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1 User Authetication And Authorizataion 8

1.1 Registartion
1.2 Login
2 Player Management
2.1 Player Registration
2.2 Player Profile Error: Reference source not found
3 Team Management
3.1 Team Creation
3.2 Team Profile Error: Reference source not found
4 Match Management
4.1 Match Sechedule
4.2 Match Management
4.3 Live Sharing Error: Reference source not found
5 Statics And Management
5.1 Player Statistics
5.2 Team Statistics
6 Notifiaction System
6.1 Match Reminders
7 User Setting
7.1 Profile Setting
Error: Reference source not found

1) User authentication and authorisation

Fig 1. Admin and User login

Login description:-
1. Open website of cricket management system
2. Select login option
3. Enter the login details
3.1. If the enter credential is valid.
3.2. User will do successful login.
3.3. If the enter credentials is invalid. User will fetch same login page which display
invalid username or password.
Registration description:-
1. Open website of cricket management system
2. Select Registration option
3. Users can register with the system by providing necessary information, including userId,
password, and other required details.
4. After entering details user will get message as registration successful.
4.1. If user is already registered.
4.2. It will fetch to login page.
Reset Password:-
1. After registration user have access to reset password.
2. Using old password user can reset his password.

1. After login user can logout his account.

Admin Dashboard :-

Fig 2. Admin dashboard

1. After successful login admin dashboard will open.

2. Dashboard contain different option like add User, update user, delete user and view user
2.1. Add user :- Admin can add new user by filling required user details.
2.2. Update User :- Admin can have access to update user details.
2.3. Delete User :- Admin can delete particular user.
2.4. View user details :- Admin can view the all user details.

Score maintainer dashboard :-

Fig. 3 score maintainer dashboard

Score maintainer dashboard contain option like updating & managing score and
View score-related reports.
1. Updating and managing scores :-
1.1. Score Maintainers have the ability to update and manage scores associated with the
1.2. This functionality allows Score Maintainers to input new scores, modify
2. View score related reports :-
2.1. Score Maintainers can generate and view reports that provide overall score,
historical data.


2) Player Management


1) On successful login, the admin is directed to a dashboard that provides an overview of the
cricket Management system .
2) This Dashboard Include a navigation bar with options for player management.

Add Player:

1) Include a button or link to initiate the process of adding a new player.

2) Navigate the admin to a form where they can input the necessary details for the new
3) Admin can add new players with details such as name, date of birth, nationality, etc.

Update Player:

1) Next to each player's entry in the player list, include an "Edit" or "Update" button.
2) When the admin clicks this Edit And Update button, then it redirect to a View form with
already inserted fields containing the current player information.
3) Allow the admin to make necessary updates, validate the data, perform the database
operation, and confirm the update.

Delete Player:

1) In the player list, include a "Delete" button next to each player's entry.
2) When the admin clicks the "Delete" button,then it shows confirmation message.
3) If confirmed, perform the database operation to delete the player and provide a
confirmation message.

View Players:

1) In the player management section, provide an option to view the list of existing players.
2) Display a table with basic player information (e.g., name, date of birth, playing
role,Nationality,Player is bowler or batsman ,keeper) for quick reference.


3) Team Management

Create Team

Add Team

Update Team

Delete Team
Add Team
1) After Login Succesfully ,Admin Has A Option Of Create New Team.
2) Admin Has To Enter Proper Details Or Insert Team Details.
i. Providing Team Details Must Be Team Id , Team name And Team description.
3) After Adding the Team Admin Must“Save It”.
Update Team
1) While Updating Team Details Admin Has To Click On the Option “Select Team”.
2) Updating The Details.
i. While Updatng Admin Must Provide Team name , Team description.
3) Admin Must “Save It”.

Delete Team
1) While Deleting The The Team Details Admin Has A Option “Select Team”.
2) After Deleting The Team it will be Deleted From The List (The Deleted Team
Infromation Will Marked In The Database As A Team Deleted ).

Allot Player


players info
Assign a players
to team(Allot

Select team

1) After Clicking On Allot Player It Will Fetch All The Registered Players Information.
2) As The Fetching Information Is Done ,Admin can Add players in team .


Display team

Admin Update team


Display Team details

1) After Clicking On The Team Profile There Is A Option Of Display Team Details And List
of Players.

Update Team Details
1) Admin can be update add and remove the team players .
2) Admin can be update team details examples :- It can Be Matches , Last Matches ,
3) While Updating TheTeam detail Some Of the Option Are Also Provided Update Score ,
Bowlers Available In the Team , Batters Available In The Team etc .


4) Match Management




Use case Documentation:

1) Open the website and login as Admin (Actor) if the admin is already registered, if not
then first register as Admin.
2) After login as Admin click on match schedule tab to view an alter match schedule.
While scheduling a match time of match, day of match and venue i.e. stadium and city
has to be take into account/consideration.
3) Match’s venue can be update only be update before 2 days of match day.
4) Every update in match schedule will generate a notification for viewer.

Match Results

Capture Match

Actor Record Match


Record Score of
Individual player

Update Team &
Player records

Use case Documentation:

1) Open the website.

2) Click on login button and login as score maintainer if already registered. If not first register.

3) After successful login as score maintainer a dashboard will appear.
4)The dashboard will contain options for Notifications, Match Schedule, currently on going
match, statistics etc.
5)The actor will enter match results as soon as match ends.
6)Individual player performance should be record.
7)Match statistics should be record be record.
8)The match score and individual player score should automatically added in their databases. To
check if data is added or not, check the latest match played field.
9)Logout if work is completed.

Live Scoring

Update Live


Use case Documentation

1)Open the website and login as Score maintainer if registered else register first.
2)After successful login score maintainer dashboard will appear.
3)Live matches will be displayed on screen.
4)Click on any live match to update its score if the score is not updated or if no other score
maintainer is keeping track of the match.
5)Lock the match for other score maintainer if one is already updating score.
6)Live notification of the match will be displayed on the viewer’s interface.


5) Statics And Analytics

Player Statistic (User):-

Player Comparison:-
1) Enable users to compare the statistics of multiple players side by side.
2) Implement interactive features that allow users to select players and instantly see a
detailed comparison of their batting, bowling, and fielding performances.

Historical Performance View :
1) Allow users to view the historical performance of a player across different seasons or
2) Implement a timeline feature that users can interact with to explore how a player's
performance has evolved over time.

Filter and sort :

1) Provide filtering options to allow users to sort and filter player statistics based on
different criteria.
2) For example, users could filter players by team, format (Test, ODI, T20), or specific time
Interactive Graph and Chart :
1) Implement interactive charts and graphs that users can manipulate to visualize trends in
player performance.
2) Allow users to zoom in on specific time periods, highlight particular statistics, and export
customized charts.

Favorite And Watchlist :

1) Enable users to mark their favorite players they are interested in.
2) This feature can provide quick access to the latest statistics and updates for selected
Feedback Mechanism :
1) Include a feedback mechanism for users to provide input on the platform's usability and
suggest additional features.
2) Regularly update the platform based on user feedback to enhance the overall user
Comment and Share:
1) Enable users to leave comments or reactions on player profiles and performances.
2) Implement social media sharing buttons to allow users to share interesting statistics.
Notification :
1) Implement a notification system that allows users to receive updates on their favorite
players, such as milestone achievements, outstanding performances.

2) Users can customize their notification preferences.

Player Statistic (Admin):

Player Registration :
1) Allow admins to register new players into the system.
2) Collect essential information such as personal details, historical performance data etc.
Injury tracking :
1) Implement a system for admins to track player injuries.
2) This includes recording the nature and duration of injuries, rehabilitation progress, and
clearances for players to return to play.
Notification Management :
1) Enable admins to send notifications to players, coachesregarding important updates, such
as selection for a match, milestone achievements, or team announcements.
User Access management :

1) Implement user access controls for admins.
2) Specify roles and permissions to restrict access to sensitive player data, ensuring that
only authorized personnel can make changes to certain information.

Historical Data Management :

1) Provide tools for admins to perform routine maintenance on historical data.
2) This may include archiving outdated information, optimizing database performance, and
ensuring data integrity.


6) User Setting

Login :-
1) The user enters their username and password in the designated fields on the login
2) The system validates the entered credentials against the stored user data.

1. Update profile :-
1) Allows users (Players, Coaches, Admins) to keep their personal information up-
to-date. This includes details such as name, contact information, and profile
2. Privacy and security Setting :-
1) Users can control who can view their profile and update their login credentials.
2) Users can choose who can view their profile (public, friends only, private)
3) Control the visibility of personal statistics (batting average, bowling figures) to
3. Styling Preference :
1) Lets users choose the visual appearance of the application by selecting a color
scheme that suits their taste or enhances usability.
4. Notification preference :
1) Customizes how users receive notifications
2) Users can choose their preferred communication channels (email, in-app, SMS)
types of notifications like match alerts .
5. Language and Regional Setting :
1) Personalizes the user experience by allowing individuals to set their preferred
language for the interface
2) adjust regional settings such as time zone and date format.
6. Accessibility Setting :
1) application's accessibility features, such as font size, contrast.
7. Account Deactivation or closure :
1) Provides users with the option to deactivate or close their account if they choose
to discontinue using the cricket management system


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