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Striving for excellence in academic pursuits often demands tackling challenging tasks, and crafting a

thesis is no exception. Among the myriad of academic endeavors, writing a thesis stands out as one
of the most arduous undertakings. Specifically, delving into the intricate dynamics of economic
growth in a complex context like Pakistan poses numerous hurdles for aspiring scholars.

Embarking on a thesis journey requires a profound understanding of the subject matter, meticulous
research skills, and the ability to critically analyze vast amounts of data. In the case of studying
economic growth in Pakistan, scholars must navigate through multifaceted economic indicators,
historical trends, socio-political factors, and external influences to formulate comprehensive insights.

Moreover, the process of synthesizing diverse perspectives, theories, and empirical evidence into a
coherent narrative demands exceptional clarity of thought and precise articulation. Crafting a thesis
on economic growth in Pakistan necessitates grappling with nuanced nuances, addressing conflicting
viewpoints, and presenting original contributions to the academic discourse.

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On the other hand, the existing imbalances between government revenues and expenditure,
ineffective public spending, poor-balanced tax system, deficit of power and water and persistent
political instability that frightens potential foreign investors, do not allow for gaining sustainable
growth. Also, it highlights the way forward to ensure political stability for economic progress. Fiscal
Development The fiscal development is considered as one of the most important part of the
economic development of the country. About 25% of Pakistan's total land area is under cultivation
and is watered by one of the largest irrigation systems in the world. Based on the forecasting results,
the services sector may decline in next year, which needs to be focused on. Mr. Rehraan ordered a
car worth Rs.600.000 and was given a discount.Given that he paid Rs.57,0000 for his new car, ca.
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etc. Similarly, it does not create new jobs in a country since it halts the expansion of existing projects.
Since it is a fact that both cannot go hand in hand; the existence of one is the death of the other.
First, there must be a charter of the economy for economic stability. According to World Bank,
political uncertainty is the third most significant obstacle to Pakistan’s economy. Hence, fine-tuning
the policies is necessary for political and economic growth. We can say the developing countries are
capital poor and labor rich. The improved standards of education may help in the formation of better
economic system of the country. If the administration of a country is efficient, honest and strong, it
can give a big push to the economic development. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. The current population of Pakistan is almost 191.7million people with a growth rate of 1.92%
per annum. It is a burden on the economy of Pakistan. Riots and strikes further interrupt business
activities affecting the GDP of the country. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security
features of the website, anonymously. The economy of Pakistan has been undergoing a stabilization
phase since the last three years. First of all, the disbalance between public consumption and revenues
that has been existing for decades should be mitigated. Education Education is considered as a
backbone of the country. They feel pride in their native culture and are generally not receptive to
new methods of production. It casts dire consequences on the people’s political and economic
development and social life. The measures for attaining this goal can be the revision and reform of
the tax system in terms of tax structure, increase in the volume of collected direct taxes and
optimisation of the indirect taxes regulation. An entertaining exhibit. William a. higinbotham (1958).
US government nuclear-research facility, Brookhaven National Laboratory. Pakistan can also do the
same with the help of strong political commitment and stringent reforms. As a result, the per capita
income of the Chinese was 25-fold, and 700 million people lifted themselves out of poverty. Ali
Bhutto tried to pick up the pieces of a truncated Pakistan. In particular, building new hydropower
dams is required to provide the additional volumes of energy to the industrial sector and mitigate the
deficit of water.
Domestic investment activities generate employment opportunities and in resulting contribute to
improve economic growth. Initially, it was directly involved in politics through martial law, and
recently, it stayed backstage but still manoeuvred with the system. The current government of
Pakistan focused on the fiscal development by getting charge of the office in 2013. Download Free
PDF View PDF Determinants of Economic Growth Trends in Pakistan Waseem Khan, Jawwad
Jaskani, Nudrat Sameen Purpose: The paper focuses on the determinants of economic growth in
Pakistan. The harm of this tax structure for the economy is that indirect taxes including import duties
excise taxes and fees are essentially regressive which implies that they mostly strike the poorest
segment of the population. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on
your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This will
allow for reducing power outages by means of increasing electricity generation capacity and
investing in other sectors of the Pakistani economy. G -Currency and Banking The basic monetary
unit is the Pakistani rupee, consisting of 100 paisa (61.93. As a result, it depreciates the value of the
domestic currency and, eventually, impacts the import and exports of a country. It uti lizes the data
of the last 30 years for the Pakistani Economy i.e. the period of 1983 to 2012. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. When it came to power, every new government introduced its own economic model,
which created volatility and inconsistency in the smooth functioning of the economic policies.
Remittances are positively correlated with economic growth in the country. Download Free PDF
View PDF EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH Impact of Major Economic Variables on
Economic Growth of Pakistan. Indeed, a robust, safe environment where a political authority knows
its duties and responsibilities eliminates the uncertainty of the economic future. Standard Generalized
Markup Language (SGML) SGML is a system for defining markup languages. At the same time, the
government did little to devise policies to boost the. The first one is that Pakistan is an important
centre of Islamic finance which provides significant capital flows while the Pakistan stock exchange
is among the fastest-growing stock markets in the world (Masood, 2018). It is estimated that the
informal sector of the economy is about 40% of the country’s GDP while the collected taxes
contribute only about 15% of GDP (COFACE, 2019). Therefore, it is high time for Pakistan to avail
of this opportunity for investment to achieve economic progress. However, some more needs to be
done; Pakistan has great prowess to transform itself from a crisis-ridden state to a flourished
economy if the CPEC and the new narrative of geo-economics are implemented in true essence since
it has trickle-down effects. However, a country with a strong and stable political structure can
experience steady economic growth. The data from 1956 to 2000 has been obtained from State Bank
of Pakistan and from 2001 to 2011 from Economic Survey of Pakistan. In this regard, government
and the opposition should collaborate to steer the country out of unprecedented political and
economic uncertainties. AP Environmental Science By Dr. Woodward. AP Environmental Exam. Five
SEM models were used to esti mate causal relati onships. It is high time Pakistan swallowed the bitter
pill of hard political reforms before it is too late. Hence, it depicts that they already realized this
step’s importance. Hence, it is proven that political chaos in a country is a severe blow to an already
fragile economy. There is a need to make comprehensive study to find out impact of other
macroeconomic variables in the country.
In the same way, the economy in support of such a strong political environment will ensure steady
growth. It is the need of the hour that Pakistan should have to compete in technology and improve
its economy by utilizing advanced technology. Since it is a fact that both cannot go hand in hand; the
existence of one is the death of the other. It is saddening that frequent ouster of government leads to
inconsistent economic policies affecting the smooth functioning of the economy since its inception.
The leadership formulates and executes the strategy through which a leader’s vision translates into a
reality. The basic goals should be set in the charter of the economy. The current political scenario is
the nadir of the country’s economic history. The current population of Pakistan is almost 191.7million
people with a growth rate of 1.92% per annum. It is a burden on the economy of Pakistan. However,
Pakistan can move towards economic development by overcoming the challenge of political
instability in valid letters and spirit. It uti lizes the data of the last 30 years for the Pakistani Economy
i.e. the period of 1983 to 2012. Government of Pakistan should also support Pakistani export in order
to decrease heavy import prices and always encourage foreign direct investments. Also during the
1980s, the military regime increased defense spending to such. Cookie Settings Accept All Reject All
Privacy Policy Manage consent. Conclusions To summarize, Pakistan have plenty of natural
resources, human resources and somehow capital. Furthermore, the applied system of indirect taxes
turned to be too complex and ineffective while the introduction of the value-added taxation was
sabotaged by the opposition (Masood, 2018). This is an alarming situati on for the Pakistani
government. First, there must be a charter of the economy for economic stability. Download Free
PDF View PDF Analysis of Growth Rates in Different Regimes of Pakistan: Distribution and
Forecasting Naila Nazir The present study aims to analyze the growth rate distribution pattern in
different regimes of Pakistan and also forecasts the growth rates of agricultural, industrial, services
and GDP growth rates in Pakistan. It is high time Pakistan swallowed the bitter pill of hard political
reforms before it is too late. Best CSS and PMS English Essay and Precis Teacher in Pakistan High-
Frequency Words for CSS, PMS Aspirants CSS Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers CSS Solved
General Science and Ability Past Papers CSS Solved Sentence Corrections with Explanations by Sir
Kazim Who Is The Best CSS English Essay and Precis Teacher in Pakistan. It can impact not only
the productivity and expenditure of a country but also the national income of a country. Therefore,
their strategies to weaken each other have negatively impacted the political stability in Pakistan,
hindering economic growth. This might be in contrast with the past researches due to the availability
and analysis of limited span of time. They feel pride in their native culture and are generally not
receptive to new methods of production. It has pushed the country to the brink of an implosion.
These authors revealed that institutional factors including government size, legal structure and strong
property rights, trade liberalisation and civil liberty have significant positive impact on FDI inflows.
About 25% of Pakistan's total land area is under cultivation and is watered by one of the largest
irrigation systems in the world. The main ambiti on of this study is to interrogate the four selected
independent variables which impact on the GDP of a country and verify if the relati on holds in
Pakistan. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The measures for attaining this
goal can be the revision and reform of the tax system in terms of tax structure, increase in the volume
of collected direct taxes and optimisation of the indirect taxes regulation.

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