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Rhey Vincent P. Barco Michael David A. Algadipe Renzo G. Auxtero

These days, electricity is a need for daily living. Electricity
is essential for running modern devices and lighting our
homes, as well as for influencing how we interact, work, and
live. For some people in remote places don’t have electricity
or insufficient power supply. In these remote landscapes,
where access to traditional electricity sources is limited, it
needs to have a supply of electricity using the renewable
source of energy. Despite the fact that many people still
reside in secluded villages without access, to electricity it
has become an essential requirement for modern living. The
Philippines faces a challenge in providing energy to these
isolated communities due to barriers lacking infrastructure and
financial constraints. The Electric Power Industry Reform Act
(EPIRA) also known as Republic Act No. 9136 establishes a
framework aimed at addressing these challenges by incorporat-
ing measures for delivering electricity services in areas where
traditional utilities are unable to reach. To cater to the energy
needs of these underserved populations Section 59 (Alternative
Electric Service for Isolated Villages) of EPIRA mandates the
participation of parties paving the way for innovative solutions,
in rural electrification and sustainable progress.
The proposed amendment explores how renewable energy
might be a catalyst for revolutionary change in remote com-
munities as a way to address these issues. Through taking
advantage of native renewable resources including biomass,
solar, wind, and hydropower, communities can open doors to
economic empowerment, environmental resilience, and energy
autonomy. A key tool for accelerating the use of renew-
able energy is Section 59 of the EPIRA, which provides a
framework of regulations that, encourages partnership and
innovative ideas. This aims to demonstrate the potential of
renewable energy deployment that is incentivized to promote
sustainable and inclusive development in remote communities
Fig. 1. Methodologies
by carefully examining legislative interventions, technology
advancements, and community-driven efforts. This intends to
stimulate cooperative activities aimed at developing resilient,
reasonable, and environmentally sustainable energy systems
in the Philippines and abroad by elevating the voices of
local communities, emphasizing best practices, and outlining
lessons gained.
III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION increasing exponentially, which eventually leads to depletion
of non-renewable sources. Renewable energy sources are inex-
haustible as they replenish naturally and over relatively short
periods of time. The main renewable energy resources include
solar energy, hydropower, wind energy, biomass, geothermal
energy and tidal energy. The utilization of these renewable
energy sources offers a wide variety of remarkable bene-
fits as these are reliable, cost-effective, environment-friendly,
produce minimum secondary wastes and ultimately lead to
sustainable development. These sources can cover two-thirds
of the entire energy demand at worldwide level and thus, can
Seeking of renewable source of electricity plays an impor- contribute significantly to mitigate the emission of greenhouse
tant role in dealing with a variety of environmental, economic, gases and ultimately global warming. Thus, the significance
and social issues. It’s safe to say that renewable energy sources of renewable sources cannot be undervalued. [2] The latest
including solar, wind, hydro, and etc. produce electricity with energy outlook reports and literatures indicate that most of
much lower or zero greenhouse gas emissions than fossil the counties are aware of the benefits of the utilization of
fuels. This helps to avoid climate change and minimize air renewable energies. A significant share of global electricity
pollution. It promotes improve public health by mitigating air, demand can be produced using RES in the near future if
land and water pollution correlates with the renewable source these countries accelerate their research for the development
of electricity. [1] According to Bebonchu Atems, and Chelsea of renewable technologies and install the most suited and
Hotaling, with growing concerns about climate change, and advanced RES based power plants. Global exploitation of
the constant development of alternative sources of electricity, renewable energy technologies is increasing rapidly due to the
recent papers have argued that examining the relationship concern in global warming and dwindling supplies of fossil
between total electricity consumption and economic growth fuels.
may be misleading as the response of economic growth
may differ depending on whether the source of electricity is Most of the countries in the world are blessed with two or
renewable versus nonrenewable. As a consequence, the use of more renewable energy sources (RES) and hence have formu-
more disaggregate data when examining the impacts of elec- lated policies to boost the utilization of RES for their electric-
tricity consumption on economic growth has recently received ity production. An assessment of renewable electricity scenario
some attention. Al-mulali et al. (2014) look at renewable and is essential for research and development related works in
nonrenewable electricity consumption for 18 Latin American the field of renewable energy technologies in order to further
countries, finding that they each had a positive impact on develop the renewable energy industry. Recent developments
growth in the short and long run. They also find a larger in installation capacities, costs and reductions in electricity
estimate of the impact of renewable electricity consumption costs of major RES based electricity generation methods are
than that of nonrenewable electricity consumption. Pao and discussed in this paper. It also includes the past growth and
Fu (2013) find a bidirectional relationship between economic future expectations of renewable electricity production. The
growth and total renewable energy consumption for Brazil, analysis shows that if the current developments in renewable
while Apergis and Payne (2012) and Apergis and Danuletiu industry continue, then a major share of global electricity
(2014), using data for 80 countries over the period 1980–2012, production in the future could be supplied by renewable energy
report bidirectional causality between renewable electricity technologies.
consumption and nonrenewable electricity consumption, and
economic growth. Varying conclusions on the direction of The analysis further shows that a significant amount of fuel
causality between renewable and nonrenewable electricity cost and pollutants emission can be reduced by the increased
consumption and economic growth has also been documented use of RES based electrical power production technologies.
in several recent papers, including Apergis and Payne, 2010, [4] We analyze policies to promote renewable sources of
Apergis and Payne, 2011b, and Halkos and Tzeremes (2014). electricity. A portfolio standard (RPS) raises electricity prices
and primarily reduces gas-fired generation. A knee of the
cost curve exists between 15 percent and 20 percent goals
This vast empirical literature, coupled with contrasting for 2020 in our central case, and higher natural gas prices
findings on the relationship between (renewable and nonre- lower the cost of greater reliance on renewables. A renewable
newable) electricity consumption and economic growth clearly energy production tax credit lowers electricity price at the
indicates that this topic remains of interest to economists. [3] expense of taxpayers, which limits its effectiveness in reducing
As stated by Shachi Agrawal and Renu Soni, energy sources carbon emissions, and it is less cost-effective at increasing
may be broadly categorized as renewable and non-renewable renewables than a portfolio standard. Neither policy is as
energy sources. With unprecedented population growth and cost-effective as a cap-and-trade policy for achieving carbon
economic development, the global energy demand is also emission reductions.
In conclusion, there should be an amendment to RA 9136,
Section 59. Giving a source of electricity in the remote place’s
using renewable energy helps a lot.It’s not just a business,
it lights up houses and also creates a symbol of hope for
communities by providing sustainable power to places that are
usually ignored. Technology start evolving and also our coun-
try, we should take actions for the improvement. It’s a good
step to help remote places to have source of electricity. This
amendment dedicated commitment to renewable solutions that
can make in enhancing lives and empowering communities.
[1] Bebonchu Atems, Chelsea Hotaling, The effect of renewable and non-
renewable electricity generation on economic growth (2018)
[2] F.R. Pazheri , M.F. Othman , N.H. Malik, A review on global renewable
electricity scenario, (2014)
[3] Shachi Agrawal, Renu Soni, Renewable Energy, (2021)
[4] Karen Palmer, Dallas Burtraw, Cost-effectiveness of renewable electric-
ity policies, (2005)

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