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An adult female patient is having history of headache fewer than one attack per
month, which is throbbing but tolerable in nature and lasts up to 8 hours. She is
not on any drug therapy. Presently she is complaining of mild headache. What is
your advice. Write a detailed prescription for her.
2. An adult patient has history of repeated migraine attacks. Presently she has severe
headache for last 12 hours. She has consumed aspirin tablets but did not find
relief. Write drug treatment for her.
3. An adult patient has history of fall while playing. There is pain & swelling at ankle.
Possibility of fracture is ruled out. It is diagnosed as sprain (ligament tear &
damage) which drug will you prescribe him and justify it.
4. An adult patient has backache for last 8 days. Presently you have decided to give
rest and some medicament to get relief from pain and inflammation associated
with the condition. Which drug would you prescribe?
5. You want to carry out the dressing on a patient who had extensive burn. He is
stable by other medicaments given to him. What drug would you like to give him
before dressing? Write drug treatment to relieve pain for him.
6. A patient on the second day of her abdominal hysterectomy has pain. Fortunately,
she does not have much nausea & vomiting. Her bowel movements are getting
established. Prescribe her for her pain.
7. A patient with malignancy with secondaries spread to various places has poor
prognosis. He is in state of severe pain. You have decided to give him relief from
pain. Answer the following.
8. Prescribe drug treatment for a patient suffering from menstrual pain.
9. Write preferred group and preferred drug to relive pain during tooth extraction.
10. Prescribe drug treatment for a patient suffering from acute gout. Justify the
11. There is swelling & pain at small joint of both the hands. Patient is recently
diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. She has not received any therapy up till now.
Write a prescription for her. Justify your prescription.

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