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Babcock Institute for International

Dairy Research and Development Dairy

University of Wisconsin-Madison


Michel A. Wattiaux
Babcock Institute

INTRODUCTION will be reduced. Too much ammonia in the

Proteins provide the amino acids needed rumen leads to wastage, ammonia toxicity,
for maintenance of vital functions, and in extreme cases, death of the animal.
reproduction, growth and lactation. Non- The bacterial population uses ammonia in
ruminant animals need pre-formed amino order to grow. The extent to which
acids in their diets, but ruminants can ammonia is used to synthesize microbial
utilize many other nitrogen sources because protein is largely dependent upon the
of their rare ability to synthesize amino availability of energy generated by the
acids and protein from non-protein fermentation of carbohydrates. On the
nitrogen sources. This ability is associated average, 20 grams of bacterial protein is
with the presence of the microorganisms in synthesized per 100 grams of organic
the rumen. In addition, ruminants possess matter fermented in the rumen. Bacterial
a mechanism to spare nitrogen. When a protein synthesis may range from less than
diet is low in nitrogen, large amounts of 400 g/day to about 1500 g/day depending
urea (which is normally excreted in the primarily on the digestibility of the diet.
urine) return in the rumen where it can be The percentage of protein in bacteria varies
used by the microbes. In non-ruminants, from 38 to 55% (Table 1). However, when
urea is always entirely lost in the urine. cows eat more feed, the bacteria contain
Research showed that it is possible to feed more protein and pass from the rumen to
cows with diets containing non-protein the abomasum more rapidly.
nitrogen as the only nitrogen source and Usually, a portion of the dietary protein
still obtain a production of 580 g of high resists ruminal degradation and passes
quality milk protein daily and 4000 kg milk undegraded to the small intestine. The
throughout the lactation. resistance to ruminal degradation varies
considerably among protein sources and
PROTEIN TRANSFORMATION depends upon many factors. Usually, the
IN THE RUMEN proteins in forage are degraded to a further
extent (60 to 80%) than proteins in
Feed proteins are degraded by
concentrates or industrial by-products (20
microorganisms in the rumen via amino
to 60%).
acids into ammonia and branched chain
A portion of the bacterial protein is
fatty acids (Figure 1). Non-protein nitrogen
broken down within the rumen, but the
from the feed and the urea recycled into the
majority flows to the abomasum attached to
rumen through the saliva or the rumen wall
feed particles. The strong acids secreted by
contribute also to the pool of ammonia in
the abomasum stop all microbial activity
the rumen. If ammonia levels in the rumen
and the digestive enzymes start breaking
are too low there will be a nitrogen
down the protein into amino acids.
shortage to bacteria and feed digestibility
240 Agriculture Hall, 1450 Linden Dr., Madison, WI 53706 USA, phone: 608-265-4169, 17
Dairy Essentials – Nutrition and Feeding
Grains Undigested
Forage Protein Protein feed and
Non-protein Amino acids Protein Metabolic

nitrogen Amino acids fecal
Branched chain
fatty acids
Ammonia Energy from Bacterial Amino acids INTESTINAL
Urea Carbohydrate protein WALL and



PORTAL (Overflow)
Urea recycling

BLOOD (To the liver)

Amino acids
LIVER Ammonia Glucose
Urea metabolism




Urea Urea Amino acids Amino acids

Amino acids
Amino acids
Urea Urea
Amino acids Energy
Energy Protein
Milk urea
Milk protein
KIDNEY MAMMARY GLAND (and other tissues)
Figure 1: Overview of protein metabolism in dairy cows

18 The Babcock Institute

5 - Protein Metabolism in Dairy Cows
Table 1: Composition (%) and intestinal dry matter ingested by the cow, there is an
nitrogen digestibility (%) of ruminal increase of 33 g of body protein lost in the
microbes1 intestine and excreted in the feces.
Bacteria Ruminant feces is good fertilizer because it
Mean Range Protozoa is rich in organic matter and is particularly
Protein 47.5 38 - 55 - rich in nitrogen (2.2 to 2.6% nitrogen or the
Nucleic acids2 27.6 - - equivalent of 14 to 16% crude protein) as
Lipids 7.0 4 - 25 - compared to the feces of non-ruminant
Carbohydrates 11.5 6 - 23 - animals.
Peptidoglycan 3 2.0 - - LIVER METABOLISM AND
Minerals 4.4 - - UREA RECYCLING
Crude Protein 62.5 31 - 78 24 - 49
Digestibility 71.0 44 - 86 76 - 85 When fermentable energy is lacking or
1 Adapted from Nutritional Ecology of the ruminant. when crude protein in the diet is excessive
1982. O & B Books Inc., 1215 NW Kline Place, or highly degradable, not all the ammonia
Oregon 97330 produced in the rumen may be converted
2 Nucleic acids = genetic material to microbial protein. Excess ammonia cross
3 Peptidoglycan = complex structure of bacterial cell the ruminal wall and is transported to the
wall. liver. The liver converts the ammonia to
urea which is released in the blood. Urea in
Approximately 60% of the amino acids
the blood can follow two routes:
absorbed through the small intestine is
1) It can return to the rumen through the
from bacterial protein, and the remaining
saliva or through the rumen wall.
40% is from ruminally undegraded dietary
2) It can be excreted into the urine by the
The amino acid composition of bacterial
protein is relatively constant regardless of When urea returns to the rumen, it is
the composition of dietary protein. All converted back to ammonia and can serve
amino acids, including the essential ones. as a nitrogen source for bacterial growth.
are present in bacterial protein in Urea excreted in the urine is lost to the
proportion that is fairly close to the animal. With rations low in crude protein,
proportion of amino acids required by the most of the urea is recycled and little is lost
mammary gland for milk synthesis. Thus, in the urine. However, as crude protein
the conversion of dietary protein to increases in the ration, less urea is recycled
bacterial protein is usually a beneficial and more is excreted in the urine.
process. The exception occurs when high
quality protein is fed and the ammonia MILK PROTEIN SYNTHESIS
produced in the rumen cannot be utilized During lactation, the mammary gland
due to a lack of fermentable energy. needs large amounts of amino acids to
syntesize milk protein. The metabolism of
PROTEIN IN FECES amino acids in the mammary gland is
About 80% of the protein reaching the extremely complex. Amino acids may be
small intestine is digested, but the converted into other amino acids or
remaining is passed into the feces. Another oxidized to produce energy. Most of the
major source of nitrogen in the feces comes amino acids absorbed by the mammary
from digestive enzymes secreted into the gland are used to synthesize milk proteins.
intestine and the rapid replacement of Milk contains about 30 g of protein per kg,
intestinal cells (fecal metabolic protein). On but there are important variations between
the average, for every increment of 1 kg of cows within a breed and among breeds.
University of Wisconsin-Madison 19
Dairy Essentials – Nutrition and Feeding
About 90% of the protein in milk is casein. from 12% for a dry cow to 18% for a cow in
There are many types of casein (Table 2) early lactation. As long as the diets of cows
and they contribute to the high nutritive producing about 20 to 25 kg of milk
value of many dairy products. Whey contains about 16% crude protein, most
proteins are also synthesized from amino forage and concentrates are adequate
acids in the mammary gland. The enzyme protein sources. However, as milk
α-Lactalbumin is essential for the synthesis production increases, bacterial protein
of lactose and β−lactoglobulin is important synthesis in the rumen may become
in curd formation during cheese insufficient, and protein sources resistant to
production. Some proteins found in the ruminal degradation may be needed to
milk (immunoglobulins) play a role in supply the required amount of amino acids.
passing disease resistance to the newborn Typical sources of proteins resistant to
calf. The immunoglobulins are absorbed microbial degradation in the rumen include
directly from the blood and not synthesized brewer's grain, distiller's grain and proteins
within the mammary gland, so their of animal origin (slaughter house by-
concentration in the colostrum is high. products, feather meal and fish meal).
Milk also contains non-protein nitrogen On the other hand, non-protein nitrogen
compounds in very small amount (e.g., sources may be used, especially when a
urea: 0.08 g/kg). ration contains less than 12 to 13% crude
protein. Urea is probably the most popular
Table 2: Major proteins found in normal source of non-protein nitrogen in dairy
milk of cows rations. However, it must be used with
Protein Concentration (g/kg) caution because its excess may rapidly lead
.......................... Caseins ............................ to ammonia intoxication. Feeds most
α-casein 14.0 successfully supplemented with urea are
β-casein 6.2 high in energy, low in protein, and low in
κ-casein 3.7 non-protein nitrogen. A partial list of such
γ -casein 1.2 feeds includes cereal grains, molasses,
........................ Whey protein ........................ sugar beet pulp, hay of mature grasses and
Immunoglobulins1 0.6 corn silage. Urea should not be used with
α-Lactalbumin 0.7 feeds rich in rapidly available nitrogen.
β-Lactoglobulin 0.3 Such feeds include oilseed meals (e.g.,
1 May increase drastically during mastitis soybean, canola), legume forage and young
grasses. In addition, urea should be limited
PROTEIN AND NON-PROTEIN to no more than 150 to 200 g/cow/day,
NITROGEN IN DAIRY RATIONS thoroughly mixed with other feed to
improve palatability and added
Recommendations for the crude protein progressively in the ration to allow
concentration in dairy cow rations vary adaptation by the cow.

20 The Babcock Institute

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