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 DRILL (15-20 Q’s): Here we’re simply reviewing the directions.

1.) Teacher: Tell me to take off my watch.

Student: Take off your watch.
2.) T: Tell me to put it back on.
S: Put it back on.
3.) T: Tell me to pick up the pen.
4.) T: Tell me to put it back down.
5.) T. Tell me to stand up.
1 H.P. ROUTINE 6.) T: Tell me to go to the door. 6-8 MIN
7.) T: Tell me to open the door.
8.) T: Tell me to close the door again.
9.) T. Tell me to come back to the table.
10.) T: Tell me to sit down.
11.) T: Tell me to fold my arms.
12.) T: Tell me to pass you my pen.
13.) T: Tell me to write my name on the
14.) T: Tell me to wipe the board.
T: Tell me to repeat what I said.

How old was...? Practice was and were.

1Ask how old my mother was when I was born (23)

2Ask me how old my father was when I was born (34)

3Ask him/her how old his father was when he/she was born

4Ask me how old I was when my sister was born

5Ask me how old my brother was when my sister was born

6Ask me hold old I was when my older niece was born (34)
2 fundamentals 7Ask me how old I was when my younger niece was born (39)

8Ask me how old my youngest aunt was when I was born (3)

9Ask me how old Madonna was when I was born (15)

10Ask me how old I was when you were born (I don't know)

11Ask him/her how old his/her mother was when he/she was born

12Ask me how old Obama was when I was born (20+-)

13Ask me how old I was when my best friend was born (4)

14Ask me how old the King of Spain was when I was born (18)

3 VOCABULARY List 2. Do you know anyone who...? 5 MIN

Ask someone if they know anyone...

1...who plays the piano. Yes, I know someone. No, I don't anyone who...

2...who speaks Chinese

3...who knows how to fly

4...who lives in Japan

5...who can ride a motorbike

6...who has a hamster

7...who can use a computer

8...who can speak German

9...who can sing very well

10...who sings very badly

11...who can cook paella

12...who can't cook

13...who works at the weekend

14...who has a ferrari

15...who lives in Italy

16...who can paint

17...who plays poker

18...who doesn't have a mobile phone

19...who knows how to use a computer

20...who knows how to dance the tango

Certainly! Here are 15 short sentences using "should" with simple business
vocabulary suitable for a B1 ESL English learner:

1. Employees should arrive at the office on time.

2. We should send the invoices to clients promptly.
3. You should answer phone calls professionally.
4. Managers should provide clear instructions to their teams.
5. We should schedule a meeting to discuss the project.
6. Sales representatives should follow up with potential customers.
7. To stay organized, you should use a calendar.
4 MGP 6-8 MIN
8. We should order more office supplies soon.
9. You should double-check your work for errors.
10. To save money, we should reduce unnecessary expenses.
11. Employees should dress appropriately for business meetings.
12. We should create a budget for the upcoming quarter.
13. You should keep your workspace neat and tidy.
14. Managers should listen to employee feedback.
15. To improve communication, we should use email for updates.


7 FILLER Adjective as a noun. 2-5 MIN

1.) Teacher: A house that has three

Student: A three-bedroom house.
2.) T: A car with 3 doors.
S: A three-door car.

3.) T: A report of 20 pages.

S: A twenty-page report.

4.) T: A delay of 14 minutes.

S: A fourteen-minute delay.

5.) T: A pause of 23 seconds.

S: A Twenty three-second pause.

6.) T: A course that lasts 6 weeks.

S: A six-week course.

7.) T: A contract that lasts 2 years.

S: A two-year contract.

8.) T: A break that lasts 10 minutes.

S: A ten-minute break.

9.) T: A building with 12 stories.

S: A twelve-story building.

10.) T: A car with 5 doors.

S: A five-door car.

11.) T: A boy who is 6 years old.

S: A six-year old boy.

12.) T: A train journey that lasts 4 hours.

S: A four-hour train journey.

13.) T: A meeting that lasts 3 hours.

S: A three-hour meeting.

14.) T: A house that has 5 bedrooms.

S: A five-bedroom house.

15.) T. A book that has 200 pages.

S: A two hundred-page book.

8 MGP List 3. Much vs. Many 6-8 MIN

“Much” is used in interrogative and negative for singular or uncountable


“Many” is used in interrogative and negative for plural or countable nouns.


There aren't many potatoes.

There isn't much sugar.

Routine: I say a place and a thing, i.e Spain - camels

There aren't many camels in Spain

1Spain – oil. There isn't much oil in Spain.

2Desert – water. There isn't much water in the desert.

3North Pole – people. There aren't many people in the north pole.

4Denmark – sunlight. There isn't much sunlight in Denmark.

5Germany – flamenco dancers. There aren't many flamenco dancers in


6This classroom – students. There aren't many students in this classroom.

7Morocco – industry. There isn't much industry in Morocco.

8Morocco – cows. There aren't many cows in Morocco.

9China – red wine. There isn't much red wine in China.

10Fridge – food. There isn't much food in the fridge.

11Rajoy – free time. Rajoy doesn't have much free time.

12my wallet - money. You don't have much money.

13This classroom – books. There aren't many books in this classroom.

14England – elephants. There aren't many elephants in England

15my mobile phone – messages. There aren't many messages on my

mobile phone.

16this company – french teachers. There aren't many french teachers in this

18bottle – water. There isn't much water in the bottle.

19Japan – olive oil. There isn't much olive oil in Japan.

20Scotland – sand. There isn't much sand in Scotland.

9 ACTIVITY Certainly! Here is a list of questions using the phrasal 3 MIN

verb "to go away" suitable for ESL learners at an A2

1. Where do you like to go away for vacation?

2. Have you ever gone away on a solo trip?
3. When was the last time you went away for the
4. Do you prefer to go away to the mountains or the
5. What things do you need to pack when you go
away on a trip?
6. Have you ever gone away for a business
7. How far would you be willing to go away for a
job opportunity?
8. Do you like to go away during the holidays?
9. Have you ever gone away on a family reunion?
10. What do you do to relax when you need to go
away from your daily routine?
11. Are there any places you'd like to go away to
that you haven't visited yet?
12. How do you feel when it's time to go away from
your hometown for a while?
13. Do you prefer to go away by plane or by car?
14. What's the longest you've ever gone away from
15. Have you ever had to go away on short notice?

ertainly! Here are 15 sentences using "should":

➢ You should always double-check your work for errors before

submitting it.
➢ We should consider the feedback from our customers to improve
our products.
➢ If you want to stay healthy, you should eat a balanced diet and
exercise regularly.
➢ Employees should report any workplace safety concerns to their
➢ When planning a trip, you should book your accommodations in
➢ To succeed in your career, you should continuously update your
➢ If you're feeling unwell, you should see a doctor for a check-up.
➢ We should organize a meeting to discuss the project's progress.

➢ Students should study diligently to achieve good grades.

➢ To reduce your carbon footprint, you should use public

transportation or carpool.
➢ Managers should provide clear instructions to their teams.

➢ If you're unsure about something, you should ask for clarification.

➢ Companies should invest in employee training for better

➢ Before making a major decision, you should weigh the pros and
➢ To maintain a clean environment, everyone should dispose of
trash properly.

Why you want to learn English.

Your best holiday.

Your favourite movie.
Your favourite place/city in Spain.
Why dogs are better than cats.
Life without mobile phones.

12 H.P. DRILL Mastering the interrogative 5-8 MIN

 It rains here about twice a week. How often does it rain here?
 He loses his voice at least twice a year. How often does he lose
his voice?
 He works with Mr. Smith. Who does he work with?
 He’s from Toledo, Ohio. Where’s he from?
 He comes to work by car. How does he come to work?
 He listens to the classical music station. What radio station does
he listen to?
 They pay me 10 dollars a month. How much do they pay you?
 He pays me once a month. How often does he pay you?
 He’s tall, dark, and handsome. What does he look like?
 He’s pleasant, intelligent, and hard-working. What is he like?
 He shouts when he gets angry. What does he do when he gets
 She visits her sister when she finishes work. What does she do
when she finishes work?

1. Spanish: Debería analizar esta propuesta. English: You should

analyze this proposal.
2. Spanish: Deberíamos considerar nuevas estrategias de marketing.
English: We should consider new marketing strategies.
3. Spanish: Deberían invertir en tecnología de vanguardia. English:
They should invest in cutting-edge technology.
4. Spanish: El deber de confidencialidad es fundamental en los
negocios. English: The duty of confidentiality is crucial in
5. Spanish: Cumplir con los plazos de entrega es una obligación.
English: Meeting delivery deadlines is an obligation.
6. Spanish: Deberá presentar un informe detallado la próxima
semana. English: You should present a detailed report next week.
7. Spanish: Deberíamos mejorar nuestras relaciones con los
clientes. English: We should improve our customer relationships.
8. Spanish: Los empleados deben seguir las políticas de la empresa.
English: Employees should follow company policies.
13 BASICS 9. Spanish: Deberían tomar medidas para reducir los costos 2 MIN
operativos. English: They should take measures to reduce
operational costs.
10. Spanish: Tener un plan de negocios sólido es esencial. English:
Having a solid business plan is essential.
11. Spanish: Debería ser proactivo en la resolución de problemas.
English: You should be proactive in problem-solving.
12. Spanish: Deberíamos hacer un seguimiento de las métricas clave.
English: We should track key metrics.
13. Spanish: Los líderes empresariales deben inspirar a sus equipos.
English: Business leaders should inspire their teams.
14. Spanish: Deberían evaluar las oportunidades de expansión.
English: They should assess expansion opportunities.
15. Spanish: Cumplir con los estándares de calidad es una prioridad.
English: Meeting quality standards is a priority.

14 H.P. DRILL Questions with do and make: 6-8 MIN

1.) Teacher: Do you make phone calls every

Student: Yes, I make phone calls every
2.) T: Do you do the dishes after eating?
S: Yes I do the dishes after eating.
3.) Do you like doing your homework?
4.) Is it easy to do exercise?
5.) Do you often make mistakes?
6.) Did you make a lot friends at
7.) Are the police making any progress with
their investigation?
8.) Have you ever made a prediction about
the weather?
9.) Did you make a presentation last week?
10.) Am I making a sandwich?
11.) Do you make your children do their
12.) How many cups of coffee do you make
every day?
13.) Does your company do a lot business
with smaller firms?
14.) If I asked you to do an assignment
would you do it?
15.) Do you make faces at people on public
16.) Have you made a complaint at a hotel or
17.) Do you like to do nothing on the
18.) Does it take you a long time to make up
your mind?
19.) Do you try to do your best at school and
20.) Does cutting onions make your eyes


 DRILL (15-20 Q’s): Introduce the verb “to start”, make sure you
include the following expressions:
 To start a car
 To start the engine
 To start a family
 To start a business
 To start a company
***FYI – In the unit it is also mentioned that we say “family
cars”, “family affairs”, “family reunions”, and “family

1.) Teacher: Are you going to start a business this

Student: No, I’m not going to start a business this
2.) Did you start your car this morning?
3.) Will you start a family in the future?
4.) Have you ever started your own business?
5.) Is it easy to start a family business?
6.) Is it difficult starting your own business?
7.) How many times did you start your car today?
8.) What time does this class start?
9.) How old were you when you started your
10.) Did you start a fight with your neighbor last week?
11.) Does starting a business require a lot of money?
12.) Has your car ever not started in the morning?
13.) Are you excited to start this course?
14.) Did you start running last week?
15.) Do you start your homework on Tuesdays?
16.) Are we starting a new grammar point?
17.) Have you started your Christmas shopping?
18.) Which company do you wish you had started?
19.) Did Frank Sinatra sing ¨start spreading the news¨?
20.) Has it started raining?
6-8 MIN (1 hr
16 HP Regular verbs
28 min mark)


If I like my job
If I’m making plans for the summer
If I know anything about Spanish politics
If I prefer sweet or savory food
If I prefer tea or coffee
If I’ve ever met any celebrities
If I’ve ever broken a bone
If I think the Welsh national anthem is the best national anthem in the
17 H.P. DRILL 5-8 MIN
If I think I’ll live in Spain forever
Which country I’ll move to next
If my best friend lives in Madrid
If my favourite thing to spend money on is travelling
If I prefer hot or cold weather
If I prefer Facebook or twitter- twitter
If I like or dislike Chinese food
What my phobias are- spiders, being stuck under something huge
(parachute game) deep water (titanic scene when the ship goes under them
as they float!!)

 DRILL (15-20 Q’s): Here practice using both start and

stop in a sentence, and also practice saying “stop +
gerund”, e.g. “stop shouting”.

1.) Teacher: Should you stop talking and

start listening more?
Student: Yes, I should stop talking and
start listening more.
2.) T: Do you want me to stop teaching?
S: No, I don’t want you to stop teaching.
3.) Do you often stop to take a break at
4.) What time does this class start?
5.) And when will it stop?
6.) Do people that stop and start projects
annoy you?
7.) Does it often start raining and never
8.) Should you stop eating when you start
9.) Did you stop smoking and start running?
10.) Will you stop running if it starts raining?
11.) Do you want to stop having fun?
12.) When will you stop working?
13.) Did you stop smiling and start laughing?
14.) Would you stop learning English and
start learning French?
15.) Will I ever stop making mistakes in my
new language?
16.) Should I stop correcting you?
17.) Do I ever stop asking you questions?
18.) Will you start watching TV in English?
19.) Should I start getting healthier and stop
eating chocolate?
20.) Should you stop driving to work and
start walking?


CORRECT: Stop doing that.

INCORRECT: Stop to do that.

 DRILL (10 Q’s): Now practice the imperative with “stop”.

15.) Teacher: (start tapping your pen on the

table) What am I doing?
Student: You’re tapping your pen on the
T: Tell me to stop.
S: Stop tapping your pen on the table.
T: Ask me politely.
19 BASICS S: Please stop tapping your pen on the 2 MIN
16.) Start clapping your hands
17.) Start stomping the floor
18.) Start blinking
19.) Start yelling
20.) Start yawning
21.) Start folding a piece of paper
22.) Start drawing (a circle, square, triangle
etc) on the white board
23.) Start scratching your head
24.) Start staring at someone

20 MGP 6-8 MIN

21 FILLER To be out of (quedarse sin) (to not have any left) 2-5 MIN
AH if he’s out of coffee
AH if he’s always out of milk
AH if he feels out of good ideas at the moment
AH if he’s usually out of patience
AH if his phone is always out of battery when he needs it
AH if his friends are always out of credit
AH if he was always out of money at university
AH if he’s out of washing up liquid
AH if he’s out of clean clothes for this week
AH if he’s usually out of everything when he wants to cook something
AH if he’s ever been out of money on holiday
AH if he was out of toothpaste last week
AH if his office is always out of supplies
AH if his car has ever been out of fuel
AH if he’s ever been to a restaurant and it was out of what he wanted
AH if the supermarket is usually out of what he needs
AH what he does if he’s out of laundry detergent
AH if boss is usually out of good suggestions
AH if his boss is always out of time when he wants to speak to him

PRESENT CONTINUOUS (more review...)

 DRILL (15-20 Q’s) : Now elicit questions and sentences

with the present continuous specifically when we use it to
talk about the future.

1.) Teacher: Are you flying to Germany

next week?
Student: No, I’m not flying to Germany
next week.
2.) T: Ask me if I’m driving to Valencia
S: Are you driving to Valencia
3.) Are you seeing your parents next
4.) Ask me if I am getting married next
5.) Is s/he playing tennis this afternoon?
6.) Are you travelling overseas next year?
7.) Ask me if I am flying to Portugal tonight
8.) Ask me if I am working this weekend
9.) Are you going out with your friends on
the weekend?
10.) Ask me if I am staying at home tonight
11.) Is David going to the cinema tomorrow?
12.) Are you having lunch with friends this
13.) Ask me if I am playing poker next week
14.) Is she playing football or reading a
15.) Ask me if Brad is coming to the party
16.) Are you travelling overseas for work
next week?
17.) Ask me if I am meeting my friends after
18.) Are you doing anything exciting on
19.) Ask me if my plane is arriving at 7am or
20.) Are you leaving work at 8pm next



 DRILL (20 Q’s): Here you are introducing the first modal
verb that your students learn, “should”. The unit explains to
your students that “should” is never followed by “to” but is
always followed by the verb in infinitive, e.g. “should go”.
Elicit sentences and questions.

Also, practice “to think” with “should”, e.g. “Do you think I
should go?”

FIRST half of the drill…

1.) Teacher: Should you do your homework

every week?
Student: Yes, I should do my homework
every week.
2.) Should you try and get more exercise?
3.) Should I stop correcting you?
4.) Do you think I should buy a lottery
5.) Should smoking be made illegal?
6.) Should I become a priest?
7.) Should I learn how to play the guitar?
8.) Should people try and be more
9.) Do you think we should all ride bikes?
10.) Does s/he think I should give you less

SECOND half of the drill…

1.) T: Ask me if I think you should study

S: Do you think I should study more.
2.) Ask me if I think I should become a
3.) Do you think you should learn
4.) Does your mother think you should eat
more vegetables?
5.) Ask me if I think you should invest your
money in something?
6.) Ask me if I think you should go to the
7.) Ask me if my mum thinks I should move
back home?
8.) Ask me when I think you should do your
9.) Ask me if I think you should get a pay
10.) Ask me if I think we should finish this


25 ACTIVITY Audio conversation 6 3 MIN


Frying Pan Alley
Ha-Ha Road
Inner Ting Tong


Something needs doing.

I’ll give you a noun and an action and you will build the sentene as follows

The car needs painting

Guest room-paint
28 REVIEW Car-cleam 5-6 MIN
My computer-fix
This machine-plug in
Back wheel of your bike-oil

We can do questions, past, participle

REVIEW chest
arms (left, right)
legs (left, right)
feet foot (left, right)
neck knees (left, right)
elbows (left, right)
shoulder (left, right)

5 sentences about things you are used to

A 1-DAY DIARY…give as much detail as possible. Make it interesting- it
can be fictional
Read and understand the expressions in unit 30
So big that

1. The book is very big. I can’t put it into my pocket

The book is so big that you can’t put it into your pocket

2. The pen is very hard. I can’t bite it

3. The train was very slow. It took 20 hours to go from Shanghai to
4. The apple looked delicious. I couldn’t help eating it there and
5. The road is very narrow. It is difficult for 2 cars to pass at the
31 FILLER same time 2-5 MIN
6. That restaurant has incredible food; it’s hard to decide what to
7. Silvia is helpless. She can´t do anything for herself.
8. Her accent is very strong. Nobody understands a word she says
9. The band was very well known. They were harassed everywhere
they went
10. The music was deafening. We couldn´t hear ourselves think.
11. The girl was incredibly stunning. I couldn´t stop staring at her.
12. The dog was very loyal. He never left his owners side.
13. The plan was too unfeasible. It wasn´t worth thinking about.
The plan was too daring. Even the bravest of them backed out.
1. Juan -Favourite restaurant in Madrid
2. Franc- favourite car
3. Jaime- Dream holiday
4. Laura- Favourite clothing store
5. Maria- have you ever been arrested
6. Juan- have you ever had to separate a fight
7. Franc- would you visit space if you had the chance
8. Jaime- if he wears sunglasses indoors
9. Laura- if she has any major phobias
10. Maria- if she has any interest in learning German
11. Juan- if he has any regrets
12. Franc- if he would do anything differently if he had the chance to
change his past
13. Jaime- if he thinks there is a city where he would feel more ‘at
home’ than Madrid
14. Laura- if she thinks she will ever live in the UK
15. Maria- if she has ever had surgery
16. Everyone- do you have any special talents


12. I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours instead?

13. Is it hot in here or is it just you?
You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day

Are you religious? Because you're the answer to all my prayers

4. Nice dress, it’d look good on my bedroom floor

Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material.

UNITS 25-28
First, have one student ask another (or you) the following
questions: Ask Paco how long it takes him to: wake up?
get ready for work?
prepare coffee?
fall asleep at night?
write a memo?
access the internet?
wash your hair?
get to work?
go home after work?
1 H.P. DRILL 6-8 MIN
Ask Paco how long it takes to: fly to Paris? drive to Bilbao? learn
a language? lose 10 kilos? cook paella? peel an orange? pay for a
house? build a house? walk a kilometer?
Ask Paco how long it took him to: learn his job? come here
today? learn Spanish? get his degree? find his first job? go home
yesterday? get dressed today? learn to read? furnish his house?
Ask Paco how long it will take him to: go home today? learn
English? pay for his house? become rich? answer this question?
reach retirement age? reach the top job here? learn the irregular
verbs? come to work tomorrow?
1. 1867
2. 1993
3. 2019
4. 1974
2 BASICS 5. 1256 2 MIN
6. 1644
7. 1311
8. 1584
9. 1876
10. 2001
3 VOCAB 1. El nivel de vida en mi país es muy alto. 5 MIN
2. Debido a circunstancias imprevistas, nos vemos obligados a cancelar el
3. Te daré un toque mañana por la mañana.
4. Si asistes bien a clase, a la larga aprenderás mucho.
5. Voy a la clínica un día sí y otro no.
6. Me voy de esta empresa para siempre.
7. Utiliza las cifras preliminares por ahora.
8. El siempre está de mal humor los lunes.
9. Siempre está de buen humor los viernes.
10. Además de estos problemas, hay otros también
1. The standard of living in my country is very high.
2. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are forced to call off the show.
3. I’ll give you ring tomorrow morning.
4. If you attend class well, eventually you’ll learn a lot.
5. I go to the clinic every other day.
6. I’m leaving this company for good.
7. Use the preliminary figures for the time being.
8. He’s always in a bad mood on Mondays.
9. He’s always in a good mood on Fridays.
10. In addition to these problems, there are others too
To make up (1) To recuperate (an exam, a class, etc.)
To make up (2) To invent (a story, an excuse, etc.)
To make up (3) To reconcile
To make up for To compensate for (lost time, etc.)
Made up of Composed of
To make out (1) To decipher or discern (something illegible or someone far
To make out (2) To write out (a check, a receipt, etc.)

Ask the following questions:  Ask me if I make up all the classes I miss.
 If you miss a working day, do you make it up?
 When you were in school, could you make up exams you missed?
4 MGP  Have you ever made up an excuse? 6-8 MIN
 Do you usually tell the truth or make up a story?
 Should people try to make up after a strong argument?
 How many members is the executive committee made up of?
 How many members is a duo made up of? a trio? a quartet?  If you miss
a day, do you work harder to make up for it?
 If you hurt someone, do you look for ways to make up for it?
 Can you make out who someone is from 300 meters away?  Can you
make out what doctors write in their prescriptions?  Can you make out
what a sign says from 300 meters away?  Have you ever made out a check
in dollars?
 How often do you make out checks?
7 FILLER Spanish people constantly mispronounce words like “socialism”, 2-5 MIN
terminating the word is if there were no vowel sound at all between the “s”
and the “m”. Tell your students that there is an “a” sound between the two
consonants. Then have them repeat after you the following words (and
more if I’ve left out some). Accentuate to your students the phonetic sound







































➢ DRILL (10-15 Q’s): Practice using “fewer and fewer” or “less

and less” with nouns.

1. Are there fewer and fewer family owned

businesses in big cities?
2. Is there less and less interest in politics?
3. Are there fewer and fewer refugees arriving from
4. Is there less and less pollution in Madrid these
5. Are there fewer and fewer families having
children in Spain?
6. Is there less and less traffic in Madrid every
7. Are fewer and fewer people smoking these days?
8. Is it becoming less and less important to go to
9. Are fewer and fewer people studying English?
10. Is it less and less common to get married young?
11. Are fewer and fewer people dying of cancer?
12. Is it less and less typical to give a child the same
name as its father?





 DRILL (15-20 Q’s): Practice the expression “to call the shots”…
also practice “around here”…

1. T: Mary is the one who makes the final
decision around here.
12 H.P. DRILL 5-8 MIN
S: Mary is the one that calls the shots
around here.
2. T: My boss should make the final
decision, but he’s too busy.
S: My boss should call the shots, but he’s
too busy.

13 BASICS Practice the passive voice 2 MIN

14 H.P. DRILL Sooner or later (means eventually) I am going to ive a sentence andI 6-8 MIN
want you to rephrase it unis sooner or later
1. Eventually she’ll realise that you were right all along
2. Eventually I’ll move back to the UK
3. Eventually her company will transfer her back to New York
4. Eventually you’ll speak exceptionally good English
5. Eventually I’ll speak perfect Spanish
6. Eventually you’ll get a promotion
7. Eventually Vaughan will have offices in many other countries
8. Eventually she’ll save up enough money to buy a house near the
9. Eventually his mother will stop nagging him to get married and
have children
10. Eventually our boss will realise that we are fantastic employees
11. Eventually everyone will be studying Chinese instead of English
12. Eventually Madrid will get so hot that I’ll have to
13. go back to the UK for the summer

Rephrase the sentences using not and any


16 HP Else 6-8 MIN (1 hr

28 min mark)
Teacher: You must see another person.

Student: You must see someone else.

1. Do you have any other thing to say?

2. May I stay at some other place?
3. I have some other thing to show you.
4. There’s no other thing to say.
5. Ask some other person to lend it to you.
6. All the other people have a green ticket.
7. Haven’t I seen you in some other place?
8. No, you haven’t seen me in any other
9. No other person had a dog like mine.
10. Has he some other thing to tell us?
11. All the other people have gone.
12. ‘No other person.’
13. Have you decided on any other thing
14. I think this is some other person’s hat.
15. If you can’t find my umbrella, any other
person’s will do.
16. What other thing is there to talk about?
17. No other person’s room has been paid
18. She is dancing with some other person’s
19. I’m afraid she’s gone out with some
other person.
20. Hurry up! All the other people’s glasses
are empty.
21. I’m afraid you must put on some other
thing if you want to eat here.
22. You must have mistaken me for some
other person.
I’ve never lived in any other place but here.
If I like my job
If I’m making plans for the summer
If I know anything about Spanish politics
If I prefer sweet or savoury food
If I prefer tea or coffee
If I’ve ever met any celebrities
If I’ve ever broken a bone
If I think the Welsh national anthem is the best national anthem in the
17 H.P. DRILL 5-8 MIN
If I think I’ll live in Spain forever
Which country I’ll move to next
If my best friend lives in Madrid
If my favourite thing to spend money on is travelling
If I prefer hot or cold weather
If I prefer Facebook or twitter- twitter
If I like or dislike Chinese food
What my phobias are- spiders, being stuck under something huge
(parachute game) deep water (titanic scene when the ship goes under them
as they float!!)
‘to abide by’ (respect or obey – the law, a rule, a decision) In past can be

AH if he always abides by the law Ah if he always abided by his school

AH if he’s ever been in trouble for not abiding by the law
AH if staff who do not abide by your company’s rules are fired
AH if he always abides by your company’s policies
AH if he would abide by what the court says if he were ever on trial
AH if he knows anyone who has been fired because they didn’t abide by
the rules
AH if there are a lot of people who have to abide by his decisions at work
AH if he always abided by his parents rules when he was younger
AH if he takes part in competitions does he do his best to abide by the rules
AH if he has difficulty abiding by authority
AH if he usually doesn’t abide by traffic regulations
AH if he’s ever promised to abide by the rules but then he’s ignored them
AH what happened if he didn’t abide the rules when he was a kid
AH what he does if he doesn’t want to abide by something but he knows he
AH what he does if he knows that someone isn’t abiding by the rules
AH if he thinks the Spanish government abides by the convention for
human rights
19 BASICS Aj$#29Kp 2 MIN

➢ DRILL (15-20 Q’s): There’s a pretty good explanation in the book

as to how we use “no need” in the following three ways…

a. “There’s no need for” + noun (ex.

“There’s no need for tears!”)
b. “There’s no need” + infinitive (ex.
“There’s no need to complain!”)
c. “There’s no need for me” +
infinitive (ex. “There’s not need
for you to cry about this”)

1. T: You don’t have to cancel the meeting again!

20 MGP S: There’s no need to cancel the meeting again! 6-8 MIN
You don’t have to wait for me
You don’t have to be upset about it
You shouldn’t worry about it
You don’t have to cry!
You don’t have to eat that if you don’t want to
You don’t need to come here next week
You shouldn’t be so negative about everything
You shouldn’t worry about what other people think
You don’t need to drink to enjoy yourself
You don’t need to pay for this, I will
You don’t need to print your boarding pass now, you can get
it on your phone
You don’t need to get me anything for my birthday
You don’t need to arrive early tomorrow

To fall out (pelearse) p172

1. How often do you fall out with your best friend?

2. Are you going to avoid falling out with anyone?
3. Who was the last person you fell out with?
4. Have you ever risked falling out with your boss?
21 FILLER 5. Will we fall out if you don't do your homework? 2-5 MIN
6. Would you fall out with your parents if they didn't like your
7. Would you have fallen out with your best friend if they had
stabbed you in the back?
8. How long does it take you to make up a serious fall-out?

➢ DRILL (15-20 Q’s): Practice the irregular verbs “to pay”, “to
seek” and “to sleep”.

Did you sleep until midday yesterday?

Have you slept a lot lately?
Did you pay for anything today?
22 ACTIVITY Have you paid your bills this month? 4-6 MIN
Did you seek attention yesterday?
Have you been seeking new friends recently?
Did you sleep all day today?
Did you pay for your lunch today?
Did you seek forgiveness for your last mistake?
Do you seek wisdom?
Did you pay for a new car today?
Did you sleep on the street last week?
Did you sleep in a cot when you were a baby?
Did you pay a fortune for your house?
23 FILLER Ums, ahs and ehs 2-5 MIN
Plaza Mayor



Pepper (pimiento)



➢ DRILL (15-20 Q’s): Practice “to be used to”. This should be a

review for them, but just in case, remind them that “to be used to”
is always followed by the gerund, for example, “She’s used to
eating healthy every day”.

1. Nigel is accustomed to living well.

2. Ronny is accustomed to asking his father for money.
3. It’s taking me a while to become accustomed to the Spanish lifestyle.
4. Don’t worry. You’ll get accustomed to it.
5. Are you accustomed to working hard in class.
6. I’m accustomed to my students being motivated and intelligent.
7. You’ll understand me better once you are accustomed to my accent.
8. It takes a while to become accustomed to a new job.
9. It took me a long time to become accustomed to drinking tea, even
though I’m British.
10. The taste of alcohol is something which you become accustomed to
with age.
11. Have you ever had to become accustomed to the strange habits of
your colleagues?
12. It’s going to take some time to get accustomed to the public transport
24 MGP network here. 6-8 MIN
13. I’m accustomed to getting up at the crack of dawn.
14. My sister is accustomed to working long hours at her job.
15. Are you accustomed to being waited on hand and foot?
Forming Questions

Eg. To get up early – present = Are you used to getting up early?

2. drink coffee + Present (Are you used to…)

3. drive to work + present
4. read books + present
5. keep up to date with the news + present
6. stay in the library all night + past (Did you get used to…)
7. write essays the night before the deadline + past
8. be driven to work + future (Will you get used to..)
9. play the guitar + present
10. email your friends + present
11. explain your job + present
12. arrive early for work + present
13. my classes + future
14. wear glasses for reading + present
15. find a parking space easily + past
16. work at CSN + present




CORRECT: Let me pay for the coffees

INCORRECT: Let me pay the coffees

➢ The mistake to focus on here is that students always forget to say

“for” after “pay”. Get them used to saying it “to pay for

1. AH if she’s ever paid for a car with cash

2. AH if she usually pays for things using a
4. AH if she paid for new shoes last week
6. AH if she will pay for a German course
next month

AH if it’s more common to pay for things by cash or

card these days

AH if she’s ever paid for something by mistake

AH if it’s easy to pay for things online

AH if she pays for things every day

AH if she would like to be able to pay for things with
monopoly money

AH if she’s ever tried to pay for something with the

wrong currency

AH if she prefers to pay for her shopping using a

card or cash

AH if men should pay for everything on a date

AH if you have to pay for healthcare here in Spain

AH if it’s difficult to pay for an education

AH if it’s worth paying for English classes

AH if she’s ever forgotten to pay for something

AH if you can play for things using favours

AH if it’s a good idea to pay for small things with a

credit card

AH if she knows anyone who refuses to pay for

things with a credit card

28 REVIEW Something needs doing. 5-6 MIN

I’ll give you a noun and an action and you will build the sentene as follows

The car needs painting

Guest room-paint
My computer-fix
This machine-plug in
Back wheel of your bike-oil

We can do questions, past, participle


➢ DRILL (10-12Q’s): This point is a little hard to explain since in

Spanish because only one verb is used to express what “to wait
for”, “to expect” and “to hope” express. This is the explanation
that you’ll find in the teacher manual:
● Hope = to wish or desire that
something will occur
● Wait for = to be idle in
expectation of something that
will occur or that should have
● Expect = to foresee something
or be certain that it will occur

For now, let’s simply focus on “to wait for” and “to expect”…

SPONTAENOUS 1. Do you have to wait a long time for the

29 bus to arrive every morning? 4-5 MIN
2. Are you expecting to get a pay rise soon?
3. Are you expecting a baby?
4. Do you like waiting for the metro?
5. Do you expect to be rich in the future?
6. Are you waiting for a job opportunity?
7. Ask me if I’m waiting for the summer
8. Does your son/daughter expect you to buy
them presents?
9. Do you have to wait for your plane in the
10. Did you expect that you would study
English in the future?
11. Do you expect that you will need English
in the future?
12. Are you waiting for your holidays?
13. Is your best friend expecting a pay rise?
14. Are you waiting for something big to
happen in your life?

5 sentences about things you are used to

A 1-DAY DIARY…give as much detail as possible. Make it interesting- it
can be fictional
Read and understand the expressions in unit 30
31 FILLER So big that 2-5 MIN

14. The book is very big. I can’t put it into my pocket

The book is so big that you can’t put it into your pocket

15. The pen is very hard. I can’t bite it

16. The train was very slow. It took 20 hours to go from Shanghai to
17. The apple looked delicious. I couldn’t help eating it there and
18. The road is very narrow. It is difficult for 2 cars to pass at the
same time
19. That restaurant has incredible food; it’s hard to decide what to
20. Silvia is helpless. She can´t do anything for herself.
21. Her accent is very strong. Nobody understands a word she says
22. The band was very well known. They were harassed everywhere
they went
23. The music was deafening. We couldn´t hear ourselves think.
24. The girl was incredibly stunning. I couldn´t stop staring at her.
25. The dog was very loyal. He never left his owners side.
26. The plan was too unfeasible. It wasn´t worth thinking about.
The plan was too daring. Even the bravest of them backed out.
17. Juan -Favourite restaurant in Madrid
18. Franc- favourite car
19. Jaime- Dream holiday
20. Laura- Favourite clothing store
21. Maria- have you ever been arrested
22. Juan- have you ever had to separate a fight
23. Franc- would you visit space if you had the chance
24. Jaime- if he wears sunglasses indoors
32 H.P. DRILL 25. Laura- if she has any major phobias 6-8 MIN
26. Maria- if she has any interest in learning German
27. Juan- if he has any regrets
28. Franc- if he would do anything differently if he had the chance to
change his past
29. Jaime- if he thinks there is a city where he would feel more ‘at
home’ than Madrid
30. Laura- if she thinks she will ever live in the UK
31. Maria- if she has ever had surgery
32. Everyone- do you have any special talents






3 VOCAB Whoever, however, whenever, wherever, whatever: 5 MIN

Convert the following:

1) The person that has taken my lunch must pay for it. Whoever has
taken my lunch must pay.
2) The car must be moved in some manner possible. The car must
be moved however possible.
3) I’ll be here at the hour that you want to come and collect it.
4) I’ll bring the bag to the place of your choosing. Wherever
5) I’m happy to do the thing that you want to do. Whatever
6) The person that you hire will be fine.
7) Do it in the manner that you want to do it.
8) We can perform the surgery at any time.
9) We can perform the surgery in any place you choose.
10) We can have the food you desire to eat tonight.
11) The person that saved the kittens from the fire deserves a medal.
12) The manner in which it was done should be investigated.
13) The time it happened isn’t important.
14) The place it happened isn’t important either.
15) The thing that happened is the important thing.
16) The person that is responsible will be held to account.
17) The manner in which we catch him is of the utmost importance.
18) The time we do that determines the outcome.
19) No matter the place we do it, we must do it quietly.
20) No matter the thing we do, it must be discreet.

4 MGP Go back to picture 41 (and point 11.18 if you wish). 6-8 MIN

Here we want to review direct and indirect objects when they are together
in their pronoun form. Example: He’s giving it to her, she’s showing them
to him, etc.

The following provides a running start for you. You should be able to
handle the other scenes in Picture 41 without help, unless you want to go
back to point 11.18.

Denise & Michael:

Teacher: What is Denise doing?
Student: She is giving Michael a book.
Teacher: Is she giving it to him with her right hand or with her left hand?
Student: She is giving it to him with her right hand.
Teacher: Is she giving it to him in the living room or in the dining room?
Student: She’s giving it to him in the living room.
Teacher: Is Michael taking it from her with his right hand or left hand?
Student: He taking it from her with his left hand.

Nigel & Natasha:

Teacher: What is Nigel doing?
Student: He’s showing Natasha a telephone.
Teacher: What kind of telephone is he showing her?
Student: He’s showing her a mobile telephone (or cell phone).
Teacher: Is he showing it to her with his right or left hand?
Student: He’s showing it to her with his left hand?
Teacher: Is he showing to her in his office or in his house?
Student: He’s showing it to her in his office.

Ines & the shop assistant:

Phillip & Nancy:

Li Tong & the coworker:

Pierre & his wife:

Tell your students that they can use “yesterday”, “last week”, “last month”,

By the way, during this routine, you will probably need to remind your
students that in English, we say “sell to – buy from” and “give to – take
from”. In Spanish, they say “buy to” and “take to”
 When did Michael and Denise show the book to their mother?
 When did the woman hand the documents to Nigel?
 When did the workers deliver the merchandise to the inspector?
 When did your uncle sell his car to the Smith family?
 When did Natasha receive the ticket from her cousin?
 When did the parents take the toy from their daughter?
 When did you buy the computers from the dealer?
 When did the postman give the letters to the woman?


UNIT 28 – Practice the pronunciation of the “j” and “g” when
they sound more similar to “-ch” in words such as “project” or

Where do criminals go?

Are you good at telling jokes?

Do you like jelly?

Do you go to the gym much?

7 FILLER Who is the manager of Real Madrid? 2-5 MIN

What is John Lennon’s most famous song called?

Do you have a good imagination?

What is my name?

Where were the Nazis from?

Where was Bob Marley from?

What is your name in English? Juan and Jaime

8 MGP To take up To occupy (space), to absorb (time) 6-8 MIN

To take off To ascend (a plane), to remove clothing
To take out To extract, to remove, to invite out
To take over To assume control of, to replace (someone)
(for) To look after, to handle (a matter)
To take care of To resemble in behavior
To take after To return (something to someone or someplace)
To take back To dismount something from where it’s hanging
To take down To disassemble
To take apart To assume (responsibility)
To take on
Routine one:

Teacher: Does he always take up a lot of your time?

Student: Yes, he always takes up a lot of my time. (no pronoun here)

Where necessary, the student must insert the pronoun in the right place.

Do they always take on extra tasks?

Does she always take back the books?
Does he always take care of the big problems?
Does she always take care of her neighbor’s kids?
Do they always take down the paintings when they leave on holiday?
Does the boy always take after his father?
Do you always take over for Phillip when he’s away?
Does the plane always take off at full power?
Does he always take his wife out to dinner on Saturdays?
Does the boy always take apart his toy cars?

Routine 2:
Teacher: I can’t take care of that matter now.
Student: Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it for you.

I can’t take off these tight boots.

I can’t take apart this complicated piece of machinery.
I can’t take over Phillip’s job while he’s away next week.
I can’t take my beautiful girlfriend out to the cinema tonight.
I can’t take down those picture today.
I can’t take these books back to the library today.


Think of / Think about

➢ Do you think about money often?

➢ How often do you think about Rafa Nadal?

➢ Is it easy for you to think about mathematics?

➢ Can you think about two things at once?

➢ Where are you thinking of going for the summer?

➢ Have you ever thought about shaving your head? (like me!)

➢ Would you think about robbing a bank?

10 FILLER ➢ Can you think of a way to solve the crisis? 3 MIN

➢ How often do you think about death?

➢ Do you ever think of good ideas?

➢ Do you think about poverty a lot?

➢ Did you think about me while you did your homework?

➢ Is it correct to think of your neighbors sexually?

➢ If you’re thinking about suicide, what should you do?

➢ DO you often think about resigning from your job?


1. I haven’t watched it.

2. I didn’t watch it.
3. I won’t watch it.
4. I won’t have watched it.
5. I can’t watch it.
6. I shouldn’t watch it.
7. I couldn’t watch it.
8. I wasn’t there to watch it.
9. I don’t watch it.
10. I’m not going to watch it.
11. I wouldn’t watch it.
12. I’m not watching it.
13. I didn’t know how to watch it.
12 H.P. DRILL 5-8 MIN
14. I haven’t read it.
15. I didn’t read it.
16. I won’t read it.
17. I won’t have read it.
18. I can’t read it.
19. I shouldn’t read it.
20. I couldn’t read it.
21. I wasn’t there to read it.
22. I don’t read it.
23. I’m not going to read it.
24. I wouldn’t read it.
25. I’m not reading it.
26. I didn’t know how to read it.
14 H.P. DRILL Nine-to-five 6-8 MIN
1. Do you work in a nine-to-five job?
2. Do you prefer the nine-to-five work life?
3. Are nine-to-five jobs typically office jobs?
4. Did you always want to work in a nine-to-five?
5. Is your life easier now that you work in a nine-to-five?
6. Do you know a lot of people who work in a nine-to-five?
7. Do most people in spain work in nine-to-fives?
8. Do you ever get tired of working in a nine-to-five?
9. Are people more productive when they work the nine-to-five schedule?
10. Would you prefer to work a night job or a nine-to-five job?
11. Ask me if teachers normally work nine-to-fives.
12. Ask me what types of teachers work nine-to-fives.
13. Ask me if it's rare for language teachers to work nine-to-fives.
14. Ask me if language teachers work in the evening to teach nine-to-
15. Ask me if evening classes are popular because of nine-to-fivers.

PRESENTATIONS-Preparing a presentation Master

the Interrogative 1. Presenting is a
necessary skill in any job. What is a necessary skill in any job?
2. Presentation skills can help you in other real-life situations. What (kind
of) skills can help me in other real-life
3. You should organize your ideas before preparing a presentation. What
should I do before preparing a presentation?
4. To organize your ideas you could create an outline. What could I do to
organize my ideas?
5. You shouldn't memorize a speech word for word, because you could
forget it. Why shouldn't I memorize a speech word for
6. Instead of memorizing the speech, you should practice it again and
15 VOCAB again. What should I do instead of memorizing it? 5 MIN
7. You can stop practicing it when it becomes natural for you to give the
speech. When can I stop practicing
8. You can use index cards to help you to remember everything. What can
I use to help me to remember everything?
9. No, I wouldn't write full sentences on the index cards. Would you write
full sentences on it the index cards?
10. Because if you have full sentences on your index cards you'll end up
reading them instead of saying your speech. Why wouldn't you write full
sentences on the index cards?

16 HP 3. (HP) Short Drill: 6-8 MIN (1 hr

28 min mark)
2-5 mins (28)

REPORTED SPEECH (now that you've introduced it, practice the

exercise in the book. You say the sentence in the direct form, they say it in
the indirect form. I recommend using your hands to signal the quotation
marks when you say your sentences.)

1. He said “I’m emailing Jerry about the meeting now”. He said he was
emailing Jerry about the meeting now.
2. She said “I interviewed 3 good candidates this morning”. She said she
had interviewed 3 good candidates this morning.
3. He said “I was discussing the problem with him at breakfast.” He said
he had been discussing the problem with him at breakfast.
4. He said “I’ll tell you about it after lunch.” He said he would tell me
about it after lunch.
5. She said “I can’t put it in writing.” She said she couldn’t put it in
6. She said “you must learn the technique by tomorrow.” She said I had to
learn the technique by tomorrow.
7. She said “I had already written to him when you told me.” She said she
had already written to him when I told her.
8. He said “I presented the idea to the board of directors this morning.” He
said he had presented the idea to the board of directors this
9. She said “I can reserve a spot for you at 8pm”. She said she could
reserve a spot for me at 8pm.
10. She said “I’ve been trying to get in touch with Mary all day.” She said
she had been trying to get in touch with Mary all day.
11. He said “I’m thinking of another option.” She said she was thinking of
another option.
12. She said “I’ve been in a graphic designer since 2004.” She said she had
been a graphic designer since 2004.

Zombie Epidemic Scenario
1. If there were a zombie epidemic, where would you hide?
2. If you had to run at a moment’s notice, where would you go?
3. If you found a place to hide how would you get food?
4. If you didn’t have a gun, how would you kill zombies?
5. If you could choose any weapon, what would it be?
6. What would you save if you had 4 minutes to leave your house?
7. What would you take if you had to choose: an axe or a gun?
8. If there was anywhere in the world you would want to survive a
zombie epidemic where would it be?
9. If you had to choose between your wife or your children, who
would it be?
17 H.P. DRILL 10. If your child/wife/friend had been bitten, would you kill 5-8 MIN
them yourself or make them do it?neither
11. If you got bitten, but no-one else saw, would you be honest about
it or would you wait to turn into a zombie?
12. If zombies had you surrounded and had one bullet in your gun
and an axe, would you kill yourself or die fighting to your last
breath? (but then become a zombie)
13. If you found a baby zombie (with no teeth), would you keep it?
14. If you had a choice, would you prefer a shopping mall or a hill
15. If there was a warlord fighting the zombies and building a new
world, but he was evil, would you join his group?

TO SELL OUT vendido,

 DRILL (15-20 Q’s): Practice the phrasal verb “to sell out”. You could
also practice “present
perfect + never” with this…

1. Has your local shop every sold out of milk?

2. Has your local bakery every sold out of bread?
3. Is your favorite product always sold out when you want it?
4. Are many vintage shoe models completely sold out?
5. Does something have more value after it has sold out?
18 VOCAB 6. Do supermarkets often sell out of all their products? 5 MIN
7. Are rare and sold-out books difficult to find?
8. Where can you find sold out books?
9. Is it easy to find second-hand and sold-out brands?
10. Do supermarkets often sell out basic products?
11. Has your neighborhood grocery ever sold out of vegetables?
12. Do shop owners want to sell out of their products before the expiration
13. Are sold-out and stock clothes often cheaper?

20 MGP Telephone skills practice: 6-8 MIN

Dealing with disruption on the line
1. Do you find it stressful to talk on the phone in english?
2. Do you find it difficult to understand native english speakers on the
3. How often do you talk to someone on the phone in english?
4. Do you have to call english speakers often?
5. Have you ever dealt with disruption on the line?
6. Have you ever had bad reception during a work phone call?
7. Has the line ever broken up during a work phone call?
8. Is it hard to understand someone when the line is breaking up?
9. Was the line breaking up during your last phone call?
10. Was there interference on the line last time you spoke on the phone?
11. Do you get interference on the line in remote places?
12. Have you ever been cut off during a business call?
13. Did you get cut off during your last business call?

Know/met anyone who:

Use the following as a tell to ask:

“Do you know anyone who…”

And TTA “Have you ever met someone who…”

1. Lives alone?
2. Makes their own beer?
3. Drives to work for more that 2 hours a day?
4. Speaks 4 or more languages?
5. Lives next to the sea?
6. Can’t ride a bicycle?
7. Reads horoscopes?
8. Works in the circus?
9. Flies planes?
21 FILLER 10. Supports the nazis? 2-5 MIN
11. Wants to be a lion tamer?
12. Sleeps with three pillows?
13. Loves Leonardo DiCaprio?
14. Is still afraid of the dark as a adult?
15. Lives in Florida?
16. Buys McDonalds regularly?
17. Thinks President Rajoy is a genius?
18. Only shops at Carrefour?
19. Works for El Corte Ingles?
20. Is married to a supermodel?
Get to know:
1) How did you get to know your husband?
2) When did you get to know about Vaughan?
3) How did you get to know most of your friends?
4) Should you get to know as many people as you can?
5) Do you want to get to know your classmates outside of class?

CORRECT: Things are great.

INCORRECT: The things are great.

 DRILL (15 Q’s): Hopefully by now your students know they shouldn’t
say “the things”… get

them used to it..

1. Are things getting better at work?

2. Ask me how things are going at work.

3. Do things often go from bad to worse?

4. How are things at home?

5. Ask me how things are with my family.

6. Ask her if there is anything wrong today.

7. Do you get depressed when things don´t go too well?

8. Do you easily get disappointed when things don´t go as expected?

9. Are you proud of yourself when things in your life are going well?

10. Do you appreciate it when things are going well?

11. Are things going well in the Middle East?

12. Do you try to keep thing under control in your life?

13. Do you keep calm when things run out of control?

14. How are things going with the Spanish economy?

15. Will things get better soon in third world countries?

1. When was the last time you appreciated a sunset?
a. Were you with someone special?
2. When was the last time you were a guest at a surprise party?
a. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?
3. When was the last time you were in a fist fight?
4. When was the last time you were on TV?
5. When was the last time you were to a theater?
a. What did you see? Did you like it?
6. Have you ever broken a bone?
a. When? How did you break it?
7. Have you ever broken up with someone?
8. Has someone ever broken up with you?
9. Have you ever called your boyfriend or girlfriend by the wrong name?
10. Has your boyfriend/girlfriend ever called you by the wrong name?
11. Have you ever called your girlfriend/boyfriend “honey”?
12. Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time? (hair
style, color or
13. Have you ever cheated on an exam ?
14. Have you ever cried in public and embarrassed yourself?
a. Have you ever cried for no reason and felt good because of it?
23 FILLER 15. Have you ever dated someone from another race, culture or religion? 2-5 MIN
a. Have you ever dated someone who didn’t like you?
16. Have you ever eaten in a restaurant and realized you have o money
with you?
17. Have you ever eaten something that you thought you wouldn’t like, but
found out
that you actually liked it?
18. Have you ever eaten frog legs?
a. Have you ever eaten horse meat?
b. Have you ever eaten French food? (other countries’ food, too)
19. Have you ever fallen asleep and forgotten where you were?
20. Have you ever fallen asleep while taking a bath?
21. Have you ever fallen down the stairs?
22. Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?
23. Have youo ever fallen or stumbled in front of others?
24. Have you ever forgotten your mother’s birthday?
a. ...father’s
b. ...girlfriend’s
c. ....boyfriend’s
d. ....husband’s
e. ....wife’s


➢ DRILL (15-20 Q’s): Practice “to be used to”. This should be a
review for them, but just in case, remind them that “to be used to”
is always followed by the gerund, for example, “She’s used to
eating healthy every day”.

16. Nigel is accustomed to living well.

17. Ronny is accustomed to asking his father for money.
18. It’s taking me a while to become accustomed to the Spanish lifestyle.
19. Don’t worry. You’ll get accustomed to it.
20. Are you accustomed to working hard in class.
21. I’m accustomed to my students being motivated and intelligent.
22. You’ll understand me better once you are accustomed to my accent.
23. It takes a while to become accustomed to a new job.
24. It took me a long time to become accustomed to drinking tea, even
though I’m British.
25. The taste of alcohol is something which you become accustomed to
with age.
26. Have you ever had to become accustomed to the strange habits of
your colleagues?
27. It’s going to take some time to get accustomed to the public transport
network here.
28. I’m accustomed to getting up at the crack of dawn.
29. My sister is accustomed to working long hours at her job.
30. Are you accustomed to being waited on hand and foot?
Forming Questions

Eg. To get up early – present = Are you used to getting up early?

17. drink coffee + Present (Are you used to…)

18. drive to work + present
19. read books + present
20. keep up to date with the news + present
21. stay in the library all night + past (Did you get used to…)
22. write essays the night before the deadline + past
23. be driven to work + future (Will you get used to..)
24. play the guitar + present
25. email your friends + present
26. explain your job + present
27. arrive early for work + present
28. my classes + future
29. wear glasses for reading + present
30. find a parking space easily + past
31. work at CSN + present



I/COMPANY/ GROW I want the company to grow

HE/SPAIN/SELL MORE CARS He wants Spain to sell more cars

THEY/PARK/EMPTY/SUNDAYS They want the park to be empty on


PETER/HR/HIRE MORE STAFF /? oes Peter want the marketing

department to hire more people?

JHON/TEAM/TRAIN/MORE OFTEN oes Peter want the marketing

department to hire more people?




1. Did you ring anyone this morning?
2. Have you rung anyone so far today?
3. Did you overcome any problems last weekend?
4. Did you learn anything new Last Friday?
5. Have you rung any doorbells today?
6. Do you like to ring bells?
7. Are you good at overcoming problems?
8. Would you like to learn a new language?
28 REVIEW 9. Has anyone rung you this week? 5-6 MIN
10. Have you learned how to overcome a problem in the right way?
11. Have you overcome your nerves when speaking English?
12. Did you overcome your shyness on your first day here?
13. Have you ever learned a new dance from scratch?
14. Did you learn how to cook by yourself?
15. Did you ring anyone to tell them you learned how to overcome
your fears?

25.11 will be able to

1. Will you be able to come to class next week?

2. Will you be able to speak English better by this time next year?
3. Will you be able to control your children when they become teenagers?
4. Will you be able to go on holidays soon?
5. Will you be able to drive your car to work tomorrow?
6. Will you be able to get home soon this afternoon?
7. Will you be able to call your mother today?
8. Will you be able to cook a paella if I ask you to?

1. Ask X, if he/she will be able to attend class every day next week.
2. Ask .., if he//she will be able to come to the next class if her boss is ill.
SPONTAENOUS 3. Ask Pepe if he’ll be able to work tomorrow if he breaks his leg today.
29 4. Ask ...if he/she will be able to help me if I suddenly start feeling ill. 4-5 MIN
5. Ask .... if he/she will be able to understand if someone speaks to him in
6. Ask....if he/she will be able to tell me how to change a tire in English.
7. Ask...if he/she will be able to run 10 kms non-stop if he/she has to.
8. Ask...if he/she will be able to celebrate his birthday this year.
9. Ask ...if he/she will be able to plant potatoes next year.
10. Ask....if he/she will be able to read 4 books by the end of this year.
11. Ask....if he/she will be able to eat everything they serve at a wedding
12. Ask....if he/she will be able to throw a party with 100 people at his/her

30 SET HW 5 sentences about things you are used to 5 MIN

A 1-DAY DIARY…give as much detail as possible. Make it interesting- it
can be fictional
Read and understand the expressions in unit 30
Do you know anyone who…

1) Lives alone?
2) Makes their own beer?
3) Drives to work for more that 2 hours a day?
4) Speaks 4 or more languages?
5) Lives next to the sea?
6) Can’t ride a bicycle?
7) Reads horoscopes?
8) Works in the circus?
9) Flies planes?
31 FILLER 10) Supports the nazis? 2-5 MIN
11) Wants to be a lion tamer?
12) Sleeps with three pillows?
13) Loves Leonardo DiCaprio?
14) Is still afraid of the dark as a adult?
15) Lives in Florida?
16) Buys McDonalds regularly?
17) Thinks President Rajoy is a genius?
18) Only shops at Carrefour?
19) Works for El Corte Ingles?
20) Is married to a supermodel?

21. Ask me whose fork this is.

22. Ask me whose knife this is.
23. Ask me whose ruler this is.
24. Ask me whose pen this is.
25. Ask me whose egg this is.
26. Ask me whose armchair this is.
27. Ask me whose camera this is.
28. Ask me whose loudspeaker this is.
29. Ask me whose cd player this is.
30. Ask me whose TV this is.
32 H.P. DRILL 6-8 MIN
31. Ask me whose lamp this is.
32. Ask me whose bedside table this is.
33. Ask me whose bottle this is.
34. Ask me whose picture this is.
35. Ask me whose computer this is.
36. Ask me whose pillow this is.
37. Ask me whose kite this is.
38. Ask me whose glass this is.
39. Ask me whose cutlery this is.
40. Ask me whose toothpaste this is.


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