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1. What is the scientific investigation into or of a specifically identified phenomenon and is applicable to
recognizable and undiscovered phenomena?
a. criminological research c. hypothesis
b. research d. research problem

2. Which is the careful, systematic study of knowledge in the field of criminology or criminal justice,
undertaken to discover or establish facts or causations of crime?
a. criminological research c. hypothesis
b. research d. research problem

3. Which is NOT a goal / purpose of a research?

a. comply with the requirements of a particular course
b. satisfy the researcher’s curiosity
c. find answers to queries by means of scientific methods
d. find answers to problems which are only partially solved

4. A classification of research which has the purpose of determining the future operation of the variables
under investigation with the aim of controlling or redirecting such for the better.
a. Directive Research c. Illuminative Research
b. Predictive / Prognostic Research d. Indirective Research

5. Which classification of research determines what should be done based on the findings of the remedy
an unsatisfactory condition if there is any?
a. Directive Research c. Illuminative Research
b. Predictive / Prognostic Research d. Indirective Research

6. It is concerned with the interaction of the components of the variable being investigated by showing the
connections –
a. Directive Research c. Illuminative Research
b. Predictive / Prognostic Research d. Indirective Research

7. The group of researchers intends to test a particular theory. What classification of research is to be
performed by the group?
a. Pure Research c. Multipurpose Research
b. Applied Research d. Indirective Research

8. The leading crime in a particular region is robbery. The group of researchers is wondering as to its
cause so they developed a theory in order to address the concern, which is to prevent and at least
minimize robbery incident in such place. What is the kind of research to be conducted by the group?
a. Pure Research c. Multipurpose Research
b. Applied Research d. Indirective Research

9. The group of researchers believes that it is not the urge to gratify sexual desires which primarily cause
commission of sexually-related offenses. They conducted a research in order to determine the real cause.
Which of the following is the classification of the research conducted by the group?
a. Pure Research c. Multipurpose Research
b. Applied Research d. Indirective Research

10. This kind of research is conducted when an already existent research is intended to be improved.
a. Pure Research c. Multipurpose Research
b. Applied Research d. Indirective Research
11. It is designed to describe an existing problem situation and examine the underlying factors that
contribute to the emergence of the problem, the nature of which is not yet well known –
a. Descriptive Research c. Multipurpose Research
b. Exploratory Research d. Illuminative Research

12. The researcher studies the relationships of the variables. It finds answers to the questions who, what,
when, where, and how. What may be described are characteristics of individuals or groups.
a. Descriptive Research c. Multipurpose Research
b. Exploratory Research d. Illuminative Research

13. Which of the following studies the effects of the variables in each other. It involves the administration
of research stimuli to participants in a controlled environment?
a. Descriptive Research c. Explanatory Research
b. Exploratory Research d. Experimental Research
14. Instead of answering questions such as “what is/are” or “how,” this research answers “why” questions.
This type of research first descries a phenomenon, say crime, and proceeds to explain why such
phenomenon occurs.
a. Descriptive Research c. Explanatory Research
b. Exploratory Research d. Experimental Research

15. Which type of research is done in a very limited scope to solve a particular problem?
a. Developmental Research c. Evaluation Research
b. Action Research d. Quantitative Research

16. In this type of research, all possible courses of action are specified and identified and the researcher
tries to find the most advantageous.
a. Developmental Research c. Evaluation Research
b. Action Research d. Quantitative Research

17. The focus in this kind of research is the finding or developing of a more suitable instrument of process
that has been available.
a. Developmental Research c. Evaluation Research
b. Action Research d. Quantitative Research

18. Research in which inferential statistics is utilized to determine the results of the study. In this study
concepts are assigned numerical values.
a. Developmental Research c. Evaluation Research
b. Qualitative Research d. Quantitative Research

19. Descriptive data, in this type of research, are gathered rather than using inferential statistics.
a. Developmental Research c. Evaluation Research
b. Qualitative Research d. Quantitative Research

20. In this explanation, only one case is studied to have an in-depth investigation of numerous factors to
explain something.
a. Hypothetical c. Idiographic
b. Evaluative d. Nomothenic

21. This explanation studies several cases but uses few factors to explain something; the findings of
which, however, are generalizable to a range of cases.
a. Hypothetical c. Idiographic
b. Evaluative d. Nomothenic

22. This reasoning goes from specific details to general propositions –

a. Deductive c. Logic
b. Inductive d. Inferential
23. This kind of reasoning goes from general to specific propositions –
a. Deductive c. Logic
b. Inductive d. Inferential

24. Which is the purpose of inductive reasoning that makes it different from deductive reasoning?
a. the researcher analyzes data and attempt to build a proposition or theory
b. the researcher analyzes data to test a given theory
c. the researcher uses data to test a given concept
d. the researcher tests data for curiosity

25.Which is the purpose of deductive reasoning that makes it different from inductive reasoning?
a. the researcher analyzes data and attempt to build a proposition or theory
b. the researcher analyzes data to test a given theory
c. the researcher uses data to test a given concept
d. the researcher tests data for curiosity

26. What is the “blueprint” of the study where who or what to be studied and when, how and for what
purpose is the study are specified?
a. Hypothesis c. Research Design
b. Research Analysis d. Data

27. Which of the following occurs when one generalizes his observation about an individual to groups or
a. Context Defect c. Hearsay Syndrome
b. Parallax Error d. Individualistic Fallacy

28. This occurs when researchers try to disregard other units of analysis and concepts from other fields.
a. Deductivism c. Cropping
b. Reductionism d. Inchoate Analysis

29. Studies, in which data are collected at one time or the data collected cover only one short period, say
one year to two years city crime data –
a. Cross-Sectional c. Hypothetical
b. Longitudinal d. Deductive

30. Collects data from a respondent over a long period of time or the data cover a long period of time, say
10 or more years.
a. Cross-Sectional c. Hypothetical
b. Longitudinal d. Deductive

31. A type of longitudinal study that displays changes of the frequency of an event over a long period of
a. Panel c. Aggregate
b. Cohort d. Trend

32. Which of the following is a type of longitudinal study which collects data from the same sample
respondents for 2 or more periods of time.?
a. Panel c. Aggregate
b. Cohort d. Trend

33. Which of the following is a type of longitudinal study which researches on specific subpopulations, or
cohorts, as they change over time?
a. Panel c. Aggregate
b. Cohort d. Trend
34. In this kind of research, people are asked about past events.
a. Panel c. Aggregate
b. Retrospective d. Trend

35. Which refers to procedures for obtaining information on individual and / or aggregate phenomena for
the purpose of creating a general explanation or theory to explain a phenomenon; testing the applicability
of an existing theory to a subgroup of the population; or testing the effectiveness of an existing social
policy or program?
a. Research Design c. Research Methods
b. Statement of the Problem d. Related Literature

36. Which of the following refers to the perspective that individual and social processes can be studied
dispassionately or scientifically?
a. Reductionism c. Individualistic Fallacy
b. Positivism d. Neoclassical

37. Which of the following pertains to the pieces of information that are gathered and examined during the
course of research, which may be either quantitative or qualitative in form?
a. Variables c. Respondents
b. Hypotheses d. Data

38. It is used to refer to a qualitative study of a social group (sub) culture in which a researcher compiles a
detailed description of processes and outcomes related to the phenomenon of interest.
a. Demography c. Geography
b. Ethnography d. Anthrogrpahy

39. There are many steps involved in the application of quantitative research. The first step is: begin with
a theoretical model. Theoretical model is also known as –
a. Research Statistics c. Review of Related Literature
b. Research Design d. Paradigm

40. There are three (3) common designs used in experimental criminology. What is the design which
allows researchers to assume that only systematic difference between the control and treatment groups is
the presence of the intervention?
a. Randomized Experimental Designs c. Non-Experimental Designs
b. Quasi-Experimental Designs d. Qualitative Designs

41. The classical experimental design involves three major pairs of components. Which of the following is
NOT included?
a. independent and dependent variables c. null and affirmative hypothesis
b. treatment and control groups d. pretesting and post-testing

42. Which is the preferred method for achieving comparability in the treatment and control groups?
a. experimentalism c. reductionism
b. positivism d. randomization

43. This has some but not all, of characteristics of a true experiment.
a. Randomized Experimental Designs c. Non-Experimental Designs
b. Quasi-Experimental Designs d. Qualitative Designs

44. A type of quasi-experimental design, whereby nature, or some event, has created treatment and
control groups.
a. Natural Experiment c. Positive Experiment
b. Supernatural Experiment d. Randomized Experiment
45. This kind of design relies on statistical controls and is often seen as representing the weakest level of
confidence in research finding.
a. Randomized Experimental Designs c. Non-Experimental Designs
b. Quasi-Experimental Designs d. Qualitative Designs

46. Which refers to a part of a larger and increasingly expanding scientific research evidence-based
movement in social policy?
a. Quantitative Criminology c. Classical Criminology
b. Experimental Criminology d. Conflict Criminology

47. A tool used to collect, measure, and analyze data related to a particular research interest.
a. Research Design c. Research Instrument
b. Sampling Method d. Statement of the Problem

48. The interaction where verbal questions are posed to elicit verbal responses from the subject.
a. Interrogation c. Investigation
b. Inquiry d. Interview

49. Which is a type of correlational method where researchers watch what people do?
a. Survey Research c. Interview
b. Observation d. Experimentation

50. A type of sampling where random selection, which allows the researchers to make strong statistical
inferences about the whole group is involved.
a. Probability Sampling c. Cross-Sectional Sampling
b. Non-Probability Sampling d. Longitudinal Sampling

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