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The Little Seed


Intro / Narrator 1
Narrator 2
Tree 1
Seed 1 [Daisy]
Seed 2 [Sunflower]

Duration: 7 minutes


Intro: A wonderful morning to everyone. Today we present to you the story of The Little seed
who once was afraid of growing but chose to be brave to bloom into a beautiful sunflower.

Narrator 2: One day, in the fields of Kuraku-en, there grew beautiful plants under the light of the
sun, showered by the rain and blown by the cool, fresh air.

Narrator 1: Under the broad daylight [The sun is dancing] there was a seed (Seed 1) named
Daisy who was enjoying the radiant sunshine.

Sun: Wakey, Wakey beautiful plants! It’s time to take my sunlight. With enough sunlight, you
can grow into healthier and greener plants.

[All plants enjoying the sun *dancing*]

[Daisy wakes up]

Daisy: I love when the sun touches my skin. Oh! I can’t wait to grow my roots already. So, I can
hold onto the soil.

Narrator 2: But there was also another seed covered in a thick seed coat (Seed 2) named

Sunflower: Sunny day again? I don’t want the sun touching my skin.

Daisy: What’s wrong sunflower? Why are you afraid of the sun?

Sunflower: I’m scared that I might get burnt.

Daisy: But you’re a sunflower, you need the sun.

Sunflower: Oooh! I don’t know *shivers*

Narrator 1: On the next day, the rain came [Running back and forth], showering all the plants
with enough water. The plants were very happy, especially Daisy, but not Sunflower.

Rain: Pitter Patter! Pitter Patter! I’m here to shower you with love and my water. I will give you
enough nutrients to grow your leaves, roots, and shoots!

[All plants dancing in the rain]

Daisy: Wow! The water is so refreshing, I can already feel my roots coming out.

[stands slowly to show roots]

Tree: Wow, Daisy! You’ve grown your roots already, isn’t that nice?

Flower: But where’s sunflower?

Narrator 2: Tree, Flower and Daisy were so worried, and went to look for Sunflower.

Daisy: [Found Sunflower] There she is!

Tree: [Calling Sunflower] Sunflower! Why are you hiding under the rock?

Sunflower: I’m hiding from the rain. I’m too small, I don’t have enough strength, the water might
drown me.

Flower: But you need to get nutrients from the water, so you could grow your roots just like

Sunflower: Oh! I don’t know, I guess I’ll just stay behind this rock until the rain goes away.

Narrator 1: The little seed continued to hide under the rock, while Tree, Flower, and Daisy were
so worried, they couldn’t think of anything to convince Sunflower.

[The rain went away, and Sunflower went out from the rock]

Narrator 2: The next day comes the air blowing fresh air to the plants.

[Air whirling around the plants]

Air: Woosh! Woosh! [blowing the plants] Who wants some adventure? Hold on to the soil
everybody! I’ll be tossing you in a second. Here we go!
[All plants are tossed by the air]

Tree: Hold on tight Daisy and Sunflower!

Daisy: Whooo! This is great! My leaves are coming out!

Flower: Oh no! Look, sunflower!

Narrator 1: The poor little seed was tossed to and fro as the air continued to blow.

Sunflower: [tossed to and fro] Help! Help Me! I don’t have my roots yet; I can’t hold on to the
soil. Oh Nooooooo!

Narrator 2: When the air went away, Tree, Flower and Daisy went to help Sunflower.

Daisy: Are you okay Sunflower?

Sunflower: I feel so weak, and tired. I don’t like the air. [crying]

Tree: That is why you need sunlight and water to grow your roots and shoots.

Flower: So, you could hold on to the soil and withstand the air. We need all of them to grow and

Sunflower: Oh, I don’t know. I guess I’ll just take some rest, I might get my strength back.

Narrator 1: The already weak sunflower continued to be afraid and left Tree, Flower, and Daisy
to rest on her own. The three were so worried but couldn’t do anything to convince the little

Narrator 2: One morning, when the little seed was sleeping, she felt a large stamp of feet on
the ground, as she slowly opened her eyes, she saw the chicken looking for food.

Chicken: [clucks] Oh seeds! I want to eat some seeds! I’m so hungry! [clucks again] Oh
seeds! Don’t hide from me, I’m hungry already. [kept looking while clucking]

Sunflower: Oh no! Don’t eat me! Tree! Flower! Daisy! Where are you? Help me! I don’t want to
get eaten!

Narrator 1: Tree, Flower, and Daisy heard the little seed and immediately ran towards it.

Tree: What are we going to do? The chicken might eat her.

Flower: Let’s cover her with our leaves. So, the chicken won’t see Sunflower.

Narrator 2: Tree, Flower and Daisy covered the little seed with their leaves until the chicken
went away to look for another food to eat.
Daisy: Phew! That was close.

Sunflower: [shivering in fear and crying] What would I do without you guys? I don’t want to
be a bird food.

Narrator 1: Tree, Flower and Daisy worriedly looked at each other. They started thinking how
they will help the little seed to get out of her shell.

Tree: Can you see how healthy my leaves are? They’re because of the sun. Can you see how
strong my roots are? They’re because of the water from the rain. We need them to grow strong
and healthy.

Flower: Yeah, Tree is right. Little flowers should never worry when the wind begins to blow and
when the rain begins to fall. Do you want to know a secret?

Sunflower: What is that?

Flower: A secret that only little flowers know. If it never rains, we will never grow. If the sun
won’t shine, our beauty won’t behold.

Daisy: Don’t worry Sunflower. We’re going to help you; we always have your back.

Sunflower: Thank you Tree, Flower, and Daisy. I want to be strong and beautiful just like you.

Narrator 2: Finally, Sunflower decided not to be afraid anymore. As days passed, Sunflower
chose to meet the sun, rain, and air.

Narrator 1: Time passed, the little seed grew to a very graceful sunflower and became the
center of attention in the fields. With it’s huge and vibrant yellow petals and healthy green
leaves, all the plants were so amazed of its beauty.

Narrator 2: The Sunflower, then became very strong and brave.


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