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Plant Soil (2024) 495:77–97


Revealing the molecular basis regulating the iron deficiency

response in quinoa seedlings by physio‑biochemical
and gene expression profiling analyses
Yao Zhao · Zhangyi Chen · Weimin Li · Fei Liu ·
Liangliang Sun · Min Wu · Ping Zhang ·
Leiping Hou · Meilan Li · Jin Xu

Received: 31 March 2023 / Accepted: 23 May 2023 / Published online: 16 June 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023

Abstract nitrogen metabolism in roots. The expression of

Background and aims Improving iron utilization iron-responsive transcription factors, including FIT,
efficiency in crops is of great importance to food BTS and bHLH101, as well as the metal transporters
security and sustainable agricultural development. MTP and NRAMP, is induced under iron depletion
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a high-iron and continues to be expressed after 6 h of iron resup-
accumulation crop; however, the molecular mecha- ply. Iron depletion increases the levels of cytokinin,
nisms underlying iron accumulation and iron defi- ABA, SA and ethylene precursor ACC but decreases
ciency response in quinoa are unclear. JA levels. The contents of cytokinin and ACC gradu-
Methods We investigated the molecular basis of the ally recovered after 6 h of iron resupply, but the ABA
iron deficiency response in quinoa through physio- content did not change significantly; in contrast, the
biochemical and transcriptome analysis using the JA content further decreased. Iron depletion markedly
methods of iron depletion and resupply. induces DELLA gene expression. Iron depletion does
Results Iron depletion inhibits photosynthesis but not change the auxin level in roots, but it inhibits the
does not cause obvious oxidative damage in quinoa. auxin pathway.
Iron resupply generally induces the expression of Conclusion These results indicated that the iron
genes associated with sugar metabolism and primary deficiency response is tightly modulated by phytohor-
mone signaling. This study elucidates the regulatory
network of the iron deficiency response and provides
Responsible Editor: Jian Feng Ma. a theoretical basis for further exploring the molecular
mechanism of high-iron accumulation in quinoa.
Supplementary Information The online version
contains supplementary material available at https://​doi.​
Keywords Iron depletion and resupply · Primary
metabolism · Metal transporters · Iron-responsive
Y. Zhao · Z. Chen · W. Li · F. Liu · L. Sun · M. Wu · transcription factors · Phytohormones
P. Zhang · L. Hou (*) · M. Li (*) · J. Xu (*)
College of Horticulture, Shanxi Agricultural University,
Taigu 030801, China
e-mail: Introduction
M. Li
e-mail: Iron (Fe) is crucial for plant growth and development
(Balk and Schaedler 2014). As a cofactor for numer-
J. Xu
e-mail: ous proteins and enzymes, Fe is required for many

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78 Plant Soil (2024) 495:77–97

biochemical processes, including mitochondrial res- (Kakei et al. 2012). OsYSL2 transports ­Fe2+-NA and
piration, photosynthetic electron transport, oxidative is responsible for phloem Fe transport, particularly
stress protection, the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) into grains (Ishimaru et al. 2010). Phenolic com-
and multiple metabolic pathways (Balk and Schaedler pounds are involved in the utilization of apoplastic
2014). Fe deficiency is a serious issue that threatens Fe that precipitates in the stele or root surface. Phe-
crop yield and quality (Briat et al. 2015). Fe is also nolic efflux zero 1 (PEZ1) and PEZ2 are involved in
a necessary micronutrient for humans. However, due phenolic efflux transport in plants (Ishimaru et al.
to the lack of Fe in their plant-based diets, more than 2011; Bashir et al. 2011). Fe is stored partially in the
2 billion people worldwide suffer from Fe deficiency vacuole and is mobilized when needed. Vacuolar iron
(DeLoughery 2017). Fe deficiency leads to hair loss, transporters (VITs), which encode tonoplast Fe trans-
heart failure, pulmonary hypertension and iron-defi- porters in Arabidopsis, transport Fe into vacuoles
ciency anemia (IDA) (Lukito and Wahlqcist 2020). (Kim et al. 2006), and natural resistance-associated
Therefore, improving Fe absorption and utilization macromolecule protein 3 (NRAMP3) and NRAMP4
efficiency in crops is of great importance to human are responsible for transporting ­Fe2+ and other diva-
health and sustainable agricultural development. lent metals from vacuoles to the cytoplasm (Lanquar
There are two major strategies for Fe acquisi- et al. 2010).
tion in higher plants. Under low-Fe conditions, non- Fe homeostasis in plants is tightly regulated by
graminaceous plants employ a reduction strategy transcription factors (TFs) or transcriptional regu-
­ e3+ is more soluble in soil as a result
(strategy I): F lators that regulate ferroportin gene expression
of rhizosphere acidification through protons extruded directly or indirectly (Kobayashi et al. 2013). Under
by ­H+-ATPases and the secretion of phenolic com- Fe deficiency, the dimers formed by bHLH IVc TFs
pounds, such as coumarin (Kobayashi and Nishizawa [including bHLH34, bHLH104, IAA-leucine resist-
2012). ­Fe3+ is reduced to ­Fe2+ by ferric reductase ant 3 (ILR3)/bHLH105 and bHLH115] can directly
oxidase 2 (FRO2) (Robinson et al. 1999; Mukher- activate the expression of bHLH Ib genes (including
jee et al. 2006) in Arabidopsis roots. Subsequently, bHLH38/39/100/101), which can form heterodimers
iron-regulated transporter 1 (IRT1), a major Fe trans- with FER-like iron deficiency-induced transcrip-
porter, transports F­ e2+ into roots (Eide et al. 1996; tion factor (FIT) to regulate the expression of genes
Vert et al. 2002). Graminaceous plants, in contrast, related to ­ Fe3+ uptake, including IRT1 and fer-
use a chelation-based strategy (strategy II) (Morrissey ric reduction oxidase 2 (FRO2) (Yuan et al. 2008;
and Guerinot 2009). Mugineic acids (MAs), which Wang et al. 2013). POPEYE (PYE) is a regulator
are synthesized from L-methionine through nicotian- in the Fe deficiency response. Chip-on-chip experi-
amine (NA) in graminaceous plants (Mori and Nishi- ments revealed that PYE targets genes associated
zawa 1987), have high affinity for F ­ e3+ (Mori 1999). with metal homeostasis, including nicotinic acid
­Fe -MAs are taken up through yellow stripe-like synthase 4 (NAS4), FRO3, and zinc-induced facilita-
(YSL) transporters (Curie et al. 2001). tor 1 (ZIF1) (Long et al. 2010). Arabidopsis brutus
After being absorbed by roots, Fe first accumulates (BTS) and its homologs brutus-like 1 (BTSL1) and
at the base of the shoot, the discrimination center BTSL2 are potential Fe sensors that negatively regu-
(DC), and is then transported to the shoot (Suzuki late Fe homeostasis by directly targeting FIT in plants
et al. 2006; Tsukamoto et al. 2009; Yokosho et al. (Kobayashi et al. 2013; Selote et al. 2015; Tissot et al.
2009; Ishimaru et al. 2011). Arabidopsis citrate trans- 2019). Recently, IRON MANs (IMAs) have been
porter ferric reductase defective 3 (FRD3), which identified as Fe sensors in plants. IMAs are inhibitors
localizes to the plasma membrane in root pericycle of BTS under Fe-deficient conditions (Li et al. 2021).
cells surrounding xylem, is involved in Fe transport Overexpression of IMA genes induces the expression
in the xylem (Yokosho et al. 2009). OsYSL16 and of bHLH Ib genes and upregulates the expression
OsYSL18 are ­Fe3+-DMA transporters; the former is of IRT1 and FRO2 genes in Arabidopsis (Hirayama
present in the plasma membrane of cells surrounding et al. 2018; Grillet et al. 2018).
the xylem and is involved in Fe distribution through Phytohormones play important roles in regulating
vascular bundles, and the latter is involved in Fe trans- Fe deficiency-mediated Fe uptake processes (Grazi-
location in reproductive organs and phloem in joints ano and Lamattina 2007; Séguéla et al. 2008; García

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Plant Soil (2024) 495:77–97 79

et al. 2010; Romera et al. 2011). Auxin and ethylene in the third leaf of the seedling. Chlorophyll fluo-
upregulate the expression of FIT to mediate the Fe rescence was measured using a pulse amplitude
deficiency response in plants (Graziano and Lamat- modulated fluorometer (Imaging-PAM M-series,
tina 2007; García et al. 2010; Romera et al. 2011). Walz, Germany). Leaves were placed in the dark
In contrast, cytokinin (CK), abscisic acid (ABA) and for 30 min and exposed to a weakly modulated light
jasmonic acid (JA) inhibit the expression of these source (0.5 μmol·m−2·s−1), and the initial fluores-
genes (Séguéla et al. 2008). cence ­(F0) was determined. Then, the saturation pulse
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is one of (3000 μmol·m−2·s−1) emission was measured for
the major food crops in the Andes (Jacobsen 2003). 0.8 s to determine the maximum fluorescence (­Fm).
Due to its special nutritional qualities, such as high Far-red light (5 μmol·m−2·s−1) irradiation for 4 s was
protein and richness in trace elements, including Fe, used as the basic fluorescence ­(F0’), the steady-state
it is increasingly being cultivated and used as a new chlorophyll fluorescence ­(FS) under actinic illumina-
functional food (Moscoso-Mujica et al. 2022). How- tion was measured, and the maximum light adaptive
ever, the molecular mechanism of high Fe utilization fluorescence ­(Fm’) was measured using the second
efficiency in quinoa is still unclear. In this study, by saturation pulse. The nonphotochemical quench-
integrating physio-biochemical and transcriptomic ing coefficient (qN & NPQ) and Y (NPQ) are cal-
analyses, we investigated the Fe deficiency response culated according to the following formula (Kramer
in quinoa seedlings using the method of Fe depletion et al. 2004): qN = ­(Fm-Fm′)/(Fm-Fo); NPQ = ­(Fm-Fm′)/
and resupply. The aim of this study was to explore the Fm′; Y (NPQ) = 1-Y (II) -1/[NPQ + 1 + qL ­(Fm/F0-1)],
molecular regulatory mechanisms underlying Fe defi- where Y (II) = ­(Fm′- ­F0)/Fm′ and qL = [(Fm′- ­FS)*Fo′]/
ciency responses and Fe uptake in quinoa. [(Fm′- ­Fo)*FS].

Determination of malondialdehyde (MDA) contents

Materials and methods
Approximately 0.4 g of sample was ground in a pre-
Plant material and growth conditions cooled mortar with 4 ml of precooled PBS solution
(100 mM pH = 7.8) in an ice bath. After centrifuga-
Seeds of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) culti- tion at 4 °C and 10,000 r/min for 20 min, the super-
var Yunli108 were kindly provided by Prof. Zhiquan natant was used to determine MDA contents using the
Cai (Foshan University). Quinoa seeds were steri- thiobarbituric acid (TBA) method (Zeng et al. 2018).
lized with 2% (v/v) sodium hypochlorite solution for
15 min, rinsed with ­ddH2O 3–5 times, and then sown RNA sequencing and RT‒qPCR analysis
on 1/2 MS medium for germination. Five-day-old
well-developed quinoa seedlings were transferred to Total RNA was extracted from quinoa roots using
Hoagland solution for continued cultivation for 7 d. TRIzol (Takara, Beijing, China), and the purity and
Then, the seedlings were transferred to Fe-deficient concentration of RNA were detected using a Nan-
Hoagland solution (FeD, removal of Fe from the oDrop 2000 (Thermo, USA). The integrity of the
nutrient solution) for 4 d. After 4 days of Fe deple- RNA was verified using an Agilent 2100 bioana-
tion, the seedlings were transferred to fresh Hoagland lyzer (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, Calif.). The
solution with normal Fe for recovery growth for 3 h sequencing libraries were constructed with a Next®
(RE 3 h), 6 h (RE 6 h), 12 h (RE 12 h), 24 h (RE Ultra™ RNA Library Prep Kit (Illumina, NEB,
24 h) and 3 d (RE 3d). USA). RNA sequencing was performed on the Illu-
mina HiSeq X Ten platform at Beijing BMK Bio-
Phenotypic parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence technology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China). After remov-
ing the low-quality sequences (the number of bases
After treatment, the plant height and root length were with quality Q ≤ 10 represented more than 50% of the
measured using ImageJ analysis software (v1.8.0). A entire read), clean raw data were obtained. The reads
chlorophyll meter (SPAD-502 Plus, Konica-Minolta, from all samples were aligned to the quinoa reference
Japan) was used to measure the chlorophyll content genome (ASM168347v1) using HISAT2 software.

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80 Plant Soil (2024) 495:77–97

Sequences were aligned to public databases using (iP), N6-(Delta2 isopentenyl) adenine riboside (iPR),
BLAST software to obtain annotation information. abscisic acid (ABA), 1-aminocyclopropane-1-car-
False discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05 and |log2(change boxylic acid (ACC), salicylic acid (SA), SA 2-O-β-
fold)|> 1 were used as filtering criteria for differen- glucoside (SAG), Jasmonic acid (JA) and JA-Ile were
tially expressed genes (DEGs). determined using ultrahigh-performance liquid chro-
A coexpression network was constructed using matography‒electrospray ionization tandem mass
weighted gene coexpression network analysis spectrometry (UHPLC‒ESI‒MS/MS) as described
(WGCNA) (Langfelder and Horvath 2008). First, all by Šimura et al. 2018. The mass spectrometry detec-
samples were clustered using the ‘WGCNA’ R pack- tion system was an AB SCIEX Qtrap5500 (AB
age, filtering for outliers. The expression similarity of SCIEX in the United States). The obtained data were
genes was then assessed according to Pearson’s cor- sorted with MultiQuant (AB Science, USA) software
relation coefficient, resulting in a correlation matrix. and supplemented by manual inspection. The mass of
The correlation matrix is converted into a weighted hormone in the sample was calculated according to
neighborhood matrix using a soft threshold func- the mass spectrum peak area. The concentrations of
tion. The neighborhood matrix is again converted ACC, SA, IAA, ABA and JA were calculated by the
to a topological overlap matrix (TOM), and soft internal standard method (Cohen et al. 1987; Shimizu
threshold power is introduced. Based on the above et al. 2015).
analysis, hierarchical clustering was implemented to
identify modules, each containing at least 30 genes Determination of mineral elements
(minimodule size = 30). Finally, key modules were
selected for Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analy- Seedlings were soaked in 1 mM ­Na2·EDTA for 30 min
sis by association analysis between the modules and and then rinsed with ­ddH2O 5 times. The roots and
the treatment groups, yielding pathways associated leaves were dried in a high-temperature oven and
with the response to Fe deficiency. Meanwhile, the ground into powder (Zhang et al. 2019). Then, the
gene interaction network was drawn and visualized samples are decocted with concentrated ­HNO3. The
according to the weighted value between the genes. contents of Fe, elements (Zn), manganese (Mn),
The RNA was reverse transcribed using a cDNA syn- magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) were measured
thesis kit (gDNA clean-up, novo protein, China), and using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
six genes were randomly selected for RT‒qPCR with spectrometer (ICPAES, IRIS Advantage, iCAP 6300,
three independent biological and technical replicates. USA).
Specific primers were designed using Primer Premier
5.0, and the sequences are shown in Supplemental Statistics and analysis
Table S1.
All of the experiments were performed with three
Determination of phytohormone contents biological replicates, and at least 18 seedlings were
used per biological replicate. Data were analyzed for
After grinding the root samples in liquid nitrogen, significance using Student’s t-test or Tukey’s test as
approximately 0.1 g of powder was placed in an appropriate using SPSS software (P < 0.01).
Eppendorf tube with 1.5 ml of 50% ice-cold acetoni-
trile (ACN) (including isotopic internal standard).
After sonication in an ice bath for 3 min, the sam- Results
ples were placed in a rotary instrument overnight
at 4 °C and centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 10 min at Fe deficiency represses quinoa seedling growth
4 °C. The supernatant was purified by an Oasis HLB
RP (1 cc/30 mg) column and washed with 30% (v/v) Compared with the control, Fe depletion decreased
ACN. Samples were further evaporated under a gen- primary root (PR) length (Fig. 1A and C), root fresh
tle stream of gaseous nitrogen and redissolved in 30% weight (FW) (Fig. 1F) and DW (Fig. 1G) by 42.9%,
ACN for mass spectrometric analysis. The contents 39.25% and 32.52%, respectively. However, plant
of indole acetic acid (IAA), N6‐isopentenyladenine height (Fig. 1 B) and leaf growth (Fig. 1D and E)

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Plant Soil (2024) 495:77–97 81

Fig. 1  Fe deficiency represses quinoa growth. Twelve-day-old primary root (PR) length (C), leaf fresh weight (D) and dry
quinoa seedlings were grown in Hoagland solution with (con- weight (E), root fresh weight (F) and dry weight (G), MDA
trol) or without Fe for 4 d (FeD), and then transferred to nor- contents in the leaves (H) and roots (I), SPAD (J), NPQ (K),
mal Hoagland solution for recovery growth for 3 h (RE 3 h), qN (L) and Y(NPQ) (M) were determined. Bars represent
6 h (RE 6 h), 12 h (RE 12 h), 24 h (RE 24 h) or 3 d (RE 3d). the SEs, and different letters indicate significant differences
A, Representative images show the Fe deficiency phenotype (P < 0.05)
of quinoa seedlings. Bar = 7 cm. B-M, The plant height (B),

were not significantly inhibited at 4 d after Fe deple- nor resupply significantly affected MDA levels in
tion. These results indicated that Fe depletion has an quinoa seedlings (Fig. 1H and I).
earlier inhibitory effect on the root system growth Compared with the control, Fe depletion decreased
than on the leaf growth of quinoa seedlings. After SPAD by 24.58% (Fig. 1J). After 3 h, 6 h, 24 h and
12 h of Fe resupply, all the physiological param- 3 d of Fe resupply, the SPAD decreased by 21.75%,
eters detected showed recovery to varying degrees 21.11%, 17.72% and 6.56%, respectively, compared
(Fig. 1B-G). The malondialdehyde (MDA) level is with the control, indicating that the chlorophyll
an effective indicator of membrane lipid peroxida- contents gradually recovered with the extension of
tion, which reflects the degree of oxidative damage Fe resupply time. We then measured the changes
in plants (Hodges et al. 1999). Although Fe deple- in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. As shown
tion inhibited seedling growth, neither Fe depletion in Fig. 1K-M, compared with the control, NPQ

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82 Plant Soil (2024) 495:77–97

decreased by 7.75% in Fe-depleted plants, and it sequencing quality met the requirements of expres-
increased gradually after Fe resupply (increased by sion profile analysis (Table S2).
22.47% after 12 h of Fe resupply) (Fig. 1K). Fe deple- A total of 533 DEGs (296 upregulated and 237
tion did not significantly affect qN and Y (NPQ) val- downregulated) were identified in the FeD/CT com-
ues. However, qN reached the highest value after 6 h parison group, 1224 DEGs (730 upregulated and
of Fe resupply (increased by 19.8% compared with 494 downregulated) were identified in the RE 3 h/
the control), and Y (NPQ) reached the highest value CT comparison, 2025 DEGs (1196 upregulated and
after 12 h of Fe resupply (increased by 33.81% com- 829 downregulated) were identified in the RE 6 h/
pared with the control) (Fig. 1L and M). CT comparison, 1620 DEGs (521 upregulated and
1099 downregulated) were identified in the RE 12 h/
Transcriptomic analysis CT comparison, 657 DEGs (441 upregulated genes
and 216 downregulated) were identified in the RE
To elucidate the molecular regulatory mechanisms 3 h/FeD comparison, 1432 DEGs (1018 upregulated
underlying the Fe deficiency response, we performed and 414 downregulated) were identified in the RE
a global transcriptome analysis in quinoa roots. Fig- 6 h/FeD comparison, and 821 DEGs (284 upregu-
ure 2A shows the experimental design and sampling lated and 537 downregulated) were identified in
time points. The clean reads obtained from five treat- the RE 12 h/FeD comparison (Fig. 2B and C). Six
ment groups (CT, FeD 4 d, RE 3 h, RE 6 h and RE genes were randomly selected for RT‒qPCR analy-
12 h) were 26,741,782, 26,637,586, 25,571,965, sis, which verified the accuracy of the transcriptome
24,051,150 and 25,653,602, respectively. The GC sequencing data (Fig. S1A), and the correlation anal-
content of all samples exceeded 43%, and the Q30 of ysis also showed the reliability of the transcriptome
all samples exceeded 91%. These data show that the (Fig. S1B).

Fig. 2  Transcriptome analysis. A, Experimental design and root sampling time points. B, Statistics of the differentially expressed
genes (DEGs). C, Heatmap of the expression patterns of DEGs. The scale represents the l­og10 (FPKM + 1)

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Weighted gene coexpression network analysis XTH genes was downregulated under Fe depletion,
while all seven identified differentially expressed
We then performed a weighted gene coexpression XTH genes were repressed during Fe resupply, espe-
network analysis (WGCNA) to reveal the regula- cially after 6 h and 12 h of Fe resupply (Fig. S3;
tory network and explore hub genes in response to Table S3).
Fe depletion and resupply in quinoa roots. A soft The expression of genes in the brown module was
threshold power of 14 was introduced in the network gradually upregulated at FeD and RE 3 h and gradu-
topology to reveal the scale independence and aver- ally recovered from RE 6 h to RE 12 h (Fig. 3F). The
age connectivity of the network (Fig. S2). Hierarchi- main GO pathways in the module include riboflavin
cal clustering trees were constructed by weighted cor- biosynthesis and metabolism, nicotianamine biosyn-
relation coefficients, and a total of 4340 genes from thesis, metal ion transmembrane transport, malate
the 15 samples were clustered and divided into six transport and salicylic acid biosynthesis. Although
modules (Fig. 3A). The correlation analysis between the role of secreted riboflavin in promoting Fe acqui-
the six modules and five treatment groups showed sition is still unclear, it is speculated that it may
that the blue module with the control group, brown play the role of redox bridge, bind extracellular Fe
module with the ‘RE 3 h’ group and turquoise module to promote Fe chelate reductase activity, or mediate
with the ‘RE 6 h’ group were significantly correlated the dissolution of low soluble F ­ e3+ oxide by modi-
(Fig. 3B). Therefore, the three modules were chosen fying the extracellular Fe and changing the rhizos-
to further explore the responses of these modules to phere microbial community to promote Fe absorp-
Fe deficiency by heatmap display of expression pro- tion (Cesco et al. 2010; Sisó-Terraza et al. 2016;
files of all coexpressed genes in these modules and Gheshlaghi et al. 2021). Malic acid mediates metal
subsequent GO enrichment analysis. ion uptake and long-distance transport from roots to
The expression of genes in the blue module was shoots through chelation with metal ions in plants
downregulated under Fe depletion and further down- (Wei et al. 2009). These results indicated that genes
regulated in subsequent Fe resupply (Fig. 3C). GO involved in metal ion transmembrane transport were
analysis revealed that genes in the blue module were enriched in the module. Subsequently, 22 hub genes
mainly enriched in the pathways of hydrogen perox- including eight TFs were screened from the mod-
ide catabolic process, xyloglucan metabolic process, ule, including riboflavin biosynthesis protein PYRD
cell wall biogenesis and oxidative stress response (gene17628 and gene54967) and PYRR​ (gene43304),
(Fig. 3D), indicating that genes involved in cell wall bHLH55 (gene18505), bHLH19 (gene48000), aqua-
modification are correlated with the module. Next, we porin NIP5-1 (gene18777), WRKY65 (gene20159
performed an intramodule gene connectivity analysis. and gene19025), E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RIBA1
A gene interaction network was drawn for the top 10% (gene2563), bifunctional riboflavin biosynthesis pro-
of the screening using Cytoscape_v3.8.2 (Shannon tein BAH1L1 (gene26491), ABC transporter C fam-
et al. 2003) (Fig. 3E). Nine peroxidase genes involved ily member 1 (ABCG1, gene33533), zinc transporter
in hydrogen peroxide catabolic process, three xylo- 29 (ZTP29, gene38651), detoxification 14 (DTX14,
glucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTH) genes gene40544), DTX43 (gene4328), metal tolerance
involved in xyloglucan metabolic process, and eight protein 10 (MTP10, gene56361), sensitive to proton
TFs including bHLH126 (gene16088), bHLH120 rhizotoxicity 2 (STOP2, gene34813), auxin response
(gene39718), bHLH84 (gene35232), serine/threo- factor 5 (ARF5, gene32058), transcription repressor
nine-protein kinase-like protein CCR4 (gene11972 OFP8 (gene34205), zinc finger protein CONSTANS
and gene55268), two-component response regula- (gene35730), serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK11
tor ORR9 (gene11404), zinc finger CCCH domain- (gene43913), and transcription repressor OFP14
containing protein 29 (gene19434) and an unknown (gene45219) (Fig. 3H).
newgene4130 were identified in the network. Other The expression of genes in the turquoise module
key genes, including endoglucanase 5 (gene35085), was upregulated after Fe resupply, reached its peak at
beta-glucosidase 24 (gene49548) and expansin-A8 RE 6 h, and gradually recovered at RE12 h (Fig. 3I).
(gene46229), were also identified in the network GO analysis revealed that genes in the module were
(Fig. 3E). We also found that the expression of two mainly enriched in the pathways of phytohormone

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Fig. 3  Weighted gene coexpression network analysis. A, A genes, and the bars show the consistent expression patterns
hierarchical clustering tree was constructed by correlation in the module coexpressed genes. D, G, J, GO analysis of the
coefficients between genes. Different branches of the cluster- genes in the blue (D), brown (G) and turquoise (J) modules.
ing tree represent different gene modules. B, Module-trait rela- E, H, K, The predicted regulatory network for the blue (E),
tionship. The depth of the color indicates the degree of corre- brown (H) and turquoise (K) modules. The rhombuses repre-
lation. C, F, I, Heatmaps show the expression profiles of all sent the transcription factors, and the inner circles and rhom-
coexpressed genes in the blue (C), brown (F) and turquoise buses represent the hub genes
(I) modules. The color scale indicates the expression level of

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responses and abscisic acid (ABA) pathway, amino and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) genes was down-
acid biosynthesis and metabolism, mitochondrial regulated after 3 h and/or 12 h of Fe resupply (Fig. 4).
pyruvate transport, oxidative stress response, lateral The direct carbon source of amino acid biosynthesis
root development and hydrogen peroxide catabolism, mainly comes from glycolysis, the pentose phosphate
indicating that genes in the module modulate phyto- pathway and the TCA cycle, while nitrogen mainly
hormone signaling, root system development and pri- comes from primary nitrogen metabolism. In the pri-
mary metabolism processes (Fig. 3J). A total of 151 mary nitrogen metabolism pathway, the expression
genes were analyzed for intramodule gene connec- of nitrite reductase (NiR), high-affinity nitrate trans-
tivity, and 45 hub genes were identified in the mod- porter (NRT), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), and
ule, including 15 TFs, such as ethylene-responsive cytochrome b5 domain-containing (CYB5D) genes
transcription factor (ERF), homeobox-leucine zip- was upregulated after Fe resupply (Fig. 4).
per protein ATHB40, NAC29, bZIP53, agamous-like
MADS-box protein AGL80, cysteine-rich receptor-like Fe deficiency affects micronutrient element
protein kinase 10 (CRK10) and WRKY75 (Fig. 3K). accumulation in quinoa seedlings

Carbon metabolism and primary nitrogen metabolism WGCNA also revealed that Fe deficiency affected
the expression of genes associated with metal ion
WGCNA showed that Fe deficiency affected primary transport and accumulation in quinoa roots. We thus
metabolism in quinoa roots. We thus investigated the investigated the expression patterns of these DEGs.
expression of genes involved in carbon metabolism A total of 62 DEGs involved in metal ion uptake,
and primary nitrogen metabolism (Fig. 4; Table S4). transport, accumulation and detoxification were
The carbon metabolic pathway mainly includes gly- identified, including 11 TFs/transcription regula-
colysis, the pentose phosphate pathway and the tricar- tors (TRs), one MTP, two YSL, five oligopeptide
boxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle). Transcriptome analy- transporter (OPT), 11 VIT, three NRAMP, 13 ZRT/
sis indicated that the expression of most genes related IRT-like protein (ZIP), eight multidrug and toxic
to carbohydrate synthesis and metabolism during Fe compound extrusion (MATE) and eight heavy metal-
resupply was upregulated in quinoa roots (Fig. 4). associated isoprenylated plant protein (HIPP) genes
In the glycolysis pathway, the expression of (Fig. 5A; Table S5).
hexokinase 2 (HK2), fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase Fe depletion induced the expression of one
(FBP), fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA), glycer- FIT, three BTS and three bHLH101 genes in
aldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and roots, while the expression of two FIT, two BTS
2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycer- and two bHLH101 genes continued to be upregu-
ate mutase-like (iPGAM) genes was upregulated after lated after 3 h and 6 h of Fe resupply and grad-
Fe resupply, while the expression of HK3, ribulose ually returned to normal levels after 12 h of Fe
bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) and phospho- resupply, while the expression of two bHLH101
glycerate mutase-like (PGAM) genes was downregu- genes was downregulated (Fig. 5A).
lated after 6 h and 12 h of Fe resupply (Fig. 4). In MTP is a cation diffusion factor (CDF) transporter
the pentose phosphate pathway, the expression of (Haney et al. 2005; Montanini et al. 2007) that plays
transketolase (TK) and ribose-5-phosphate isomer- an important role in the uptake, transport and detoxi-
ase (RPI) genes was downregulated after 3 h or 6 h of fication of heavy metals in plants. We found that the
Fe resupply; the expression of fructose-bisphosphate expression of MTP was upregulated under Fe defi-
aldolase (ALDO) and ribose-phosphate pyrophos- ciency, and the expression of MTP continued to be
phokinase (PRPS) genes was upregulated after Fe upregulated after 3 h and 6 h of Fe resupply, and then
resupply (Fig. 4). In the TCA pathway, the expres- its expression was downregulated after 12 h of Fe
sion of PRPS, aconitate hydratase (ACON), malate resupply (Fig. 5A). The YSL protein family is iden-
synthase (MS) and NADP-dependent malic enzyme tified based on sequence similarity with maize (Zea
(NADP-ME) genes was upregulated under Fe deple- mays) Yellow Stripe 1 (YS1) (Von et al. 1994). YSL
tion and/or after 3 h and 6 h of Fe resupply, while the genes participate in metal absorption and long-dis-
expression of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (OGDH) tance transportation in plants (Ishimaru et al. 2010).

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Fig. 4  Effects of Fe depletion and resupply on the expression heatmaps represent the DEGs ­[log2 |fold change|≥ 1 or ≤ -1 and
of genes related to carbon metabolism and primary nitrogen false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.01]. The list of DEGs is shown
metabolism in the roots of quinoa seedlings. Asterisks in the in Table S4

Fe deficiency induced the expression of one YSL of two OPT genes was upregulated; however, almost
gene, which was upregulated under Fe deficiency and all OPT genes were downregulated after Fe resupply
after 3 h of Fe resupply. In contrast, another YSL gene in quinoa roots (Fig. 5A). VITs are involved in the
was downregulated under Fe depletion and after Fe transport of Fe and Mn in vacuoles, regulate metal
resupply in quinoa roots (Fig. 5A). OPTs are respon- homeostasis and improve the survival of plants under
sible for transporting oligopeptides, glutathione excess metal ions (Sharma et al. 2020). We found
and glutathione chelates in plants (Lubkowitz et al. that Fe deficiency did not affect VIT gene expres-
1998). Some studies have demonstrated that OPTs sion, while 63.64% of VIT genes showed upregulated
can also transport Fe or other metal ions (Vasconce- expression after 3 h of Fe resupply, and 54.55% of
los et al. 2008; Stacey et al. 2006). The expression VIT genes were downregulated during Fe resupply

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Fig. 5  Fe deficiency affects

metal element accumula-
tion in quinoa seedlings.
A, Differentially expressed
genes involved in metal ion
uptake, transport and accu-
mulation in quinoa roots.
B, Contents of Fe, Zn and
Mn in the leaves and roots
of quinoa seedlings under
Fe deficiency and after 12 h
of Fe resupply. Values are
given as the means ± SDs
and different letters indicate
significant differences
(P < 0.05). The list of DEGs
is shown in Table S5

(Fig. 5A), suggesting that VIT genes are involved in also involved in maintaining Fe homeostasis in plants
the maintenance of Fe homeostasis in quinoa roots. (Durrett et al. 2007). Both Fe depletion and resupply
NRAMP metal transporters are widely distributed in upregulated the expression of MATE genes in quinoa
plants and are mainly involved in the absorption and roots (Fig. 5A). HIPPs are a family of metal chaper-
transport of Fe, Mn, Cd and other metal ions (Xiao one proteins that reduce the toxicity of heavy metals
et al. 2008; Peng et al. 2018). ZIP transporters partici- by combining with heavy metal ions, thus improving
pate in the transport of ­Zn2+, ­Ca2+, ­Fe2+ and ­Cd2+ in heavy metal toxicity tolerance in cells (Zhao et al.
plants (Chen et al. 2008). The expression of NRAMPs 2013; Khan et al. 2019). The expression of HIPP
was upregulated under Fe deficiency, continued to be genes was downregulated after 6 h and 12 h of Fe
upregulated after 3 h of Fe resupply, and then down- resupply in quinoa roots (Fig. 5A).
regulated after 6 h and 12 h of Fe resupply in quinoa We then detected the contents of metal ions
roots (Fig. 5A). However, the expression of most in quinoa seedlings. Fe depletion reduced the Fe
ZIP genes was downregulated under Fe depletion content in quinoa leaves by 18.84%; after 12 h of
and during Fe supply (Fig. 5A). MATE transporters Fe resupply, the Fe content in leaves increased by
are responsible for transporting diverse substrates, 129.54% compared with the control (Fig. 5B).
including heavy metal ions (Zhou et al. 2014). A pre- Fe depletion reduced the Fe content in roots by
vious study demonstrated that MATE transporters are 71.67%; after 12 h of Fe resupply, however, the Fe

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88 Plant Soil (2024) 495:77–97

content in roots did not return to the normal level, Phytohormones play an important role in modu-
still 63.33% lower than the control (Fig. 5B). Fe lating plant growth and development and stress
depletion increased the Zn content in quinoa roots; responses. The above WGCNA revealed that Fe defi-
after 12 h of Fe resupply, the Zn content returned ciency altered phytohormone pathways. Therefore,
to the normal level (Fig. 5B). Fe depletion also did we investigated the changes in phytohormone con-
not significantly affect Mn level in leaves; however, tents and the gene expression patterns in their bio-
it increased Mn content by 139.86% in roots. After synthesis and signaling pathways during Fe depletion
12 h of Fe resupply, the root Mn content gradually and resupply (Fig. 6 and 7; Table S6).
returned to the normal level (Fig. 5B). The expression of one tryptophan aminotrans-
Changes in phytohormone levels and pathways ferase-related 1 (TAR1) gene was upregulated under
during Fe depletion and resupply. Fe depletion, and one YUCCA​ (YUC​) gene was

Fig. 6  Phytohormone contents in quinoa roots under Fe deple- under Fe deficiency (FeD) for 4 d and after 6 h of Fe resup-
tion and resupply. A, IAA. B, iPR. C, iP. D, ABA. E, ACC. ply (RE 6 h). Values are given as the means ± SEs (n = 3), Stu-
F, SA. G, SAG. H, JA. I, JA-Ile. The phytohormone contents dent’s t-test, *P < 0.05
were determined in the roots of 12-day-old quinoa seedlings

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upregulated after 6 h of Fe resupply, while the expres- gradually decreased after Fe resupply (Fig. 6E). The
sion of two YUC​ genes was downregulated during expression of three aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic
Fe resupply. The expression of one TAR1 gene was acid oxidase (ACO) genes was downregulated after
downregulated during Fe resupply, whereas glucosyl- 6 h and/or 12 h of Fe resupply, while the expres-
transferase (UGT​) gene expression was upregulated sion of the other three ACO genes was upregulated
after 3 h of Fe resupply (Fig. 7A). However, we found (Fig. 7E). In the ethylene signaling pathway, the
that Fe depletion and resupply did not significantly expression of two ethylene receptor (ETR), two eIN3-
affect the IAA contents in quinoa roots (Fig. 6A). binding F-box 1 and 2 (EBF1/2) and four ethylene
We also found that the expression of one auxin influx response factor 1/2 (ERF1/2) genes was upregulated
carrier auxin resistant 1 (AUX1) gene was down- after 6 h of Fe resupply (Fig. 7E).
regulated during Fe depletion and/or resupply. In the Fe depletion significantly increased the contents
auxin signaling pathway, the expression of one auxin/ of SA and SA 2-O-β-glucoside (SAG), a derivative of
indole-3-acetic acid (AUX/IAA), one auxin response SA, while Fe resupply further increased their contents
factor (ARF) and two auxin-inactivating Gretchen (Fig. 6F). However, we did not find a DEG related to
hagen 3 (GH3) genes was upregulated after 3 h or SA biosynthesis in quinoa roots. In the SA pathway,
6 h of Fe resupply, while the expression of almost the expression of two TGACG-binding factor (TGA​
all small auxin upregulated RNA (SAUR​) genes was ) and two pathogenesis-related genes1 (PR-1) genes
downregulated in quinoa roots (Fig. 7A). was upregulated under Fe depletion, while the expres-
Fe depletion significantly increases the content of sion of four TGA​ genes and almost all PR-1 genes
N6‐isopentenyladenine (iP), a major form of cyto- was also upregulated during Fe resupply (Fig. 7F),
kinin in plants (Hirose et al. 2008), and its content indicating that Fe deficiency and resupply induced the
returns to normal levels after 6 h of Fe resupply SA signal pathway in quinoa roots.
(Fig. 6C). The expression of one cytokinin trans- In contrast to SA, Fe depletion significantly
hydroxylase CYP735A and one phosphate-isopente- decreased the levels of JA and JA-Ile, and Fe resup-
nyltransferase (IPT) gene was downregulated during ply further decreased their contents in roots (Fig. 6H
Fe resupply. In contrast, the expression of one glu- and I). The expression of two lipoxygenase (LOX)
cosyltransferase 73C (UGT73C) and three glucosyl- genes was downregulated under Fe depletion. Mean-
transferase 85A (UGT85A) genes was upregulated while, the expression of four LOX, two allene oxide
during Fe depletion and/or resupply (Fig. 7B). In the synthase (AOS), one lecithin-cholesterol acyltrans-
cytokinin pathway, the expression of one AHP and ferase (LCAT​) and five defective in anther dehiscence
one B-type response regulator (B-ARR​) gene was 1 (DAD1) genes was downregulated during Fe resup-
upregulated during Fe depletion and/or resupply, ply. In contrast, the expression of one LOX and three
while the expression of A-ARR​ genes was downregu- 12-oxophytodienoate reductase (OPR) genes was
lated during Fe resupply (Fig. 7B). upregulated during Fe resupply (Fig. 7G). In the JA
In the GA pathway, Fe deficiency upregulated pathway, the expression of two jasmonate zim (JAZ)
the expression of DELLA and gibberellin insensitive genes was downregulated, while one myelocyto-moto-
dwarf 1 (GID1) genes, indicating that the GA signal sis2 (MYC2) gene was upregulated under Fe deple-
pathway was involved in the Fe-deficient response in tion. Meanwhile, the expression of four JAZ and five
quinoa roots (Fig. 7C). MYC2 genes was upregulated, while the expression
Fe depletion significantly induced an increase in of three MYC2 genes was downregulated during Fe
ABA content in roots, and the ABA content did not resupply (Fig. 7G).
recover after 6 h of Fe resupply (Fig. 6D). Fe deple-
tion downregulated the expression of two abscisic
acid-deficient 2 (ABA2) and two cytochrome P450 Discussion
CYP707A genes, while Fe resupply upregulated the
expression of four zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZEP) genes In this study, using physio-biochemical, transcrip-
in quinoa roots (Fig. 7D). tomic and bioinformatics methods, we analyzed the
Fe depletion significantly increased the content of physiological changes in quinoa seedlings under Fe
the ethylene precursor ACC in quinoa roots, which depletion and resupply, as well as the differentially

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◂Fig. 7  The expression patterns of genes involved in phyto- during Fe resupply in quinoa seedlings (Fig. 1K-
hormone biosynthesis and signaling pathways in quinoa roots M). In addition, we found that although Fe deple-
under Fe depletion and resupply. A, auxin. B, cytokinin. C,
GA. D, ABA. E, ethylene. F, SA. G, JA. Asterisks in the heat-
tion inhibited seedling growth, neither Fe depletion
maps represent the DEGs ­[log2 |fold change|≥ 1 or ≤ -1 and nor resupply significantly affected MDA levels in
false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.01]. The list of DEGs is shown quinoa seedlings (Fig. 1H and I), indicating that Fe
in Table S6 deficiency did not cause serious oxidative damage to
quinoa seedlings.
expressed genes and regulatory networks in roots. In Fe-containing enzymes commonly exist in plants,
addition, we also revealed the molecular regulatory including a series of reductases, such as nucleo-
mechanism of Fe deficiency on phytohormone path- tide reductase, nitrate reductase and nitrite reduc-
ways, primary carbon/nitrogen metabolism and metal tase, hydrogenase, nitrogenase, peroxidase (includ-
ion absorption and accumulation in quinoa roots. ing cytochrome peroxidase), oxidase (including
These results provide a basis for further revealing the cytochrome C oxidase), and hydratase, etc. (Pernil
molecular mechanism of Fe deficiency responses and and Schleiff 2019; Zhang and Zheng 2020). Fe-con-
identifying and analyzing the key regulatory genes in taining enzymes are involved in the electron transfer
quinoa. process and play a critical role in cell metabolism
(Richardson and Ponka 1997). Therefore, Fe defi-
Physiological responses and reprogramming of ciency will result in metabolic pathway disorders in
the core metabolic pathway in Fe‑deficient quinoa plants. Our results showed that Fe deficiency altered
seedlings the primary metabolic pathways (Fig. 4), thereby
affecting plant growth and development.
Fe is an essential trace element in chlorophyll biosyn-
thesis (Wang et al. 2018). One of the typical symp- The differential expression of metal transporters
toms of Fe deficiency in plants is the reduction in and Fe deficiency‑responsive transcription factors
chlorophyll content and yellowing of leaves, which affected Fe absorption and accumulation in quinoa
leads to a reduction in photosynthetic efficiency.
Our results showed that the chlorophyll contents Fe deficiency changes the gene expression patterns
decreased under Fe depletion in quinoa seedlings; of metal transporters and Fe deficiency-responsive
with the extension of Fe resupply time, the contents TFs, including 11 genes of three TF families and 35
of chlorophyll gradually increased (Fig. 1J). Nonpho- metal transporter genes such as MTPs, YSLs, OPTs,
tochemical quenching refers to the ability of plants to VITs, NRAMPs, ZIPs, MATEs and HIPPs (Fig. 5A).
convert excess light energy into heat, that is, the abil- MTPs are involved in the uptake and accumulation of
ity of light protection (Muller et al. 2001). qN is the heavy metals, while YSLs mediate the long-distance
nonoptical chemical quenching coefficient, reflect- transportation of heavy metals in plants (Haney et al.
ing the energy loss in the form of heat energy gener- 2005; Montanini et al. 2007; Gustin et al. 2011; Ishi-
ated by the light energy absorbed by the PSII antenna maru et al. 2010). OsYSL2 is responsible for trans-
pigment but not transmitted by the photosynthetic porting Fe(II)-NA, and OsYSL9 transports Fe(II)-NA
electrons (Horton et al. 1996). When excessive light and Fe(III)-NA in rice (Ishimaru et al. 2010). OPTs
energy is absorbed by the PSII reaction center, if it are responsible for transporting Fe or other metal ions
cannot be released in time, it will cause damage to the in plants (Vasconcelos et al. 2008; Stacey et al. 2006).
photosynthetic system (Fleming et al. 2012). There- Rice OsOPT1/3/4 participates in the transportation
fore, qN is a self-protection mechanism and has a pro- of Fe(II)-NA or Fe(III)-NA. Among them, OsOPT4
tective effect on the photosynthetic system. Y (NPQ) has the highest absorption efficiency for Fe(II)-NA
represents the energy dissipated into heat through the (Vasconcelos et al. 2008). AtOPT2 is induced by Fe
regulatory light protection mechanism (Klughammer deficiency in Arabidopsis roots (Stacey et al. 2006).
and Schreiber 2008). In the process of Fe resupply, VITs are vacuolar Fe transporters. Arabidopsis
the nonphotochemical quenching coefficients (qN and AtVIT1 is responsible for transporting Fe to the vacu-
NPQ) and Y (NPQ) gradually increased, suggesting ole for storage, thus improving Fe toxicity tolerance
that the photoprotection ability gradually increased (Narayanan et al. 2015). In addition, NRAMPs and

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92 Plant Soil (2024) 495:77–97

ZIPs are involved in the absorption and transport of depletion and resupply. In contrast, the expression
Fe, Mn, Cd, Zn, and other metal ions in plants (Xiao of one gene encoding Aux/IAA repressor protein
et al. 2008; Chen et al. 2008). MATE transporters and two auxin-inactivating GH3 genes was upreg-
are involved in maintaining Fe homeostasis in plants ulated after Fe resupply, indicating that the auxin
(Durrett et al. 2007; Rogers et al. 2009). The Arabi- pathway is repressed by Fe depletion and resupply.
dopsis MATE transporter AtFRD3 and rice OsFRD1 However, one ARF gene was induced after 3 h of Fe
have citric acid efflux activity and can transport Fe resupply in quinoa roots (Fig. 7A). Qi et al. (2012)
in plants (Rogers and Guerinot 2002; Yokosho et al. found that OsARF12 positively regulates Fe content
2009). GmFRD3a/3b are induced by Fe deficiency by modulating the abundance of OsIRT1 in rice.
and can maintain Fe homeostasis in soybean (Rog- Future research will elucidate the function of this
ers et al. 2009). HIPPs metal chaperone proteins can ARF gene in the response to Fe deficiency and its
combine with heavy metal ions to alleviate heavy effect on Fe accumulation in quinoa roots.
metal toxicity (Zhao et al. 2013). Loss-of-function of Cytokinin induces the expression of ZIP1 and
HIPP genes results in sensitivity to heavy metal tox- ZIP5 genes in rice (Gao et al. 2019). A previous
icity in rice (Khan et al. 2019). Future research will study demonstrated that cytokinin negatively regu-
explore the molecular mechanism of these differen- lates Fe uptake by repressing IRT1, FRO2 and FIT
tially expressed metal transporter genes in mediating in Arabidopsis roots (Séguéla et al. 2008). However,
Fe absorption in quinoa roots and Fe accumulation in we found that Fe deficiency increased the cytokinin
plants. Fe deficiency induces the expression of Fe- iP content in quinoa roots (Fig. 6C). Meanwhile, the
responsive TF genes, and the expression of these TFs expression of AHP and B-ARR​ genes was upregu-
is downregulated rapidly after Fe resupply in Arabi- lated during Fe depletion and/or resupply; in con-
dopsis and rice (Kim et al. 2019; Liang et al. 2020). trast, the expression of A-ARR​ genes, the negative
In this study, we found that Fe depletion significantly regulators of cytokinin signaling by repressing
induced the expression of FIT, BTS and bHLH101 B-ARRs, was downregulated during Fe resupply
genes in quinoa roots (Fig. 5A). However, the expres- (Fig. 7B). These results indicated that Fe depletion
sion of these genes continued to be upregulated after and resupply promoted cytokinin signaling in qui-
3 and 6 h of Fe resupply and gradually returned to noa roots. However, the detailed mechanisms of the
normal levels until 12 h (Fig. 5A). High expression cytokinin-mediated Fe deficiency response and Fe
of these TFs affected the expression of metal trans- accumulation in quinoa roots still need to be further
porter genes, such as MTP, NRAMP and MATE genes elucidated.
(Fig. 5A), thus promoting the absorption and accu- Wild et al. (2016) found that Fe deficiency inhib-
mulation of Fe and other metal ions at the early stage its root growth by inducing DELLA accumula-
of Fe resupply. Similar to the results of Valentinuzzi tion in Arabidopsis roots. DELLA interacts with
et al. (2020), we found that after 12 h of Fe resupply, bHLH38/39 and FIT to inhibit their transcriptional
the Fe content in leaves increased rapidly (three times activity. Meanwhile, DELLA exclusion from the epi-
higher than that under Fe depletion), but the Fe con- dermal cells of the root differentiation zone releases
tent in roots did not increase significantly (Fig. 5B). FIT/bHLH38/39 and therefore promotes Fe uptake at
These results indicated that the Fe absorbed by the the site (Wild et al. 2016). We found that Fe deple-
root system was rapidly transported to the shoots after tion induced the expression of the GA receptor GID1
Fe resupply. This may be one of the mechanisms of and the GA-signaling DELLA repressors in quinoa
high Fe accumulation in quinoa. roots (Fig. 7C), thereby modulating the Fe deficiency
response and Fe accumulation.
Phytohormones participate in regulating the Fe Fe depletion and resupply significantly increased
deficiency response in quinoa roots ABA contents in quinoa roots (Fig. 6D). Fan et al.
(2014) found that ABA increases Fe accumulation,
Fe depletion and resupply did not affect IAA con- which is independent of IRT1 in Arabidopsis. We
tents in quinoa roots (Fig. 6A), but they regulated found that the expression of SnRK2 and ABF genes in
the auxin pathway (Fig. 7A). The expression of the ABA signaling pathway was upregulated under Fe
AUX1 and SAUR​genes was downregulated under Fe depletion and/or resupply (Fig. 7D), indicating that

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the ABA pathway was induced, thus improving Fe deficiency in Arabidopsis (Maurer et al. 2011; Cui
accumulation and Fe deficiency tolerance in quinoa. et al. 2018). Interestingly, we found that Fe depletion
Li and Li (2004) showed that Fe deficiency and resupply increased SA levels but decreased JA
increases ethylene levels in roots. Ethylene-respon- levels in quinoa roots (Fig. 6F and H). These results
sive ERF4 can interact with FIT, thereby regulating indicated that plants modulated the equilibrium of SA
the expression of FRO2 and IRT1 in response to Fe and JA in roots to affect Fe absorption and accumula-
deficiency in Arabidopsis (Liu et al. 2017; Balparda tion and ultimately regulated Fe deficiency adaptation
et al. 2020). Consistent with this result, we found that in quinoa. Previous studies have shown that JA and
Fe depletion and resupply increased the contents of SA have antagonistic effects, and SA-induced gluta-
the ethylene precursor ACC (Fig. 6E), and the expres- raldehyde is a potential regulatory component of SA/
sion of EBF1/2 and ERF1/2 in the ethylene pathway JA antagonism (Ndamukong et al. 2007). However,
was upregulated after 6 h of Fe resupply in quinoa how these two plant hormones regulate the Fe defi-
roots (Fig. 7E), indicating that Fe resupply triggered ciency response in quinoa needs further clarification.
the ethylene pathway in quinoa roots.
Exogenous SA increases the uptake of K, Mg and
Mn in maize (Gunes et al. 2007). SA also alleviates Conclusion
Fe deficiency-induced oxidative stress and increases
chlorophyll contents under Fe deficiency (Kong This study investigated the Fe deficiency response in
et al. 2014). In contrast, JA negatively regulates the quinoa seedlings through physio-biochemical and
expression of FIT and bHLH38/39/100/101, thereby transcriptomic analyses, and revealed the molecular
inhibiting the expression of IRT1 and FRO2 under Fe regulatory mechanisms underlying the Fe deficiency

Fig. 8  A model of Fe deficiency response in quinoa roots. The red and blue arrows indicate an increase or decrease of the contents
of phytohormones or micronutrients after Fe depletion compared to the control

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