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Watch the video “Success is a continuous journey” by Richard St. John

Which of these people do you consider to be successful? Explain your reasoning.

Cristiano Ronaldo Mother Teresa Bill Gates

Pablo Escobar Justin Beiber OJ Simpson


Look at five traits commonly associated with successful people. Do you agree with
them? Can you add 2 more traits?

determination knowledge good looks charisma luck bitcoin

good ideas/ diligence analysis of market/

Look at five traits commonly associated with unsuccessful people. Do you agree with
them? Can you add 2 more traits?

lazy unmotivated negative no focus unlucky

not thinking about the future/ not learning from old mistakes shyness/dont believe in themselves


Read the indicators of success listed below. Do you agree that these things indicate
success? Are these things important to you?

- Famous friends. - A holiday home.

- Two holidays per year. - Own a home without a mortgage.
- Designer clothes. - Own various sports cars.
- Member of an exclusive club. - Have political influence.

Task - What are your own personal indicators of success? Give details and examples.

ESL Pals 1 Business English


Complete the sentences using the vocabulary from the box. Then decide if you agree or
disagree that these are good indicators of success for a business.

employee loyalty
workforce innovative profits customer
leader brand offices sustainability

A Successful Business....
1. has a happy ________
workforce that is highly motivated and passionate.

2. is ________
sustainable as the business world and customers' needs are always changing.

3. produces big ________

profits every year, keeping the shareholders happy.
4. has a loyal ________
customer base.

5. needs to have a strong ________

leader who is knowledgeable and decisive.
6. has a recognisable ________
brand which customers trust.
7. has its ________
offices located in prestigious locations to attract the best talent.

8. has a ________
innovative plan which ensures low emissions, recycling etc.

Watch the video “Success is a continuous journey”, then answer the questions.
stop work/ relaxed/ improve/ lost passion/idea/
1. What were Richard’s mistakes which led to him losing his business?
2. When he reached success he focussed on money, what did he concentrate on before
he became successful? ideas/ projects/ clients

3. Why was Richard happy when he let all of his employees go? not manage anyone

4. Do you think Richard liked being successful? Explain your reasoning. 2nd // 1st no/ learned true pattern

5. Can you name the 8 principles of success?

passion work focus ideas improve push persist serve

ESL Pals 2 Business English

Read and discuss each of the principles of success below. Discuss the the following:
● Explain how each point relates to success.
● Which principles do you find most / least important?
● Give examples of how each point relates to your business life.



Choose the correct definition of each phrase, then answer the questions.

1. Drop like a rock

a. when you lose something instantly.
b. when something / someone falls quickly.

2. Comfort zone
a. a place / situation where one feels safe or at ease, without stress.
b. a physical place where you can relax after work.

3. I made it.
a. to succeed at something
b. to finish a project.

4. Creative block
a. when a person has an internal barrier that stops them being creative.
b. when a person stops being creative for one day.

5. Hot shot
a. an important or successful person.
b. a person who will be successful in the future.

6. Black cloud
a. is a sign of bad luck.
b. signifies that someone is going through a difficult time.

ESL Pals 3 Business English

rock + cloud
1. Which of the phrases do you think are related to unsuccessful situations?
2. To be successful, do you need to leave your comfort zone?
3. How can you avoid having a creative block? Have you experienced it?
4. What are your career goals? When will you have made it?
5. Are black clouds inevitable and part of the learning process? Explain.

Discuss the following questions about failure.

1. Have there been any failures that made your life better?
2. Is there a right time to give up and stop trying? Or should you never give up?
3. Can you think of any famous people who failed spectacularly at something?
4. How can parents / teachers ensure that children don’t fail?
5. Are people afraid to fail? Is this fear positive or negative? Explain.

ESL Pals 4 Business English



Read the article, then write detailed answers to the questions below (1-5).

1. They get up early - Nearly 50 percent of self-made millionaires get out of bed at
least three hours before their workday actually starts. Many of them use the free
time to tackle personal projects, plan their day, or make time for exercise.

2. They read a lot - A massive 88 percent of successful people say they devote 30
minutes or more each day to education or self-improvement through reading. Most
do not read for entertainment; they prefer biographies, history, and self-help books.

3. They spend 15 to 30 minutes each day on focused thinking - Many self-made

millionaires say they make time to process everything that’s going on in their lives.
The rich often reflect on their career, their health and their personal relationships.
Having quiet time to analyze your thoughts is associated with stress reduction.

4. They make exercise a priority - Working out regularly clears your head and makes
you feel more motivated. 76 percent of successful people find 30 minutes or more
for aerobic exercise like jogging, biking or walking each day.

5. They spend time with people who inspire them - You are only as successful as
those you frequently associate with. If you don’t have highly-motivated people in
your personal network yet, fear not. Self-made millionaires volunteer, which is a
great way to meet other positive, motivated individuals. You could also join groups
for people who share your same career or personal interests.

6. They get enough sleep - Albert Einstein preferred to get at least ten hours of sleep
a night. If you too function best when you’re well-rested, here is some good news -
an overwhelming 89 percent of self-made millionaires sleep seven or eight hours
each night or more.
Adapted from 9 Habits of Highly Successful People by Marguerite Ward. Link: Article

1. Which of the habits do you currently do?

ESL Pals 5 Business English

2. Which of the habits do you intend to incorporate into your life?

3. Do you agree that waking up early is key to success? Explain.

4. Why do you think reading is linked to success? Could you read more?

5. Do you have any other tips which could lead to success? Explain.

ESL Pals 6 Business English

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