Outline Report in Trends - Issues On Teaching Geography

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In 1887, geography was seen as the missing link between the natural and the social
sciences (Markinder, as cited in Castree, 2011). In here, the central theme was human-
environment interaction.

Division within geography started to grow and develop into sub-fields and thus led to the
abandonment of geography’s identity as a discipline that deals with human-environment
interaction (Castree, 2011).

Geography’s dilemma to establish its identity is aggravated by its diverse scope that
includes an array of disciplines in the physical and social sciences.
 Geography's identity crisis gets worse of its broad scope, which incorporates a
wide range of disciplines in the physical and social sciences.

- Why is geography integrated in various social science disciplines like history?

- Why is geography not solely taught as a content area in Social Studies unlike the case
of economics?

Opposing views of Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the
Department of Health (DOH) on the use of dolomite

Recent research in the K to 12 Junior High School Geography curriculum in the

Philippines found that students have “low-level thinking skills and have probably
developed negative attitudes toward human, physical, and environmental geography”
(Dizon, 2021, p. 1).

*The Search for Geography’s Identity

The war between the natural and the social sciences resulted to geography’s quest to
establish its own identity (Castree, 2011). This search for geography’s identity requires
one to understand its complex nature as it is comprised of various disciplines in the
natural and social sciences (Castree, 2011).

The concept called Anthropocene can be employed as a tool to understand the

complexity of geography.

A related concept called climate change can also be an essential tool to understand the
complex nature of geography.

Human disturbance on the plants and animals an essential concept that must be
understood as it affects biological diversity (cf. Tsing et al., 2017; Steffen, et al., 2011).

The concepts of the Anthropocene, climate change, human disturbance on the plants
and animals, and hydro social cycle show essential connections between the natural
and the social sciences. The central theme of these concepts is human-environment


Despite the diverse disciplines that comprise geography, they can still unite with human-
environment interaction as the central theme. In this regard, geography in the Philippine
secondary schools needs to be identified as a content are in Social Studies that deals
with human-environment interaction. This is the trajectory that geography should take in
order to help build a sustainable future through effective governance and stewardship
(Steffen, et al., 2011). In this manner, geography can contribute towards the goal of
Social Studies education to develop citizens who can help in nation-building.

*Emergence of Political Ecology

Political ecology
political ecology is the study of how politics, power, and social factors influence the way
people interact with and affect the environment. It looks at how decisions about
resources, such as land, water, and forests, are made and who benefits or suffers as a
The clash between the natural and social sciences hampered the development of
human-environment interactions as a central theme in Geography (Robbins, 2012) This
was due to the shift towards environmental determinism that favors nature over society
(Neilsen & Sejersen, 2012).

George Perkins Marsh contended that humans should be the ones to regulate nature in
order to conserve Earth’s resources (as cited in Robbins, 2012).

Human activities are the reason for environmental degradation (Robbins, 2012).

On the other hand, Julian Steward’s work on cultural ecology had proposed a positivist
approach (as cited in Robbins, 2012). Here, Steward claimed that elements of culture
like technology which aid humans in their work are essential factors that affect the
environment (as cited in Robbins, 2012).

Finkbeiner et al. (2017) claimed that this problem should be attributed to humans’ use of
technology marginalization and inequity; high demand for seafoods; and ineffective
management and inappropriate government policies.

The emergence of Political Ecology provides essential insights on how to better
understand human-environment interactions. This implies the need to evaluate the
Philippine basic education curriculum in order to determine lessons that still advocate
environmental determinism.

*Evolution of Political Ecology

Political ecology was influenced by the ideas of Karl Marx regarding class struggle,
capital accumulation, and industrialization (Robbins, 2012). Here, capitalism is
considered to be the reason for environmental degradation (Robbins, 2012).
The socio-environmental conditions of third worlds countries today can be understood
through an examination of their historical background in terms of trade when they were
still subjugated by a foreign country as depicted by the concept of dependency
(Robbins, 2012).

In addition, the view regarding production of goods and services in a capitalist society
has influenced political ecology to consider the reasons behind the abuses on nature
and labor (Robbins, 2012).

The condition of the working class was further explored in peasant studies, which
provided essential insights to political ecology (Robbins, 2012). Peasants are laborers
who are concerned with providing the needs of their families (Robbins, 2012).

The need for assistance when workers have financial problems is related to the moral
economy of the peasant. Also, the ability to resist exploitations in the workplace is a key
feature of peasant movements (Robbins, 2012).

The rise of feminism has empowered women in the society by taking jobs that were only
for men before (Hovorka, 2012).

In this war, workers will have a safe and conductive workplace. Here, posthumanism
provides ethical guidance on dealing with fellow human beings in order to be mindful
and careful of their actions and decisions in order to maintain a sustainable environment
for everyone. This insight provides an essential input for the Social Studies curriculum in
basic education. Given the call for the inclusion of political ecology in the curriculum in
order to produce citizens who are capable of building a productive, resilient, and strong

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