Monument Valley, Players Navigate The: A) Unknown B) Reserved C) Definite Vivid

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1. In the award-winning puzzle
Visual artist Gabriela Alemán states that the
game Monument Valley, players navigate the bold colors of comics, pop art, and Latinx
silent princess Ida through a series of culture have always fascinated her. This passion
puzzles and optical illusions. The game is for the rich history and colors of her Latinx
known for its ______ art design: beautiful, community translates into the ______ artworks
fantastical architecture and calming pastel she produces.
colors that make the game both challenging
Which choice completes the text with the
and pretty to look at.
most logical and precise word or phrase?
Which choice completes the text with the
A) unknown
most logical and precise word or phrase?
B) reserved
A) violent C) definite
B) mundane D) vivid
C) .intricate
D) distracting

2. A recent study by a group of neurologists

aims to ______ the long-term effects of
US traffic signals didn’t always contain the concussions. By tracking the health and
familiar three lights (red, yellow, and green). cognitive functioning of participants over
Traffic lights only ______ red and green time, the study can help us better
lights until the three-light traffic signal was understand the risks associated with head
developed in 1923. injuries.
Which choice completes the text with the Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase? most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) avoided A) obscure
B) featured
B) clarify
C) appreciated
D) disregarded C) minimize
D) exacerbate
5. 7.

Business researcher Melanie Brucks and Human speech directed at infants, also
colleagues found that remote video known as baby talk, tends to use a higher
conference meetings may be less pitch and slower tempo than standard
conducive to brainstorming than in-person speech and is known to accelerate
meetings are. The researchers suspect that language learning. Noting similarities
video meeting participants are focused on between this infant-directed speech and the
staring at the speaker on the screen and tone with which pet-owners address their
don’t allow their eyes or mind to wander as dogs, researchers hypothesized that baby
much, which may ultimately ______ talk is not adopted due to the age of a given
creativity. listener, but instead tends to be used when
addressing any listener that is non-verbal.
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase? Which finding, if true, would most directly
A) recommend support the researchers’ hypothesis?

B) criticize A) People tend to raise their pitch and slow

their tempo when speaking to adult humans
C) construct
who are non-verbal.
D) impede

6. B) People tend to speak to other verbal

adults with a lower pitch and faster tempo.
A journalist and well-respected art critic of
nineteenth-century Britain, Lady Elizabeth C) Non-verbal adults tend to show less
Rigby Eastlake did not hesitate to publish reactivity to baby talk than infants and
reviews that went against popular opinion. children.
One of her most divisive works was an
essay questioning the idea of photography D) People tend to view their pet as juvenile
as an emerging medium for fine art: in the regardless of the pet’s actual age.
essay, Eastlake ______ that the value of
photographs was informational rather than

Which choice completes the text with the

most logical and precise word or phrase?
8. 9.

Although it’s clear that Mars once had liquid Barchester Towers is an 1857 novel by
water on its surface, astronomers have Anthony Trollope. In the novel, Trollope’s
debated whether the evidence of ancient portrayal of Dr. Proudie underscores the
water reflects a prolonged phase of warm, character’s exaggerated sense of his own
wet conditions—the so-called wet and warm abilities: ______
scenario—or a brief period of melting in an
Which quotation from Barchester
otherwise consistently frozen environment.
Towers most effectively illustrates the claim?
Researchers Benjamin T. Cardenas and
Michael P. Lamb recently added to this
debate by using data from NASA and the A)“It must not…be taken as proved that Dr.
Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter to map the Proudie was a man of great mental powers,
topography of what is now a large basin in or even of much capacity for business, for
Mars’s northern hemisphere. Cardenas and such qualities had not been required in
Lamb concluded that the wet and warm
scenario is likely correct. B)“[Dr. Proudie’s] residence in the
metropolis, rendered necessary by duties
Which finding about the basin, if true, would thus entrusted to him, his high connexions,
most directly support Cardenas and Lamb’s and the peculiar talents and nature of the
conclusion? man, recommended him to persons in
A) Its physical characteristics are most
consistent with it having formed as a result C) “[Dr. Proudie] was certainly possessed of
of a massive but short lived influx of liquid sufficient tact to answer the purpose for
which he was required without making
B) It is surrounded by channels that could himself troublesome.”
have been formed either by running water
or by flowing lava.
D)“[Dr. Proudie] was comparatively young,
C) It has features suggesting that it once and had, as he fondly flattered himself,
held an ocean that underwent gradual sea- been selected as possessing such gifts,
level changes over an extended time. natural and acquired, as must be sure to
recommend him to a yet higher notice.”

D) Its dimensions and shape indicate that it

is unlikely to have formed as the result of an
asteroid or comet impact.
10. 11.

A museum curator is writing a biographical The following text is adapted from Christina
statement about Trinidadian-born Chinese Rossetti’s 1881 poem “Monna Innominata
dancer, choreographer, and teacher Dai 2.”
Ailian for a new exhibit on Chinese dance.
I wish I could remember that first day,
The curator claims that some of the pieces
First hour, first moment of your meeting me,
Dai created shortly after arriving in mainland
If bright or dim the season, it might be
China in 1941, such as the solo dance Yao
Summer or Winter for [all] I can say;
Drum, reflect a desire to represent the
So unrecorded did it slip away,
dances of local communities Dai visited
So blind was I to see and to foresee,
during her travels through China.
So dull to mark the budding of my tree
Which quotation from a work by a dance That would not blossom yet for many a May.
historian would be the most effective
Which choice best states the main idea of
evidence for the curator to include in
the text?
support of this claim?
A) As the anniversary of the beginning of an
A)“Unlike some of the works Dai created in
important relationship approaches, the
the early 1940s, Yao Drum does not feature
speaker feels conflicted about how best to
a narrative structure, humorous elements,
commemorate it.
or references to real-life events.”
B)“There is no sound or music
B) After years of neglecting a once valuable
accompanying Dai’s movements in Yao
relationship, the speaker worries it may be
Drum, aside from the sounds of drumsticks
too late for her to salvage the relationship.
beating against a drum and against each
C) The speaker celebrates how the
C)“Yao Drum was inspired by a ceremonial
passage of time has strengthened a
dance Dai witnessed during her time
relationship that once seemed unimportant.
performing field research among the Yao
people in the province of Guizhou in 1941 or
D) Because the speaker did not anticipate
how important a relationship would become,
D)“Yao Drum is notable for its intense
she cannot recall how the relationship
physicality, with Dai performing sharp
began, which she regrets.
jumps, swift turns, and dramatic sweeps of
her legs through the air as she moves in
circles on the stage.”
12. 13.

The following text is adapted from Edgar The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is facing
Allan Poe’s 1849 story “Landor’s Cottage.” a serious threat from coral bleaching, a
phenomenon in which corals lose their
During a pedestrian trip last summer,
colorful symbiotic algae due to increasing
through one or two of the river counties of
seawater temperatures. Coral bleaching can
New York, I found myself, as the day
make the corals more susceptible to
declined, somewhat embarrassed about the
disease and death, leading to a reduction in
road I was pursuing. The land undulated
the biodiversity and resilience of the reef.
very remarkably; and my path, for the last
Scientists say that reducing local sources of
hour, had wound about and about so
pollution, such as runoff from farms and
confusedly, in its effort to keep in the
sewage, could help improve water quality
valleys, that I no longer knew in what
and lower the stress on the corals.
direction lay the sweet village of B——,
where I had determined to stop for the night. According to the text, what is the main
cause of coral bleaching?
Which choice best states the main idea of
the text? A) Pollution from local farms and sewage
A) The narrator explains the difficulties he
encountered on a trip and how he overcame
them. B) Rising seawater temperatures

C) A reduction in reef biodiversity

B)The narrator describes what he saw
during a long trip through a frequently D) Growing symbiotic algae populations
visited location.

C)The narrator recalls fond memories of a

journey that he took through some beautiful
river counties.

D) The narrator remembers a trip he took

and admits to getting lost.
14. 15.

The ice melted on a Norwegian mountain Scrapbooks of saved fabric pieces were
during a particularly warm summer in 2019, commonly kept by women in the nineteenth-
revealing a 1,700-year-old sandal to a century United States, but few are as
mountaineer looking for artifacts. The meticulously detailed as Hannah Ditzler
sandal would normally have degraded Alspaugh’s work. Alongside each piece of
quickly, but it was instead well preserved for fabric, Alspaugh recorded intimate
centuries by the surrounding ice. According memories, such as dressmaking with her
to archaeologist Espen Finstad and his sister. Additionally, she listed the prices and
team, the sandal, like those worn by how she used the fabric. Historians note
imperial Romans, wouldn’t have offered any that by representing fifty years of changing
protection from the cold in the mountains, textures, patterns, and dress styles, the
so some kind of insulation, like fabric or scrapbook is a record of nineteenth-century
animal skin, would have needed to be worn textiles and dressmaking as well as
on the feet with the sandal. Alspaugh’s life.

What does the text indicate about the Which choice best states the main idea of
discovery of the sandal? the text?

A) The discovery revealed that the Roman A) Fabric scrapbooks were a popular hobby
Empire had more influence on Norway than for many women in the nineteenth-century
archaeologists previously assumed. United States.

B) The sandal would have degraded if it B) Alspaugh’s scrapbook provides a

hadn’t been removed from the ice. detailed account of her life and historical
record of fashion trends in the nineteenth-
C) Temperatures contributed to both century United States.
protecting and revealing the sandal.
C) Historians rely on fabric scrapbooks to
D) Archaeologists would have found the understand how fashions changed
sandal eventually without help from the throughout the nineteenth century United
general public. States.

D) Alspaugh inspired other women to save

pieces of fabric in scrapbooks and provide
historical records of nineteenth-century
fashions in the United States.

In order to combat climate change, many

countries around the world have enacted
policies to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. While these policies are
generally lauded as positive steps, some
critics argue that they do not go far enough.
For instance, some carbon reduction
policies allow companies to "offset" their
emissions by investing in forest
conservation or reforestation projects rather
than actually reducing their own emissions.
As a result, critics worry that these policies
may inadvertently ______

Which choice most logically completes the

A)discourage companies from pursuing
new methods to actually reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions

B) cause an increase in deforestation as

companies seek to clear land for their
industrial activities.

C) incentivize companies to invest in

environmental recovery projects unrelated
to climate change.

D) encourage companies to seek ways of

offsetting their greenhouse gas emissions
without investing in forest conservation or
reforestation projects.
17. Which choice best describes data from the
table that support the geographers’ and
hydrologists’ argument?

A)Canada and Australia have similar

precipitation levels but very different
amounts of freshwater resources per capita.

B)Sierra Leone and Brazil have similar

precipitation levels and similar amounts of
freshwater resources per capita.

C)Brazil has the second highest

precipitation level and the second highest
A team of geographers and hydrologists
amount of freshwater resources per capita.
compared the average annual precipitation
and internal freshwater resources per capita
D)Sierra Leone and Australia have very
for five countries located on different
similar amounts of freshwater resources per
continents. They found that, although
capita but very different precipitation levels.
precipitation is an important factor in
determining freshwater availability, it is not
the only one. Other factors, such as
population size, distribution, and density, as
well as water management, infrastructure,
and consumption, also affect how much
freshwater is accessible and usable for
human needs. Thus, they argue that two
countries with similar precipitation levels
can have very different freshwater
availability situations.
18. 19.

A child cannot quarrel with its elders, as I Text 1

had done; cannot give its furious feelings
American sculptor Edmonia Lewis is best
uncontrolled play, as I had given mine,
known for her sculptures that represent
without experiencing afterwards the pang of
figures from history and mythology, such
remorse and the chill of reaction. Something
as The Death of Cleopatra and Hagar.
of vengeance I had tasted for the first time;
Although Lewis sculpted other subjects, her
as aromatic wine it seemed, on swallowing,
career as a sculptor is best represented by
warm and racy: its after-flavour, metallic and
the works in which she depicted these
corroding, gave me a sensation as if I had
historical and mythical themes.
been poisoned. Willingly would I now have
gone and asked Mrs. Reed’s pardon; but I Text 2
knew that was the way to make her repulse
Art historians have typically ignored the
me with double scorn, thereby re-exciting
many portrait busts Edmonia Lewis created.
every turbulent impulse of my nature.
Lewis likely carved these busts (sculptures
Which choice best states the main purpose of a person’s head) frequently throughout
of the text? her long career. She is known for her
sculptures that represent historical figures,
A) To show the Jane's regret after her
but Lewis likely supported herself financially
outburst against Mrs. Reed
by carving portrait busts for acquaintances
who paid her to represent their features.
B) To portray Jane as a rebellious and Thus, Lewis’s portrait busts are a central
angry child who deserves punishment aspect of her career as a sculptor.

Based on the texts, both authors would

C) To explore Jane's complex feelings of most likely agree with which statement?
love and hate towards Mrs. Reed
A)Sculpting representations of historical
figures was a short-lived trend.
D) To reveal the source of Jane's
resentment toward Mrs. Reed B)Lewis’s works are varied in the subjects
they depict.

C)The Death of Cleopatra is Lewis’s most

famous piece.

D)Lewis’s portrait busts have overshadowed

her other work
20. 21.

In discussing Mary Shelley’s 1818 epistolary In the canon of North African literature,
novel Frankenstein, literary theorist Gayatri Moroccan author Driss Chraïbi’s 1954
Spivak directs the reader’s attention to the novel The Simple Past (Le Passé Simple)
character of Margaret Saville. As Spivak looms large. A coming-of-age story, a social
points out, Saville is not the protagonist of meditation, and a sober gaze into the dark
Shelley’s ______ as the recipient of the maw of French colonialism, ______
letters that frame the book’s narrative, she’s interrogates systemic power with
the “occasion” of it. memorable intensity.

Which choice completes the text so that it Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard conforms to the conventions of Standard
English? English?

A)novel A)Chraïbi’s debut novel, published two

years before Morocco gained its
B)novel, independence,

C)novel; rather, B)published two years before Morocco

gained its independence, Chraïbi wrote a
D)novel, rather, debut novel that

C)Chraïbi wrote a debut novel that,

published two years before Morocco gained
its independence,

D)Morocco gained its independence two

years before the publication of Chraïbi’s
debut novel, which
Magnetic levitation (maglev) trains are
In 1815, while in exile in Jamaica,
suspended above a track by powerful
Venezuelan revolutionary Simón Bolívar
electromagnets, reducing friction and thus
penned a letter praising England’s
allowing for much faster speeds. Though
republican government and expressing
maglev advocates in the US have long
hope that Latin American nations seeking
imagined these trains crisscrossing the
independence from Spain might achieve
country, their dream remains unrealized.
something similar. The letter was addressed
______ of the handful of maglev trains
to a local merchant, Henry Cullen; ______
currently in operation, all are in Asia.
though, Bolívar’s goal was to persuade
Which choice completes the text with the political leaders from England and Europe
most logical transition? to support his cause.

A)To that end, Which choice completes the text with the
most logical transition?

C)In fact,

D)That said,

24. 25.
While researching a topic, a student has
While researching a topic, a student has
taken the following notes:
taken the following notes:
 Muslins are woven cotton fabrics with a
 Platinum is a rare and expensive metal.
variety of uses.
 It is used as a catalyst for chemical reactions.
 Dhaka muslin is a handmade fabric produced
 Platinum catalysts typically require a large
in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
amount of platinum to be effective.
 It has an extremely fine weave and is
 Researcher Jianbo Tang and his colleagues
primarily used to make luxury clothing.
created a platinum catalyst that combines
 Sheeting muslin is a machine-made fabric
platinum with liquid gallium.
produced in factories.
 Their catalyst was highly effective and
 It has a coarse weave and is primarily used to
required only trace amounts of platinum
upholster furniture and create backdrops for
(0.0001% of the atoms in the mixture).
theater sets.
The student wants to explain an advantage
The student wants to emphasize a
of the new platinum catalyst developed by
difference between the two muslins. Which
Jianbo Tang and his colleagues. Which
choice most effectively uses relevant
choice most effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to accomplish
information from the notes to accomplish
this goal?
this goal?
A)Muslins can be used in a variety of ways,
A)Like other platinum catalysts, the new
from making luxury clothing to upholstering
platinum catalyst requires a particular
furniture and creating backdrops for theater
amount of the metal to be effective.
B)Platinum is a rare and expensive metal B)Sheeting muslin is machine made, has a
that is used as a catalyst for chemical coarse weave, and is used for furniture and
reactions; however, platinum catalysts theater sets.
typically require a large amount of platinum
to be effective. C)Dhaka muslin is a handmade fabric with
an extremely fine weave, while sheeting
C)While still highly effective, the new muslin is machine made with a coarse
platinum catalyst requires far less of the weave.
rare and expensive metal than do other
platinum catalysts. D)Dhaka muslin and sheeting muslin are
two different types of woven cotton fabrics.
D)Researcher Jianbo Tang and his
colleagues created a platinum catalyst that
combines platinum, a rare and expensive
metal, with liquid gallium.
26. The student wants to present the study’s
findings to an audience already familiar with
While researching a topic, a student has
thermal inversions. Which choice most
taken the following notes:
effectively uses relevant information from
 A thermal inversion is a phenomenon where a the notes to accomplish this goal?
layer of atmosphere is warmer than the layer
beneath it. A)Gas giants were likely to contain heat-
 In 2022, a team of researchers studied the absorbing metals when they featured a
presence of thermal inversions in twenty-five layer of atmosphere warmer than the layer
gas giants. beneath it, researchers found; this
 Gas giants are planets largely composed of
phenomenon is known as a thermal
helium and hydrogen.
 The team found that gas giants featuring a
thermal inversion were also likely to contain
heat-absorbing metals. B)The team studied thermal inversions in
 One explanation for this relationship is that twenty-five gas giants, which are largely
these metals may reside in a planet’s upper composed of helium and hydrogen.
atmosphere, where their absorbed heat
causes an increase in temperature. C)Researchers found that gas giants
featuring a thermal inversion were likely to
contain heat-absorbing metals, which may
reside in the planets’ upper atmospheres.

D)Heat-absorbing metals may reside in a

planet’s upper atmosphere.
27. The student wants to emphasize a
difference between the two books. Which
While researching a topic, a student has
choice most effectively uses relevant
taken the following notes:
information from the notes to accomplish
 Some powerful works of literature have so this goal?
influenced readers that new legislation has
been passed as a result. A)They may have written about different
 The Interesting Narrative of the Life of topics, but Equiano and Sinclair both
Olaudah Equiano (1789) is the autobiography influenced readers.
of a man who endured slavery on both sides
of the Atlantic.
B)The 1807 Slave Trade Act resulted in part
 Equiano’s book contributed to the passage of
from a book by Equiano, while the 1906
the Slave Trade Act of 1807.
 The Jungle (1906) is a fictional work by Upton Pure Food and Drug Act resulted in part
Sinclair that describes unsanitary conditions from a book by Sinclair.
in US meatpacking plants.
 Sinclair’s book contributed to the passage of C)The Interesting Narrative of the Life of
the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906. Olaudah Equiano and The Jungle are two
works of literature that contributed to new
legislation (concerning the slave trade and
food safety, respectively).

D)Although both are powerful works of

literature that contributed to new legislation,
Equiano’s book is an autobiography, while
Sinclair’s is fictional.
Module 2
While scholars believe many Mesoamerican
Close analysis of the painting Girl with a
cities influenced each other, direct evidence
Flute, long attributed to the seventeenth-
of such influence is difficult to ascertain.
century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer,
However, recent excavations in a sector of
has revealed subtle deviations from the
Tikal (Guatemala) unearthed a citadel that
artist’s signature techniques. These
shows ______ Teotihuacan (Mexico)
variations suggest that the work may be that
architecture—including a near replica of a
of a student under Vermeer’s tutelage—
famed Teotihuacan temple—providing
potentially ______ our understanding of
tangible evidence of outside influence in
Vermeer as a solitary artist.
portions of Tikal.
Which choice completes the text with the
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase?
most logical and precise word or phrase?

A)refinements of

B)precursors of

C)commonalities with

D)animosities toward
3. 4.

The following text is adapted from George In the 1970s, a roughly 60,000-year-old
Eliot’s 1871–72 novel Middlemarch. piece of hyena bone marked with nine
notches was discovered at a site in western
[Mr. Brooke] had travelled in his younger
France once inhabited by Neanderthals.
years, and was held in this part of the
Although many believe that only modern
country to have contracted a too rambling
humans developed systems for notating
habit of mind. Mr. Brooke’s conclusions
numbers, one archaeologist asserts that this
were as difficult to predict as the weather.
artifact may be a sign that Neanderthals
As used in the text, what does the word also recorded numerical information. The
“contracted” most nearly mean? notches on the bone are unevenly spaced
but approximately parallel, and microscopic
analysis reveals that they were made with a
single stone tool; according to the
archaeologist, this suggests that the
notches were all made at one time by one
individual as a means of counting
Which finding, if true, would most directly
weaken the underlined claim?

A)Parallel lines are a common feature in

modern humans’ early systems for
recording numerical information.

B)More than nine approximately parallel

notches made with a different stone tool are
present on another artifact found at a site in
western France.

C)It would have taken careful effort to make

evenly spaced lines on bone with the stone
tools typically used by Neanderthals.

D)Decorative art discovered at another

Neanderthal site in western France primarily
features patterns of unevenly spaced
parallel lines.
5. 6.

Matthew D. Rocklage and team examined As the name suggests, dramaturges

whether consumer ratings of movies can originated in theater, where they continue
predict box office success. The team to serve a variety of functions: conducting
considered both numeric star ratings and historical research for directors, compiling
written reviews in their research. To analyze character biographies for actors, and
perhaps most importantly, helping writers of
the written reviews, the team measured the
plays and musicals to hone the works'
emotionality—the degree to which a written
stories and characters. Performance scholar
review expresses an emotional reaction—of
Susan Manning observes that many
user reviews on a movie rating website,
choreographers, like playwrights and
assigning each review an emotionality
musical theater writers, are concerned with
score. After reviewing this research, a
storytelling and characterization. In fact,
student argues that the emotionality of
some choreographers describe the dances
movie reviews is unrelated to a movie’s they create as expressions of narrative
success at the box office. through movement; it is therefore
Which finding, if true, would most directly unsurprising that ______
weaken the student’s conclusion?
Which choice most logically completes the
A)The average emotionality score of a text?
movie’s reviews was a positive predictor of
that movie’s box office earnings. A)some directors and actors rely too heavily
on dramaturges to complete certain
B)More than half of the movies that the research tasks.
team examined received an average star
rating of 3 out of 5 stars.
B)choreographers developing dances with
narrative elements frequently engage
C)The movies that were most successful at dramaturges to assist in refining those
the box office tended to have high average elements.
star ratings.

C)dramaturges can have a profound impact

D)Movies that had the highest average
on the artistic direction of plays and
emotionality scores received the lowest
average star ratings on the movie rating
D)dances by choreographers who
incorporate narrative elements are more
accessible to audiences than dances by
choreographers who do not.
7. 8.
In 1973, poet Miguel Algarín started inviting The following text is from the 1924 poem
other writers who, like him, were “Cycle” by D’Arcy McNickle, who was a
citizen of the Confederated Salish and
Nuyorican—a term for New Yorkers of
Kootenai Tribes.
Puerto Rican heritage—to gather in his
apartment to present their work. The There shall be new roads wending,
gatherings were so well attended that A new beating of the drum—
Algarín soon had to rent space in a cafe to
Men’s eyes shall have fresh seeing,
accommodate them. Thus, the Nuyorican
Poets Cafe was born. Moving to a Grey lives reprise their span—
permanent location in 1981, the Nuyorican
But under the new sun’s being,
Poets Cafe expanded its original scope
beyond the written word, hosting art Completing what night began,
exhibitions and musical performances as There’ll be the same backs bending,
well. Half a century since its inception, it
The same sad feet shall drum—
continues to foster emerging Nuyorican
talent. When this night finds its ending
And day shall have come.....
Which choice best describes the overall
Which choice best states the main purpose
purpose of the text?
of the text?

A. To explain what motivated Algarín to A) To consider how the repetitiveness

found the Nuyorican Poets Café inherent in human life can be both
rewarding and challenging
B) To question whether activities completed
B. To situate the Nuyorican Poets Cafe at one time of day are more memorable
within the cultural life of New York as a than those completed at another time of day
C) To refute the idea that joy is a more
commonly experienced emotion than
C. To discuss why the Nuyorican Poets Cafe sadness is
expanded its scope to include art and music D) To demonstrate how the experiences of
individuals relate to the experiences of their
D. To provide an overview of the founding
and mission of the Nuyorican Poets
9. 10.
Cats can judge unseen people’s positions in Musician Joni Mitchell, who is also a
space by the sound of their voices and thus painter, uses images she creates for her
react with surprise when the same person album covers to emphasize ideas
calls to them from two different locations in expressed in her music. For the cover of her
a short span of time. Saho Takagi and album Turbulent Indigo (1994), Mitchell
colleagues reached this conclusion by painted a striking self-portrait that closely
measuring cats’ levels of surprise based on resembles Vincent van Gogh’s Self-Portrait
their ear and head movements while the with Bandaged Ear (1889). The image calls
cats heard recordings of their owners’ attention to the album’s title song, in which
voices from two speakers spaced far apart. Mitchell sings about the legacy of the
Cats exhibited a low level of surprise when postimpressionist painter. In that song,
owners’ voices were played twice from the Mitchell also hints that she feels a strong
same speaker, but they showed a high level artistic connection to Van Gogh—an idea
of surprise when the voice was played once that is reinforced by her imagery on the
each from the two different speakers. cover.
According to the text, how did the Which choice best describes the overall
researchers determine the level of surprise structure of the text?
displayed by the cats in the study?
A) It presents a claim about Mitchell, then
A) They watched how each cat moved its gives an example supporting that claim.
ears and head.
B) It discusses Van Gogh’s influence on
B) They examined how each cat reacted to Mitchell, then considers Mitchell’s influence
the voice of a stranger. on other artists.
C) They studied how each cat physically C) It describes a similarity between two
interacted with its owner. artists, then notes a difference between
D) They tracked how each cat moved
around the room. D) It describes the songs on Turbulent
Indigo, then explains how they relate to the
album’s cover.
11. 12.
A student performs an experiment testing Many of William Shakespeare’s tragedies
her hypothesis that a slightly acidic soil address broad themes that still appeal to
environment is more beneficial for the today’s audiences. For instance, Romeo
growth of the plant Brassica rapa and Juliet, which is set in the Italy of
parachinensis (a vegetable commonly Shakespeare’s time, tackles the themes of
known as choy sum) than a neutral soil parents versus children and love versus
environment. She plants sixteen seeds of hate, and the play continues to be read and
choy sum in a mixture of equal amounts of produced widely around the world. But
coffee grounds (which are highly acidic) and understanding Shakespeare’s so-called
potting soil and another sixteen seeds in history plays can require a knowledge of
potting soil without coffee grounds as the several centuries of English history.
control for the experiment. The two groups Consequently, _______
of seeds were exposed to the same growing
conditions and monitored for three weeks.
Which choice most logically completes the
Which finding, if true, would most directly
weaken the student’s hypothesis?
A) The choy sum grown in the soil without A) many theatergoers and readers today
are likely to find Shakespeare’s history
coffee grounds weighed significantly less at
plays less engaging than the tragedies.
the end of the experiment than the choy
sum grown in the mixture of soil and coffee B) some of Shakespeare’s tragedies are
grounds. more relevant to today’s audiences than
twentieth-century plays.
B) The choy sum planted in the soil without
coffee grounds were significantly taller at C) Romeo and Juliet is the most
the end of the experiment than the choy thematically accessible of all Shakespeare’s
sum planted in the mixture of soil and coffee tragedies.
D) experts in English history tend to prefer
C) The choy sum seeds planted in the soil Shakespeare’s history plays to his other
without coffee grounds sprouted works.
significantly later in the experiment than did
the seeds planted in the mixture of soil and
coffee grounds.
D) Significantly fewer of the choy sum
seeds planted in the soil without coffee
grounds sprouted plants than did the seeds
planted in the mixture of soil and coffee
13. 14.
“The Poet Walt Whitman” is an 1887 essay One challenge when researching whether
by José Martí, a Cuban author and political holding elected office changes a person’s
activist, originally written in Spanish. In the behavior is the problem of ensuring that the
essay, Martí explores the value of literature, experiment has an appropriate control
arguing that a society’s spiritual well-being group. To reveal the effect of holding office,
depends on the character of its literary researchers must compare people who hold
culture: ______ elected office with people who do not hold
office but who are otherwise similar to the
Which quotation from a translation of “The
office-holders. Since researchers are unable
Poet Walt Whitman” most effectively
to control which politicians win elections,
illustrates the claim?
they therefore _______
A) “Where will a race of men go when they
Which choice most logically completes the
have lost the habit of thinking with faith
about the scope and meaning of their
actions? The best among them, those who A) struggle to find valid data about the
consecrate Nature with their sacred desire behavior of politicians who do not currently
for the future, will lose, in a sordid and hold office.
painful annihilation, all stimulus to alleviate
B) can only conduct valid studies with
the ugliness of humanity.”
people who have previously held office
B) “Every society brings to literature its own rather than people who presently hold
form of expression, and the history of the office.
nations can be told with greater truth by the
stages of literature than by chronicles and C) should select a control group of people
who differ from office holders in several
significant ways.
C)“Poetry, which brings together or
separates, which fortifies or brings anguish, D) will find it difficult to identify a group of
people who can function as an appropriate
which shores up or demolishes souls, which
control group for their studies.
gives or robs men of faith and vigor, is more
necessary to a people than industry itself,
for industry provides them with a means of
subsistence, while literature gives them the
desire and strength for life.”
D) “Listen to the song of this hardworking
and satisfied nation; listen to Walt Whitman.
The exercise of himself exalts him to
majesty, tolerance exalts him to justice, and
order to joy.”
15. Which choice best describes data from the
table that support Barrett and Rayfield’s
A) The study by Meers used body-mass
scaling and produced the lowest estimated
maximum bite force, while the study by Cost
et al. used muscular and skeletal modeling
and produced the highest estimated
B) In their study, Gignac and Erickson used
tooth-bone interaction analysis to produce
an estimated bite force range with a
The largest tyrannosaurids—the family of minimum of 8,000 newtons and a maximum
carnivorous dinosaurs that includes of 34,000 newtons.
Tarbosaurus, Albertosaurus, and, most
C) The bite force estimates produced by
famously, Tyrannosaurus rex—are thought
Bates and Falkingham and by Cost et al.
to have had the strongest bites of any land
were similar to each other, while the
animals in Earth’s history. Determining the
estimates produced by Meers and by
bite force of extinct animals can be difficult,
Gignac and Erickson each differed
however, and paleontologists Paul Barrett
substantially from any other estimate.
and Emily Rayfield have suggested that an
estimate of dinosaur bite force may be D) The estimated maximum bite force
significantly influenced by the methodology produced by Cost et al. exceeded the
used in generating that estimate. estimated maximum produced by Bates and
Falkingham, even though both groups of
researchers used the same method to
generate their estimates.
16. 18.

Studying the deepest parts of the ocean is a Wayang kulit is an Indonesian form of
daunting task. Humans cannot survive the puppet-shadow theater in which intricately
crushing pressure, freezing temperatures, carved leather puppets are manipulated
and lack of light that characterize what's behind a backlit screen. Using this
called the “abyssal zone”. Specially technique to depict stories from Hindu epics
designed submarines and robots can such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata,
explore this realm, but ______ highly ______
expensive and limited by technical
Which choice completes the text so that it
Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard
conforms to the conventions of Standard
A)wayang kulit performances are
A)it is
traditionally a feature of religious
B)they are
C)we are
D)this is
B)religious ceremonies traditionally
feature wayang kulit performances.

After winning the 1860 presidential election, C)there is a tradition of performing wayang
Abraham Lincoln appointed Edward Bates, kulit at religious ceremonies.
Salmon P. Chase, and William H. Seward to
his cabinet. Lincoln’s decision was D)featuring wayang kulit performances is
surprising, since each of these men had run traditional in religious ceremonies.
against him, but historians have praised it,
noting that Lincoln ______ his rivals’ diverse In the winter of 1968, scientists David
talents to strengthen his administration. Schindler and Gregg Brunskill poured
nitrates and phosphates into Lake 1-----------
Which choice completes the text so that it ---------------of the 58 freshwater bodies that
conforms to the conventions of Standard compose Canada’s remotely located
Experimental Lakes Area. Schindler and
English? Brunskill were contaminating the water not
A)will leverage out of malice but in the name of research.
B)is leveraging A) 227,this is one
C)has leveraged B) 227. Which is one
C) 227. One
D) 227, one
20. 22.
The scientists divided the lake in half by Italy’s Tower of Pisa has been leaning
placing a nylon barrier through the southward since the initial ------------------
narrowest part of its figure-eight shape. In construction over 800 years ago.
one half of Lake 226, they added
Which choice completes the text so that it
phosphates, nitrates, and a source of
conforms to the conventions of Standard
carbon; in the other, they added just nitrates
6---------------------------------. Schindler and
Brunskill hypothesized that phosphates
were responsible for the growth of
cyanobacteria. A) stages of it’s

Which choice completes the text so that it B) stage’s of its’

conforms to the conventions of Standard C) stage’s of it’s
D) stages of its
A) and a source of carbon was added
B) and a source of carbon.
C) plus also a source of carbon.
D) but also adding a source of carbon.

21. 23.

Schindler and Brunskill’s findings were By the late twentieth century, the angle of
shown off by the journal Science. The the tower’s tilt had reached an astonishing
research demonstrated a clear correlation 5.5 degrees; in ----------------------- the tower
between introducing phosphates and the to visitors and appointed a committee to find
growth of blue-green algae. ------------ a way to save it.
legislators in Canada passed laws banning Which choice completes the text so that it
phosphates in laundry detergents, which conforms to the conventions of Standard
had been entering the water supply. English?
Which choice completes the text so that it A) 1990, Italy’s government closed
conforms to the conventions of Standard
English? B) 1990, Italy’s government, closed

A) For example, C) 1990 Italy’s government, closed,

B) Similarly, D) 1990: Italy’s government closed
C) However,
D) Subsequently,
24. 25.
In 2016, engineer Vanessa Galvez oversaw While researching a topic, a student has
the installation of 164 bioswales, vegetated taken the following notes:
channels designed to absorb and divert
• Shaun Tan is an Australian author.
stormwater, along the streets of Queens,
New York. By reducing the runoff flowing • In 2008, he published Tales from Outer
into city sewers, _______ Suburbia, a book of fifteen short stories.
Which choice completes the text so that it • The stories describe surreal events
conforms to the conventions of Standard occurring in otherwise ordinary suburban
English? neighborhoods.
A) the mitigation of both street flooding and • In 2018, he published Tales from the
the resulting pollution of nearby waterways Inner City, a book of twenty-five short
has been achieved by bioswales. stories.
B) the bioswales have mitigated both street • The stories describe surreal events
flooding and the resulting pollution of nearby occurring in otherwise ordinary urban
waterways. settings. The student wants to emphasize a
similarity between the two books by Shaun
C) the bioswales’ mitigation of both street
flooding and the resulting pollution of nearby
waterways has been achieved. Which choice most effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to accomplish
D) both street flooding and the resulting
this goal?
pollution of nearby waterways have been
mitigated by bioswales. A) Shaun Tan’s book Tales from Outer
Suburbia, which describes surreal events
occurring in otherwise ordinary places,
contains fewer short stories than Tales from
the Inner City does.
B) Tales from Outer Suburbia was
published in 2008, and Tales from the Inner
City was published in 2018.
C) Unlike Tales from the Inner City, Shaun
Tan’s book Tales from Outer Suburbia is set
in suburban neighborhoods.
D) Shaun Tan’s books Tales from Outer
Suburbia and Tales from the Inner City both
describe surreal events occurring in
otherwise ordinary places.
26. The student wants to emphasize the aim of
the research study.
While researching a topic, a student has
taken the following notes: Which choice most effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to accomplish
• In North America, woodlands have this goal?
expanded into areas that were once
grasslands. A) Thomas Rogers and F. Leland Russell,
researchers at Wichita State University,
• Thomas Rogers and F. Leland Russell of wanted to know if woodland expansion is
Wichita State University investigated related to changes in climate.
whether woodland expansion is related to
changes in climate. B) Thanks to the work done by Thomas
Rogers and F. Leland Russell, we now
• Rogers and Russell analyzed core know that droughts may have played a role
samples from oak trees on a site that was in woodland expansion.
not wooded in the past and indexed the age
of the trees with historical climate data to C) Wichita State University researchers
see if tree populations and climate were have determined that tree population growth
correlated. was associated with dry intervals.

• Tree population growth was associated D) Thomas Rogers and F. Leland Russell
with dry intervals. analyzed core samples from oak trees on a
site that was not wooded in the past,
• Droughts may have played a role in indexing the age of the trees with historical
woodland expansion. climate data
27. Which choice most effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to accomplish
While researching a topic, a student has this goal?
taken the following notes:
A) At around 9,800°F, which classifies it as
• In 1999, astronomer Todd Henry studied a G star, the Sun is hotter than most but not
the differences in surface temperature all of the stars within 10 parsecs of it.
between the Sun and nearby stars.
B) Astronomer Todd Henry determined that
• His team mapped all stars within 10 the Sun, at around 9,800°F, is a G star, and
parsecs (approximately 200 trillion miles) of several other stars within a 10-parsec range
the Sun. are A or F stars.
• The surface temperature of the Sun is C) Of the 357 stars within ten parsecs of
around 9,800°F, which classifies it as a G the Sun, 327 are classified as K or M stars,
star. with surface temperatures under 8,900°F.
• 327 of the 357 stars in the study were D) While most of the stars within 10
classified as K or M stars, with surface parsecs of the Sun are classified as K, M, A,
temperatures under 8,900°F (cooler than or F stars, the Sun is classified as a G star
the Sun). due to its surface temperature of 9,800°F.
• 11 of the 357 stars in the study were Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part
classified as A or F stars, with surface of this page is illegal.
temperatures greater than 10,300°F (hotter
than the Sun).

The student wants to emphasize how hot

the Sun is relative to nearby stars.

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