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1. Патрік купив два кілограма кальмарів – Patrik buy two kilos of squid.

2. Чотири олені стояли на галявині і нюхали повітря – Four deer stood on the
meadow and sniffed the air.
3. Де ти бачив цю тканину? – У магазині через дорогу. – Where did you see this
fabric? - In the store across the street.
4. Де ти поклала мою піжаму? Вона лежить на ліжку, візьми її – Where did you put
my pajamas? She is lying on the bed, take it.
5. Герцог Мортон успадкував два мільйони фунтів. – The Duke of Morton inherited
two million pounds.
6. У Теда на тілі прикольні татуювання. – Ted has cool tattoos on his body.
7. У корови чотири ноги та четверо копит. – А cow has four legs and four hooves.
8. Нел – спадкоємець старого графа. – Nel is the heir of the old count.
9. На дорозі було багато жовтого листя. – There were many yellow leaves on the
10. Купи мені, будь ласка, чотири носовички. – Buy me four kerchiefs, please.
11. Які яскраві скелі! Подивись на них! – What bright rocks! Look at them!
12. Ця дівчинка справжня героїня! – This girl is a real heroine!
13. Ми купили два носовички для тата. – We bought two kerchiefs for dad.
14. Ведуча нової програми – дуже красива жінка. – The host of the new program is a
very beautiful woman.
15. Тигриця рикнула і побігла в джунглі. – The tigress roared and ran into the jungle.
16. Ваші поради дуже гарні. Я вам вдячна за них. – Your advice is very good. I am
grateful to you for them.
17. Новини були дуже важливі і я уважно слухала. – The news was very important and
I listened carefully.
18. Їхні знання найкращі в школі. – Their knowledge is the best at school.
19. Успіхи дітей вразили директора школи. – The success of the children impressed
the school director.
20. Де мій одяг? – Він на стільці. – Where are my clothes? - It is on a chair.
21. Ваші докази дуже важливі. Ви повідомили про них поліцію? – Your evidence is
very important. Did you report them to the police?
22. Цей виноград такий красивий! Давай купимо його. – These grapes are so
beautiful! Let's buy it.
23. Де поліція? – Вона у дворі. – Where are the police? - She is in the yard.
24. Поглянь, на дні склянки осад. Це сік поганої якості. – Look, there is sediment at
the bottom of the glass. This is poor quality juice.
25. Ваші окуляри нові? – Так, я їх вчора купив. – Are your glasses new? - Yes, I bought
them yesterday.

Ex. 2
1. Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure of circulating blood against the walls of blood
Blood donor a person who gives blood for use in transfusion.
2. Kitchen scissors, are intended for cutting and trimming foods such as meats.
Nail scissors is small scissors with short curved blades for trimming the fingernails
or toenails.
3. Sunglasses is glasses tinted to protect the eyes from sunlight or glare.
Wine glasses is a glass with a stem and foot, used for drinking wine.
4. Pen-name is a name, especially a completely fake one, under which an author
publishes their work instead of using their real name.
Pen-knife is a small pocketknife usually with only one blade.
5. Human being is a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens,
distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power
of articulate speech, and upright stance.
Human race is human beings in general; humankind.

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