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Cricket Management System

1.User Registration Module

Registration Page

Set Username

Enter email or phone

Enter password

Confirm password

Sign Up

Already have an account? Login

UserLoginDetails (Data Table)

Username Email or Phone Password

Admin Admin123

Cricket Management System

2.User Login Module

Login Page

Enter email or phone

Enter password

Forget Password?

Admin Login

Don’t have an account? Sign Up

UserLoginDetails (Data Table)

Username Email or Phone Password

Admin Admin123

Cricket Management System

3. Forget Password Module

Forget Password Page

Enter Username

Enter email or phone

If username and email or phone will correct

then the password of that particular user will
shows here


Go to Login

UserLoginDetails (Data Table)

Username Email or Phone Password

Admin Admin123

Cricket Management System

4.Admin Registration Module

Admin Registration

Set Username

Enter email or phone

Enter password

Confirm password

Sign Up

Already have an account? Login

AdminLoginDetails (Data Table)

Username Email or Phone Password

Admin Admin123

Cricket Management System

5. Admin Module

Admin Login

Enter email or phone

Enter password


User Login

AdminLoginDetails (Data Table)

Username Email or Phone Password

Admin Admin123

Cricket Management System

Important Notes

1. User Cannot be register with same email or phone which is registered already.
2. In registration form the password and confirm password will be Same , if the user
enter password and confirm password will different then show (password does not
match error).
3. The Database and Data table for the user models (Register, Login and Forget) will
be Same i.e. (DataBase = Cricket_App , Data Table = UserLoginDetails).
4. Create Data table AdminLoginDetails for Admin Login in Same Data Base
i.e (DataBase = Cricket_App , Data Table = AdminLoginDetails)


Database Name
Cricket Management System

Data Table for User:

Data Table for Admin:

Note: Both data tables have Same fields

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