Wanderer Ultra-Lite Ruleset Alpha

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▪ -1 – An obstacle (such as an enemy) being prepared.


▪ +1 – Contextual advantage
Over two millennia ago, the shimmers opened the multi- When actions have consequences that are uncertain, in-
teresting, and impactful, the REF will call for a resolu- ▪ -1 – Contextual disadvantage
tion. This means players will need to roll on behalf of
their PCs, to see what happens, and the REF will judge Challenges don’t usually receive additional modifiers, as
Shimmers offer a (relatively) safe way to travel between their dice pools are their difficulty level, and these can be
worlds and different locales. This has created a unique and narrate the results accordingly.
modded as needed. Modifiers help or hinder players, cre-
political and economic situation, bringing forth the ating advantages and disadvantages, which, in turn, en-
Commonality, a collection of worlds and locales with The REF will roll on behalf of the forces, NPCs, and situ-
ations and obstacles using a dice pool comprised of six- courage player craftiness.
like-minded political and economic policies that pool to-
gether military and policing resources. sided Fudge/Fate dice. Players will use a dice pool com-
prised of Attributes, Skill or Magic, specializations, Modifiers should be small, too. Most modifiers will be +1
equipment/artifact bonuses, and any relevant modi- or -1. In some cases, they may be +2 or -2, but rarely out-
While the Commonality dominates the multiverse, some side of these ranges.
would challenge it, particularly the Commanlity’s mod- fiers (i.e., additional dice). A referee’s dice pool results
ern, anti-magic mindsets. The Commonality has ushered are known as the challenge, and a player’s dice pool re-
in a new era of Consensus, a violent series of wars, hop- sults, when rolled, are known as the effort exerted by a Luck & Chaos
ing to wipe out any resistance or threat to the Common- player’s character. When a player invokes their backgrounds, gains some
ality’s varied economies and political systems. critical successes, and/or fails at something, luck, and
When the dice roll -, this is seen as a failure. A 0 is chaos are brought into the mix. Luck (and, its opposite,
One group has threatened an all-out war against the seen as a null, which does not affect the roll. A + counts chaos) are manipulation stats each character has at-
Commonality: They are known as the Faceless, and they as a success. Please Note: If you’re using standard six- tached to them. Luck is used by players; whereas the REF
espouse traditionalism and magic over modern technol- sided dice, you will need to make a mental note of the uses chaos to manipulate the narrative to offer potential
ogy and modernity. following: 1–2 (-), 3–4 (0), and 5–6 (+). thorny obstacles or situations for players. Each character
starts with five (5) points of luck and 0 chaos.
As the battle lines are being drawn between traditional- Whichever side rolls the most successes, overcomes the
ists and the Commonality, a vast, unnamed host has be- other side. If it is the referee, the obstacle, whatever it Backgrounds come in three (3) varieties: minor, signifi-
gun waging a war of subjugation and annihilation among may be, has caused the player to stumble. If the player cant, and foundational. Each background costs luck
the periphery worlds and locales of the multiverse. has the most successes, they have overcome the obstacle, points to invoke, and the number of points spent de-
and the REF will judge and narrate the results. If the re- pends on the background being invoked. It takes one (1)
It is in this chaos, that players are struggling to survive, sults are a tie, the REF, with plenty of player input from point of luck for a minor background. Two (2) points are
make a living, make a name for themselves, or find the the table, will decide what happens next. needed for a significant background to be invoked, and
peace they desire. three (3) points for a foundational background being in-
Remember: Story comes first when refereeing. This voked by a player.
means doing what serves the story (overall) best. Don’t
PLAYING THE GAME be afraid to collaborate here either. When used, luck can bring chaos.
To begin playing Wanderer, players need to have hand-
fuls of six-sided dice known as Fudge/Fate dice. Regular A Note on Modifiers This means that for every point of luck being spent, a
six-sided dice will do as well. One player will serve as the point of chaos is assigned to the player in question.
Modifiers can be either negative or positive. What does
group’s referee (REF), and the rest of the players at the Chaos can be used by a referee to sway results.
this mean? A player’s dice pool may see an increase in
table play and function as the Player Characters (PCs), the number of dice (i.e., a positive modifier), allowing
who serve as the game story’s main protagonists. For a REF to use chaos points, they will need to spend
them to roll more dice, achieving success easier. Or they
Throughout the game, players, acting and playing as one (1) more point to overturn successes, and three (3)
might see their dice pool shrink (i.e., a negative modi-
PCs, will narrate their actions, while the REF narrates or more to overturn critical successes. This should be
fier). Below, you will find some examples of positive and
the events of the world around them, the consequences done in full transparency and with other players in-
negative modifiers found within Wanderers.
of their actions, and the interactions of Non-Player volved, including the player who has brought on chaos.
Characters (NPCs) toward the PCs and their actions or ▪ +1 – For superior equipment being used.
inactions. Also: Chaos need not be negative, as seen in the descrip-
▪ -1 – For obsolete equipment being used.
tions above. Chaos might be positive as well, meaning
▪ +1 – For a unique solution presented by the player.
good or good things could be coming a player’s way. beautiful moments in gameplay that help create an en- the game moving along and maintaining an inter-
Think of chaos as the unexpected. riching experience for everyone, including themselves. esting experience for all involved.

Helping Others The REF, like the immutable laws of physics, offers natu- Referees are not the enemy. Don’t take it person-
When two (2) or more players choose to work together ral boundaries for acceptable play and fantastic fun to ally if their dice rolls spell doom for your favorite
towards a common goal, they roll their dice pools sepa- exist. Like gravity, the referee is there not to dole out character. Trust they will make the game worthwhile
rately, adding in their modifiers along the way. Once this meaningless consequences for actions or inactions, but, for all. Referees have a tough job, too, so don’t be
is done, the highest result is achieved. If this result is rather, to make consequences matter, make them fun, mean or demeaning toward your referee. Offer to
higher than the challenge’s dice pool results, the group and, more importantly, make them consistent within the help, offer up cool ideas, negotiate with them, and
succeeds. confines of the game’s story, limitations, and associated try to make the game enjoyable by being construc-
multiverse locations. tive and friendly toward your referee.

Pushing for Success Referees are not God or God-like, despite their
What a REF Is Not
If one or more players wish to push for success, following actions indicating otherwise. They’re very human,
a failure or draw, they can reroll their dice pool once at In recent years, there has been a lot of meaningful dis-
cussion on the demands placed on referees in the tab- mortal creatures even with thoughts, feelings,
the cost of one (1) point of luck. (If a group of players dreams, nightmares, and boring day jobs. As such,
does this, they each pay one (1) point of luck.) Players letop roleplaying game hobby. To help those new refer-
ees avoid burnout or despair, this rulebook offers five (5) remember they are bound to make mistakes, have
immediately gain two (2) points of chaos because of bad days, and have little inspiration for a night’s
pushing for success. pieces of advice concerning managing the different fac-
ets of any game. game session. Do your best, as a fellow player, to
help when you can. Offer up some ideas. Offer en-
Development Tokens (DEV Tokens) Keep this in mind, though: Mileage will vary. couragement. Be supportive. Consider rattling off a
The face of adversity brings growth, and players are cheesy joke or two to break the in-session tensions.
given Development Tokens (Dev Tokens) to help ad- Referees are not grandmaster storytellers, per
vance their characters mechanically. Players can do se. REFs are, instead, conflict creators, meaning Challenges
some of the following with Dev Tokens: they are not solely responsible for the game’s story. The referee (REF) is responsible for creating conflict and
As conflict creators, they collaborate with players throwing obstacles in the path of players: These are col-
• Increase attributes at 5 Tokens/Rank and dice to fashion the story. Players offer referees lectively known as challenges. Challenges are rated be-
• Increase skills/magics at 5 Tokens/Rank fodder with the help of their actions, inactions, and tween two (2) and can go beyond twelve (12). The chal-
• Refresh one (1) block of stress, 5 Tokens. their terrible dice rolls. The dice themselves offer an lenge’s rating determines the number of dice that will be
• Refresh all blocks of stress, 15 Tokens. additional layer of randomness, which is an objec- in the referee’s dice pool, rolling against a player (or
• Refresh luck, 1/5/10 Tokens. tive-like and often hard-cutting examination of in- more) in-game.
• Clear chaos, 1/5/10 Tokens game failure, success, and complication.
• Convert 1 Token into 1,000 units of currency. The stress level of every challenge is equal to the num-
• Purchase +1 luck for 1 Token. Referees do not need to comply with all player ber of dice in its pool. For example, a challenge rated at
demands and wishes. REFs have the final say on three (3) has three dice at its disposal along with three
REFEREEING THE GAME where things are and where something might be points of stress. Challenges only possess one (1) track of
heading. A REF is not a magic genie, who grants all stress, unlike players’ characters, who have three (3)
The referee (REF) is the player who helps keep order over
the happenings, in-game, and in-session while embrac- wishes to the loudest of players. They are more like tracks of stress at their disposal. More on stress below.
ing the chaos of gameplay and player-player and player- the monkey’s paw—so be careful what you wish for
here, players. Stress is eroded through the success and application of
referee interactions. The REF is not there to railroad the
storylines, stunt gameplay, or block meaningful player- equipment or artifact effect (or damage). Some weapons
Referees have the final say when it comes to the might deal one (1) or more points of damage to the
player interactions.
rules (and the group’s rulings). This must happen, stress of a given challenge. Alternatively, a challenge
A good REF will embrace the chaos, yes, but they will do or games would easily devolve into chaos, or worse. might be overcome with an artifact or piece of equip-
The group must be comfortable with, and must trust ment’s effect, which is applied against it when success-
so using the group’s rulings and preferences, prod play-
ers into meaningful interactions, and offer up those in, their REF, who is not an enemy, but, rather, a fel- ful—such as a crowbar’s effect against (say) a tricky old-
low player they must trust in, in hopes of keeping
school safe. When stress hits zero, the challenge is dead Sample Challenges amount of wiggle room in which to get their character to
or overcome, depending on the context. Street Fighter (2): Fast, Deadly. No Clocks/Layers. do something of importance in-game.
Damage: 3 Stress (hands), 4-5 Stress (knives). Effect:
Challenges, whatever they may be, can be made more Non-Lethal Knockdown Power (Stuns Opponent for Two To keep players from bogging down gameplay, referees
difficult or less difficult, depending on the context. An (2) Turns). are encouraged to use analog or digital timers to keep
enemy opponent might become deadlier if provoked into the flow of the game at an optimum pace. Players can
lethal combat or backed into a corner. A high-tech secu- Coalition Marine (4): Quick to Fight, Sharpshooter. take additional actions if they take on two (2) or more
rity system might become harder to crack open if players Clock 3, No Layers. Damage: 5+ Stress (rifle). Effect: stress per additional action taken.
trigger certain anti-theft protocols. Non-Lethal Knockdown Power (Stuns Opponent for Two
(2) Turns). Distance & Actions
Each challenge is comprised of four (4) elements: Dice Travel, over a given distance, uses up one of the two ac-
Pool, Stress, Clocks, and Layers. Dice Pools represents, Dog-Machine-Thing (3): Pointy Teeth, Mean Bite. No tions afforded to each player. A player might move Very
in part, the difficulty a challenge presents. Stress repre- Clocks/Layers. Damage: 4+ Stress (Pointy Teeth). Close, Close, or Nearby, only expending one (1) action.
sents a challenge’s score that must be eroded for it to be Anything over Nearby distances means a character ex-
overcome. Additionally, Clocks represent the amount of Rogue Post-Human Intelligence (8): Immortal, Very pends two (2) actions. Anything exceeding the Distant
time one must defeat the challenge before it triggers Strong. Weaknesses: Electricity/Water (-2 Die), Daylight increment, 100–750ft, costs at least two turns’ worth of
some event (such as a security system alerting the au- (Loses 1/2 Dice Pool). Damage: 5–10+ Stress (Vampiric actions, or four (4) actions total, or more, depending on
thorities in (say) three attempts). Layers are used to add Life Drain). Effect: Destroys/Damages Highly Sophisti- the referee and the group’s overall discretion here.
additional difficulty as well, but making the challenge cated Electronics within Very Close (VC), Close Ranges.
harder to defeat, trickier, and deadlier. A wounded en-
emy might seem defeated, but they prop themselves up
Travel, Rest, & Stress
Old Bridge Over Chasm (4): Swinging Rope, Loose. Characters who travel faraway (FA) distances will need to
and call upon (say) their minions or some dog-machine- Clock 2 (Before Falling Apart).
thing that wants to tear apart and eat human flesh. take a long rest afterward. Failure to do so will mean
they need to take two (2) or more stress (discussed be-
Corpo Network Security (6): AI Overwatch, Firewall low). Stress can be eliminated with proper rest.
Challenges also have two (or more) descriptors attached
to make for an easier time describing them and showing Hidden Trap (2): Concealed Tripwire, Explosive. Dam-
what they are to players. Challenges also have damage age: 3+ Stress (Explosion, Shrapnel). Effect: Deafens the
Three (3) Stress Tracks
and/or effects they deal against opponents. These are Person who Triggers it. Tracking stress for player characters is a bit different
applied if NPCs are successful in opposing PCs. than what is often seen when dealing with challenges
Rioting Crowds (7): Mobs for miles, Random Stam- facing PCs. For PCs, there are three (3) tracks for stress,
Challenges might have certain negative modifiers that pedes. Damage: 5+ (Stampede). connecting to the three (3) core attributes–i.e., Mind,
affect their dice pool. A creature afraid of water or a be- Body, and Soul (more on these attributes later). Each
ing that cannot survive daylight might see a negative track of stress has ten (10) slots that start empty. As a
modifier applied to their dice pools. Positive modifiers,
Distances (Ranges)
player character takes on physical, mental, or social
offering advantage, might be applied as well, depending Every distance used in Wanderer comes down to one (1) (Soul) trauma, consequences begin to emerge. Conse-
on the context. of five (5) increments: Very Close, Close, Nearby, Dis- quences are minor with the first three stress slots filled
tant, Faraway. Each increment is associated with a nu- in any of the stress tracks. However, as stress accumu-
meric range (see below). lates beyond three (3), the consequences become more
Challenge Rating Examples
severe. These consequences should be determined by the
Very Close Close Nearby Distant Faraway
Normal Challenge: 2 Dice/Stress, No Layers/Clocks entire group, with the REF having the final say after eve-
0–10ft 10–50ft 50–100ft 100–750ft 750ft–30+ mi ryone has contributed to the conversation.
Difficulty Challenge: 4 Dice/Stress, No Layers/Clocks
Two (2) Actions, One (1) Turn A consequence, as discussed above, is a direct result of
Hard Challenge: 6 Dice/Stress (Layer 1); 4 Dice/Stress Each player is allotted two (2) actions per turn. Actions taking on stress to one or more of the stress tracks con-
(Layer 2) are those moments when a character is doing something nected to the three (3) core attributes: Mind, Body, and
of consequence in-game. There are a variety of actions Soul. For example, being hit with a powerful non-lethal
available to players, meaning players have a considerable weapon might deal four (4) stress, offering a conse-
quence of deafness for X amount of time in-game.
Consequences can be taken to avoid trauma to any of the BACKGROUNDS & INVOKING BACKGROUNDS BACKGROUNDS
three (3) stress tracks discussed above. Avoiding con- Backgrounds can be invoked at any time, with input on Backgrounds are the things that have contributed to the
flicts, however this might play out, means a player char- relevance and effect from a player’s referee and fellow fashioning of your character’s standing, belief system,
acter will suffer from some kind of contextual disad- players. The cost of invoking a background is dependent and essence of who they are. The several types of back-
vantage in the future. The group decides how this will on the background’s potency, and all backgrounds are in- grounds are discussed below. Backgrounds can be in-
play out and for how long. A player might avoid a fight voked by spending luck points. voked to increase one’s chances of success, among other
between their PC and a powerful NPC, who punches things.
them in the nose as a result. The consequence of avoid- A minor background can be invoked for one (1) luck.
ing this fight is a busted-up nose, and it might have cer- To develop a player character’s backgrounds, a player
tain impacts later in the game. A significant background can be invoked for two (2). will need to flesh out their concept (examples above)
into around a fifty-word description (example below).
Alternatively, avoiding a conflict might incur points in A foundational background can be invoked for three (3).
chaos, meaning the player will be put at a disadvantage Dr. Kreannix is a refugee from the Commonality Wars.
or be surprised later. What is the benefit of an invoked background? As a She wants to be a farmer and retire, but her expertise in
player, you can add one, two, or three dice to your dice engineering has made her a commodity worth seeking.
In the future, players who have incurred the conse- pool (minor is 1, significant is 2, and foundational is 3). She speaks a half-dozen languages, is a quick study,
quences described above will be able to wipe them away Or you can request a bonus other than additional dice and is very adaptive when life demands it. Believes in
by resting for a time or by confronting those they’ve from your referee, with input from your fellow players. the power of technological progress.
avoided coming into conflict with earlier. Doing so al-
lows players to develop their characters and earn much- Remember: When luck is used, chaos isn’t far behind. From the description written above, we will need to pro-
needed Dev Tokens. With time, a consequence could help
duce six (6) backgrounds, with three (3) being minor, two
a player build their character and even build new back-
(2) being significant, and one (1) being foundational.
grounds that can be invoked in future game sessions for CHARACTER CREATION
special advantages. Give them a name, a concept, and some backgrounds Note: Backgrounds here might be culture, work-related,
education-based, socially constructed, and more. Don’t
Minor stress (anything three (3) or under) can be re- Assign attribute scores (Mind, Body, Soul) let the concept get in your way here!
duced completely with several short resting periods or
one long resting period. Additionally, mental and physi- Establish skills and magical abilities With help from your referee and fellow players, you
cal traumas can be wiped away by seeking proper medi-
might produce the following:
cal assistance. Social traumas take time, but they can be Determine starting equipment, wealth, supplies
wiped away with long rests.
x3) Minor Backgrounds: Speaks half-dozen languages,
Name, Concept, Backgrounds Adaptive, Always Needed
Any stress over four (4) points is considered problem-
Who is your character? What defines them, and what do
atic, as your character is inching closer to the end of the
they do? This should determine all of these in a small x2) Significant Backgrounds: Engineer, Refugee
track. These types of traumas require long rest and spe- phrase.
cial assistance from NPCs or fellow PCs to tend to the
x1) Foundational Background: Power of Progress
traumas in question. Anything six (6) and above incurs NAME & CONCEPT EXAMPLES
permanent or lasting damage in terms of mental and
“Dr. Kreannix is a sought-after engineer, who has been BACKGROUNDS EXPLORED
physical trauma. Social trauma, connected to the Soul
made a refugee.” Ancestry. These background elements relate to the
attribute, could mean the character is being ostracized,
things you’ve inherited from your character’s family
attacked socially, or turned into a pariah. Whenever a
“Pterolna is a traditional magic user, who is in hiding members, guardians, kin, who play a vital role in your
character hits ten (10) in any stress track, the character
from the Commnality’s scrutiny.” character’s life. For example, your character’s adopted
is no longer playable and has become lost due to their
grandfather had a knack for repairing all things mechan-
“Brother ’Ephaestus hopes to find peace on a remote ical, and your character has inherited this.
world known for its tea farms.”
Beliefs. These background elements relate to how you
make value and moral judgments, among other things.
You’ve honed these through experience, upbringing, and you want to move your attribute up from 0 to 5, you will Combat: Knowledge of and ability to use weapons, of
moments of crisis and calm. Your character might be a spend 25 Development Tokens doing so. Most attributes various kinds, to inflict damage on and/or defeat an op-
hardened veteran, but she still believes people are inher- will not go beyond 10 to 15. In some rare cases, they ponent.
ently good, given the right conditions. might reach 20.
Contacts: Knowledge of the right people and connec-
Culture. These elements are inherited or adopted from Mind is a character’s ability to think, reason, synthesize, tions that can help you. Knowing how to exploit this.
the group(s) you belong to, identify with, and are associ- and grow intellectually. A character’s ability to resist
ated with by others. Your character might come from a mental stress in the forms of illusions, deceits, and at- Crafts: Ability to make or break machinery, build con-
culture of being nomadic, moving from one place to the tempts to break one’s will. traptions, and pull off MacGyver-esque feats of ingenu-
next, safety, adventure, and/or scratch that itch some of ity.
us must see unfamiliar places and experience new Body is a measure of a character’s physical prowess and
things. dexterity. Body is a measure of one’s ability to take phys- Deception: Ability to lie and cheat convincingly and
ical stress as well. with aplomb.
Language(s). These are elements that you’ve learned
through teaching, formal and informal, and socialization Soul is a measure of a character’s humanity (or some- Empathy: Ability to accurately judge someone’s mood
with others. For example, your character might be bilin- thing better) and ability to navigate the social-emotional and intentions and exploit these to your advantage.
gual. They speak fluently in Ani, they write and read in and cultural world(s) around them. Also said to be the
Duak, and they can understand and use (say) a form of cornerstone of magical abilities in the multiverse. Investigate: Deliberate, careful study and puzzling out
sign language. mysteries.
Personal History. These elements comprise past experi- Provoke: Ability to push people to act the way you want
Characters have skills (and, potentially, magical abilities)
ences that have made your character who he is. Personal them to. It’s coarse and manipulative, not a positive in-
they can purchase. At the start of character creation,
histories include events, training, education, trauma, ex- teraction.
players have 60 Dev Tokens to purchase an array of skills
citing moments, beautiful moments. For example, your
and/or magical abilities for their character. Skills cost 5
character might be a former schoolteacher, trained and Resources: Access to material things, not just money or
Dev Tokens per rank. Magical abilities cost ten (10 De-
educated to teach engineering. He might also be some- direct ownership. It might reflect your ability to borrow
velopment Tokens each, initially, and they don’t have
one who suffered serious trauma during the war, having from friends or dip into an organization’s armory. Ability
traditional ranks per se (more below). All skills start at
spent much of it in an illegal detention center due to his to appraise the value of these resources and how they
zero (0), meaning they offer players no advantage when
educational and training background. might be used to your benefit.
it comes to using them in-game, at least initially.
Social Class. These elements comprise your character’s Survival: Mental and physical fortitude, the ability to
standing, economically, socially, and politically, within
SKILLS LIST overcome temptation and to withstand trauma. Ability
the larger societies in which your character lives. Your The following list offers a concise offering of skills used to take care of oneself and thrive in almost any environ-
character might be an exile returning home to reclaim by characters in this ultra-lite ruleset. In future rulesets ment.
the family’s fortunes, back when the family made bil- of Wanderer, the skill list will be fleshed out to offer
lions selling tractors and other construction equipment. more variety and granularity for all players. Transportation: Controlling vehicles under the most
grueling circumstances, pulling wicked maneuvers, and
Academics: Mundane, everyday human knowledge and simply getting the most out of your ride.
education, including history, sciences, and medicine.
Each character in Wanderer has three (3) core attrib-
utes. These attributes are Mind, Body, and Soul (de- A FEW NOTES ON MAGICAL ABILITIES
Arts: The knowledge of and ability to make art, appraise
scribed below). The following list of magical abilities offers a concise
it, and/or move (or manipulate) individuals using it.
view of what players can do in Wanderer. Players and
Players, at the beginning of character creation, receive their referee can work together to modify this list to in-
Athletics: A measurement of physical potential.
twenty-five (25) Development Tokens to build out their clude more magical abilities for players to choose from.
attribute scores. All attribute scores, for beginning-level
Criminal: Knowledge of and ability to bypass security
player characters, start at zero (0). It costs five (5) Dev Magical abilities can be purchased at three (3) different
systems, pick pockets, and commit crimes.
Tokens for every rank added to a given attribute. So, if rankings: A starting rank costs 10 Dev Tokens to secure,
and it provides three (3) dice to a dice pool roll. The
middle rank is six, which costs double the initial ranking track—to use. Failure means a user can be exposed to at- STARTING GEAR, WEALTH, & SUPPLIES
(i.e., 20 Dev Tokens) and offers five (5) dice to a player’s tack, social ridicule, and more. Using fifteen (15) Dev Tokens, players will purchase gear,
dice pool. The third rank, and usually the final one, costs convert some tokens to cash, and buy much-needed ad-
30 Dev Tokens and offers eight (8) dice to a player’s dice Healing: Heal someone using your magical abilities. Ini- venturing supplies.
pool. tial ranks will help you heal one (1) to three (3) mental
or physical stress tracks. Failure means you inflict 1 to 3 Gear usually gives a +1 bonus to any dice pool, meaning
Failure to properly cast magic costs players. Initially, the damage to either mental or physical stress tracks. Costs every piece of gear helps offer an advantage.
cost of failure might be trivial. However, as players use one (1) stress—any track. More powerful rankings will al-
and fail to succeed with more powerful magic casting, low for more serious healing. Weapons, if permitted, provide anywhere from +1 to +5
they might risk social ridicule, death, dismemberment, bonus dice to pools.
and/or damage to others near them. Liquid Charisma: You’re a silver-tongued devil, whose
charisma is liquid and able to meet the demands of any To purchase gear with Dev Tokens, use the following for-
MAGICAL ABILITIES LIST social situation. Failure to succeed means you suffer two mula: A piece of starting gear costs Two (2) Dev Tokens
Alchemy: Allows a player to turn useless junk into valu- (2) or more social stress. Costs two (2) stress—any kind— for every +1 it offers. So, a standard piece of gear costs 2
able items (e.g., hay into gold). Costs one (1) stress— to use. Lasts up to four (4) turns. Dev Tokens, and +3 gear costs 6 Dev Tokens. Weapons
mental or physical—to use. Objects are permanently cost three (3) Dev Tokens per +1. A standard weapon of-
changed. Lucky: Fate, fortune, and luck are on your side. You can fers +1 for 3 Dev Tokens, and a +5, which is out of budget
refresh your luck to the original amount, and then add for a starting character, costs 15 Dev Tokens.
Binding: Allows a player to bind two or more objects to- two (2) points of luck to this pool. Costs three stress—
gether. Lasts up to four (4) turns. Costs one (1) mental, any track—to use. Failure means you have incurred the Supplies cost one (1) to five (5) Dev Tokens, depending
physical, or social (Soul) stress to use. Failure means a wrath of chaos. on the context. Everyday supplies are cheap, so they cost
character suffers two (2) stress on any of the three 1 Dev Token only. Combat supplies are expensive, so
tracks. Necromancy: The dead are your playthings—use them they cost 5 Dev Tokens.
wisely. Costs three (3) stress—any track—to use. Failure
Blood Magic: A powerful magic that can slowly corrupt means death. Use also comes with one (1) or more points Once gear and supplies are purchased, the remaining
players who use it. Allows a player to affect an oppo- of chaos incurred for using this spell. Dev Tokens are converted into local Commonality cur-
nent’s biology to kill, incapacitate, or manipulate. Imme- rency: 1 Dev Token is equivalent to 1,000 units of cur-
diate effect. Costs one (1) mental stress to use. Failure Obscurity: Conceal, hide, or make something hard to rency. Currency is used hereafter to purchase gear and
means a player loses an additional two (2) mental stress. find, in one’s mind, in the environment, or anywhere, de- supplies.
pending on the context. Costs two (2) stress—any track—
Channeling: Summon an otherworldly creature through to use. Failure could mean punishment, death, or even
the magic you use. Costs two (2) stress, on any track. The social ridicule. Lasts up to four (4) turns. LEGAL & CREDITS
thing being summoned will offer a challenge rating The Fate Core font is © Evil Hat Productions, LLC and is used with
Rage: You become enraged after casting this spell, which permission. The Four Actions icons were designed by Jeremy Keller.
equivalent to the ranks of this magical ability (e.g., a
player with five (5) ranks in this magical ability can sum- offers you an additional three (3) stress damage when
This ruleset is based, in part, on R.E. Davis’s [Chaos Grenade’s]
mon something with a challenge rating of 5 with 5 engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Costs three (3) physi- Awesome D.P.S. (Dice Pool System) v.1.0, which has been licensed,
stress). Lasts until the summoned creature is killed or its cal or mental stress to use. Failure means you lose two for our purposes, under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 International License. All
task has been completed. (2) or more stress and incur additional damage from that texts and tables pertaining to this game’s rules are also licensed un-
opponent you insulted before wishing to engage in com- der the CC-BY-SA 4.0 International License. This work is also based,
in part, on the Fate Core System and Fate Accelerated Edition,
Confusion: Create confusion among one or more indi- bat with them.
products of Evil Hat Productions, LLC, developed, authored, and ed-
viduals. The more powerful the spell, the longer this ited by Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard, Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin,
spell lasts. Confusion can lead to violence in those indi- Teleport: Allows your character to move from one place Mike Olson, Clark Valentine, Amanda Valentine, Fred Hicks, and Rob
viduals under its effect. Costs two (2) stress—mental, so- to the next. The further the distance, the longer it takes Donoghue, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons
to get there, costing actions in-game. Depending on the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
cial, or physical—to use. Lasts up to four (4) turns.
distance, teleporting costs one (1) stress up to five (5) or
The front cover illustration is from Freepik.com, and it was licensed
Deception: Misdirect or deceive opponents using your more. Longer distances can cause more stress for the for our use. The text and tables related to the rules are released un-
magical abilities. This spell costs two (2) stress—any character. Failure means death. der the CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license.






BACKGROUNDS (x3 Minor; x2 Significant; x1 Foundational):




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