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An indeterminate number of days later. The local civilisation has been overrun by an

innumerable horde of world ending horrors and it’s the climax of the plot. A plucky band of
survivors must carve their way through the murderous masses long enough to survive this hell.


The mindless many against the desperate few is a tried There are two casts in this episode: Survivors, which
and tested narrative which most famously featured are controlled by the player, and the Horde, which is
zombies in the classic low budget Barron productions controlled by a very straightforward AI system.
movies such as Zombieville, USA and The Walking
Trapped inside for an unexpected Plague. The Survivor cast is comprised of models to any ratings
period? Unable to play with level that your collection will allow from any genre that
friends? Then try this simple solo However, this tired and well-trodden plot has been you wish to use. However, you should ensure that stars
play scenario packed with survival rehashed over the decades to involve all manner and co-stars do not make up more than half of the total
horror. of world ending horrors: from the six-legged freaks ratings as extras are required to die suitably gruesome
of Bugzilla to the exterminator killbots of deaths to please the fans.
Thanks to Kieron Mulholland for Cyborg Armageddon.
sharing this and for all members of The Horde is comprised only of extras from a suitable
the 7TV Productions Facebook group The premise is always the same, for some spurious opposing cast from the same core set as the player’s
for inspiring the idea. reason the teeming horde is everywhere and it’s a cast. These should be mindless drones which could
simple case of kill them all or die. typically be expected to attack in wave upon wave of
While these rules are intended for murderous death: zombies, fungoids, giant insects,
the classic zombie hordes of the killer robots, acid-blooded xenoforms or ghosts that
apocalypse, the basic mechanics work need busting are all suitable foes.
perfectly well for spies vs hordes of
minions in 7TV: Inch High Spy-Fi or .
for a two-fisted hero wading through
a platoon of goose-stepping goons in
7TV: Pulp!

LOCATION Special Rules

The episode is played on whatever table space you have After the Horde models are deployed, place five The Horde cast does not draw countdown cards or
available and in whatever location you wish to your objective tokens (numbered 1-5) anywhere in the generate plot points. Instead, on each of its turns,
Horde to rampage over: ruin cities, abandoned space Horde deployment zone, at least 12” from the Survivor beginning with the model that is closest to a Survivor,
stations or lonely truck-stop diner, whatever you have deployment zone. These should be place in locations every model will activate and in the cast will complete
available. from which it is conceivable that more of the Horde each of its actions using the following procedure:
might emerge (buildings, sewers, spacecraft, etc.) and
You should ensure that there is plenty of cover to should be at least 6” apart. Objectives may be placed • if the model can make a shooting or fight strike, it
obstruct shooting sightlines as we’re playing a horror on the edge of the board on roads or paths where more will do so, targeting the closest Survivor first,
movie, not Zulu. enemies might appear.
• if not, the model will move towards the nearest
visible Survivor (if it makes contact on its first
Setup And…Action action, this will initiate a charge attack),
When creating the countdown deck, you should use half Determine initiative as normal, but it’s going to be a
of the usual number of countdown cards (rounding up) for really bad day if it starts with a cast made up only of • if no Survivor is visible, the model will move
each act, as only the Survivor cast will be drawing them. extras winning this roll. towards the nearest Survivor.

The Survivor cast sets up their models according to At the start of each Horde turn, roll 1D6 for each Horde
the cast start locations rules in the Producer’s Guide, model that has been removed as a casualty. The model
but any spies are deployed after the AI models and will respawn as close as possible to objective token
objectives have been deployed. with the number corresponding to the D6 roll. Survivors
claiming objectives removes them as respawn points,
The Horde models are set up across the rest of the and D6 rolls which do not correspond to an objective on
board in any scattered formation that looks exciting. Try the board mean that the Horde model doesn’t respawn
to ensure that no Horde model can be shot at without this turn.
cover by a Survivor without them moving first.
Neither cast may steal the scene, the Survivors may not
voluntarily draw two Countdown Cards and the Horde
cannot be axed. Any time an AI Horde model can use
an ability that requires a plot point to be used, roll a
D6: on a roll of a 5 or 6 the ability may be used without
spending a plot point.


Victory Conditions
This episode does not use victory points. The Survivors Sophia!
win by claiming all five objectives and destroying the Place a VIP in the centre of the table during set up
entire Horde. The Survivors lose if they are all killed (ideally this would be in a place where the Horde cannot
before the end of the game. Any other result it a draw. get to them). The VIP cannot activate or be affected
by the Horder until a Survivor has spent an action in
base contact with them to free them from their current
Director’s Cuts predicament. The Survivors win if they are able to get
Each of these options alter the victory conditions above. the VIP off the opposite table edge before the end of
the game.
Get To The Choppa!
The Survivors must move at least half of their cast Get Away From Her You Bitch!
(rounding up) off the opposite table edge before the end The first time a Finale Card is the face down card at the
of the game. Models that leave the table do not count start of the Horde turn, place an end of level boss (a
for plot point generation or for determining whether the star or large/massive co-star) in the centre of the table.
cast is axed. The Survivors win if they can destroy the boss before
the end of the game.

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