Michael King - Presentation

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Managing Business Processes and Change Practitioner Case Study

Affecting positive change around your process improvement project

Michael N King 25 October 2011

About QLA
Founded in 2002 ? We work with schools and school systems

Primarily the Public Education systems Victoria, South Australia, NSW and ACT

Our aim: improving the quality of learning ? Based on proven principles and practices that support a Quality System of Management

2011 QLA


A Quality System of Management

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clarify the AIM establish SHARED VISION stop blaming people - SYSTEMS DRIVE PERFORMANCE focus on PROCESSES as well as outcomes REMOVE BARRIERS to performance unlock INTRINSIC MOTIVATION INVOLVE EVERYONE in continual improvement seek to PREVENT rather than cure develop your own THEORY FOR IMPROVEMENT use DATA to monitor progress and inform improvement respond appropriately to VARIATION

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2011 QLA

2008 QLA


Affecting Positive Change Around Your Process Improvement Project The issues I was asked to address:

Why you need a change management plan and what aspects you need to include Communicating the change to employees and training them Dealing effectively with adverse reactions and resistance to change

2011 QLA


What you see depends on what you think before you look.
Myron Tribus

2011 QLA


Influencing Organisational Behaviour

Values and Beliefs Philosophy and Principles Structures and Systems Processes and Methods Dilemmas and Choices Actions and Behaviours

2011 QLA


People engage with change when they

Believe in the potential of the change Care about the change process and outcomes Take responsibility for their contribution, in the expectation that their contribution will be valued Bring energy to the improvement efforts

2011 QLA


Engaging in Change

D V S R C = Dissatisfaction with current state = Vision of what could be = Strategy to achieve the vision = Recognition of who I am and what I do = Cost of change
Adapted from Beckhard and Gleichers Formula for Change

2011 QLA


Process Improvement in Context

Daily Routines Improving System and Processes Innovation

CEO / Board Senior Executives Managers Supervisors Front Line Staff 0%

2011 QLA

Proportion of time spent

100 %


Working ON the System

Only the people working IN the system know what is going wrong and creating waste. Only the managers, working ON the system have the authority to change it.
Myron Tribus, Will Our Educational System be the Solution or the Problem? (1998), available at http://deming-network.org/deming_tribus.htm
2011 QLA 1-Nov-11


Affecting Positive Change Around Your Process Improvement Project

Potentially more productive issues to address:

The values, beliefs and philosophy underpinning your management approach Clarity around the purpose and vision for all improvement efforts Articulation of the theory for improvement, including the plan of action Engaging everyone in the improvement process (not just isolated projects) Ensuring those most affected by the change contribute to the identification, development and deployment of the improvements Monitoring progress along the way to remove barriers and build enthusiasm

2011 QLA


Video Reflection Questions

? Key

Messages ? Questions ? Ideas

2011 QLA



Michael King and Jane Kovacs
02 6251 3870 Michaels phone 03 9370 9944 Janes phone

michael.king@qla.com.au jane.kovacs@qla.com.au
2011 QLA 1-Nov-11


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