What Im Proud of

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Mariana Rodriguez


Mrs. Ramirez

Pride Sample

The thing I am most proud of of this medal, I know it’s pretty generic. Almost everyone in

the world has at least one medal, whether it be a participation medal, or one for an actual

accomplishment. Though this one is different. Maybe not to everyone else, but to me it is. I got

this medal in seventh grade. My soccer coach gave it to me, and gave me a speech. That day, I

was known as Mariana, and it really made me feel proud of myself. Growing up, I was always

known as “ Maza’s little sister,” because my brother was known to be really good at soccer, and

since his high school coach was my middle school soccer coach, the coach knew me. On the

back of this medal, as you can see above, it states “ Rivera Knight Award” for Varsity soccer. If I

would’ve told my 5th grade soccer-loving self, that I would be captain of the varsity girls soccer

team my 7th grade year, she’d be so proud. It was always my dream to be captain of the soccer

team. Althoug, to be recognized as my own person felt different. I was no longer “ Maza’s little

sister,” I was Mariana, and that was perfect in my world. Receiving this medal made me realize

that I was capable of doing so many things I set my mind to, and that giving up should never be

an option, so matter how difficult it may be. That is why, I am proud of this medal. My soccer


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