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Cheryl G. Souders∗
FAA Air Traffic Organization, Operations Planning, Chief System Engineers’ Group
Washington, DC
Robert C. Showalter
CSSI, Inc., Washington, DC

James W. Tauss
CSSI, Inc., Washington DC

1.0 Introduction meet this increasing demand of air traffic on the

NAS capacity while maintaining existing high
Because of the profound adverse impact that
weather has on aviation, the Next Generation Air safety standards. The FAA must transform the
Transportation System (NextGen) is focusing on existing NAS weather architecture to ensure the
future NAS meets safety, security, mobility, and
a new direction in aviation weather information
efficiency needs.
emphasizing capabilities to help stakeholders at
all levels make better decisions to mitigate the The FAA has determined that the primary gaps
impact of weather. Safe and efficient NextGen in weather information services today are in
operations will be dependent on enhanced detection, prediction, and dissemination (FAA
weather capabilities based on three major Mission Need Statement (MNS) #339, June
tenets: 2002). The FAA performed a weather functional
• A common picture of the weather for all analysis and developed a baseline set of
transportation decisions makers and weather functional and performance
aviations system users requirements. New sensors on the ground, on
• Weather directly integrated into aircraft, and on satellites, as well as enhanced
sophisticated decision support algorithms on current ground-based sensors will
capabilities to assist decision makers provide significantly improved detection of
• Utilization of Internet-like information aviation impact weather. Aviation weather
dissemination to realize flexible and forecasting deficiencies must be resolved. For
cost-efficient access to all necessary example, today an accurate 2-hour convective
weather information forecast is available, but an 8-hour forecast is
necessary for efficient traffic management. Also,
Weather information services are crucial in improved icing forecasts are necessary for
supporting the safety, efficiency and capacity of general aviation safety, as well as quality ceiling
the Nation Airspace System (NAS). Today, and visibility products. Research and
approximately one-fourth of all aircraft accidents Development (R&D) is essential to develop a
and one-third of fatal aircraft accidents are key weather component of NextGen: the
weather-related and weather continues to be a seamless, consistent set of observations,
major factor adversely affecting NAS capacity, analyses, forecasts and probabilities that are
contributing to approximately three-fourths of necessary to meet the needs of the envisioned
system delays greater than 15 minutes NextGen Air Traffic Management (ATM)
(OPSNET). To address the expectations of capabilities. Resolving these gaps will require
demand on capacity in 2025, weather impact continued funding for weather research, which is
mitigation becomes increasingly critical and crucial to attaining NextGen. The transformation
current aviation weather capabilities must of the current point-to-point communications to
undergo major changes. The Federal Aviation the NextGen net-centric weather capability
Administration's (FAA) weather architecture ensures service providers and users receive
fulfills an important role in enabling the FAA to required weather information in real time.

Corresponding author address: Cheryl Souders,
800 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20591 (202) 385-7235
Meeting the needs of NextGen requires both availability. More aircraft will have weather
eliminating these gaps and meeting the needs of sensors/algorithms to provide weather
emerging users. information to other users directly and/or via the
So the question becomes - What are the NextGen 4-D Weather Cube.

Pi lo t
Leg end W ind s hear alerts W ind Shear alert s
Senso rs /So urces L L W AS - R / S

End U s er S ys tem /Di s pl a y ASR - W SP W ind s hear/Mic roburs t

IT W S Cu sto m er
W ea ther Pro ces so r (Server ) ASR -9 W X 6-Lev el R ef lec tiv ity RUC T er m in al
C o m m unica tio ns Links
MD C R S To w er/ TRA CO N Co n t ro l ler
Interf a ce L L W AS -NE W ind s hear/ Mic roburs t ET MS
Tra ffi c Flo w Sp eci al is ts
T DW R 6-Lev el R ef lec tiv ity C onv ect iv e Loc al Dis plays A p p ro ach Co nt ro ll er
Produc ts & SD
R ef lect iv ity Produc t s A irlin e O p eratio n s Cen t er
NEXR AD F orec as ts
Bas e D ata Exter n al User s
Surf ac e Obs erv at ions
ASO S /AW O S Local Display s
L i g h tn i ng ME TAR s T W IP P i lo t
Ven d o r
Glo b al So u r c es DSR
Alphan um eric produc ts W MSC R ET MS
M DC R S AT O P E n Ro u t e Co n t ro ll er
Via W INS URET M et eo ro log i st s
F BW T G HO ST Tra ffi c Flo w Sp eci al is ts
AR I NC O cean i c A TC
Mode l Output DO T S +
Mode ls & AW C D ata
R U C , I c ing, Turb, C onv . D is play AT CSC C
N O AA Pro d u ct Alphan um eric s ET MS
G en er atio n Sat ellit e ME TAR , TAF s , Tra ffi c Flo w M an ag er
Ven d o rs DO T S +
C en ters Satellite, R U C, N owR AD

F lig h t Ser vic es

ME TAR , TAF s & FSS Sp ecial is t
F S 21
W eather Graphic s P i lo t

F IS P i lo t

Satellite, R U C, N EXR AD , ASR -9, TD W R CC IW

S C onv ect iv e TF M
Pr oto
Pro totyp
typee Produc ts

implications of this transformation to the NAS For the FAA, the net-centric System-Wide
Weather Architecture that is necessary to meet Information Management (SWIM) capability
NextGen capabilities? subsumes the functionality of several NAS
2.0 Transformation weather communications systems. These
systems include the Weather Message
The FAA has begun the transformation of the Switching Center Replacement (WMSCR), two
NAS in all services including weather. The subsystems of the Weather and Radar
current NAS weather architecture is shown in Processor (WARP)—the FAA Bulk Weather
Figure 1. The NAS transformation occurs in Telecommunications Gateway (FBWTG) and the
incremental steps from now until NextGen is Weather Information Network Server (WINS),
achieved. With the current FAA emphasis on and the communications portion of the
reaching NextGen early, some capabilities will Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS)
be implemented by 2012, but these capabilities Data Acquisition System (ADAS). WMSCR is
have not been fully defined. Between now and the primary NAS interface with the National
2017, direct connections to weather sensors will Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway
be minimized (except for local displays) as data (NWSTG) for exchanging alphanumeric aviation
and/or products are available to end-users via a weather products. WMSCR collects, processes,
net-centric capability and the four-dimensional stores, and disseminates aviation weather
(4-D) distributed database known as the 4-D products and information to various NAS
Weather Cube. This reduction of connections systems, the airlines, commercial users, and
between sensors, users, and processors international users. The FBWTG is the primary
enables real time dissemination throughout the NAS interface with the NWSTG for receiving
NAS, as well as communications cost savings gridded forecast model data. It also receives in
without any degradation of data/product situ airborne observations from the
Meteorological Data Collection and Reporting processors, WARP, for En route, Integrated
System (MDCRS) and gridded aviation Terminal Weather System (ITWS), for Terminal
hazardous weather products (analysis and and Corridor Integrated Weather System
forecast) from the Aviation Weather Center. (CIWS), for Traffic Management, reduces
WARP disseminates weather products via WINS duplicative functions, as well as operations and
to NAS automation systems, including the User maintenance costs. Initially, the WARP
Request Evaluation Tool (URET) and Dynamic functionality that must be sustained into
Ocean Track System (DOTS). URET uses NextGen will be transferred to the NextGen
three-dimensional wind and temperature fore- Weather Processor (NWP) along with new
casts to optimize trajectory algorithms for NextGen algorithms in Work Package (WP) 1.
Conflict Probe to facilitate merging of air traffic By 2018 the CIWS functionality will be added to
by controllers, which increases airspace the NWP with WP 2. By 2022 most ITWS
efficiency and capacity. DOTS uses 4- functionality will be transferred to the NWP in
dimensional wind fields to create flight tracks WP 3. However, some local processing will
across oceanic airspace. The ADAS at each Air remain within the FAA to ensure the required
Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) collects latency of information to controllers can be met.
automated surface observations from AWOSs This includes detection and alerts of
and Automated Surface Observing Systems microburst/wind shear remain local in the near
(ASOS) within the ARTCC boundaries and term until latency requirements to air traffic
distributes them locally and nationally. controllers can be assured, as well as the
processing of Next Generation Weather Radar
By 2014 FAA weather processors (Figure 2), (NEXRAD) mosaics for display to en route
currently optimized by domain (e.g., En route, controllers.
Terminal, and Traffic Management), begin
convergence of their functionality into a single Located at the FAA Command Center and each
system, which may ultimately be transferred out of the FAA regional ARTCCs, WARP serves as
of the FAA to the NextGen forecasting the common source for weather information in
capability. The convergence of the weather the En Route domain. WARP provides timely

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
SWIM - Core Services
4 Sgmt. 1
SWIM Sgmt. 2
Sgmt. 3
128 130 59 (Segment
Ground 1)


ADAS 38 71 88 NAP 1


Automation Platform


ITWS 142 144 ITWS TR 147 NAP 1


Proto 146 19 119

NextGen Wx NextGen Wx NextGen Wx

82 Processor 148 Processor 143 Processor
Processing &

(WP1) (WP2)

NextGen Wx 79 86 89 NextGen Reduced Weather

Requirements Impact (RWI) Solution Set
48 NextGen 4-D
W eather Cube

W ake
Turbulence WT Mitigation
40 61 (WT) Mitigation Mitigation 87 for
for Departures for Arrivals Single Runway

Figure 2 NAS Weather Roadmap to NextGen – Processors

weather information tailored to different users. gaps in the convective activity for aircraft
At the FAA Command Center traffic routing/rerouting. As this area is most
management specialists receive products to susceptible to delays and reductions in capacity
support strategic decisions. At each ARTCC the during periods of convective weather, CIWS
WARP provides En Route air traffic controllers generates weather products depicting the
more tactical information with NEXRAD radar current and forecast locations of storms. CIWS
mosaics that depict sector weather hazards for currently operates displays at eight ARTCCs,
individual sector usage. The Center Weather the FAA Command Center, and six TRACONs.
Service Unit (CWSU) meteorologists’ use WARP The resultant common situational awareness of
mosaics to advise traffic managers of current convection among these facilities aids
and potential route blockages to support air collaboration to implement effective mitigation
traffic routing/rerouting decisions, enabling strategies. Unique products include storm
increased efficiency and capacity of the NAS. predictions out to 2 hours and the highest level
This shared situational awareness of impacting of accuracy for storm tops (enabling over-the-top
weather facilitates the efficiency of traffic flow routing) and storm intensity growth or decay, as
and enables traffic managers to minimize well as an indication of its own predictive
delays. performance. To enhance capacity, CIWS also
covers important Playbook routes in Canada. By
For the Terminal domain, ITWS ingests and 2012 CIWS will provide convective products for
‘fuses’ numerous sources of data into products the entire CONUS via the network-centric
that require no meteorological training for capability SWIM.
interpretation for both safety and capacity
The FAA will determine the functionality (sensor,
decisions, which are provided to various users.
Products include wind shear, microburst, and processor, and dissemination) that must be
gust-front alphanumeric and graphic forecast sustained, modified or replaced to meet the
NextGen vision. The FAA’s sensor roadmap,
products; storm-cell (location and movement)
shown in Figure 3, depicts the planned transition
forecasts, tornado and lightning information; and
to NextGen. To reduce operations cost, the FAA
high-resolution terminal-area wind data. ITWS
is moving toward convergence of as much
improves safety, as well as capacity at pacing
airports, those with high impact on NAS sensor functionality as possible.
capacity, by providing the wind shear and
The FAA will also determine if the existing
microburst prediction. Its high-resolution, rapid
ground-based wind shear/microburst detection
updates of terminal wind product provides
systems need to be replaced or if this
rapidly updated 3-dimensional wind functionality can be met through a combination
speed/direction fields over ATC terminal of airborne systems, improved NEXRAD (or
waypoints improves merging and sequencing of
NEXRAD follow-on system) algorithms, and/or
aircraft. In addition, ITWS displays the impact of
enhanced training. If it is determined that the
convective storms and gust front passage on
wind shear/microburst functionality must remain
runway usage to terminal controllers. This
ground-based, the FAA will sustain these
enables them to optimize runway usage during systems until convergence the functionality has
wind shifts associated with storm passage and been completed. The FAA currently has three
assist aircraft in avoiding hazardous weather in
wind shear/microburst detection systems, the
the approach and departure corridors, thereby
TDWR, the ASR-9 Weather System Processor
increasing airport efficiency. By providing a
(ASR-WSP), and the LLWAS, which will be
common picture of weather impacts between sustained until at least 2020. While these
controllers, traffic managers and dispatchers, systems each operate differently in how they
ITWS facilitates coordination necessary to
detect wind shear, they all provide alerts to
mitigate those impacts and enhance overall NAS
terminal controllers, who pass them onto pilots
of approaching and departing aircraft.
The CIWS enhances the capacity of the NAS by The TDWR and ASR-WSP are radar-based
providing traffic managers high accuracy
systems that provide wind shear and microburst
weather products for the air traffic dense
coverage, gust-front prediction, and storm
Midwest-Northeast corridors from Chicago to location and movement at 84 of the busiest NAS
Indianapolis to Washington to New York to airports. Factoring in the stand-alone LLWAS-
Boston. This capability enables them to exploit
RS network, extended coverage of wind shear
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


ASR-WSP WSP TR1 72 77 104 WSP TR2 84 WSP TR3


ASR-9/11 77
104 Wx Radar Capability
WX Channel
FAA Sensors

NEXRAD Product
NEXRAD 25 Improvement 91

F-420 62 SLEP/Replace

DASI 63 SLEP/Replace
NextGen RWI Solution Set
26 141 85

SAWS 26 141
Non FAA Sensors

Evaluate lower troposphere

aircraft Wx Obs

Entry ERAM
NextGen RWI Solution Set

Figure 3 NAS Weather Roadmap to NextGen – Sensors

and microburst hazards is provided at over 120 Sensor (SAWS), will be combined by 2020. Of
airports, which enhances situational awareness course, the FAA will work with NWS and DOD
between Terminal controllers and pilots. on the requirements for the NextGen Surface
Observing System.
The FAA also uses NEXRAD and the weather
channels of the ASR-9 and ASR-11 for 3.0 4-D Weather Cube and 4-D Weather
convection weather information. NEXRAD Single Authoritative Source
provide FAA specific products for several FAA
systems. At this time the FAA plans in The 4-D Wx Data Cube, which is defined as
coordination with NWS and DOD to converge containing all unclassified weather information
the functionally of all wind shear/microburst and used directly and indirectly for making aviation
convective sensors into one or no more than two decisions, contains all relevant aviation weather
NextGen systems. information (e.g., observations, automated
gridded products, models, climatological data,
Likewise, the FAA’s surface observing systems and human produced forecasts in the form of
will be sustained until their functionality is also text, graphical and machine readable products).
converged into a single system. The F-420, It also contains proprietary products and those in
which provides controllers instantaneous winds, the public domain, as well as domestic and
and the Digital Altimeter Setting Indicator (DASI) foreign weather information. The production of
are nearing the end of their life cycle and a the 4-D Wx Data Cube and its utilization by NAS
decision will be made on whether a service life users’ applications in an operational manner is
extension (SLE) is required before replacement. the essence of NextGen weather capabilities.
The functionality of the three current surface
observing systems (Automated Weather However, a means is needed to arbitrate or
Observing System (AWOS), Automated Surface merge 4-D Wx Data Cube information into a
Observing System (ASOS) and Automated common weather picture upon which NextGen
Weather Sensor System (AWSS)) along with the users, especially air traffic managers can rely.
backup system, Surface Automated Weather
That common weather picture is the 4-D Wx o Current weather sensors are sustained until
SAS, which: replaced by NextGen capability
• Fuses multiple weather observations and o FAA funds its portion of the 4-D Weather
forecasts into a four-dimensional common SAS
weather picture available to all users. o Migrate weather information to common
network-enabled operations
• Facilitates decision making by a diverse set
of stakeholders making coordinated air o SWIM subsumes functionality of weather
traffic management decisions using a variety communications systems and subsystems
of applications, decision tools, and displays. and connects to all sensors by 2018.
The purpose of the SAS is to provide a o WARP End of Service - WARP technical
standardized source of aviation weather refresh is needed to sustain functionality
elements (e.g., turbulence and icing) and until it is subsumed by the NextGen Wx
element probabilities for use in making air Processor WP1 (2012-2014)
transportation management decisions. Because o CIWS functionality is transferred to the
the SAS comes from the 4-D Wx Data Cube, the NextGen Weather Processor by 2018
weather information is integrated (or as the
o NextGen Weather Processor WP 3 may be
NextGen ConOps cites it, “fused” or “merged”)
implemented on a non-FAA system
to obtain internal consistency before it becomes
part of the SAS. Creating integrated information o Wake vortex sensors are installed and
means that many information sets in the SAS prediction capability becomes available
are unique and may not reflect any one of the o In situ weather sensors are mandated on
Cube sources that were used for merging. fully performance capable aircraft (Part 121
& 135), as well as UAVs by 2028
The SAS represents the machine-readable,
network-enabled, geo- and time-referenced o Cockpit decision support tools use weather
weather information available via network- information to aid pilot in decision making;
enabled communications and has the following tailored weather can also be displayed
characteristics: o In 2025, all aviation weather data is obtained
• Includes current observations, from NextGen 4-D Wx Cube and all ATM
interpolated current conditions (e.g., aviation weather from the 4-D Wx SAS
analyses), and predictions of future o FAA continues to run some aviation weather
conditions algorithms (e.g., microburst and wake
• Supports probabilistic decision aids vortex) based on latency needs
• Provides a seamless, consistent o Weather research works toward specific
common weather picture for integration requirements (e.g., icing accuracy and
into operational decision support tools capability to create the 4-D Wx SAS)
available to all ATM decision makers
5.0 NextGen Issues Impacting Weather
4.0 Assumptions Architecture
The following constitutes the assumptions for The FAA created the Enterprise Architecture
transitioning the NAS weather architecture to roadmaps depicting the transformation from
that of NextGen: today to NextGen as an executive view of the
o Ongoing NextGen Weather Functional NAS enterprise architecture. The latest weather
Analysis may result in new and emerging roadmaps for “Dissemination, Processing and
requirements that create perturbations in the Display” and “Sensors” are depicted in Figures 2
FAA’s NextGen Weather Architecture and 3. The primary issues for determining the
appropriate transition strategy are discussed in
o Sustainment for weather communications the following paragraphs.
systems (WMSCR, WARP-FBWTG &
WARP-WINS, and ADAS communications) To transition to NextGen, the end-state must be
until transition to NextGen net-enabled defined. The JPDO has developed several
weather capability versions of the NextGen Concept of Operations
(ConOps) with each successive version adding
more detail. The current NextGen ConOps is areas of the U.S., the air traffic system is barely
version 2.0 dated 13 June 2007. A JPDO keeping pace with demand. By 2025, even more
sponsored study team performed a weather major airports will become significantly
functional analysis by extracting the operational congested as demand on the NAS approaches
functions requiring weather information to three times that of today. Conducting SDO
support decision making from this version of the entails matching land and airside throughput of
ConOps. The weather functions required to an airport to meet NAS demand and requires
support users’ needs for weather information reduced separation standards and less
were then decomposed to the lowest level (i.e., restrictive runway operations. A major factor
highest level of detail). These functions were impacting airport throughput is wake vortex
then transformed into functional requirements. (WV) considerations, which result in increased
The study team also developed performance separation standards that lower airport
requirements that define the temporal and acceptance rates. To ameliorate this reduction in
spatial resolution requirements of the 4-D airport capacity, the ability to provide wake
Weather SAS, including refresh rates, reliability vortex detection, and the predicted location and
and availability. The next task is to develop the strength of WV is needed. Both these
performance requirements for each NextGen capabilities have been in research and
weather function, have them validated by development for some time. NASA and FAA
operational users and then incorporate any have data from an airport experiment using a
changes resulting from that validation for a final, commercial LIDAR to detect and characterize
complete set of NextGen weather requirements. WV, which may lead to modifications to current
Then a gap analysis between today’s NAS and procedures for aircraft separation standards at
NextGen will be performed. Once the gaps are airports with closely spaced parallel runways
understood and the requirements are allocated (CSPR). The FAA expects to have a wake
to the infrastructure [systems], the Enterprise vortex for departure capability implemented by
Architecture weather roadmap will be updated. 2015. Additional capability will be implemented
At that time, the FAA will support the JPDO through 2021, while further research on aircraft
refinement of the NextGen Integrated Work wake vortex mitigation systems is conducted.
However, a key question for the FAA is whether
As NextGen aircraft must have specified the convergence of its weather processing
capabilities to operate in high-density airspace, capability [depicted in Figure 2] should be a FAA
the NextGen Weather ConOps envisions that system or integrated into a NextGen forecasting
weather sensors and/or algorithms will be capability. This decision depends on several
mandated on fully capable aircraft in order to factors including the timeframe this capability is
provide weather information to other users expected to emerge and to what extent it will be
directly or indirectly via the NextGen 4-D Wx decentralized. The FAA still expects to extract
SAS. There will be two standardized sets of data model data from the NextGen 4-D Weather SAS
required from aircraft in situ observations, one and run aviation-unique applications, e.g., wind
for jetliners and one for other aircraft. At a shear and microburst algorithms. This
minimum, the jetliners will provide winds, forecasting capability should be capable of
temperature, relative humidity, turbulence, and incorporating all the current and planned
icing information. To capture airborne in situ functionality of WARP (except NEXRAD
observations from the mid- and lower-levels of mosaics for DSR), CIWS, and ITWS (except for
the troposphere, regional jets and some high- microburst, wind shear and possibly wake vortex
end general aviation aircraft will have a sensor detection).
set similar to airliners. To meet the vision of
NextGen and the required mitigation of weather One continuing issue for users is the small
hazards on the NAS, the NextGen critical path number of PIREPs that are captured for
may require mandatory equipage of a similar, transmission and assimilation into models. The
more advanced sensor suite on smaller aircraft FAA plans the addition of a nearly automated
that wish to fly in highly congested airspace. capability for controllers to easily enter PIREPs
in WP 3 or 4 of its En Route Automation
Another issue entails conducting Super Density Modernization (ERAM) system. At a minimum,
Operations (SDO) at the nation’s busiest this capability will be a part of the replacement
airports. Today, in the most densely populated NextGen Automation Processor (NAP).
On the surveillance roadmap, the Terminal 6.0 Summary
Service unit has determined the need for
replacement terminal radars for aircraft and Mitigation of weather impacts on the NAS is
weather surveillance to begin in the 2020 crucial to meeting the NextGen vision and must
timeframe. With the transition to automatic be fully integrated into the weather architecture
dependent surveillance – broadcast (ADS-B) to support the transition to NextGen. However,
and satellite-based global positioning system before the FAA can finalize the critical path of
(GPS), multi-lateration, and beacons; aircraft the Air Traffic System from today to 2025, the
surveillance will no longer be ground based. development of all NextGen requirements, not
However, it has been determine that a ground- just weather requirements, is needed to perform
based backup is necessary to maintain safety a gap analysis. In many cases, the functionality
standards. The surveillance roadmap specifies a will not change, but the entity performing the
SLE for the ASR-9 to maintain a terminal function will. Even when the gap analysis is
weather radar capability. TDWR will also have a completed, a number of studies are required to
SLE. If it is determined that ground-based, low- determine the critical path.
level wind shear systems are no longer needed,
the TDWR will be replaced with less expensive The FAA supported the NextGen weather
weather radar after 2020. functional analysis and the development of 4-D
Weather SAS functional and performance
The JPDO will prioritize weather research and requirements. It will continue to support the
development (R&D) based on the selected development of the rest of the NextGen
NextGen critical path, which will be determined performance requirements for the various
by the requirements. Once the weather weather parameters (e.g., accuracy of icing and
requirements have been developed, the JPDO turbulence forecasts), which will be completed in
will update their R&D plan and the FAA will 2008. Operational users will validate these
aligns its sponsored aviation weather R&D requirements through modeling and simulations.
efforts to attain envisioned improvements. Then the best way to integrate weather into
Weather R&D provides improved safety with the DSTs must be evaluated using operational
emergence of new forecast products such as metrics that improve NAS safety, efficiency and
enhanced in-flight icing and turbulence gridded capacity.
products that include a severity parameter. In
terms of capacity, as thunderstorms contribute Continued funding for weather R&D is absolutely
the most to NAS weather-related delays, essential to attaining NextGen capabilities and
aviation weather research continues to develop the weather performance characteristics that
more accurate, longer-range thunderstorm support them. NextGen essential R&D act ivies
forecasts to enable the FAA to meet traffic include:
management needs for forecasts out to eight • Reducing the number of weather-related
hours. accidents
Initially, new weather R&D products are • Supporting the reclamation of some of the
displayed on weather processors and are usable airspace that is lost as traffic
accessible to some users. However, after 2016, managers react to insufficiently reliable
many of these products are integrated into forecasts
decision support tools of both FAA service
• Develop the advanced modeling capability
providers and users to optimize algorithm
to create the 4-D Weather SAS and
performance for trajectory calculations, capacity
appropriate probability forecasts
determination, etc. Subsequently, probabilistic
forecasts are fully integrated into decision • Investigate the possibility of mitigating
support tools to incorporate the uncertainty in weather impacts via airframe modifications
weather forecasts and that of traffic demand to
provide traffic managers with enhanced capacity • Addressing techniques to integrate weather
forecasts that minimize the loss of usable information into DST’s including the use of
airspace. probabilistic quantifications

The FAA has on-going efforts to deploy SWIM

for the real-time net-centric dissemination of
weather information. SWIM converts the the challenges of mitigating weather impact to
multitude of direct connections between data NextGen. The real challenge for the FAA –
sources, sensors, processors and user systems ensure that sound system engineering principles
to nodes on the network. SWIM will subsume are adhered to in transforming the NAS weather
the functionally of weather communications architecture to the NextGen vision.
7.0 Acronyms
The FAA is conducing system engineering
efforts to determine the best way to consolidate 4-D = Four dimensional (space and time)
weather system functionality to reduce ADAS = AWOS Data Acquisition System
implementation and operations costs. The goal
is to combine wind shear/microburst and radar ADS-B = Automatic Dependent Surveillance -
that provide convective information. Surface
observing systems will likewise be consolidated, ARTCC = Air Route Traffic Control Center
as will weather processors. ASOS = Automated Surface Observing System
In order for weather to obtain the necessary ASR-9 = Airport Surveillance Radar, Model 9
funding to implement NextGen weather ASR-11 = Airport Surveillance Radar, Model 11
solutions, data-driven business cases must be
developed. The studies that must be performed ATC = Air Traffic Control
to provide the information for weather business ATCSCC = Air Traffic Control System Command
cases include (1) available benefits, (2) Center
integration of weather into decision support tools ATO = Air Traffic Organization
(DST), and (3) how does weather really impact
ATOP = Advanced Technologies and Oceanic
the NAS. More importantly, these studies must
to be conducted to determine what portions of
available benefits can be allocated to weather AWOS = Automated Weather Observing System
systems. With the emphasis on improving NAS AWSS = Automated Weather Sensor System
capacity to meet a demand three times that of
BLM = Bureau Land Management
today, caution must be exercised to not attribute
capacity benefits to weather that may not be CIWS = Corridor Integrated Weather System
realistic. For example, what portion of the ConOps = Concept of Operations
airspace that is currently ‘lost’ due to inadequate
CSPR = Closely Spaced Parallel Runways
convective forecasts can actually be ‘used’ in
the future with a accurate weather product that CWSU = Center Weather Service Unit
enables capabilities such as over-the-top routing DASI = Digital Altimeter Setting Indicator
or depicts high-resolution convection spacing
DOD = Department of Defense
that enables safe passage or has an accurate 8-
hour forecast? Also, full integration of weather DOTS = Dynamic Ocean Track System
into DSTs is a must for the improved trajectory- DSR = Display System Replacement
based operations to become a reality.
DST = Decision Support Tool
In the final analysis, benefits must be based on ERAM = En Route Automation Modernization
metrics that improve NAS safety, efficiency and
capacity. For example, if for the same amount of ETMS = Enhanced Traffic Management System
money research can improve in-flight icing FBWTG = FAA Bulk Weather Telecommunications
forecast accuracy by 12% or turbulence Gateway
forecasts by 8%, it must be determined which FIS = Flight Information System
one has the greatest positive impact on the
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration
GA = General Aviation
The FAA’s NAS enterprise architecture
roadmaps will be updated annually, GPS = Global Positioning Satellite
incorporating changes based on maturing R&D HOST = Host Computer System
and operational studies, as well as any updates
ITWS = Integrated Terminal Weather System
to the NextGen Concept of Operations. While
these changes may be considered revolutionary JAWS = Juneau (Alaska) Airport Wind System
by some, they are absolutely essential to meet JPDO = Joint Program and Development Office
LIDAR = Light Detection and Ranging WT = Wake Turbulence
LLWAS = Low-Level Wind-Shear Alert System WV = Wake Vortex (or Wake Vortices)
LLWAS-NE = Low-Level Wind-shear Alert System- Wx = Weather
Network Expansion
8.0 References
LLWAS-RS = LLWAS Replace/Sustainment
M1FC = Model 1 Full Capacity Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO)
MDCRS = Meteorological Data Collection and NextGen Concept of Operations for the Next
Reporting System Generation Air Transportation System v2.0,
Joint Planning and Development Office, 13 June
MIAWS = Medium Intensity Airport Weather System
MNS = Mission Need Statement
NAP = NextGen Automation Processor JPDO Weather Policy Study Team NextGen
Weather Policy: Findings and
NAS = National Airspace System Recommendations version 0.1, October 31,
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space 2007.
NCWF = National Convective Weather Forecast
JPDO Weather Functional Requirements Study
Team Draft Report on Four-Dimensional
NEXRAD = Next Generation Weather Radar Weather Functional Requirements For NextGen
NextGen = Next Generation Air Transportation Air Traffic Management, January 2008.
The FAA’s Aviation Weather Mission Need
NLDN = National Lightning Detection Network
Statement (MNS) #339, June 2002.
NNEW = NextGen Network-Enabled Weather
NWS = National Weather Service The FAA’s Operations Network (OPSNET)
Database (2001-2006).
NWSTG = NWS Telecommunications Gateway
OASIS = Operational and Suitability Implementation NOTE: The views expressed herein reflect the
System personal views of the author(s) and do not
PIREP = Pilot Report purport the views or position of the Federal
Aviation Administration or any other component
R&D = Research and Development of the Federal Government.
RWI = Reduce Weather Impact
SAS = Single Authorative Source
SDO = Super Density Operations
SLE = Service Life Extension
SWIM = System Wide Information Management
TDWR = Terminal Doppler Weather Radar
TRACON = Terminal Approach Control
TWIP = Terminal Weather Information for Pilots
UAS = Unmanned Aircraft System
UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
URET = User Request Evaluation Tool
WARP = Weather and Radar Processor
WINS = Weather Information Network Server
WMSCR = Weather Message Switching Center
WP = Work Package
WS = Wind shear
WSP = Weather System Processor

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