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7th Grade


Mr. Combs Technology

◼ The process of converting materials
into useful products in a workshop or

Mr. Combs Technology

Types of Products
◼ Durable Goods-Items that last a long
• Refrigerators
• Cars

◼ Nondurable Goods-Limited life span-

food ,paper goods
Mr. Combs Technology
History of Manufacturing
◼ The Craft Approach-the method of
making products one at a time from
start to finish
◼ The Factory System-manufacturing
done in factory setting with many
workers using powered machines

Mr. Combs Technology

Manufacturing Terms
◼ Interchangeable Parts-Term coined by Eli
Whitney. Parts made exactly alike that can
be substituted for others
◼ Mass Production-Production of goods on a
mass scale by workers in factories. The
production process is divided into steps
◼ Henry Ford –Mastered the assembly line

Mr. Combs Technology

Manufacturing Terms
◼ Assembly Line-Each worker performs
a specific task as the item is passed

Mr. Combs Technology

Impacts of the Factory System
◼ Replaced the Craft approach
◼ Provided new jobs
◼ Development of other industries
◼ Lower costs
◼ Higher standard of living

Mr. Combs Technology

Manufacturing Resources
◼ People
◼ Capital
◼ Time
◼ Information
◼ Energy
◼ Materials-raw materials are
◼ Tools/machines
Mr. Combs Technology
Other Terms
◼ Quality Circles- groups of workers and
managers who meet to discuss ways to
improve production
◼ Entrepreneur-a person with a good idea
and uses that idea to make money
◼ Productivity-how quickly and cost effective
a product is made
◼ Automation-a system where machines are
controlled automatically

Mr. Combs Technology

Robot Revolution
◼ The use of robots in manufacturing
• Dirty
• Difficult
• Dangerous
◼ Advantages
• Work 24 hours a day
• Higher quality
• Can be reprogrammed to perform other
Mr. Combs Technology
Types of Automated Manufacturing
◼ CAD and Computer Modeling
◼ CAM-Computer Aided Manufacturing, which uses
computers to control factory machines.
◼ CIM-Computer Integrated Manufacturing, used
for the manufacturing and the business
◼ Flexible Manufacturing-efficient manufacturing on
small scale
◼ Just In Time-Careful scheduling of materials and
products needs so as to minimize storage
◼ Agile Manufacturing-Where decisions are made
quickly in response to conditions

Mr. Combs Technology

Phases of Manufacturing
◼ Design-designing the product
◼ Development-Making choices on the
final design based upon factors
◼ Production-the production of the
◼ Marketing-The promotion of the
◼ Sales
◼ Maintenance
Mr. Combs Technology
PERT Charts
◼ Program Evaluation Review
• Used to schedule production
• Identifies essential activities
• Shows minimum length of time on task
• Lists steps in order

Mr. Combs Technology

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