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Min Pin Sweater Paradise

Min Pin Sweater Patterns & info

Why does this blog exist? Simple - because my miniature pinscher is my baby. Because she gets cold in the winter and on rainy days and needs cozy sweaters to
keep her warm. And because finding doggie sweater patterns that will fit a min pin correctly is nearly impossible.

What I can't find elsewhere, I make for myself. Since I have to create my own patterns anyway, I'm glad to let other min pin mamas (and daddies) :-) reap the
benefits. I'll make the patterns and post them on here so you can download them. All I ask is that you keep them for personal use. Please don't 1) sell my
patterns, 2) repost them and claim them as your own, 3) use them for commercial purposes.

Thank you and enjoy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Pebbles (a.k.a. Pebbly Poo)

Autumn Stripes Crochet Min Pin Sweater

This cozy sweater striped in autumn
colors has a ribbed neck and
decorative ribbing on the back hem.
Raglan-style sleeves narrow down to
a close band to keep chills away. You
can change the colors to any of your
choosing for different looks.

My model and your unknowing

MATERIALS benefactor. Without her shivers, I
wouldn't be making these great patterns
Main Color (MC) 1 skein Lion Brand for you!
Vanna's Choice in Brick
Color A 1 skein Lion Brand Vanna's Choice in Dusty Green Blog Archive
Color B 1 skein Lion Brand Vanna's Choice in Rust
Color C 1 skein Lion Brand Vanna's Choice in Chocolate ► 2012 (1)

Size E and Size F crochet needle or size needed to obtain gauge ► 2011 (1)

Yarn needle size 2 3/4”
▼ 2010 (3)

GAUGE: 15 dc and 10 rows = 4 inches with larger hook ► November (1)

▼ October (2)

Autumn Stripes Crochet Min Pin
Min Pin fit adjustments on
1 row MC standard sweater patterns
1 row color B
1 row color A
1 row color C Followers
1 row color B
Followers (18)
1 row color A

Note: Change colors

BEFORE the ch 3 at the end of each row.

Stitch counts are written for an average size min pin. Numbers in parentheses allow a little extra
room if your min pin is a bit pudgy.

About Me

If you'd rather have this pattern in PDF form, click Autumn Sweater PDF.
View my complete profile

Using MC and smaller hook, chain 8 loosely.

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and each chain across. 7 sts. Ch 1, turn.

Row 2: Sc in back loop only of each sc across. Ch 1, turn.

Repeat prev row 44 (46) times. On last row, don't make the ch 1. Don't end off.


Switch to larger hook. Begin making stripes using pattern above.

Joining row: Ch 3 for first dc. Make 49 (53) dc along the long side of the neck piece. 50 (54) sts.
Ch 3, turn.

Row 1: Dc in first stitch, inc made. Dc in each dc across to last stitch, 2 dc in last dc, inc made. 52
(56) sts. Ch 3, turn.

Rows 2 – 7: Repeat Row 1. 64 (68) sts. Don't end off.

First Leg Hole

Row 1: Skip first dc. Dc in next 7 (9) dc. 8 (10) sts. Ch 3, turn. Leave the rest of the row unworked.

Row 2: Skip first dc. Dc in each dc to end of row. Ch 3, turn.

Rows 3 – 5: Repeat Row 2. On last row, don't make ch 3. End off.

Upper Back

Go back to unworked stitches from first row of the leg hole. Skip the next 7 (7) stitches after the
leg hole piece and join the yarn to the row.

Row 1: Ch 3 for first dc, dc in next 33 dc. 34 (34) sts. Ch 3, turn. Leave the rest of the row

Row 2: Skip first dc. Dc in each dc to end of row. Ch 3, turn.

Row 3 – 5: Repeat Row 2. On last row, don't make ch 3. End off.

Second Leg Hole

Go back to unworked stitches from first row of the leg hole. Skip the next 7 (7) stitches after the
upper back part and join the yarn to the row.

Row 1: Ch 3. Dc in remaining 7 (9) dc. 8 (10) sts. Ch 3, turn.

Row 2: Skip first dc. Dc in each dc to end of row. Ch 3, turn.

Rows 3 – 5: Repeat Row 2. You will end at the edge of the work. Don't end off.

Remaining Chest

Row 1: Skip first dc. Dc in each dc along second leg hole. Loosely ch 7. Dc in each dc across upper
back section. Loosely ch 7. Dc in each dc on first leg hole. Ch 3, turn.

Row 2: Skip first dc. Dc in each dc and ch across. 62 (66) sts. Ch 3, turn.

Row 3: Skip first dc. Dc in each dc across. Ch 3, turn.

Repeat Row 3 until piece measures 3 ½ inches from the bottom of the leg hole to the last row
worked. Don't end off.

Waist and Lower Back

Row 1: Slip st in next 15 (15) dc. Ch 3. Dc in next 31 (35) dc. 32 (36) sts. Ch 3, turn. You should
have 15 dc remaining unworked for the row.

Row 2: Skip first dc. Dc2tog, dc in each dc across to second to last dc, dc2tog. 30 (34) sts. Ch 3,
Row 3: Repeat Row 2. 28 (32) sts.

Row 4: Skip first dc. Dc in each dc across. Ch 3, turn.

Row 5 – 6: Repeat Row 4. End off.

Back Ribbing

With MC and smaller hook, ch 10 loosely.

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and each chain across. 9 sts. Ch 1, turn.

Row 2: Sc in back loop only of each sc across. Ch 1, turn.

Repeat prev row 25 (27) times or until length of ribbing matches the length of the lower back
hem. On last row, don't make the ch 1. End off.

Stitch neck and chest seam, taking care to line up the stripes.

Raglan-style Leg Sleeves

With MC and smaller hook, working from the inside of the sweater, join yarn to corner of leg hole
closest to neck band and chest seam.

Round 1: Make 13 sc in lower edge of hole, sc in each of 7 dc on left side of hole, 13 sc in upper
edge of hole, sc in each of 7 dc on right side of hole. Join with ss to first sc. 40 sts. Ch 1.

Round 2: Skip first sc, sc in next 12 sc, hdc in next 7 sc, dc in next 13 sc, hdc in last 7 sc, join with
ss to first sc. 40 sts. Join color A. Ch 1.

Round 3: Skip first sc, sc in next 12 sc, hdc2tog, hdc in next 5 hdc, dc2tog, dc in next 9 dc, dc2tog,
hdc in next 5 hdc, hdc2tog, join with ss to first sc. 36 sts. Join color B. Ch 1.

Round 4: Skip first sc, sc in next 12 sc, hdc2tog, hdc in next 4 hdc, dc2tog, dc in next 7 dc, dc2tog,
hdc in next 4 hdc, hdc2tog, join with ss to first sc. 32 sts. Join color C. Ch 1.

Round 5: Skip first sc, sc2tog, sc in next 9 st, sc2tog, hdc2tog, hdc in next 3 hdc, dc2tog, dc in next
5 dc, dc2tog, hdc in next 3 hdc, hdc2tog, join with ss to first sc. 26 sts. Join color B. Ch 1.

Round 6: Skip first sc, sc2tog, sc in next 7 st, sc2tog, hdc2tog, hdc in next hdc, dc2tog, dc in next 3
dc, dc2tog, hdc in next hdc, hdc2tog, join with ss to first sc. 20 sts. Join MC. Ch 1.

Round 7: Sc in each st around. Join with ss to first sc. Ch 1.

Round 8: Sc in each sc around. Join with ss to first sc. End off.

Belly Opening Edging

With MC and smaller hook, join yarn to edge of opening. Sc evenly around the opening and in
each dc at the back hem. End off.


Sew back ribbing to back hem. Weave in all ends.

Posted by Stacie at 3:53 PM

Labels: autumn, crochet, crochet pattern, dog, dog crochet, dog crochet pattern, dog sweater, min pin sweater,
miniature pinscher, stripes


Flint August 21, 2011 at 2:24 PM

I have a bald rat terrier who loves his stripeless version of this sweater. =) He's so cute when he
wears it!

Stacie August 22, 2011 at 11:03 AM

Thanks so much! I'm glad he's enjoying his cozy sweater. :)


twilighttimegirl October 1, 2011 at 9:34 AM

well, it's been over 20 yrs since I've crocheted anything.. so this ought to be fun to say the least!! I
usually have big dogs.. now my grandson has a mini pit.. Ace.. poor little thing has the shivers, now
that summer is over.. and I can't see paying 40.00 at PetSmart.. Wish me Luck and thanks for the


Campfire October 8, 2011 at 12:10 PM

I want to make a crochet coat for my friend's Norfolk terrier who at the moment is really tiny, only
8 weeks.

I only want a simple one as I won't have the dog there to measure. Have you any ideas about one
that simply buttons at front, and underneath, no collar, rather like a miniature horse rug?


NancyLynn October 28, 2011 at 10:29 AM

Would this work for a miniature 9 pound dachshund? She needs a sweater for when I take her out
in these cold mornings so she will stop shivering. LOL


Stacie October 28, 2011 at 11:25 AM

Hi everybody - sorry it's taken me so long to get all these notes up here - we were moving and I was
Internet-less for a few weeks. Yikes!

Okay - Twilighttimegirl - So glad you like it! I hope little Ace stays nice and warm in his new
sweater. Let me know how it turns out.

Campfire - If you haven't already found one, you might like this one: http://www.make-and-build- You can also find it on - it's the second one listed as just "Dog Sweater" under the Pets
category. Good luck!

NancyLynn - Pebbles is about 10 pounds so it should be in the ballpark. It might be a little baggy
though the chest and a bit too short. If so, I'd work the shoulder increase every other row instead
of every row and adjust the chest and leg-hole shaping to keep everything in line. I'd also add 2 or
3 work-even rounds after the chest but before you start shaping the waist. Hope that helps!

Anonymous December 31, 2011 at 1:35 PM

Thank you so much! I adore this!! Please make more patterns!

Crochet craze July 26, 2012 at 11:03 PM

I havea rather big chihuahua , he's healthy and in shape and I was a little skeptical about the size
comparison. I'm in the middle of crocheting this now and it feels a little big and I'm scared to
make alterations afraid I'll mess it all up(beginner in crocheting, first full pattern)

Stacie July 27, 2012 at 5:56 AM

Hi Crochet craze -

Welcome to the crochet world! Glad to hear you've joined us and congrats on your first full
pattern. Be brave - the great thing about crochet is that it's easy to pull back if it's not turning out
and everybody, everywhere, has had to do it a million times. So if you have to do a little trial-and-
error to get your sweater just right, don't worry. You're in the club.

Now for the real help - I'm going to assume you're using the same size hook and yarn as the
pattern because that will throw your sizing way off if you're using a bigger hook or bulkier yarn. If
you are and your chihuahua is about the same size as Allie, Pebbles's little neighbor friend, his
chest will be smaller around than Pebbles's and his body a little longer, plus much shorter legs.

To adjust, work everything as written until the shoulders. Next, decrease two stitches in the middle
of row 1 and row 2 (at about stitch 23 or 24 - DC two together). Then wrap your sweater piece
around your dog and see how it fits. (He'll give you reproachful looks, but he'll get over it. :) ) If it's
still too big, decrease two on the next row the same way and you should be pretty close. Make a
note of how many stitches you decreased and reduce the number of stitches in the middle of each
row in the remaining pattern accordingly.

For length, add rows to the end of the lower back until the sweater is about an inch and a half from
where his tail attaches, then work the trim. Enjoy!


Crochet craze July 27, 2012 at 9:28 AM

Thank you so much , that was extremely helpful..


fairyfemme27 October 4, 2012 at 2:31 PM

I have a Min Pin named Bear Dog (BD for short). He likes to make himself shiver just so he can get
under the covers at night. My girlfriend has a dautson terrier who wont go outside without a
sweater. I would love to make this sweater but it would be the 1st one Ive ever messed.



Stacie October 22, 2012 at 11:45 AM

Hi! BD sounds like a real sweetheart. He and my little ol' gal could share "favorite
blanket moment" stories and give each other tips on how to get one over on us silly
humans. I hope your sweater is coming along well and that you and BD are doing great.


cg7471 October 22, 2012 at 8:50 AM

I have a min pin cross with long hair chihuahua. He has the coloring your "model" has but he is
tall and skinny. Is there a way I can adjust your pattern for the winter sweater? The smallest hook
I have is H. Please hel[. Thx.



Stacie October 22, 2012 at 11:59 AM

Hey there! Because you'd be using a larger hook, your sweater will turn out bigger and
baggier than if you were able to work it with a smaller hook. You'd need to decrease the
number of stitches in each row by several to get the size down. Your best bet on an H
hook would be to drop the total number of stitches per row by about 4 to 6, distributing
the reduced stitches through the straight parts and keeping the same number of
increases and decreases per row. You'll have to do a lot of trying on and restitching
until you get it just right.

If your little fella is similar in shape to a standard min pin but thinner, it might be
easiest to work the pattern as is and just decrease your hook sizes to D and E rather
than E and F. It would also make the sweater more dense and warm, handy if you're in
an especially chilly climate. An investment in a couple smaller hooks might save you a
lot of trouble and you'll find plenty of uses for them on your other projects.


Unknown December 30, 2013 at 6:13 PM

Beautiful sweater been looking for a sweater pattern for my mini pin. That I could do myself the
stores dont sell anything like I want. ♥♥♥


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