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4A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

Listening 3 ______
1 04 Listen to a conversation between Tom and However, the huge amount of information available
Stacey. Answer the questions. nowadays is causing another problem. Some secondary
school teachers in the UK say that a lot of students
1 What subjects does Tom concentrate on while do not critically reflect on the information they find
studying? online. ‘They believe almost anything they find on
_____________________________________________ the Internet.’ says one of the teachers. ‘Then their

2 How does he revise for his tests? homework is full of wrong information, simply because
_____________________________________________ they don’t think it is necessary to check the details in
3 What used to happen when Tom studied with a few other sources.’
friends? 4 ______
_____________________________________________ Because students depend on technology for their
4 Where does he usually study? studies, most of them always keep their computers,
_____________________________________________ tablets or smartphones at hand while doing homework.
5 Are Tom and Stacey friends?
8m1 They text people, start using social media or listen
_____________________________________________ to music. Some psychologists argue that this can
__ / 5 negatively affect the students’ ability to pay attention
to one task for a long time. According to Clifford Nass,

who was a professor at Stanford University, doing
Reading several things at once kills creativity and makes you feel
bored with a task much more quickly.
2 Read the text and match headings a‒f with paragraphs
1‒4. There are two extra headings. __ / 5

a Knowledge … or just rubbish?
b Concentration difficulties Language functions
c Going for the details 3 Complete the sentences with appropriate words.
d Opposing views
1 In my ____________, students should be allowed

e Modern solutions at schools to use modern technology in class.

f Being too dependent on technology

2 Could you ____________ me some information about

your project?
3 I would like to ____________ if there is a computer
1 ______ lab at the school.
The modern world surrounds us with all kinds of 4 I don’t think so, ____________ you?
technology. It is present in practically all areas of
5 You may be ____________, but I still think that
human life, including education. Some enthusiasts like
students should read more.
Dr Sugata Mitra even suggest that students should be
allowed to use modern gadgets to go online during 6 I ____________ to know how much the course costs.
tests and exams. A number of experts, however,
__ / 6
are beginning to think that technology, especially
the Internet, has had a negative effect on the ability of

young people to study and learn. Vocabulary

2 ______ 4 Complete the sentences with appropriate words.
Their most important argument is that technology
is making students lazy. They argue that easy 1 Children aged 6‒12 go to ____________ school.

access to almost all kinds of information online kills 2 Maths is an example of a school ____________.
the students’ motivation to learn, not only by heart, 3 You learn about substances and do experiments
but also through problem-solving strategies. ‘Why during a ____________ lesson.
should I try to remember this or that if I can easily find
the information with a few clicks?’ a student might ask. 4 My ____________ is very bad so sometimes
my teachers can’t read the answers in my tests.
5 Polish children study some ____________ languages
like English or German.
6 Some of the exam ____________ were really difficult,
so I couldn’t answer them.
__ / 6

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4A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

5 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. English in use
1 I can’t make any sense with / of / in this text. There 9 Choose the answer a, b or c which means the same
are a lot of difficult words. as the Polish parts of the sentences in brackets.
2 I don’t think students should have access for / in / to 1 ______ (On nie może być) a very experienced teacher.
the Internet during tests. He’s just too young.
3 For me, it’s difficult to concentrate to / on / at one a He wouldn’t be

subject for a long time. b He shouldn’t be
4 Our teacher told us to learn the irregular verbs in c He can’t be
English by / for / with heart. 2 Next time, I want you to ______ (zwracać uwagę)
__ / 4 to what I say in class!
a concentrate
6 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. b pay attention
c have access
1 I often ____________ spelling mistakes in my English
2 Did you ____________ good notes from our last
geography lesson?
3 Last month, I ______ (nie chodziłem) to school for
two weeks.
a don’t go
b haven’t gone

3 I’m sure I’ve failed the last maths test because I didn’t c didn’t go
____________ for it at all. 4 Tom’s in trouble with the Polish teacher because he
4 My friend tried to ____________ my answers during has ______ (opuścił) two tests already.
a test and the teacher caught her. a done
b missed

__ / 4
c left
5 Are you looking for Tom and Steve? ______
Grammar (Być może są) in the playground.
8m1 a They might be
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of b They can be

the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or past c They must be

perfect. __ / 5
1 Mark __________________ (get) depressed because
he __________________ (fail) his end-of-term exam.
2 I __________________ (just start) my guitar lesson
when you __________________ (call) so I couldn’t 10 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
get it. Podczas najbliższych ferii zimowych zamierzasz wziąć
3 Pete and Jenny __________________ (not revise) udział w intensywnym kursie języka angielskiego
before the test but they __________________ (pass) it (crash course) w Anglii. Napisz list do szkoły językowej
with flying colours! organizującej takie kursy (100–150 słów) i:
__ / 6 • przedstaw się i wyjaśnij w jakim celu piszesz list;
• poinformuj, jaki poziom kursu Cię interesuje;

• poproś o informacje dotyczące planu i rodzaju zajęć

8 Complete the second sentence so that it means na kursie;
the same as the first one. Use no more than three • zapytaj o rodzaj zakwaterowania i koszt kursu.

1 I’m sure she isn’t over forty. ________________________________________________

She __________________ over forty.
2 It’s possible that they’re still at school. ________________________________________________
They __________________ still __________________
at school.
3 I’m sure he’s good at IT.
He __________________ good at IT.
4 Maybe the meeting is in a different room.
The meeting __________________ in a different __ / 10
5 It’s possible that my sister is in London right now.
My sister __________________ in London right now.
__ / 5

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