name: Akash Patel (000901982)

1) The Main management question (only ONE question, i.e., avoid using “AND” in your question)
Improving its financial status, how can Sullivan Ford Auto World make its customers happier and its
service department more effective?
2) Analysis of the situation (3-4 root causes or determinant factors – do not repeat case data)
1. Dissatisfied customers with the service department.
2. Staff satisfaction and the service manager's efficiency.
3. Employees who works in sales are reluctant to send clients to the service division.

3) Alternatives (distinct options that answer the management question)

1. Improve service department: The service section should invest in training and customer service
improvements to boost client satisfaction and loyalty.
2. Streamline Sales Practices: Emphasize on selling cars with greater margins, reduce expenses,
and simplify sales operations to boost profits as a whole.
3. Consider Sale of dealership: Selling the dealership to Bill Froelich or another potential buyer,
considering the present financial problems and worsening industry prospects.

4) Decision Criteria (to be applied to evaluate the alternatives and recommend one)
1. Customer satisfaction: Examine how it will impact client retention in order to ensure customer
2. Staff Efficiency: Evaluate how it affects staff happiness and efficiency.
3. Long-Term Sustainability: Make sure that the selected option can be sustained over the long
4. Financial viability: Measure the potential for cost-effectiveness and revenue development to
determine the financial feasibility.

5) Alternative recommended and why

Service department improvement is proposed. This technique addresses the root reason behind client
dissatisfaction and may increase customer loyalty and retention. Training and service improvements
may boost the dealership's credibility, which is crucial to its long-term success. While financial
sustainability is still a concern, this strategy addresses the root reason of dropping sales and positions
the dealership for future achievement.

6) Action plan (4-5 key milestones to implement the alternative recommended)

1 Customer Service Training: Provide comprehensive client service training to service
representatives, mechanics, and other staff members.
2 Marketing Campaign: obtain information out there that the dealership is fully dedicated
to going above and beyond for its clientele.
3 Monitor and Adjust: It is important to regularly measure client fulfillment metrics and adjust
strategies based on input and effectiveness.
4 Investment Allocation: Making an investment distribution is the process of distributing funds to
achieve these goals under strict budgetary constraints.
Class Notes

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