Lost WPS Office

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Till The Last

In the land of Altaria there were three kingdoms with different characteristics of it's own, the Kingdom
of Hindra inhabited by sea fairers, the Kingdom of Centauri which is inhabited by Deserters and the
Kingdom of Westeros which is inhabited by forest adventurer's. The three kingdoms is continuesly
fighting to protect and expand their territory. The Kingdom of Westeros is the strongest and richest
among the three kindoms, it holds the most impeccable fortress and mightiest warriors. The kingdom of
Westeros is rich in natural resources like thick forests full of foods, gemstones, and precious metals
which is why the other two kingdom is desperate in conquering the kingdom. King Araghorn ruled the
Kingdom of Westeros for over a century against the neighboring kingdoms and he is getting old and
tired. The king is blessed with a single son named Prince Caspian who's mother passed away after giving
birth to him and he will inherit the position as the next king of the Kingdom of Westeros. The king is
getting sick and his time is slowly coming, he wants the throne to be secured and wanted the prince to
married before that happen. Right away the king commanded his right hand man to carry out the most
extravagant party in the entire kingdom and invite all the dukes and their daughters for the selection of
Prince Caspian's future bride.

The night has come and the party has started, King Araghorn is sitting in his throne and Prince Caspian is
standing in his side as the guests slowly arrives and enter the enormous door and walk at the red carpet.
The prince stongly opposes the king's decision but he can't do anything since it also serves as his dying
father's last wish. The daughters of the dukes bowed one-by-one in front of the king and the prince, at
first the prince is not interested at all and doesn't mind anyone's presence but suddenly a lady caught
the prince's eye, a lady wearing the most simple dress among all, she has eye's so dark it's like an abyss,
her hair is like the night sky it shines even it's dark, she has an angelic face you'll be be mistaken of her
as an angel that fallen from the sky. The prince fallen in love with the lady and walked toward her
direction and asked her name, the lady is daughter of a normal farmer named Mineia. The prince took
the lady's hand and danced gracefully as the kingdom's most talented band plays the most romantic
music. The dance is finished and Prince Caspian returned to the king's side he noticed that the king
seems unhappy with the prince's decision, then the king suddenly said that he must marry a rich lady to
maintain his reputation at least a daughter of a duke is enough. The prince refused to agree with the
kings decision he thinks that it's unrightful and the prince said that if the king wants him to be married at
least let him marry a woman he truly admires. The king took a deep breath and agreed with the prince.
The party is over and everyone already leaved the castle, the prince and the king also proceeded to their
rooms and taked a rest after the exhausting night.

The morning arrived but everyone recieved a shocking news including the prince, King Araghorn passed
away after that night and he is found on his bed lifeless. Prince Caspian's tears flowed as he walked
towards his father's body, he hugged his father and whispered that he will protect the kingdom no
matter what and will do anything for the better. After the king's funeral the whole kingdom proceeded
to the coronation ceremony of the new king, Caspian is not a prince anymore but the new king of
Westeros. The kingdom rejoiced as the new king is announced, also Mineia attended the ceremony and
cheered joyfully at the new king's side. Days later after the coronation Caspian and Veronica's feelings
for each other is getting stronger as they travel all over westeros to further know each other, they
created memories in each part of the kingdom from laughter to embarassment.

One night King Caspian recieved a message from one of the castle's warrior and it seems that enemy
from the Kingdom of Ceantauri is slowly advancing towards the kingdom. The day that Caspian fears has
come, he commanded the whole kingdom to prepare for battle and gather the mightiest warriors they
have. The time has come the warriors must leave the castle and fight the enemy before they reach the
kingdom that includes King Caspian he tightly hugged Mineia and promised that he will win the battle
and come back alive no matter what and when that happens he will marry Mineia, warriors gave
farewell to their families and loved ones because they do not know if they can go back home alive.

King Caspian and the warriors left the castle and proceeded to the enemies location. After days of travel
finally they found the enemy's base but they are shocked with the overwhelming numbers of enemy
warriors but they can't go back now. Caspian and the warriors planned carefully and decided to ambush
the enemy at night because they will have the advantage. Back at the castle Mineia is praying
wholeheartedly non-stop for Caspian and the warrior's safety as tears full of fear and loneliness flows in
her eyes. It's dark, Caspian and the warriors started the attack. Archers rain fired arrows on the enemy
base causing a commotion and confusion to the enemy and then soldiers throwed torches on the
enemy's huts that lighed the entire area. Now that's the enemy is reduced dramatically Caspian and his
warriors charged at the enemy. After hours and hours of battle they finally secured the area and won
the battle. King Caspian and the warriors rejoiced and prepared a feast with pounds after pounds of
meat and barrels of alcohol, they drinked and ate through the night.

The day when King Caspian and the warriors returned to the kingdom they are welcomed with joy and
celebration, King Caspian runned towards the castle, as he runs to the hallway he saw Mineia. Both of
them cried in tears as they gave each other the tightest hug they could, and then suddenly Caspian
kneeled in front of Mineia and took something from his pocket and reached Mineia hands and said "
With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, For I will be your wine. With this
candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine.", "Mineia will you marry
me?". Tears in Mineia's eyed flowed even more and she said "What took you so long you silly boy?",
"Yes, Yes I do". then they hugged each other again and quickley announced they're marriage to the
kingdom and everyone is happy for them. The wedding ceremony is held in the castle with delicious
foods and everyone is invited. As the guest arrives the hall is filled with happiness and joy. The couple
then walked towards the gigantic terrace of the castle where the moon shines perfectly. Then the
Caspian hugged Mineia and said "How lucky i am to marry a lady like you, i wish the night never ends
and I'm sure happiness will last as long as we're together", Mineia said "Me too, I love you". And they
kissed under the beautiful night unsure of what will happen tommorow but tied with unbreakable bond
and faith for each other.

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