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PRODNOSIS - IIT BHU Case Study Challenge

You’ve joined as the Head of Product at, one of the largest hotel booking
platforms in the world. For this assignment, you can focus on the Android app of Booking.

For this assignment, we highly recommend you install the app and use it.

Your job as the Head of Product is to improve the North Star Metric of Booking. A North
Star metric is the one measurement that’s most predictive of a company’s long-term
success. To qualify as a “North Star,” a metric must do three things: lead to revenue, reflect
customer value, and measure progress. If a metric hits those three points, and every
department contributes to improving it, the company will grow sustainably.

Now that the lockdown across the world is almost over and travel restrictions are opening
up, is really looking to improve its North Star Metric, which was suffering in the
last 2-2.5 years.

As the first step, define the North Star Metric (NSM) for Booking. Then come up with Product
solutions to improve it.

Feel free to research what’s happening across the world in the same industry.

You have to come up with a detailed plan covering :-

1. What is NSM for Booking?

2. 3 Product features to improve the NSM
a. Stick to 3 features
b. Don’t provide a laundry list of features
c. For every feature, provide evidence that your hypothesis will work
d. Avoid marketing solutions like email, notification or UI tweaks. Think high ROI
3. Balsamiq, Figma wireframe for every feature
4. While the Primary Metric is NSM, define all the secondary metrics properly for each
5. How will you test if each feature is a success or not?


Please submit the presentation in PDF/PPT Format through the link provided down below.

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