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Project title: implementing a comprehensive health education in nayi-nawa and abbari community primary

schools in damaturu yobe state of Nigeria

Section One: Team Introduction

Team Name Implementing a comprehensive health education program in schools to promote healthy lifestyle choices and prevent chronic
Comprehensive health for better diseases
Names, Phone numbers,
and Email Addresses of
Team Members
Team leader;
Adamu ahmad-


Deputy team lead:

Haruna ibrahim-

Abdulkadir ahmed jajere


naja’atu abubakar sulaiman

Thematic Area
Our thematic area is health

Section Two: Change Project Scope Definition

Problem Analysis: Chronic diseases, such as heart dieses stroke, diabetes cholera, obesity and other preventable diseases are the leading causes of death and
disability worlwide.these diseases are largely preventable through healthy lifestyle choices, including physical activities, healthy eating,
avoiding tobacco use, and managing stress. However many people lack the knowledge, skills, and resources to make these healthy lifestyle
choices. Schools are ideal settings to promote healthy behavior and preventing chronic diseases, as they reach a diverse population of
children and adolescents.

Project Goal and Objectives Project Activities Expected Outcomes (What improvement will you see
in your target audience as a result of your project)
The goals of this project are to implement a 1. Assessment: an assessments of the current 1. Increased knowledge
comprehensive health education curriculum and prevent health education curriculum and resources and awareness of
chronic diseases among students. will be conducted to identify gaps and areas healthy lifestyle choices
for improvement among students
Objective: Empower school students by equipping them 2. Curriculum development: a comprehensive 2. Improved attitudes and
with the skills to take care of their healthy lifestyle health education curriculum will be developed, behavior towards
which includes topics such as physical healthy lifestyle choices
activities, healthy eating, tobacco use among students.
prevention, stress management, and other 3. Reduced rate of chronic
health –related topics disease among
3. Teacher training: teachers will be trained to students.
deliver the health education curriculum 4. Increased engagement
effectively and confidentially. of parents in the healthy
4. Parent engagement: parents will be engaged behaviors among
in the health education program through students
regular communication and information 5. Sustainability of the
sharing health education beyond
5. The programme will evaluated periodically to the project
assess its effectiveness and identify areas for
Section Three: Defining Project Stakeholders

Partners Collaborators Allies Target audience

yobe state primary health care health education teacher in abbari HON.Hamisu muhammad maigari the (students/pupils in primary
management board community speaker yobe state children parliaments

Yobe children initiatives for Abubakr sadiq of abbari community Community leader abbari Students/pupils in primary schools
developtment community damaturu

Abba community youth association Chairman abbari community ass President yobe childrens initiatives Students and pupils in primary

Section Four: Project Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies

Risk Likelihood (Low, Medium, High) Risk Impact (Low, Medium, High) Anticipated Mitigation Measures
Scoop creef, the objectives of the project (share how you intend to solve this)
are not well-defined
Low likelyhood It has low inpact on the change project Creating clear project parameters from
the start will stretngthen the project

Lack of clarity in the form of It has low inpact When planning the project, check
miscommunication from The likelyhood of this event to occur and recheck your requirements to
stakeholders, vague project scoops, is 45% its medium ensure everything is in place.
or unclear deadlines
Time crunch The likelyhood of this risk is very Its low To mitigate time risk, a rule of
low due to the pact that the project thumb is to overestimate the time
is scheduled well to complete task in the planning
phase and build in time contingency

Operational risk medium Low Make sure your team is prepared

for the change and has time to
adjust through the team meetings,
scheduling tools, or additional

Low performance of project medium Low By following your process in real

time, plan your project thoroughly,
and promote open communication
between team members.

Section Five: Project Schedule

S/N Activity Description Responsible Timeline

Training\seminar of teachers Planning, preparing and delivery of training to Haruna ibrahim The project can take two
teachers on health education and najaatu to three weeks

Community mobilization and parents Community mobilization, meeting community All members of The project can take
engagement peoples, and liaising with parents on healthy the team three to four weeks
lifestyle of their children

Curriculum development Research, finding of important curriculum to be Abdulkadir ahmad The project timeline will
used in schools for teaching effective health jajere and adamu take not greater than two
education ahmad ibrahim weeks
Problem analysis Research of the problems and finding possible Haruna Ibrahim, Six to seven days
solutions najaatu and

Section Six: Project Budget

There are three sub-grant categories; the small ($150), medium ($350), and large ($500) subgrants. The subgrants will be disbursed in two tranches on the condition that your
first implementation is successful (First tranche 70%, upfront and last tranche 30% upon the success of the first implementation phase

S/N Item/Activity Cost Cost Narrative (Reason behind the spend)

1 Curriculum development and 140,000 This accounts for the cost of printing of 100 pages of curriculum
printing cost . 200 students/pupils which cost for 700 per one book.

2 Teacher training cost for 85,000 This accounts for the procurement of training materials,
training of 30 teachers feeding and training allowance for the trainees

3 Parents engagement cost 50,000 This account for the transport and other necessary materials
needed for parent engagement of more than 200 parents and
guidance across the state capital damaturu

4 Community partnerships 45,000 This accounts for the cost of community engagement with
community clinic and other health workers for effective

Total 291,000

Section Seven: Project Outcomes and Evaluation

Intended Outcome Success Indicator

Increased awareness on health education and healthy lifestyle among student 200 pupils in abbari-nayi nawa community
Increased engagement of parents in the healthy behaviors among students 200 parents are engaged in comprehensive health awareness

Improved attitudes and behavior towards healthy lifestyle choices among students. Studenst engeaged are developing good habit toward their lifestyle choices

Sustainability of the health education beyond the project Health education is sustainable beyond our project.

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