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I'm Angeline Joyce Angeles, 22, from Maragondon, Cavite.

Growing up with my loving

family taught me how to be happy. I enjoy simple things like being with my family, exploring
nature, and doing what I love. I believe in being true to myself and finding beauty in everyday
moments. My family keeps me grounded, and my dreams motivate me. In a complicated world,
I find comfort in the simple life and the love of my family. Nobody’s perfect but I see all the good
things happening in my life and I know its because of God’s kindness and I’m sure God is behind
all these good things happening to me/us.

What makes me sad, happy and angry? It feels really sad when my loved ones have to
go back to another country. I miss them a lot. We have so much fun, and it's hard to say
goodbye. I miss their hugs, their laughter, and just having them around. It feels like a part of me
is missing when they're gone. But I hold onto the happy times we shared and can't wait for the
day when we'll be together again. Anything can make me happy. It's the simple things in life
that bring me joy. Like being with my family and friends. Every little things brings joy. I believe in
finding joy in the everyday moments and appreciating the beauty in life's simplicity. Happiness
is all around us; we just need to open our hearts to it. Nothing makes me angry. I stay calm and
happy. I don't let things bother me. Life's too short to be angry. I focus on the good stuff

For the strength and weaknesses, I'm not so good at public speaking, and sometimes I
feel unsure of myself. Speaking in front of others makes me nervous, and I doubt myself
sometimes. But I'm working on it, trying to get better. With practice and support, I hope to
overcome these challenges and become more confident. I consider kindness to be my strength. I
believe in treating everyone with compassion and understanding. Being kind isn't just
something I do, it's a big part of who I am. Whether it's offering a listening ear, lending a hand,
or simply sharing a smile, I know that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big
difference in someone's day.

If I were in front of a mirror I will tell to myself that, “You've done a lot, and you should
feel really proud. Remember all those challenges you faced? You faced them bravely and never
gave up. Each time you beat a challenge, you got stronger. You've had wins, big and small, and
you've grown so much along the way. Keep believing in yourself! You've shown you can do great
things. So, keep going strong and kind. You're awesome, and you should be always proud of

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