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MCQ Questions:

1) Each Script in Unity 3D is inherited from:

a) MonoBehaviour
b) DefaultBehaviour
c) UnityBehaviour
d) DefaultInstance

2) The function that gets called continuously throughout the life of game or simulation
a) start
b) update
c) test()

3) When the behavior becomes disable or inactive which function is used

a) OnDisable
b) OnDestroy
c) OnApplicationQuit
d) OnApplicationPause

4) How many versions of unity released till now:

a) a)3
b) b)4
c) c)5
d) d)6

5) Unity first platform is

a) windows
b) Mac
c) OS X
d) None of the above

6) The structure is used throughout Unity to pass 3D positions and directions around. It also
contains functions for doing common vector operations.
a) Vector 3
b) RigidBody
c) GUILayout
d) Both a and b

7) Difference between 2D and 3D defaults

a) Your main Camera will be set to orthographic by default .
b) Textures will be imported as sprite in 2D Mode.
c) Both A and B
d) No note able difference exist

8) The most powerful part of Unity

a) Unity Asset Store
b) Controllers
c) Containers
d) Methods

9) When the script instance is being loaded which function is called:

a) Update()
b) Start()
c) Onload()
d) Awake()

10) Unity support languages are:

a) Java and C++
b) C# , BOO and JavaScript
c) C# and C++
d) C# , Boo and Java

11) Threads in unity 3D

a) Unity3D API is not thread-safe
b) Use coroutines in place of threads
c) You can use threads in unity 3D
d) Both a and b

12) How many main methods in unity 3d Code

a) a)1
b) Multiple
c) no main method in code
d) None of above

13) If the collision stops as a result of one of the objects being destroyed -- using Destroy() which
function won’t called
a) OnCollisionExit
b) OnCollisionStay
c) OnCollisionterminate
d) OnTriggerStay

14) For trigger collision event to be triggered,Which statement is true

a) one of the two colliders needs to be separated.
b) one of the two colliders needs to have a rigid body attached.
a) c)None of above

15) What is a fundamental building block in unity

a) Game Objects
b) Scenes
c) projects
a) d)assests

16)which component defines position and orientation

a) a)Transform Object
b) Transform Component
c) Build Component
d) d)prefab

17) To ignore collesion between two layers you can use

a) Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision
b) Physics.IgnoreCollision
c) Physics.GetIgnoreLayerCollision
d) OnCollisionEnter

18) Unity accompanying script editors are

a) Visual Studio
b) MonoDevelop
c) Both a and b
d) None of above

19)The window where you can position your game objects and move things around
a) level
b) assets
c) projects
d) scene

20) Unity is the default software development kit (SDK) for Nintendo's Wii U video game console platform
b) false
21)What is scanlines rendering?
a)A black and white effect
b)A technique to create a blur effect
c)A fast way to access an image
d)An algorithm for visible surface determination

What is parallax mapping?

a)A ray tracing technique
b)A vertices mapping technique
c)A renderer
d)An enhancement of the bump mapping technique

Which of the following is a good design?

a)uploading the texture once, and then, if it changes, uploading it again
b)Uploading a complete texture to the GPU for each frame
c)Uploading the texture once and, if part of it changes, uploading the changed sub textures
d)Not using any texture for unfiltered images but drawing directly from the CPU at each frame (e.g.

What is object oriented programming?

a)A paradigm based on policies
b)An attempt to aid programmers in the separation of concerns like cross-cutting concerns
c)A programming paradigm that uses “objects” and their interactions to design applications and
computer programs
d)None of the above

What is HDRR?
a)The application of multiple textures
b)A fast path to copy vertices to the video card
c)The rendering of 3D scenes by using lighting calculations done in a larger dynamic range
d)None of the above

.What is mipmapping?
a)A technique to apply textures
b)A technique to resize textures
c)A technique to increase the quality of textures
d)A technique that decreases or increases the resolution of a texture depending on the distance between
the point of view and the textured object

What is a resource manager?

a)A system to increase the loading speed
b)A system to load and free resources in a game
c)A system to free objects in a game
d)A system to simplify access to various resources in a game

What is a quaternion?
a)A list of vectors
b)An array of numbers
c)A linear equation description
d)Non-commutative extension of complex numbers

What is a particle system?

a)A rendering technique
b)A technique for generating particles
c)A technique consisting in using small chunks of memory
d)A technique to simulate certain phenomena like fire, smoke or dust

What is multitexturing?
a)A process to apply different textures alternately to the same surface
b)An algorithm to apply many different textures to the same surface at the same time
c)Neither of the above

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