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Assessment 1:

Name: Mahra Mohammed Ahamed Alhebsi


Secondary Professional Practice Placement- 2

(SPPP2): Growing responsibility for the

planning, conduct, and evaluation of

AY 2023/24 Trimester 1

Lecturer: Dr. Jason Johnson

Professional Knowledge

This report addresses pedagogy, learning, and assessment in secondary mathematics

education by drawing on both the advanced curriculum development strategies of EDUSM2 and the

foundational theories and methodologies of EDUSM1. The main objective of this report is to assist

students in completing the EDUSPPP2 placement by assisting them in making the transition from

theoretical understanding to practical application. Completing the EDUSPPP2 placement requires

submitting this report.

The development of inclusive mathematics curricula has been greatly influenced by the

EDUSM1 principles of formative assessment, inquiry-based learning, and reflective practice. These

parts have had a big impact on how these classes have changed over time. Because these crucial

elements are present, these lessons have been developed.

It has been much simpler for me to develop a logical progression for my mathematics

education because of the emphasis on curriculum planning and progression in EDUSM2. This

progression adheres to the national mathematics curriculum guidelines in addition to fulfilling the

requirements of my placement school. This may be the result of EDUSM2's heavy weighting of both

of these factors, which explains why this is occurring. By applying these pedagogical ideas and

techniques, I was able to create a curriculum that pushes students to think critically, solve problems,

and broaden their knowledge base in order to develop intellectually.

This report seeks to improve students' learning outcomes and teachers' professional

competence in mathematics education by emphasizing the value of theoretical knowledge for

secondary school students. The principal aim of the report is to improve the mathematical

comprehension of the students. Showcasing the natural progression of classroom instruction from

theory to practice is one way to accomplish this goal.


I must delve into the nuances of teaching, learning, and self-transformation if I hope to fully

understand SPPP 2. It was a professional assignment, but it was also a chance for personal growth
and introspection, challenging my presumptions and assisting me in improving my teaching style. In

other words, it was a job. This placement required work, but that wasn't all.

The lesson I learned from my experience is that teaching is more about getting knowledge

from my students than it is about imparting it. This was the most important lesson I learned from the

experience. I would like to convey my genuine gratitude for this encounter. Students in a classroom

with a diverse range of personalities, learning styles, and challenges face many opportunities for

creativity and adaptation. These kinds of opportunities were directly caused by the energetic

classroom environment. I wanted to apply the pedagogical theories and curriculum development I

had learned in EDUSM1 and EDUSM2 courses. These two courses allowed me to establish this

foundation from the bottom up. Instead, I discovered the hard way how important it is for teachers

to be flexible and adjust their methods to suit the needs of the students they are teaching.

During my stay at the SPPP2 placement, I was able to obtain a deeper comprehension of the

significance of effective communication in fostering a positive learning environment. This was made

clear by the placement. Through constant practice and trial and error, I enhanced my

communication skills, which enabled me to provide the audience with a more in-depth explanation

of difficult mathematical concepts. Any successful educational program must have knowledge,

communication, and comprehension as core elements. The examples provided here demonstrate

how these three interrelated elements function together. The relationship between the three

sections was made clearer by this demonstration.

Another important topic that I was able to learn more about during my professional

development was assessment and feedback. If I applied the techniques and resources we discussed

in class for assessment, I could provide a more thorough and knowledgeable assessment of the

students' learning. I was able to ascertain the students' learning level, which allowed me to

accomplish this. After going through this experience, I have a greater appreciation for the value of

feedback for my students' growth and the advancement of my teaching career. I feel like I can help
and challenge my students more now that I've given various assessment strategies some thought. I

was able to create an environment that promoted development as a result.

Collaboration and community were also emphasized by SPPP2 as critical elements of the

educational environment. I was able to understand the importance of teamwork and shared

objectives in the context of student success in the classroom by working closely with teachers,

interns, and other members of the school community. Completing this task was made possible in

part by my internship. Our team's application of this collaborative approach enhanced both my

teaching abilities and my comprehension of the significance of establishing supportive educational


Once more, I'm struck by how significant the part tenacity and resolve played in forming this

journey. My determination and commitment to the subject have been reinforced by overcoming

challenges and figuring out how to fit in with the nuances of the teaching profession. Both my

respect for the teaching profession and my knowledge of it have grown as I have overcome new

challenges and advanced in my career. This is because every obstacle I have faced and overcome has

been overcome.

I'd like to think back on SPPP2 because it was a professional placement and a turning point

in both my professional and personal stories. I want to reflect carefully on this experience. Let me

conclude by talking about SPPP2. With traditional classroom methods like textbooks and lectures, it

would have been impossible for me to explore my educational philosophy, develop my teaching

methods, and hone my skills in the way that this platform has allowed me to. Because of the

experiences, obstacles, and successes I've had during this placement, I'm in a better place to face the

future. I now understand what it means to inspire and educate others on a deeper level. I'm in a

position now where I can start planning for the future.

I will always cherish the memories I have of traveling with students and colleagues, as well

as the knowledge and experience I have acquired since then. I am taking everything with me when I

leave. Participating in the SPPP2 program has been incredibly beneficial to me during my academic
career. My participation in this program has strengthened my belief in the transformative power of

education and my commitment to supporting my students. My participation has only strengthened

these two beliefs. I have made significant progress, grown as a person, and learned new things along

the road. The chance this trip has given me to improve my grades is really what makes it worthwhile.

Acknowledge how important this trip is.

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