ILK TP WEEK 14 ENSURING QUALITY THROUGH COMPETENCE e Qualifications Recognized For Entry Into The Teaching Profession

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Topic: Ensuring Quality through Competency Framework and Standards

Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to : di
1. Distinguish between teacher quality and quality teacher.
2. Discuss the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Career Stage 1.
Beginning Teachers Competencies and how it can assure teacher quality in the
Introduction: “A country that doesn’t have confidence in its teachers will have great difficulty
in improving education.
Role of teachers: Teachers play a crucial role in nation building. Through quality
teachers, the Philippines can develop holistic learners who are steeped in values, equipped with
21st century skills, and able to propel the count will have great difficulty in improving education
to development and progress. This is in consonance with the Department of Education vision of
producing: “Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation”
(DepED Order No. 36, s. 2013).
Evidences show unequivocally that good teachers are vital to raising student
achievement, i.e., quality learning is contingent upon quality teaching. Hence, enhancing
teacher quality becomes of utmost importance for long-term and sustainable nation building.
The changes brought about by various national and global frameworks such as the K to 12
Reform and the ASEAN integration, globalization, and the changing character of the 21st
century learners necessitate improvement and adaptability of education, and a call for the
rethinking of the current teacher standards.
Professional standards for teachers The Philippine Government has consistently
pursued teacher quality reforms through a number of initiatives. As a framework of teacher
quality, the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) was institutionalized
through CHED Memorandum Order No. 52, s. 2007 and DepED Order No. 32, s. 2009. It
emerged as part of the implementation of the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA),
and was facilitated by drawing on the learning considerations of programs, such as the Basic
Education Assistance for Mindanao (BEAM), the Strengthening Implementation of Visayas
Education (STRIVE) project and the Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP). The K to 12
Reform (R.A. 10533) in 2013 has changed the landscape of teacher quality requirements in the
The reform process warrants an equivalent supportive focus on teacher quality – high
quality teachers who are properly equipped and prepared to assume the roles and functions of
a K to 12 teacher. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers 4
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, which is built on NCBTS,
complements the reform initiatives on teacher quality from pre-service education to in-service
training. It articulates what constitutes teacher quality in the K to 12 Reform through well-
defined domains, strands, and indicators that provide measures of professional learning,
competent practice, and effective engagement. This set of standards makes explicit what
teachers should know, be able to do and value to achieve competence, improved student
learning outcomes, and eventually quality education. It is founded on teaching philosophies of
learner-centeredness, lifelong learning, and inclusivity/inclusiveness, among others.
The professional standards, therefore, become a public statement of professional
accountability that can help teachers reflect on and assess their own practices as they aspire for
personal growth and professional development. Teacher quality in the Philippines
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers defines teacher quality in the
Philippines. The standards describe the expectations of teachers’ increasing levels of
knowledge, practice and professional engagement. At the same time, the standards allow for
teachers’ growing understanding, applied with increasing sophistication across a broader and
more complex range of teaching/learning situations. The following describes the breadth of 7
Domains that are required by teachers to be effective in the 21st Century in the Philippines.
Quality teachers in the Philippines need to possess the following characteristics:
♣ Recognize the importance of mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness
within and across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical understanding of the
application of theories and principles of teaching and learning.
They apply developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy grounded on content
knowledge and current research.
They display proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate the teaching and
learning process, as well as exhibit the needed skills in the use of communication strategies,
teaching strategies and technologies to promote high-quality learning outcomes.
♣ Provide learning environments that are safe, secure, fair and supportive in order to promote
learner responsibility and achievement. They create an environment that is learning-focused
and they efficiently manage learner behaviour in a physical and virtual space. They utilize a
range of resources and provide intellectually challenging and stimulating activities to encourage
constructive classroom interactions geared towards the attainment of high standards of
♣ Establish learning environments that are responsive to learner diversity. They respect
learners’ diverse characteristics and experiences as inputs to the planning and design of
learning opportunities. They encourage the celebration of diversity in the classroom and the
need for teaching practices that are differentiated to encourage all learners to be successful
citizens in a changing local and global environment.
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers 5
♣ interact with the national and local curriculum requirements. They translate curriculum
content into learning activities that are relevant to learners and based on the principles of
effective teaching and learning. They apply their professional knowledge to plan and design,
individually or in collaboration with colleagues, well-structured and sequenced lessons that are
contextually relevant, responsive to learners’ needs and incorporate a range of teaching and
learning resources. They communicate learning goals to support learner participation,
understanding and achievement.
♣ Apply a variety of assessment tools and strategies in monitoring, evaluating, documenting
and reporting learners’ needs, progress and achievement. They use assessment data in a variety
of ways to inform and enhance the teaching and learning process and programs. They provide
learners with the necessary feedback about learning outcomes that informs the reporting cycle
and enables teachers to select, organize and use sound assessment processes.
♣ Establish school-community partnerships aimed at enriching the learning environment, as
well as the community’s engagement in the educative process. They identify and respond to
opportunities that link teaching and learning in the classroom to the experiences, interests and
aspirations of the wider school community and other key stakeholders. They understand and
fulfill their obligations in upholding professional ethics, accountability and transparency to
promote professional and harmonious relationships with learners, parents, schools and the
wider community.
♣ Value personal growth and professional development and exhibit high personal regard for
the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of teaching such as caring
attitude, respect and integrity. They value personal and professional reflection and learning to
improve their practice. They assume responsibility for personal growth and professional
development for lifelong learning.
Career Stage 1 Beginning Teachers Beginning Teachers have gained the qualifications
recognized for entry into the teaching profession. They have a strong understanding of the
subjects/areas in which they are trained in terms of content knowledge and pedagogy. They
possess the requisite knowledge, skills and values that support the teaching and learning
process. They manage learning programs and have strategies that promote learning based on
the learning needs of their students. They seek advice from experienced colleagues to
consolidate their teaching practice. HILIPPINE PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS
Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Domain 1 recognizes the importance of teachers’
mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas,
coupled with a sound and critical understanding of the application of theories and principles of
teaching and learning. This Domain encompasses teachers’ ability to apply developmentally
appropriate and meaningful pedagogy grounded on content knowledge and current research. It
takes into account teachers’ proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in the teaching
and learning process, as well as needed skills in the use of communication strategies, teaching
strategies, and technologies to promote high quality learning outcomes
Four Essential Competencies:
1. Knowing and Understanding What to teach
2. Helping student to learn
3. Engaging the community
4. Becoming a better teacher every day.
The main purpose of PPST
The PPST basically aims to: 1) set the clear expectations of teachers along well-defined
career stages of professional development from beginning to distinguished practice; 2)
engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency; and 3)
apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance, ...Jan 18, 2018
he 7 domains are as follows: Domain 1 – Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, Domain 2
– Learning Environment, Domain 3 – Diversity of Learners, Domain 4 – Curriculum
and Planning, Domain 5 – Assessment and Reporting, Domain 6 – Community
Linkages and What is RPM teacher?
RPMS Tools are assessment instruments used to ensure quality teacher performance
at different career stages. They describe the duties and responsibilities
of teachers across career stages; the Key Result Areas (KRAs) for the realization of
those duties and the specific objectives to attain the KRAs.
What are the professional standards?
Professional standards are statements of a
teacher's professional attributes, professional knowledge and understanding,
and professional skills. They provide clarity of the expectations at each career stage.

Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers embody the highest standard

for teaching grounded in global best practices. They exhibit exceptional capacity to
improve their own teaching practice and that of others.

Standards are set for teachers to ensure better accountability – holding teachers and
schools responsible for what goes on in the classrooms. The practice of aligning
learning to standards also helps ensure that a higher level of learning is attained,
guides teachers in the process of assessment and helps keep them on track.

Professional standards in teaching are statements of a teacher's

professional attributes, professional knowledge and understanding,
and professional skills. They provide clarity of the expectations at each career stage.

Key Strategies for Improving Teacher Performance

1. Train the evaluators. With so much focus on teachers, you can lose sight of the need to
make sure that evaluators are equipped for the job. ...
2. Start the difficult conversations. ...
3. Make sure evaluations are fair. ...
4. Get teacher feedback.
5. Who uses RPMS tools?
6. Raters and Ratees from across career stages use the RPMS Tools for gauging the
quality of teacher performance. Raters refer to the School Heads (e.g. Principals,
Teachers-in-Charge, and Head Teachers), Department Heads and/or Master Teachers
who assess teacher portfolios to gauge teacher performance.

Quality teachers are characterized by the different skills needed in the 21st century
education. Quality teachers possess:::

1. Global awareness
2. Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy
3. Civic Literacy
4. Health Literacy. Also included Knowledge and Values

Quality teachers are competent teachers. They are teachers with global
competence who are able to demonstrate knowledge, skills, values, and
dispositions .Having the appropriate competency for teaching describe a quality
teacher. Can quality teacher provide teacher quality in the schools? Teacher
quality is a bit difficult to define. For some countries like the U.S., it has shifted its
definition of teacher quality from possession of credential or certification to what
students know and are able to do with what they were taught by their teachers
This is related to the outcome –based education. On the other hand some
countries use standards for teacher quality. For the Southeast Asians countries,
the frameworks driven by the four essential competencies and 31 enabling
competencies. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) are
also in support of the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) which
determines the qualification of any baccalaureate degree holder. The Career
Path Stage 1 Beginning Teacher is the focus of this lesson. Because the pre-
service teacher education graduate should master the competencies that are
stated in the 32 strands of the 7 domains of the Standard for Filipino Teachers.

The core elements of teacher- quality standards should include:

1. Planning and preparation

2. Classroom environment
3. Instruction
4. Professional responsibility

Quality teachers are defined by their attributes and characteristics while teacher
quality is defined by the standards set for the profession and are validated by the
students learning outcomes.

These are the seven Domains of PPST

: (1) Content Knowledge and Pedagogy;
(2) Learning Environment;
(3) Diversity of Learners;
(4) Curriculum and Planning;
(5) Assessment and Reporting;
(6) Community Linkages and
(7) – Personal Growth and Professional Engagement

What is Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)?

● by DepEd Tambayan

● November 26, 2018

The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) shall be used as a basis
for all learning and development programs for teachers to ensure that teachers are
properly equipped to effectively implement the K to 12 Program. It can also be used for the
selection and promotion of teachers. All performance appraisals for teachers shall be
based on this set of standards.

General Information on Department Order No. 42, s. 2017

1. What is Department Order (DepEd) No. 42, s. 2017)?

DepEd Order No. 42, S. 2017 stipulates the national adoption and implementation of
the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST). The Order was signed on
August 11, 2017 by DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis-Briones.

2. What is the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)?

The PPST is a public statement of what teachers need to know, value, and be able to do in
their practice. It has four career stages: Beginning, Proficient, Highly Proficient, and
Distinguished. It is built on the National Competency-based Teacher Standards (NCBTS). It
comprises seven Domains and 37 Strands, and 37 Indicators for each Career Stage.
3. What are uses of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?

According to DO No. 42, s. 2017, the PPST “shall be used as a basis for all learning and
development programs for teachers to ensure that teachers are properly equipped to
effectively implement the K to 12 Program.” Teacher performance appraisals shall also be
aligned to the PPST. Further, the PPST can also be used for the selection and promotion of

A. Development of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

1. Why was the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) developed?

The PPST was developed after major consultations with key stakeholders, particularly the
senior officials of the Department of Education. The wide consultations emphasized the
rethinking of the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) because of
changes brought about by various national and global frameworks such as the K to 12
Reform and ASEAN Integration, as well as globalization and the changing character of the
21st century learners.
Growth and Professional Development
Yes. This happens upon the signing into policy of DepEd Order No. 42, S. 2017 on the
National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for

3. Why do we need the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?

Internationally, teacher quality is articulated in teacher standards. The PPST is a framework

for teacher quality and teacher development.

Among others, the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers can be used in: (i)
endorsing programs for initial teacher education; (ii) registering and accrediting teachers;
(iii) raising the quality of professional learning; (iv) identifying and recognizing exemplary
high level practice; (v) developing standards for leadership; (vi) establishing a consistent
evaluation/assessment process associated with each Career Stage that preserves the
integrity of the PPST; and (vii) maintaining an efficient documentation process associated
with achievement of the Indicators a

4. Why focus on teacher quality?

Evidence show unequivocally that good teachers are vital to raising student achievement,
i.e., quality learning is contingent upon quality teaching. Hence, enhancing teacher quality
becomes of utmost importance for long-term and sustainable nation building.

5. How was the PPST developed?

The Department of Education through the Joint Advisory Board chaired by the Secretary of
Education approved the development and validation of developmental teacher standards
comprising distinct career stages.

The Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) based at the
Philippine Normal University led the research development work, with support from the
SiMERR National Research Centre in Australia.

PPST has a domain called Content Knowledge and Pedagogy. This is at the core of the K to
12 Program, and sends a message to teachers that for them to be considered quality
teachers, they should know what to teach and how to teach it, among others.

PPST also has four career stages, namely, Beginning, Proficient, Highly Proficient, and
Distinguished. There are 37 indicators in each career stage showing developmental
progression from beginning to distinguished practice.

C. Teacher Assessment based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)

1. Are there tools based on Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) that may
be used for teacher assessment?

Yes. RCTQ developed teacher assessment tools in partnership with DepEd Bureau of
Human Resource and Organization Development (BHROD) with support from the BEST
program. These tools include: (1) Self-Assessment Tools (SAT); 2) Classroom Observation
Tools (COT); and 3) Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) Tools for

These tools have been rigorously validated.

2. Can we craft our own PPST-based tools?

Yes. But you have to ensure that the tools are based on the PPST, as indicated in DepEd
Order No. 42, S. 2017.

You also have to keep in mind that locally produced tools are unlikely to be validated,
which may call the reliability and credibility of their results into question.

3. Can the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) be used as a rubric to
assess teachers’ performance?

The PPST is not a rubric and is not a tool to assess teachers’ performance. However, it can
be used as a framework upon which teacher support tools such as self-assessment tools,
classroom observation tools and RPMS tools can be based.

4. Will teachers be assessed on all indicators? What if a school, for example, has no
learners from indigenous groups?
No. Teachers do not need to be assessed on indicators that do not apply in their school

In terms of pre-service teachers, however, Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) are

expected to train them on all indicators to prepare them to handle various teaching

5. How can we measure the competencies of our teachers in every strand/indicator

objectively? Are there specific means of verification (MOV) for each indicator?

The Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) Tools based on PPST have
specific MOV for the 12 indicators of the PPST.

The Classroom Observation Tools have specific examples of classroom practice to guide

6. Will PPST assessment tools be used for the hiring and promotion of teachers?

Policies concerning these matters are yet to be developed.

DepEd Tambayan

DEPED TAMBAYAN is a new platform for professional teachers to voice out their genuine
ideas and brilliant aspirations that concern the field of education.

1. What are the 7 characteristics of quality teachers in the Philippines should possess.
2. Give the 7 Domains of Learning.
3. 4 quality teacher possess.
4. Name the 4 core quality teacher s possess.
5. Give the full name of the following acronames:
3. KRA
4. PQF
9. SAT
10. COT
Individual Check: Quiz is sent to you via Google form.
Intervention: Make a reflection … When you become a professional teacher in the future ,
how can you enhance the state of quality teachers in the Philippines.?
References: Bilbao, Purita Ed.D. et al .The Teaching Profession Lorimar Pub., Inc. Manila

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