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Title of proposed idea/innovation:

The advent of sensor-equipped firefighting robots marks a significant leap forward in modern
firefighting technology. These robots, equipped with an array of advanced sensors, offer an
innovative solution to combat fires more effectively and mitigate risks to human responders.
By detecting fires early, navigating through hazardous environments, and autonomously
deploying firefighting measures, these robots bring a new level of efficiency, safety, and
precision to firefighting operations.

• Develop an IOT-enabled fire fighting robot equipped with advanced sensors to detect and
assess fire incidents swiftly and accurately.
• Enable real-time data analysis to determine fire severity, precise location, and optimal
response strategies.
• Implement autonomous navigation for the robot to efficiently maneuver through complex
environments and reach fire sources.
• Establish robust IOT communication for remote monitoring, control, and seamless
integration with emergency response systems.
• Enhance firefighter safety by minimizing human exposure to hazardous environments
while improving overall firefighting efficiency.

The methodology for a fire fighting robot can be divided into the following steps:
System design: This involves defining the requirements for the robot, such as the type of fire
it will extinguish, the environment it will operate in, and its level of autonomy.
Sensor selection and placement: The robot must be able to detect fire and navigate its
environment. This requires a variety of sensors, such as flame sensors, temperature sensors,
and obstacle avoidance sensors. The sensors must be placed strategically on the robot to
ensure that it can detect fire and navigate safely.
Actuator selection and placement: The robot must be able to move and extinguish fires.
This requires actuators, such as motors and pumps. The actuators must be selected and placed
carefully to ensure that the robot can move efficiently and extinguish fires safely.
Software development: The robot must be programmed to control its sensors, actuators, and
navigation system. The software must be robust and reliable to ensure that the robot can
operate safely and effectively in a fire fighting environment.
Testing and evaluation: Once the robot is built, it must be thoroughly tested and evaluated
to ensure that it meets all requirements and can operate safely and effectively in a fire
fighting environment.

Work plan:
Cost breakdown:
Research and Development: INR 40,000 - INR 60,000 robot Technology Integration: INR
60,000 - INR 80,000 and Validation: INR 15,000 - INR 25,000
Patent Filing: INR 8,000 - INR 12,000
Test Report: INR 1,000 - INR 3,000
Feedback and Testimonials: INR 500 - INR 1500 Marketing and Promotion: INR 5,000 - INR
10,000 Miscellaneous Expenses: INR 5,000 - INR 10,000
The total estimated cost breakdown within the 2 lakh budget is approximately: INR 1,62,500 -
INR 2,30,000
Please note that the cost breakdown provided is an estimation and can vary based on specific
project requirements, market conditions and resource availability.

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