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General Motors

Global Manufacturing Engineering

Vehicle Systems – Automation Architecture

Global Robot Specifications

GRS-4 Standard Robot Interface
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet Interface

November 2017

Chris Ihrke ME Vehicle Systems Automation Architecture

Bill Kroll ME Vehicle Systems Automation Architecture
Prabhjit Sidhu ME Vehicle Systems Automation Architecture


Gaurav Raina ME Vehicle Systems Automation Architecture

Sponsoring group:

GM Global Manufacturing Engineering

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This document will expire December 2020. It may be revised, reaffirmed or withdrawn prior to
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Document revisions:

Date Rev. By Revision History

November 15, 2017 1.0 C. Ihrke First release.

Copyright 2017. General Motors Company. All rights reserved.

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems


Section Description Page

1. General .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Intended Audience ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Self Pierce Rivet Interface Signals ..................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Signal Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1.1 Robot Inputs (Self Pierce Rivet Controller Outputs) ................................................................... 2
2.1.2 Robot Outputs (Self Pierce Rivet Controller Inputs) ................................................................... 3
2.1.3 Hardware Interlocks .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Timing Charts ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Mapping of Signals .............................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Self Pierce Rivet Controller ................................................................................................................ 8
4. Robot Software Requirements ......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Process Modes ................................................................................................................................. 10
4.2 Pre Process Actions ......................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Post Process Actions ....................................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Programming Instructions ................................................................................................................ 10
4.4.1 Rivet .......................................................................................................................................... 10
4.5 Fault Handling and Recovery ........................................................................................................... 11
4.5.1 Faulted Rivet ID Handling ......................................................................................................... 11
4.5.2 Fault Recovery .......................................................................................................................... 11 Fast Fault Recovery (FFR) ................................................................................................ 11
4.6 Manual functions .............................................................................................................................. 13
4.6.1 Manual Rivet ............................................................................................................................. 13
4.6.2 Home and Calibrate .................................................................................................................. 13
4.7 Configurable Items ........................................................................................................................... 13

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems
1. General

1.1 Scope

This specification contains all I/O and software requirements associated with General Motors’
standard robot to Self Pierce Rivet (SPR) controller interface. This specification is valid for Global
3 and Global 4 robots.

1.2 Purpose

The GRS-4 specification documents the standard interface between robots and other purchased
equipment used by General Motors. It is intended to complement the technical specifications that
are maintained separately for the robots and peripheral equipment in General Motors processes.

1.3 Intended Audience

This document is intended for robot suppliers, Self Pierce Rivet control suppliers, General Motors’
Common Controls Software developers, and General Motors’ robot application software

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems
2. Self Pierce Rivet Interface Signals

2.1 Signal Definitions

2.1.1 Robot Inputs (Self Pierce Rivet Controller Outputs)

1. Ready to Start: Informs the robot that the SPR system is ready to receive a new action
command. The new action can be one of the following: Cycle Tool, Go to Open, or Cut Tape.
For the ‘Ready to Start’ bit to be ON the SPR system must be in Auto mode, have no fault
present, not be receiving any current active commands, and be finished with all previous

2. In Cycle: Informs the robot that the SPR system is in the middle of completing an action.
When a command is issued to the SPR system, the ‘Ready to Start’ signal will turn OFF and
the ‘In Cycle’ signal will turn ON. The command to the SPR controller should remain ON until
the ‘In Cycle’ bit turns OFF and the ‘Finished’ signal turns ON.

3. Finished: Informs the robot that the SPR system has completed the last issued command.
When a command is received by the SPR system, the ‘Ready to Start’ signal will turn OFF
and the ‘In Cycle’ signal will turn ON. The command to the SPR controller should remain ON
until the ‘In Cycle’ bit turns OFF and the ‘Finished’ signal turns ON.

4. Fault: Signal indicating there is a fault present.

5. Process Monitoring On: Informs the robot that the process monitoring feature of the SPR
system is enabled and actively monitoring riveting parameters. This signal is passed through
to the PLC.

6. Tool Disabled: Used in tool changing applications to inform the robot when a dropped off
tool is fully disconnected. Before disconnecting a carried tool, the robot must first send a
‘Tool Number’ of zero to disable the connected tool. Upon pickup, a tool will automatically
home after being enabled.

7. Rivets Low: Informs the robot that the SPR tool is running low on rivets. This signal is
directly derived from the ‘End of Tape’ sensor’s status. Riveting will still be possible with this
signal on.

8. Home Position: Informs the robot that the SPR tool has retracted the riveting head to within
5mm of its fully open position.

9. Partial Position: Informs the robot that the SPR tool has retracted the riveting head to the
specified Partial Open position, or further in the case of an automatically initiated home

10. Rivet Set: Informs the robot that the SPR system has completed the advance stroke of a
riveting cycle and has thus set a rivet. While this signal is ON, the SPR system will not
accept further ‘Cycle Tool’ commands. The ‘Rivet Set’ flag can be cleared by issuing the
‘Tool Moved’ robot output.

11. Fault Before: A fault that occurs during the cycle but before the rivet has been set.

12. Fault During: A fault that occurs during the cycle while the rivet is being set.

13. Fault After: A fault that occurs during the cycle after the rivet has been set.

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems
14. System Fault: A System Fault can occur at any time and is usually a Safety or Controller

15. In Auto Mode: Informs the robot that the SPR controller is in ‘Auto’ mode. The SPR system
will only respond to external commands if this signal is ON.

16. Die Change Preventive Maintenance: Triggered by cycle counts meeting or exceeding the
‘Warning’ limit set in the SPR controller settings. This signal must be reset manually from the
SPR controller after maintenance has been performed.

17. Punch Change Preventive Maintenance: Triggered by cycle counts meeting or exceeding
the ‘Warning’ limit in the SPR controller settings. This signal must be reset manually from the
SPR controller after maintenance has been performed..

18. Guide Bushing Clean Preventive Maintenance: Triggered by cycle counts meeting or
exceeding the ‘Warning’ limit in the SPR controller settings. This signal must be reset
manually from the SPR controller after maintenance has been performed..

19. 1M Cycle Preventive Maintenance: Triggered by cycle counts meeting or exceeding the
‘Warning’ limit in the SPR controller settings. This signal must be reset manually from the
SPR controller after maintenance has been performed..

20. Alert: Indicates user specific PMs that are in addition to the Die Change, Punch Change,
Guide Bush Clean and 1M Cycle PMs. The Alert will also come ON if there is any alarm that
requires an operator to physically check the tool for any problems, such as feed fault. Not
used in GM interface.

21. Heartbeat Out: Used to validate the integrity of the communication between the SPR
controller and robot. When the ‘Heartbeat In’ signal is received from the robot, the SPR
system waits for the signal to terminate. Once the ‘Heartbeat In’ signal is OFF, the SPR
system responds by turning on the ‘Heartbeat Out’ signal. Not used in GM interface.

22. Fault Code (8-Bits): Binary integer (0 to 255) that informs the robot if a fault has occurred
and which one. A value of 0 (binary ‘0000 0000’) indicates that there are currently no active
faults. Fault codes in the range of 1-63 are reserved for faults that occur before riveting.
Fault codes in the range of 64-191 are reserved for faults that occur during riveting and
system faults. Fault codes in the range of 191 to 255 are reserved for faults that occur after
riveting. Not used in GM interface.

2.1.2 Robot Outputs (Self Pierce Rivet Controller Inputs)

1. Tool Number (4-Bits): Binary integer (0 through 15) that enables whichever connected tool
corresponds to the received integer. In single-axis systems, these bits will form an integer
value of one (binary ‘0001’) when the connected tool should be enabled, and an integer value
of zero (binary ‘0000’) when the tool should be disabled. GM standard does not support
more than 4 tools.

2. Slow Close: Instructs the SPR system to slowly advance the riveting head at a velocity of 10
mm/s. The ‘Slow Close’ feature is useful for accurately determining riveting positions by
allowing the operator to slowly close the tool near the target material close to the exact point
of contact between the nose, die, and material.

3. Slow Open: Instructs the SPR system to slowly retract at a velocity of 10 mm/s. The ‘Slow
Open’ feature is useful for testing clearance during the retract phase of a riveting cycle. It can
also aid when establishing partial retract positions.
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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems

4. Partial Open (2-Bits): Binary integer (0-3) that instructs the SPR system what partial open
position should be used for the current riveting cycle. After a rivet is inserted, the tool will
retract to the position based on Partial Open number. This is a percentage relative to the tool
home position: 0=100%, 1=75%, 2=50%, 3=25%.

5. Home Tool: Instructs the SPR system to Home the rivet setter. When the SPR controller is
in Auto mode, Home Tool moves to the home position without making any changes. When
the SPR controller is in Teach mode, the Home position is initially learned or retaught by this

6. Calibrate: Instructs the SPR system to calibrate the rivet setter. When the SPR controller is
in Auto mode, Calibrate moves to the calibration position without making any changes. When
the SPR controller is in Teach mode, the calibration position is initially learned or retaught by
this function.

7. Cycle Tool: Instructs the SPR system to perform a complete riveting cycle using the current
selected tool. Before the SPR system reacts to this signal, the ‘Ready to Start’ signal, must
be ON. At the end of a successful riveting cycle, the SPR signals ‘Finished’ will be ON and
‘Fault’ will be OFF. If the ‘Cycle Tool’ signal is dropped, the SPR system will bring the tool to
a stop at the next appropriate moment. After the robot receives the ‘Finished’ signal, the
‘Cycle Tool’ command should be turned OFF.

8. Go to Open: Instructs the SPR system to open to the specified retract position. The retract
position is set by the binary number specified by the ‘Partial Open’ bits. If no ‘Partial Open’
signal is active, the tool will retract to the fully open position.

9. Cut Tape: Instructs the SPR system to cut the used tape to prevent it from becoming
entangled in the tool or in the material being riveted. Before the ‘Cut Tape’ command can be
performed the ‘Ready to Start’ signal must be present. The ‘Cut Tape’ signal may be held ON
until the ‘Finished’ signal becomes active, or it can also be pulsed for 0.5s. This action
should be performed at a specific location for collecting discarded tape material.

10. Fault Acknowledge: Resets any present fault. If a movement command has not been
turned OFF, the SPR system will attempt to complete the pre-existing action once the fault is
acknowledged. If the movement command has been removed, the SPR system will wait for
the movement command to be reapplied before completing the action.

11. Dry Cycle Mode: Instructs the system to enter ‘Dry Cycle’ mode. In this mode, when the
‘Cycle Tool’ input is activated, the tool will advance to approximately 10 mm short of the full
tool stroke before returning to the ‘Partial Open’ position. In Dry Cycle mode, the SPR
controller shall cycle the tool with timing consistent with the normal rivet process.

12. No Home Allowed: Will prevent the system from automatically retracting to the Home
position whenever the system enters ‘Auto’ mode. This auto-homing action can occur when
the SPR controller’s mode switch enters the ‘Auto’ position, or when a fault is acknowledged.
Not used in GM interface.

13. Tool Moved: After each successful riveting cycle, the ‘Rivet Set’ signal is ON. Before
another riveting cycle can be performed, this ‘Rivet Set’ signal must be cleared by receiving
the ‘Tool Moved’ signal bit from the Robot. The ‘Tool Moved’ signal lets the SPR system
know that the tool has been physically moved to a new riveting location. This feature is used
to prevent unintentional double riveting in cases where the ‘Cycle Tool’ input is erroneously
left ON.

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems
14. Equalizer (2-Bits): Instructs the SPR system to activate the correct equalizer valves. The
two bits form a binary integer (0-3) that instructs the SPR system what setting should be used
for the current riveting cycle: 0=Locked, 1=Inverted, 2=Sideways, 3=Upright.

15. No Manual Cycle: Will prevent a riveting cycle from being initiated from the SPR pendant
while the controller’s mode switch is in the ‘Manual’ position. Not used in GM interface.

16. Heartbeat In: Used to validate the integrity of the communication link between the SPR and
robot. When the ‘Heartbeat In’ is received from the robot, the SPR system waits for the
signal to terminate. Once the ‘Heartbeat In’ signal is OFF, the SPR system echoes by turning
on the ‘Heartbeat Out’ signal. Not used in GM interface.

17. Joint/Spot Number: Binary integer (0 through 255) which selects the spot settings to be
used for the current riveting location. The spot settings include the Spot ID, Velocity, Partial
Retract Position, Equalizer, Rivet Select, and Squeeze.

2.1.3 Hardware Interlocks

1. Control Stop: A 24V signal from the robot indicating motion power is enabled for the cell.
When dropped low, the Self Pierce Rivet controller shall control reliably remove all power
over 50V from the tool, and all motion power, within 50 ms.

2. Contactor Open: Safety input from Self Pierce Rivet controller indicating that the safety
relays/contactors used to control motion power are open.

Refer to GM “Process Equipment Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements” for more
information on safety interlocks.

2.2 Timing Charts

The following timing charts detail the interaction of the Self Pierce Rivet interface signals

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems

Figure 1: Normal Self Pierce Rivet Sequences

First Rivet Cycle (Home to Home Opening) Second Rivet Cycle (Home to Partial Opening)
Robot Inputs
Auto Mode
Monitoring On
In Cycle
Ready to Start
Rivet Set

Home Position
Partial Position

Robot Outputs
Tool Number
Joint/Spot Number
Partial Open 2-Bit (0=100%, 1=75%) 2-Bit (2=50%, 3=25%)
Equalizer 2-Bit (0=Locked, 1=Inverted) 2-Bit (2=Sideways, 3=Upright)

Cycle Tool
Tool Moved

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems
Figure 2: Faulted Self Pierce Rivet Sequences

Fault Before Fault During Fault After

Robot Inputs
Auto Mode
Monitoring On
In Cycle

Ready to Start
Rivet Set
Robot Outputs
Tool Number
Joint/Spot Number
Cycle Tool
Tool Moved
Fault Acknowledge

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet Interface
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems
3. Mapping of Signals

The following section details the mapping assignment for all defined devices. Also, the pre-set
allocations for the IP addresses are included in this mapping section.

3.1 Self Pierce Rivet Controller

Table 1: Self Pierce Rivet Controller 1-2 / Robot Inputs

Public IP Address

Input Proc 1 DI[x] Proc 2 DI[x] Description Signal name

In01 1025 1153 Ready To Cycle diSPRxRdyToCycle
In02 1026 1154 In Cycle diSPRxInCycle
In03 1027 1155 Finished diSPRxFinished
In04 1028 1156 Fault diSPRxFaulted
In05 1029 1157 Process Monitoring ON diSPRxRivMonON
In06 1030 1158 Tool Off diSPRxToolOff
In07 1031 1159 Rivets Low diSPRxRivetsLow
In08 1032 1160 Tool Home diSPRxToolHome
In09 1033 1161 Tool Open diSPRxToolOpen
In10 1034 1162 Rivet Set diSPRxRivetSet
In11 1035 1163 No Calibration diSPRxNoCal
In12 1036 1164 Fault - Mechanical diSPRxMechFlt
In13 1037 1165 Fault - Before Riveting diSPRxBfrRivetFlt
In14 1038 1166 Fault - During Riveting diSPRxDurRivetFlt
In15 1039 1167 Fault - After Riveting diSPRxAftRivetFlt
In16 1040 1168 Fault - System diSPRxSystemFlt
In17 1041 1169 Absolute Position Valid diSPRxAbsPosVld
In18 1042 1170 Auto Mode Selector diSPRxAutoMode
In19 1043 1171 Punch Maintenance Request diSPRxPunchMtn
In20 1044 1172 Die Maintenance Request diSPRxDieMtn
In21 1045 1173 Cleaning Maintenance Request diSPRxCleanMtn
In22 1046 1174 Million Cycle PM Request diSPRx_1M_CycMtn
In23 1047 1175 Alert diSPRxAlert
In24 1048 1176 Heartbeat diSPRxHeartbeat
In25 1049 1177 FaultCodeBit1 diSPRxFaultBit1
In26 1050 1178 FaultCodeBit2 diSPRxFaultBit2
In27 1051 1179 FaultCodeBit4 diSPRxFaultBit4
In28 1052 1180 FaultCodeBit8 diSPRxFaultBit8
In29 1053 1181 FaultCodeBit16 diSPRxFaultBit16
In30 1054 1182 FaultCodeBit32 diSPRxFaultBit32
In31 1055 1183 FaultCodeBit64 diSPRxFaultBit64
In32 1056 1184 FaultCodeBit128 diSPRxFaultBit128
In33-In64 1057-1088 1185-1216 (Reserved) (Reserved)

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet Interface
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems
Table 2: Self Pierce Rivet Controller 1-2 / Robot Outputs
Public IP Address

Input Proc 1 DO[x] Proc 2 DO[x] Description Signal name

Out01 1025 1153 Tool Select Bit1 doSPRxToolSelct1
Out02 1026 1154 Tool Select Bit2 doSPRxToolSelct2
Out03 1027 1155 Tool Select Bit4 doSPRxToolSelct4
Out04 1028 1156 Tool Select Bit8 doSPRxToolSelct8
Out05 1029 1157 Manual Slow Close doSPRxSlowClose
Out06 1030 1158 Manual Slow Open doSPRxSlowOpen
Out07 1031 1159 Gun Opening Bit1 doSPRxGunOpen1
Out08 1032 1160 Gun Opening Bit2 doSPRxGunOpen2
Out09 1033 1161 Home Tool doHomeTool
Out10 1034 1162 Calibrate doCalibrate
Out11 1035 1163 Cycle Tool doSPRxCycleTool
Out12 1036 1164 Goto Opening doSPRxGotoOpn
Out13 1037 1165 (Reserved) (Reserved)
Out14 1038 1166 Cut Tape doSPRxCut Tape
Out15 1039 1167 Fault Acknowledge doSPRxFltAck
Out16 1040 1168 (Reserved) (Reserved)
Out17 1041 1169 Dry Cycle doSPRxDryCycle
Out18 1042 1170 No Home Allowed doSPRxNoHmAlowed
Out19 1043 1171 Tool Moved doSPRxToolMoved
Out20 1044 1172 EqualizerBit1 doSPRxEqualizer1
Out21 1045 1173 EqualizerBit2 doSPRxEqualizer2
Out22 1046 1174 No Man Cycle doSPRxNoManCycle
Out23 1047 1175 (Reserved) (Reserved)
Out24 1048 1176 Heartbeat doSPRxHeartbeat
Out25 1049 1177 JointNumber1 doSPRxJntNum1
Out26 1050 1178 JointNumber2 doSPRxJntNum2
Out27 1051 1179 JointNumber4 doSPRxJntNum4
Out28 1052 1180 JointNumber8 doSPRxJntNum8
Out29 1053 1181 JointNumber16 doSPRxJntNum16
Out30 1054 1182 JointNumber32 doSPRxJntNum32
Out31 1055 1183 JointNumber64 doSPRxJntNum64
Out32 1056 1184 JointNumber128 doSPRxJntNum128
Out33 1057-1088 1185-1216 (Reserved) (Reserved)

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet Interface
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems
4. Robot Software Requirements

4.1 Process Modes

1. A means shall be provided to command the SPR controller to be in Dry Cycle ON or OFF.

2. In Teach or Isolate, the process mode shall be selectable from the teach pendant. In
Interlock, the status of the ‘Process X On Request’ input on the cell interface shall dictate the
process mode. “Process X On Request” = “Dry Cycle” OFF.

4.2 Pre Process Actions

1. Reset any movement commands to ensure the gun can be ready to rivet.

2. Set tool select number.

3. Check for SPR controller in Auto Mode.

4. Check for gun to be in full open position.

5. Check for tool off input from SPR controller.

6. Reset faults.

7. Wait for Ready to Cycle input.

4.3 Post Process Actions

1. Check that the gun is open to the commanded position

4.4 Programming Instructions

4.4.1 Rivet

1. The rivet command is a stand alone programming instruction that is called after the robot
moves to the specified location.

2. At a minimum, the following parameters shall be available:

a. Tool Number – 4 bit binary number

b. Rivet ID – This alphanumeric value is not passed from the robot to the SPR
controller. It is acquired by the PLC via explicit messaging after a faulted rivet.
c. Joint Number – 8 bit binary schedule number
d. Equalization value – 2 bit binary number
e. Opening value – 2 bit binary number

3. The rivet instruction shall perform the interface handshaking illustrated in Figure 1 and Figure
2 above.

a. Set Tool Number

b. Set Equalizer value
c. Set Gun Opening value
d. Set Joint Number
e. Set Dry Cycle ON or OFF based on status of PLC input “Process X on Request”
f. Initiate rivet by setting the Cycle Tool signal on
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Section S: Self Pierce Rivet Interface
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems
g. Check for In Cycle from SPR controller
h. Wait for Finished or Faulted signals. If not received within a configurable timeout,
perform error recovery per 4.5.
i. Read the status of Fault Before, During, and After bits
j. If faulted, record the value of the Rivet ID for fault recovery purposes

4. When hot backup is used for carried applications, the robot shall determine which tool is
active and send the appropriate Tool Number to the SPR controller. The identification is
based on tool ID from the tool changer interface.

4.5 Fault Handling and Recovery

4.5.1 Faulted Rivet ID Handling

If a Fault is detected before, during, or after a rivet, the robot shall record the Rivet ID of the
faulted rivet in a register location that is accessible to the cell controller via Ethernet/IP explicit
messaging. The ‘Process X Out of Tolerance’ output shall be set high until the ‘Process X Out of
Tolerance Acknowledge’ input is received from the cell controller. The robot shall not continue its
program sequence until this handshake is complete.

4.5.2 Fault Recovery

On a Fault or timeout, the robot shall turn off ‘Cycle Tool’ to the SPR controller and turn on the
‘Process X Faulted’ bit to the cell controller. The following fault recovery options shall be

1. Retry – Only available when ‘Faulted Before’ rivet occurs. Selection shall drop ‘Process
X Faulted’ to the cell controller, pulse ‘Fault Acknowledge’ to SPR controller, and initiate
a rivet cycle.
2. Skip – selection shall drop ‘Process X Faulted’ to the cell controller, pulse ‘Fault
Acknowledge’ to the SPR controller, drop ‘Task OK’, and move to the next rivet location.
3. FFR – see the following section.

No remote recovery capability shall be provided for this type of fault. Error recovery must be
selected at the teach pendant. Fast Fault Recovery (FFR)

When FFR is selected, the robot shall turn on the ‘FFR Active’ output to the cell controller,
continue through its programmed path without initiating rivet cycles, and proceed to the
maintenance position. If hot backup is used, the user shall be prompted to keep or exchange the
current tool with the backup tool.

Prior to re-running the process cycle, the following process specific recovery options shall be
available only if ‘Faulted Before’ rivet occurred:

1. Continue Last – Resume by placing rivet at the point the fault has occurred.
2. Continue Next – Resume by placing rivet at the next point following the one where the
fault has occurred, with ‘Task OK’ dropped.

If ‘Faulted During’ or ‘Faulted After’ rivet occurred, the robot shall automatically ‘Continue Next’
without prompting the user for a selection.

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Section S: Self Pierce Rivet Interface
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems
Figure 3: FFR Carried Process

If hot backup is configured,

Keep current head
Change current head
Move to

At FFR Maint Pos Continue Last
Wait for RESET / Continue Next Return HOME if Decision Code = 15
Fault recovery
move SEG 63 options:
HOME Retry

FFR return from MAINT

SEG 50 SEG 50
New path segment Process 1 Fault
Request to Continue

Figure 4: FFR Pedestal Process

move Move to
Move to

SEG 31 SEG 63 SEG 1 SEG 10

SEG 30 Return HOME if Decision Code = 15

FFR SEG 11 move

Wait for RESET / FFR

Fault recovery options:


SEG 50 SEG 50 SEG 50

Process 1
Continue Last
Continue Next

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Global Robot Interface (GRS-4)
Section S: Self Pierce Rivet Interface
General Motors Company ME Vehicle Systems

4.6 Manual functions

4.6.1 Manual Rivet

This feature shall allow the user to select a Tool Number and manually initiate a rivet sequence.
In Teach or Isolate, the function shall allow the user to select a Joint Number. In Interlock, the
function shall not manipulate the schedule outputs or any head that is not currently in the backup

4.6.2 Home and Calibrate

A means shall be provided to command the SPR controller to Home and to Calibrate the current
tool from the robot teach pendant. Home is used to move the tool to the full open position.
Calibrate is used to check the calibration by moving the tool to the closed calibrate position with a
calibration block provided with the SPR tool. When commanding the SPR to calibrate, the user
shall be prompted to ensure that the rivets have been removed and calibration block has been

During initial setup or after altering the rivet tool, the SPR controller is placed into Teach mode
before Home and Calibrate are commanded from the teach pendant. In this mode, new home
and calibrate positions are defined in the SPR controller.

4.7 Configurable Items

The following options, at a minimum, shall be configurable for Self Peirce Rivet robots:
1. Specify the head location carried or pedestal
2. Specify whether hot backup is used for carried applications
3. Specify the number of tools (1-4) used for carried applications
4. Specify whether Faulted Rivet ID handshake with the cell controller is enabled

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