Ilk TP Week 19 Teaching Is The Noblest Profession Teaching Profession

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ILK TP WEEK 19 Teaching is the Noblest Profession TEACHING PROFESSION

Topic: Teaching is the Noblest Profession

Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Cite reasons why teaching is said to be the noblest of all profession.
2. Identify the demands of the teaching profession that only few respond to its call.
Introduction: “Our looks with appreciation to the brilliant teachers but with gratitude to those
who touched our human feelings"
Teaching is the noblest among all the professions since all professionals
underwent educations with a teacher, it is the parent of all professions. Real teachers
teach us everything. Along with school exams they prepare us to face life. If you want to
teach then go to teaching
Teaching is a noble profession. Teachers are selfless, always ready to go to any
extent to help their students. It gives a great feel of self-satisfaction to a teacher when
they see their students achieve in life. ... The reward for the service is the happiness
and satisfaction you get when they become what they wanted in life, a teacher is much

The career in teaching requires people who have the conviction to nurture young
minds and mold them into something great. Since time immemorial,
the profession of teaching has been considered as one of the noblest professions.
Educators have always played the role of catalysts for various social changes in society

There is dignity in teaching. All teaching is founded on ethics – whether it be

the teacher-student relationship, pluralism or a teacher's relationship with their
work. Dignity means respect for humanity. ... Truthfulness is one of the core values
in teachers' basic task, which involves steering learners in navigating life and their

Teaching is the most important profession. Teachers are our nation builders—the
strength of every profession in our country grows out of the knowledge and skills that
teachers help to instil in our children. ... And we all know, when teaching is stronger,
students benefit with increased engagement and achievement Teachers are nation
builders- the strength of every profession in our country grows out of knowledge and
skills that teachers help to instil in our children leadership. Teachers have the capacity
to shape the minds and futures of many - and they do so at all kinds of critical life

The meaning of noble profession .Being noble is defined as having, showing, or coming
from personal qualities that people admire (such as honesty, generosity, courage, etc.)
There are a few noble professions in this world. Practicing medicine is one of them. And
being a nurse is perhaps the noblest in the house of medicine
Below are nine of the best reasons to get into teaching, with experiences from some current
1. Inspire the next generation. ...
2. A true vocation. ...
3. A passion for the subject. ...
4. A clear career path. ...
5. Salary benefits. ...
6. International opportunities. ...
7. Job security. ...
8. Great for families.
9 reasons to get into teaching
There can be few things as rewarding as making a tangible
difference in shaping the lives of young people, inspiring and mentoring
them to become the best they can be. Below are nine of the best reasons
to get into teaching, with experiences from some current teachers.
1. Inspire the next generation by becoming a teacher you'll get job
satisfaction that few will experience. Other than parents, teachers have arguably
the biggest influence on a child's life. The visible results you'll see from pupils are
guaranteed to send you home with a sense of pride!
"Teaching really is a job like no other and it's only once you start
doing it that you realise how highly skilled it all is. My organisational
skills and confidence have definitely improved."
2. A true vocation much like doctors, nurses and vets, teaching is more
than just a job. It's a true vocation. Many people work to live, but the
rewarding nature means teachers get job satisfaction unmatched by most
3. A passion for the subject there are few who can use their passion in
their job. Teachers get to do this every day, with the opportunity to instil
this enthusiasm in their pupils.

“I have always had a real passion for languages and the desire to
pass this on to others and to help young people develop was my main
reason for deciding to train as a teacher,”
4. A clear career path If you have a desire to progress in your career,
teaching has a very clear path to do so. From heads of department to
head teacher, there are opportunities to go as high as you'd want to.
5. Salary benefits

A career in teaching provides generous financial packages. Newly

qualified teachers in their probation year currently start on a salary of
£22,866* in Scotland. Secondary teachers get an additional £8,000 if they
choose to complete their probationary year anywhere in Scotland, while
primary teachers get £6,000 extra.

After you're fully registered, this increases incrementally over the first five
years from £27,438 to £36,480*. Head teachers can also earn up
to £88,056* in Scotland's largest schools.

Source: The Educational Institute of Scotland (last accessed 28

November 2018)

6. International opportunities most countries highly value Scottish

teacher training and your degree opens up doors to explore the world.
From Asia to North America, Australia to the Middle East, there are so
many opportunities open to graduates - particularly after a few years'
7. Job security unlike much of the private sector, teaching offers great
job security! If you're a Scottish student, you're also guaranteed a job for
one year in a Scottish school after you graduate.
8. Great for families Teaching is a unique job in more ways than one. If
you've got, or plan to have a family, you'll largely share the same holidays
as your children - great for spending quality time together!
9. Be a lifelong learner nothing encourages you to continue to learn
more about a topic than when you're teaching it! Children are inquisitive,
often asking questions you'd never thought of. This allows you to
constantly research new finding and technologies to introduce to your

1. Identify 9 reasons why teaching is the noblest profession.
2. Give your own reason why you want to be a teacher.

Individual Check: Quiz is sent to you through Google Form.

Intervention: Reflect on how proud to be a teacher because you belong to the noblest

Reference: Bilbao, Purita P. Ed. D. et al The Teaching Profession OBE- PPST –Based
Lorimar Pub., Inc., 2018

Teaching Profession Week 20 Final Examination

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