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Digital Evidence Cabinet based on

Blockchain for Evidence Management


Digital evidence handling and preservation are crucial stages in the digital
forensic process, ensuring the credibility of evidence for legal proceedings.
The chain of custody (CoC) document is utilized to maintain the integrity of
digital evidence throughout the investigation process. However, traditional
paper-based CoC documents may be insufficient for managing digital
evidence effectively. Therefore, new technologies like blockchain are being
explored to enhance the integrity and security of digital evidence
management. This study proposes the Blockchain Digital Evidence Cabinet
(B-DEC) , which combines the Digital Evidence Cabinet (DEC) framework with
blockchain technology to ensure the integrity and security of digital evidence.

Design System:

The B-DEC architecture comprises several layers, including the frontend,

middleware, smart contract, blockchain network, and evidence storage and
database. The frontend serves as the user interface, while middleware
facilitates communication between the frontend and smart contract. Smart
contracts, written in Solidity language, are deployed on the Ethereum network
to handle interactions. A private Ethereum network is utilized for B-DEC,
ensuring confidentiality and security. The evidence storage and database
securely store digital evidence, with access control mechanisms in place.

Smart Contract :

Smart contracts, running on the blockchain, enforce rules and computations

for transactions. They communicate using Web 3 protocol to access the
Ethereum node, bridging decentralized applications with blockchain nodes.


Middleware acts as a translator between different systems or functions,

bridging high-level languages used in the frontend with bytecode functions
used by Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Unlike traditional middleware,
which operates separately, B-DEC's middleware is integrated with both
frontend applications and smart contracts.
Design DEC on Blockchain:
DEC framework is adapted for blockchain use, accommodating various levels
of evidence storage, including cabinets, racks, bags, and evidence data. The
DEC concept is represented on the blockchain, with adjustments made to
accommodate digital evidence management.

B-DEC architecture

1. User Interaction:

 Investigators, lawyers, and officers interact with the B-DEC system through a

frontend. This user interface allows them to upload evidence, create

cabinets, racks, and bags, and view the chain of custody.

2. Middleware:

 The frontend communicates with smart contracts through middleware. This

middleware layer translates between the high-level commands used in the

frontend and the bytecode understood by the blockchain network's Ethereum

Virtual Machine (EVM).

3. Smart Contract Execution:

 Smart contracts are self-executing programs stored on the blockchain

network. They enforce the rules and logic for interacting with evidence in the

B-DEC system.

 When a user interacts with the frontend, the corresponding middleware

translates the action into a request and sends it to the relevant smart


 The smart contract processes the request and interacts with the blockchain

network to update the ledger with the new information, such as adding a new

evidence item or modifying the chain of custody.

4. Blockchain Network Interaction:

 The B-DEC system utilizes a private Ethereum network to ensure the

confidentiality and security of the stored evidence.

 Each smart contract interaction triggers a transaction on the blockchain

network. This transaction is broadcast to all the nodes in the network, and if

approved by the majority, the update is added to the blockchain ledger.

 The blockchain ledger maintains an immutable and tamper-proof record of

all transactions and changes made to the evidence within the B-DEC system.

5. Evidence Storage and Database:

 The actual digital evidence files are not stored on the blockchain due to

storage limitations and cost considerations.

 Instead, the evidence is stored securely in a database. The smart

contracts on the blockchain network only store references or pointers to the

location of the evidence in the database.

 Access control mechanisms are implemented to ensure that only

authorized users can access and modify the evidence stored in the database.

6. Evidence Log Maintenance:

 An evidence log is maintained within the B-DEC system to track all activities

and interactions related to each piece of evidence.

 This log includes timestamps, user actions, and any changes or updates

made to the evidence

 The evidence log plays a crucial role in maintaining the chain of custody and

ensuring the integrity and accountability of the digital evidence management


B-DEC, or Blockchain Digital Evidence Cabinet, offers a robust and innovative

approach to managing digital evidence, addressing the limitations of
traditional methods.

Enhanced Security:
 Immutability: Once data enters the blockchain, it's unchangeable and tamper-
proof, preventing manipulation and ensuring evidence integrity.
 Decentralization: Data isn't stored in a single location, eliminating the risk of a single
point of failure and enhancing resistance to cyberattacks.
 Strong Cryptography: Robust encryption techniques secure data on the network,
further safeguarding evidence from unauthorized access.
Improved Transparency:
 Transparency: All actions and modifications related to evidence are clearly visible
and verifiable on the blockchain, fostering trust and accountability among all
 Auditability: The immutable nature of the blockchain allows for comprehensive
audits at any time, verifying evidence provenance and chain of custody with ease.
Streamlined Processes:
 Automation: Smart contracts automate routine tasks, such as logging actions,
enforcing access control, and maintaining audit trails, reducing manual work and
streamlining the process.
 Reduced Paperwork: B-DEC eliminates the need for paper-based chain of custody
(CoC) documents, simplifying evidence management and saving time.
Increased Efficiency:
 Elimination of Intermediaries: B-DEC facilitates direct and secure
communication between authorized parties, removing the need for intermediaries,
potentially reducing delays and costs.
 Improved Collaboration: The secure and transparent nature of B-DEC enhances
collaboration between legal professionals, investigators, and other stakeholders,
leading to more efficient investigations and legal proceedings.
Additional Advantages:
 Scalability: The distributed ledger architecture of B-DEC can efficiently scale to
accommodate growing volumes of digital evidence.
 Reduced Costs: B-DEC has the potential to reduce overall evidence
management costs in the long run through streamlined processes, eliminating
intermediaries, and minimizing physical storage infrastructure needs.

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