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POTENTIALLY observable
activities of people or animals .
its anything a human being or
animal does ,that can be
observed 2
Branches of knowledge using behavior
for their studies
Social psychology
is the scientific field that seeks to understand
the nature and causes of individual behavior
and thoughts in social situations 3
 Sociology – is concerned about group

 Sociobiology- The role of genetic and

biological factors affecting social behavior
 Attribution –
 Anthropology – compares behavior in
different cultures 4
Faculties that influence behaviour
• Learning and behaviour
Learning is defined as any
relatively permanent change in behavior that
occurs as a result of practice or experience
• There are different types of learning 5
Classical conditioning
Instrumental conditioning
Cognitive learning
Prepared behavior
Unprepared and contra prepared behavior 6
• 2. Personality and behaviour
When psychologist define personality ,
they tend to refer to the qualities with in the
person or the behavioral characteristics of a
person or both 7
• 3. Memory & behavior
Memory is the part of cognitive
learning .it helps us to keep in store the past
experiences. So it indirectly helps in molding
behavior 8
• 4. Motives and behavior
Motivation is defined as conditions
within the organism that arouse , maintain
and direct behavior to a specific goal 9
• 5. Attitude and behavior
Attitudes are developed based on
firm beliefs or convictions after proper of
some objects and they will guide behavior .but
we cant expect that attitude will always
influence behavior 10
• 6.Emotion and behavior
Emotion is a subjective. behavior
is perceived by external manifestation .there
are a number of theories showing emotion –
motivation –behavior relationship . for a
number of emotions ,different patterns of
bodily activity can be detected 11
• 7. Genetic factors & hereditary & behavior
Study of mono – zygotic twins shows
identical behavior pattern even when they are
brought up in two environmental situations 12
• 8. Behavior and endocrine system
Studies on aggressive behavior has
shown that endocrine system has a role in
molding behavior 13
• 9.Behavior &environment life situation
They have a definite role on molding
behavior . These , in turn , are related with
learning , cognition ,etc 14
• 10. Behavior and stress
There is a major study on
frustration – aggression . definitely it will
influence behavior . 15
Major types of behavior
• pro – social behavior
refers to action that provides
benefit to others but this will have no obvious
benefit for person who carries them out .this
is also known as helping behavior , charitable
behavior and altruism 16
• when comparing with the personality we
can’t pinpoint one personality trait have
shown a pro-social behavior. But a
personality which has the following has shown
a prosocial behavior – altruistic personality 17
empathy for the suffering of others
believing in a strong just world
felt more socially responsible
less ego centric 18
Is a behavior directed towards the goal
of harming another living being .this is an
intentional infliction of some form of harm on
others . this is exact opposite of pro social

various theories related with AGGRESSION 19
• 1 . instinct theory – aggression is an innate behavior
The basic nature of this theory is that it
is an essential nature of human being . Sigmund Freud
was the strong supporter of this theory. But
psychologists as a whole rejected this concept because
aggression type behavior is influenced by social ,
environmental cultural living habits and standards etc .
• biological theories –psychologists are saying that
certain hormones , serotonins , testosterone , etc will
influence aggressive behavior , it can’t be considered
as the final word. 20
• drive theories are saying that external factors
which make frustration in us will arouse our
motives to harm others .this is frustration –
aggression theory
• social learning theory
learning theory suggests that aggressive
behavior is learn through observation or past
experiences 21
• Cognitive theories – cognitive theories of
aggression suggests that aggression starts
from complex interplay from cognitive factors,
emotion , past experiences and current moods
etc . emotions – cognition has a control over
the other .
It is said that type a personality people
are more aggressive than type b 22
• 3. Behavior in groups
We will restrict our negative behaviors when in
group being that others are watching
,analyzing and evaluating .but when small
groups are moving out of place ,they will have
a different behavior of audacity also 23
• 4.Species typical behavior
This is more common in lower
animals . this is species specific . in human
beings , we can’t see such species typical
behavior prominently , the behavior of small
infants , certain emotions are considered as
species typical although . 24
• 5. Social behavior
It is learnt through constant
interaction with others . this term is with
reference to the socially acceptable and
adapted pattern of behavior 25
Biology of behavior
The hypothalamus is concerned with
certain types of motivated behavior such as
hunger , thirst and sexual behavior etc
.Emotion expression are made through the
limbic system which consists of structures in
the thalamus , hypothalamus and cerebrum 26
• when pre frontal cortex is damaged either
increased impulsiveness immaturity in social
behavior can occur or increased apathy ,loss
of initial drive and reduction in emotional
expression can occur .
when the frontal lobe cerebral
cortex is affected , movement of particular
body structures will be affected which results
in physical abnormalities of behavior 27
Behavior disorders
• The major behavior disorders seen in children are

Attention deficit hyper kinetic disorders – the

major symptoms include , hyper activity
,impulsivity , inattention and emotional ability
Conduct disorders – the basic rights of other
children are violated and usual rules and dictums
of society are not properly followed
 Autism 28
Eating disorders associated with behavior
Anorexia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa
 Obesity 29
• Exposure to substance - use disorders
e.g . . . . Coffin tobacco dependence,
heroine and alcohol dependence
• Disorders associated with mental faculties
showing behavioral changes.
All most all diseases affecting the
personality, mood, affect, thinking emotion
etc can cause behavioral disturbances 30
Behavioral therapy
is based on learning principle. Its aim is
to change the mal adaptive behavior. The
procedures are used according to the
environment and problems 31
• Classical conditioning technique
 Systematic de sensitization
Useful in cases fear, anxiety to appear
examination, apprehensions etc.
 flooding – for to get rid of fear of heights etc
 aversion therapy – esp. in cases of alcohol ,
tobacco , drug abuse etc 32
• operant conditioning for increasing behavior
Used methods are positive reinforcement,
negative reinforcement, model behavior etc
• operant conditioning for decreasing behavior
 punishment
 time out
 omission 33
 Introduction to psychology by CLIFFORD T
 General psychology Dr. S.K MANGAL
 Social psychology BARON R A 34

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