Computational Fluid Dynamics On Sounding

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Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.

375–381 (2008)


J. Tsuchida*, T. Fujisawa** and G. Yagawa***

* Toyota Motor Corporation, 1 Toyota-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture 471-8571, Japan
** Prometech Software Inc., 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
*** Toyo University, 2-36-5 Hakusan, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0001, Japan
1-32-19, Akatsutsumi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
E-Mail: (Corresponding Author)

ABSTRACT: The sounding mechanism in air-reed instruments is investigated based on the computational fluid
dynamics. While previous studies have assumed a sound source based on the acoustic theory, the authors attempt in
the present study to explain the source of sound as an essential factor defining the timbre of musical instruments. To
deal with the high computational cost required to capture minute changes in pressure, a parallel supercomputer is
employed for computation. The computational results are consistent with Brown’s experimental equation, and new
frequency components revealed only in this three-dimensional analysis are identified and attributed to the harmonics
of the air jet.
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, finite element method, edge tone, reed instruments, sounding

1. INTRODUCTION distance between the nozzle and the edge. In

reality, it takes an appreciable length of time
Air-reed instrument is a kind of aerophone such for the initial minute oscillation to be
as pipe organs, flutes, recorders or bamboo flutes amplified to a stable edge tone, and the
that neither have mechanically oscillating parts amount of time will change according to other
nor a sound produced by human lips as in playing conditions.
a brass instrument (Ando, 1988; Yoshikawa,
2. Basically only single frequency with minute
1993). These instruments have a wedge-shaped
amplitude is treated; it is hard to analyze
structure called “edge”. The blown jet causes self-
numerically the oscillation with big amplitude
excited oscillation by the edge and sound is then
and the onset of a sound signal.
generated. Scientific researches on air-reed
instruments have been conducted since the latter To clarify the mechanism of sound generation in
half of the 1960s. The mechanism of sound air-reed instruments in detail, we adopt
generation has been studied from an acoustic computational fluid dynamics for examining the
point of view, and precise experiments have influence of performance conditions and shape of
revealed the oscillating sheet behavior of an air jet instruments, in addition to the precise harmonic
and the feedback mechanism between the jet and makeup of the generated sound. Moreover, as the
the resonance tube (Ando, 1988; Brown, 1937; sound of an instrument changes rapidly in the first
Coltman, 1968; Coltman, 1990; Cremer and Ising, ten milliseconds when the standing wave is
1967/68; Elder, 1973; Fletcher, 1976; Yoshikawa established and this change is audible to humans
and Saneyoshi, 1980; Yoshikawa, 1991; as “sound quality” (Yoshikawa, 1993), it is
Yoshikawa, 1993). However, since studies of necessary to perform numerical simulations with
sound generation based on the acoustic theory high precision, particularly for the onset of a
have assumed a fluid behavior which is essential sound.
for air-reed instruments sounding, being wave, The purpose of the present study is to perform a
analysis results become inaccurate due to the numerical analysis of sound generation in an air-
following reasons. reed instrument, and to investigate the mechanism
of sound generation and the primary factor that
1. It is assumed that there is a very weak sound
determines “tone”. The analysis is based on fluid
source. The sound caused by the edge (edge
mechanics and executed on a massively parallel
tone) is not generated according to the
supercomputer. It is hoped that the quantitative
combination of blown jet strength and

Received: 24 Nov. 2007; Revised: 16 Mar. 2008; Accepted: 14 Apr. 2008

Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 2, No. 3 (2008)

numerical simulation of musical instrument sound Temporally discretizing Eqs. (1) and (2) by the
will lead to the establishment of a scientific fractional step method (Donea, Giuliani and Lavel,
measure for designing instruments (Takeuchi, 1982), we have
Yamamoto and Kawauchi, 1988). Also, this study
can be directly applied to the design of rapid u n +1 − u n 1
+ (u n ⋅ ∇)u n = −∇p n +1 + Δu n (3)
transit railway, car, airplane, electric device, etc., Δt Re
in which reduction of the fluid noise is of primary ∇ ⋅ u n+1 = 0 (4)
where n is the time step. Then, the intermediate
2. GOVERNING EQUATIONS AND flow velocity u~ is defined as follows,
~ = u n − Δt ⎧(u n ⋅ ∇)u n − 1 Δu n ⎫
⎨ ⎬
⎩ ⎭
u (5)
2.1 Finite element fluid analysis and hybrid Re
solution method where Δt is the time increment. By taking the
As sound propagates in a medium as a divergence of Eq. (3) and substituting Eq. (4), we
longitudinal pressure wave, acoustic phenomena obtain the following Poisson’s equation for
have traditionally been regarded as compressible pressure.
fluid mechanics. However, the variation in 1
∇p n+1 = ~
∇⋅u (6)
pressure due to the passage of sound is of the Δt
order of 10-3 to 10-5 times the static pressure of the
ambient fluid, rendering it difficult to capture Then, by subtracting Eq. (5) from Eq. (3), the
both the static pressure of the fluid and the sound following equation for velocity is obtained.
pressure simultaneously with satisfactory ~ − Δt∇p n+1
u n+1 = u (7)
accuracy. Furthermore, the simulation of sound
propagation as a compressible fluid phenomenon The above calculation procedures are summarized
in real-world volumes requires enormous as follows. First, the intermediate flow velocity u~
computational power, and remains almost is calculated using Eq. (5), and pressure pn+1 is
impossible even using today’s supercomputers. calculated by substituting u~ for Eq. (6). Then
Solving low Mach number flow using the velocity un+1 is calculated by substituting the
compressible Navier-Stokes equation numerically pressure for Eq. (7). Since the Reynolds number
also involves a stiffness problem and the of the flow in this study is under 500, the upwind
numerical solution may not converge or accuracy method and the turbulence model are not adopted.
may be severely degraded. Both velocity and pressure fields are interpolated
In this study, a hybrid solution method (Kato et using linear tetrahedral elements (P1-P1 element).
al., 1994), in which sound generation and sound
propagation are analyzed separately, is adopted. 2.3 Lighthill’s theory and Curle’s equation
The behavior of air is computed assuming
incompressible flow using the computed pressure In air-reed instruments, the Mach number of air
change; generated sound is computed by jets around the edge is at most 0.06. Under this
aerodynamic sound prediction based on the condition, if the distance between the sound
Lighthill theory (1952). The finite element source and the observation point is sufficiently
method (FEM) and the fractional step method long, the Curle’s equation (Curle, 1995), a
(Donea, Giuliani and Lavel, 1982) are adopted as solution of the Lighthill’s theory (Lighthill, 1952),

∫ n p(y, t − x / c )dS
the numerical analysis scheme of fluid. can be derived as
1 xi ∂
2.2 Discretization of Navier-Stokes equation pα (x, t ) = (8)
4πc0 x 2 ∂t
i 0
The Navier-Stokes equation and continuity
equation assuming negligible external force are as where x is the coordinate of the observation point,
follows. p is the pressure against the object surface, S is
the object surface, x = | x|, y is the coordinate in
∂u 1
+ (u ⋅ ∇) = −∇p + Δu (1) the analysis domain, ni is the outward normal
∂t Re vector on S, and c0 is the speed of sound in the
∇⋅u = 0 (2) static fluid. Therefore, if the pressure of the edge
where u and p are normalized velocity and surface is found, the sound pressure at the
pressure, and Re is the Reynolds number. observation point can be determined using Eq. (8).

Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 2, No. 3 (2008)

2.4 Parallel computing 3. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF EDGE

Large computational grids are required to capture
microscopic phenomenon such as sound
3.1 Analysis model and boundary conditions
generation. Due to the extremely large number of
computations involved, parallel analysis using a Fig. 1 shows the analysis model of the reed-edge
massively parallel supercomputer is indispensable. for fluid analysis. This model is divided into 4-
Parallel computing method in finite element node tetrahedral elements, a total of 163,510
analysis can be classified into element-based and nodes or 918,580 elements (Fig. 2). The nodes of
node-based methods. In the present study, we the finite elements are concentrated around the
employ node-based parallelization of the free nozzle and the edge in order to perform efficient
mesh method (FMM) (Fujisawa, Inaba and fluid analysis. The inflow condition is set at the
Yagawa, 2003; Shirazaki and Yagawa, 1999; left end of the nozzle, a free outflow condition
Yagawa and Yamada, 1996), which is a node- (p = 0) is set at the top, bottom and right side of
based finite element method. A node-based data the model, and a no-slip condition is set for the
structure is employed to memorize sparse rest of the model.
matrices and connectivity data between nodes.
The FMM performs both mesh generation and
solution of equations in a seamless manner.
Therefore, it is a powerful method for adaptive
analysis on a parallel computer. Although a fixed
computational grid is employed in this study,
FMM-based data structures and node-based
parallel computing are adopted in order to
perform numerical analysis more effectively in

2.5 Three-dimensional finite element model

The three-dimensional FE model used in this
study is constructed using a mesh generator and
boundary condition setting tool which are parts of
the large-scale computational mechanics system Fig. 2 FE mesh of an air-reed instrument.
developed in the ADVENTURE project (Ref. 1).
3.2 Analysis condition
Analysis was performed with varying velocities
No-slip condition of air jets injected into the nozzle (3.0, 5.0 and
7.0 m/s). The conditions common to all analyses
u=U p=0
v=0 No-slip condition are listed in Table 1, and detailed analysis
w=0 conditions for each analysis are shown in Table 2.
The representative length is 1.0-3 m, which is the
thickness of nozzle. The above analyses were
performed with the same model as shown in
Figs. 1 and 2, and any sensitivity analysis
regarding model shape, mesh division and
boundary condition remains to be a future work.

Table 1 Analysis conditions common to all simulation

No-slip condition
Number of nodes 163,510
No-slip condition Number of elements 918,580 (tetrahedral 4-node element)
Δt 0.002 (non-dimensional time)
Fig. 1 3D analysis model of an air-reed instrument
(mm). Representative length 1.0 × 10 -3 m
Kinematic viscosity 1.537 × 10 -5 m2/s
1 m in the x direction,
Observation point
1 m in the y direction

Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 2, No. 3 (2008)

Table 2 Analysis conditions of each simulation case. window and no smoothing technique was
velocity Reynolds number Analysis time
Case 1 3.0 m/s 195.18 0.067 s (100,000 steps)
Case 2 5.0 m/s 325.3 0.040 s (100,000 steps)
Case 3 7.0 m/s 455.42 0.043 s (150,000 steps)

3.3 Computational results

We used 2 nodes (16 processors) of the Hitachi
SR8000 supercomputer for the analysis, and Fig. 4 Absolute value of velocity at y = 7.5 (Case 2);
100,000-steps analysis took approximately 70 upper: t = 0.0388 s, lower: t = 0.0396 s.
Fig. 3 shows the |u| = 1.0 iso-surface, which is a Figs. 5, 7 and 9 show that the faster the inlet
non-dimensional velocity in Case 2. Fig. 4 shows velocity of jet is, the shorter the time it takes for
the absolute value of velocity in the plane y = 7.5 the self-excited oscillation to occur. Figs. 6, 8 and
for Case 2. This figure shows that the air jet flows 10 give the corresponding power spectra.
in from the nozzle and oscillates on the upper and
lower sides of the reed edge. This oscillation can 3.4 Comparison with Brown’s experimental
be seen in both Case 1 and Case 3. equation
Brown (1937) performed a detailed experiment
concerning the edge tone and obtained the
following experimental formula.
⎧ 1 ⎫
f = 0.466 j (100U − 40)⎨ − 0.07 ⎬
⎩ ⎭
( j = 1.0,2.3,3.8,5.4)
100 l
where f (Hz) is the frequency of the edge tone, U
(m/s) is the velocity of the air jet, and l (m) is the
distance from the edge. The parameter j is the
oscillation mode, which is determined from U and
l. If the distance from the edge is constant, j
increases with flow velocity. Fig. 11 shows the
relationships among U, l and f quoted from
Brown (1937). The step-like features in the graph
represent the points at which the value of j
Fig. 12 is a comparison between Brown’s
experimental equation and the present analysis
results. The two straight lines are Brown’s
experimental equation for j = 1.0 and 2.3, and the
Fig. 3 Iso-surface of |u| = 1.0 (Case 2); three marks on the straight lines are the results for
upper: t = 0.0388 s, lower: t = 0.0396 s. v = 3.0, 5.0 and 7.0 m/s. The central mark is the
frequency with the highest intensity, and the other
The sound pressure was computed from the two marks have half the intensity.
pressure distribution on the reed edge surface According to Fig. 12, the result for v = 3.0 m/s
with the Curle’s equation in (8), and the power corresponds to a value of j = 1.0 in Brown’s
spectrum by FFT analysis. The integration in the experimental equation, and the results for v = 5.0
Curle’s equation in (8) was performed by taking and 7.0 m/s correspond to j = 2.3. Therefore, it is
the summation of the product of an area of considered that the change in the oscillating mode
surface patch of tetrahedral shape facing the edge occurs between v = 3.0 m/s and v = 5.0 m/s.
and the average pressure of three nodes As can be seen in Figs. 6, 8 and 10, some
composing the surface patch. On the other hand, minor frequency components are present in the
the FFT analysis was performed with the Hanning

Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 2, No. 3 (2008)

simulated results in addition to the major frequency component corresponding to Brown’s experimental
equation. These minor components are considered to be the harmonic components of the edge tone.

Fig. 5 Sound pressure vs. time (Case 1). Fig. 6 Power spectrum (Case 1).

Fig. 7 Sound pressure vs. time (Case 2). Fig. 8 Power spectrum (Case 2).

Fig. 9 Sound pressure vs. time (Case 3). Fig. 10 Power spectrum (Case 3).

Fig. 11 Relationship between velocity,

distance to reed edge and
frequency (Brown, 1937).
Range of edge-tone production
h=1.5 cm h=0.75 cm
h=1.0 cm h=0.50 cm

Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 2, No. 3 (2008)


Three-dimensional incompressible fluid

simulations of the edge tone which is the sound
source of air-reed instruments were performed in
order to find the mechanism of sound generation
in terms of fluid mechanics. The result shows that
the simulation successfully resolved the process
from initiation of the air jet to self-excited
oscillation and stabilization of the edge tone
through three-dimensional numerical fluid
j=1.0 j=2.3
analysis, and it was confirmed that the strongest
v=3.0 (m/sec) v=5.0 (m/sec)
v=0.7 (m/sec) frequency component corresponds to the
frequency component derived by Brown’s
Fig. 12 Comparison of Brown’s experimental experimental equation. Furthermore, the existence
equation and results of present analysis. of two or more minor frequency components in
addition to the main frequency component was
3.5 Discussion confirmed. These minor components have not
been observed in the two-dimensional fluid
The harmonic components mentioned above are analysis, and are assigned to harmonic
observed in the three-dimensional case, but not in components of the edge tone. Lastly, the transfer
the two-dimensional analysis (Yagawa, Shirazaki of oscillation mode which is one of the features of
and Hizaki, 1999). These harmonic components the edge tone is captured under the assumption of
might be generated from the three-dimensional incompressible fluid. However, the extent of the
behavior of the air around the edge. However, influence of compressibility of the fluid on an
these two analyses are not directly comparable edge tone and the acoustic effect of a resonance
because resolution of computational grids and tube remain to be clarified in the future.
other conditions are not the same for the two
models, although both the two-dimensional model
and three-dimensional model have the same shape ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of edge at a cross section. Further investigation
will be required. The authors express their appreciation to Prof. S.
Recent study in acoustics shows that air-reed Yoshikawa at the Kyusyu University for valuable
instruments have a feedback mechanism called advice about theories and experiments of air-reed
acoustic feedback between the edge and the instruments from an acoustic point of view. The
resonance tube (Yoshikawa and Saneyoshi, 1980; present research was supported in part by the
Yoshikawa, 1991). The acoustic effect, namely Frontier Simulation Software for Industrial
compressibility effect of fluid, plays an essential Science (FSIS) project at the University of Tokyo.
role in this feedback mechanism. On the other
hand, the edge tone also has a feedback REFERENCES
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