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Present Simple and Present Continuous

1. John (train) the boys' football team every Monday, Write the correct answer (A,B or C).
but this week he (train) the girls' team.
1. Pat in her diary every day.
2. Why (you/carry) a helmet? I (go)
rafting after school. A isn't writing B doesn't write C don't write
3. I (hang out) with my friends every weekend, but this
weekend I (visit) my cousins in London. 2. He the answers to the quiz.
4. Most Saturdays Nick (go) rock climbing, but this A doesn't know B don't know C isn't knowing
Saturday he (learn) how to paraglide.
5. (she/have) any experience with animals? 3. They this summer at their parents' house
Yes, she (live) on a farm. in the countryside.
6. Jane usually (look after) sick children, but today she A spend B are spending C spends
(prepare) a surprise party for them.
7. We often (go) shopping at the weekend, but this 4. I the iPod right now. You can take it.
weekend we (study) for a test. A don't use B am using C am not using
8. David (not/travel) abroad, but he (fly) to
Spain this week. 5. Annie her emails every afternoon after
9. What time (the train/arrive)? It (arrive) at 10 school.
pm. A is reading B read C reads
10. Lisa (do) the washing-up at the moment. She (hate) it.
6. Paul out the rubbish every night.
A take B takes C is taking
Dear Penny,
7. Tina TV at the moment.
Greetings from Sao Paulo, Brazil, where my family and I (spend)
our summer holidays this year. A watch B is watching C watches

Today is another beautiful day. A soft breeze (blow), so it's 8. We wear boots in the summer.
not terribly hot. Right now, I (sit) by the hotel's A aren't B doesn’t C don’t
swimming pool and I (send) emails to my friends.
9. Billy walk to school every morning?
My parents (usually/take) a nap at this time of day, so
they (sleep) in their room. We really (love) everything A do B does C is
about this place! Every day my brother and I (wake up)
10. Today she a friend.
late and after a quick breakfast, we (head) for the beach, where
we (stay) for hours. Mum and Dad (prefer) to spend A doesn’t visit B visits C is visiting
the day sightseeing, so we all (meet up) at lunchtime. The
only thing we (not/like) very much is the local food, as we
(think) it's a bit spicy for our taste! No problem, though! The
restaurant in our hotel (serve) all kinds of delicious
international dishes, so there's a great variety to choose from! Anyway,
what (you/do) this summer?
Email me and let me know.
Take care,
Listen and complete the table:

What are they doing? What do they do?





Leon and Peter

I. Supply the correct verb form:
1. Be quiet! The baby (sleep)____________________.
2. We seldom (eat) ____________________before 6:30.
3. Look! A man (run) ____________________after the train. He (want) ____________________to catch it.
4. The sun (set) ____________________ in the West.
5. It (be) ____________________ often hot in summer.
6. I (do) ____________________an exercise on the present tenses at this moment and I (think)
____________________that I (know) ____________________ how to use it now.
7. My mother sometimes (buy) ____________________vegetables at this market.
8. It (be) ____________________very cold now.
9. It (rain) ____________________much in summer. It (rain) ____________________now.
10. Daisy (cook) ____________________some food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook)
____________________ in the morning.
II. Make the present simple or present continuous:
1. You (not / like) chocolate.

2. She (not / study) at the moment.

3. We often (go) to the cinema.

4. He usually (not / do) his homework.

5. They (not / eat) rice every day.

6. We (not / study) every night.

7. (You / like) spicy food?

8. (She / go) to Scotland often?

9. (He / eat) now?

10. We (go) to the cinema this weekend.

11. They (study) now.

12. I (clean) the kitchen every day.

13. She (work) every Sunday.

14. We (not / sleep) now.

15. He (not / go) to the park very often.

16. It (rain) a lot here.

17. I (go) on holiday tomorrow.

Ms Hien’s English Class Page 1
18. How long (she / stay) in London?

19. I often (read) at night.

20. We (not / drink) much wine.

III. Choose the present simple or the present continuous. Watch out for stative verbs.
1. Julie (read) in the garden.

2. What (we / have) for dinner tonight?

3. She (have) two daughters.

4. I (stay) in Spain for two weeks this summer.

5. He often (come) over for dinner.

6. The class (begin) at nine every day.

7. What (you / eat) at the moment?

8. What (Susie / do) tomorrow?

9. I (not / work) on Sundays.

10. She (not / study) now, she (watch) TV.

11. How often _ (you / go) to restaurants?

12. I (not / go) on holiday this summer.

13. I'm sorry, I _ (not / understand).

14. She (work) as a waitress for a month.

15. She (take) a salsa dancing class every Tuesday.

16. It (be) cold here in winter.

17. Take your umbrella, it (rain).

18. This cake (taste) delicious.

19. The bag (belong) to Jack.

20. When (you / arrive) tonight?

Ms Hien’s English Class Page 2

Fill in the correct question word:
1. _____ is your hobby? Drawing

2. _____ did you live last year? In London

3. _____ are you late? I’ve missed my bus.

4. _____ lessons do you have? Six lessons

5. _____ is that man at the door? My uncle.

6. _____ do you go to the club? At 6 o’clock

7. _____ did you feel yesterday? Awfully

8. _____ is your sister? She is eleven.

9. _____ are you crying? I’ve lost my keys.

10. ______ will you return? In two days

11. ______ books have you bought? Three books

12. ______ is your dad? He is 45.

13. ______ will the concert start? At seven p.m.

14. ______ is playing with the dog? My friend Tom

15. ______ is the kitten? Under the table

16. ______ book is on the table? It’s mine.

17. ______ will you get to London? By car

18. ______ do you do in the evening? I usually watch TV.

19. ______ friends do you have? I have a lot of friends.

20. ______ is the tea? It’s 50p.

21. ______ cat is on the tree? It’s Mona’s cat.

22. ______ sports do you like? I like basketball.

23. ______ are your parents? They are in the shop.

24. ______ swims faster: you or Alec? Alec swims faster.

25, ______ is your new car? It’s very expensive.

26. ______ will you spend your holiday? In Greece, I think.

27. _____ will you go to Paris? By plane.

28. _____ bag is it? It’s Tom’s bag.

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