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1. have you ever got out from a event?

IT, not sad about it, to be honest.

2.Would you want to open an event

Yes, a Tetris and an automotive industry event would be grate?

3.Do you like the food in Tevitöl?

Yeah, they are fine.

4. Do you love having a dorm life?

Yes, its pretty fun. We are like a family in there, but it has some cons too, of course.

5.İs there something you don’t like about tevitöl?

We don’t have personal space. When I want to just talk with my mother alone, I can’ t. every single
room at every single building is public and that disturbs me a bit.


(well, that’s a excerpt from a conservation we had, so I hope that counts too)

B: which day should we do your interview?

A: well, it depends on the events dates.

B: which events do you have?

A: well, nova at first. I don’t know the dates.

B: either I

A: Teams, for the second

B : ha, ha

A: doesn’ t that count as a reason?

B: stop kidding.

(she was the one who was going to make me an interview for joining Teams)

A: I have violin lessons, It can’t be on Monday.

B: seriously?
A: what?

B: I have violin lessons too!

A: Ooh, now I got it.

B: You are so annoying sometimes.

A: I’m at philosophy too

B: you can just don’t go for one day.

A: okay, I guess that’s it.

B: so, when?

-the conservation changes to the system of teams somehow (I don’t remember why)-

A: So, if you would take me, am I being the only one who is in your group?

B: no, I’m taking the tenth grades too.

A: so will I be the only 9. Grade?

B: if I would take you, you will.

A: isn’t that a bit weird

B: I was the only ninth grade too

A: Really?

B: yeah, that’s why I own the only team in Teams for 9th and 10th grades.

A: so will I be the only Team leader?

B: if I would take you, stop talking like you are already in.

A: okay sorry. So, is Berke the only team leader at 11th and grades?

B: no, there is one more team.

A: did he used to be the leader of 9th and 10th grade at the past too?

B: he wasn’t in Teams when he was 9th grade

A: why?

B: when it used to be his times, Teams only took two people without quiz.

A: why?

B: That was the time Teams has set up

A: uh, that makes sense. He would probably have the best marks

B: he might be not working calculus when he was 9th grade.

A: No, he was, don’t you know the story of his WhatsApp Picture

-then the title turns to his profile photos story, but I don’t ask any questions at that part, so I will pass
that part-

B: what a story,

A: yeah,

B: I would be so mad if I would know there was such a epic story like that wont be able to hear it

A: what are you even talking about?

B: I don’ t know, maybe because you don’t ask any questions while telling me the story

A: what??

B: Ah, don’t mind me, I’ m just telling thinks that the author wants me to

-what, that’s a true story! -

B: no, its not

-I might have changed the last 10 sentences-

B: and all the following sentences

-How can you know that?!-

B: I’m in your head, forget? I have access to your thoughts

-how are you questioning me if you are in my head? -

B: maybe because you have tumor in your head

-what does that mean? -

B: you have another person in your head

-And it’s the clone of the Berra, which is you? -

B: My name changes every time you put me as another character

-so, you have other people in your head too? -

B: I guess

-so, my tumor has tumor? jees-

B: yeah, weirdo

-Wait, how do you know what does tumor means when I don’t? –

B: you used to know it too but you roled like you don’t so the person who reads that can understand the
conservation too

-wait, didn’t you said you have access to my thoughts? -

B: yes, that’s how I know why you did roled like you don’t know the meaning of tumor.

-so you used to know I used to know what tumor means that before you explained me what tumor
means? -

B: I guess so

-why have you explained that then? You knew I used to know what it means-

B for the one reader, of course

-okay, another question, didn’t I used to know didn’t I used to know why have you explained me why
have you explained what tumor means??-

B: yes, you did, you used to know it was for the reader. You used to know I was going to say that too

-so, why have you answered the question “didn’t I used to know why have you explained me why have
you explained what does tumor means?” then? Didn’ t you used to know I used to know I did used to
know if I used to know I used to know the answer of the question “didn’t I used to know why have you
explained me why have I asked ‘why have you explained what does tumor means?’?”?-

B: I guess because you made me to tell that

-so, I have control over you-

B: I guess so

-so, I’ m not schizophrenia-

B: well, I cant effect to your physical activities, so writing on keyboard is something I cant effect, so
actually you don’t have to overcontrol me to make me say something on a writing, I don’t even effect


A: who are you talking to

B: you cannot solve your problems by closing the conservation author

A: Are you talking to yourself like there is another person, jeez you have tumor and schizophrenia at the
same time! You should see a psychologist dude.

--THE END?--

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