Function Specification (FS) Templates - Guidance For Use

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October 2015 FS Templates – Guidance for Use

Function Specification (FS) Templates – Guidance for Use

These FS templates have been designed for specifying ABAP-based custom developments, on SAP
NetWeaver based systems. They are not intended to specify:

• Interface definition and mapping that would be defined in middleware such as SAP
Netweaver Process Integration (PI).
• Data Migration objects such as those defined using SAP Data Services tools.
• Data objects for reporting, such as those created in SAP Business Warehouse (BW), or
natively on SAP HANA.
• Reports or Dashboards to be created with BI tools such as SAP Lumira.

The FS templates are saved as Microsoft Word template (.docm) files. To actual an actual document,
right-click a template and choose new.

To be able to start new documents directly in Word, follow the instructions at the end of this

Different templates have been provided, which are each tailored to the different types of ABAP-
based custom developments. These are based on the commonly used WRICEF (or FRICEFW)

W - Workflow

R - Report

I - Interface e.g. ABAP or IDOC developments needed for an Interface

C - ‘Conversion’ e.g. a file upload or download program

E - Enhancement (simple) e.g. single BAdIs, CMOD customer enhancements, BTEs, VOFM

- Enhancements (transactions and apps) e.g. custom apps or transactions; changes to

standard apps or transactions such as adding custom fields.

F - (Print) Forms

A - Applications and Transactions

This approach was taken in preference to providing one very long template, where for any given
development most of the sections would be irrelevant.

When using the templates, guidance text to be replaced is shown in red or {curly brackets}.

On the cover page the Workstream and WRICEF ID and Description values entered here will
automatically appear in the headers of the subsequent pages. On subsequent pages you can just
type over the red prompts to replace them with your own text.

October 2015 FS Templates – Guidance for Use

The date field on the cover page will automatically populate with the date the document was last
saved – so initially it will show zeroes.

The templates may be re-branded – e.g. by replacing the SAP logo in the page headers, or by adding
a customer logo alongside it.

Functional Spec Content

Each Functional Spec should firstly record the business need and intent of the custom development.
Secondly it should provide the developer with a clear description of the functionality required. This
needs to strike a balance: information such as names of tables, BAPIs, BAdIs etc to use certainly
should be included if known. However the FS should not be trying to specify fine details of how to
build the solution. It’s for the developer to use their judgement to find the best approach to
implement the functionality, following the coding standards as they do so.

October 2015 FS Templates – Guidance for Use

Appendix – Using Custom Templates in MS Word

To be able to start new documents directly in Word, first save the templates to your PC in the
‘Custom Office Templates’ folder under ‘Documents’ (previously ‘My documents’):

In MS Word go to File -> Options then choose the Save tab. Ensure the ‘Default personal templates
location’ is maintained, e.g.

You’ll then be able to create new documents based on the templates by choosing File -> New, then
choosing ‘Custom’ – you should be able to see a file containing your templates:

October 2015 FS Templates – Guidance for Use

In the folder you can see all the templates that you saved to your folder, and can pick the one that
you want to use.

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