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In the Name of Allah


Thesis Proposal Submitted for Master of Arts in Literature

A Narratological Study of William Burrough's " Naked Lunch."

Pushpa VK: PhD
Ala Mohsen Ali Alsied
October 2023, Iran

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.
1.1 General Overview:...................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Review of Literature……………………………………………………………………………………..4.
1.3 Statement of the problem:........................................................................................................................6
1.4 Objectives and Significance of the Problem/Study………………………………………………………8
1.5 Research Questions and Hypothesis:........................................................................................................9
2. Methodology:

2.1 Research Methodology:..........................................................................................................................10

2.2 Data Analysis- Overall Critical analysis of the works............................................................................11
2.3 Tentative Outline of the thesis:...............................................................................................................13

1. Introduction.

1.1 General overview

Olympia Press, Paris originally published William Burroughs’ novel Naked Lunch in July 1959.

The present thesis, "A Narratological Study of William Burroughs' Naked Lunch," delves into this

seminal work of this Beat Generation writer and examines the intricate narrative techniques and

structures employed in his controversial and avant-garde novel, Naked Lunch. The present study

aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the novel's narrative intricacies, exploring how

Burroughs challenges conventional storytelling norms and engages with the postmodern and

countercultural literary movements of the 20th-century academic field.

The thesis begins by introducing the context in which Naked Lunch emerged, including the Beat

Generation and the countercultural landscape of the mid-20th century. It also offers an overview of

William S. Burroughs' life and literary influences, showcasing how his personal experiences and

scholarly interests contributed to the creation of this innovative but controversial novel.

The primary focus of the thesis is on the narratological analysis of Naked Lunch. It investigates the

fragmented narrative structure, nonlinear storytelling, and the "cut-up" technique, which is again an

innovative and unconventional approach in literature. The present analysis deeply explores how

these narrative techniques affect the reader's perception of time, space, and character identity within

the novel.

Additionally, the thesis considers the role of drug addiction and homosexuality as central themes in

Naked Lunch. It explores how these themes are interwoven with the narrative structure to convey

Burroughs' socio-cultural and political commentary. The study also investigates the influence of

Burroughs' experiences with addiction and sexuality on the novel's narrative development.

Furthermore, the research seeks to understand the reception and impact of Naked Lunch within the

literary world and among readers. It examines how the novel was banned in several countries due

to its controversial content and later became a countercultural literary icon.


In conclusion, "A Narratological Study of William Burroughs' Naked Lunch " comprehensively

analyses the novel's narrative techniques and their significance within the broader literary and

cultural context. It explores how Burroughs' innovative approach to storytelling challenges

traditional norms and contributes to the ongoing discussion of postmodern and countercultural

literature. Through this study, readers gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and artistic

value of one of the most influential and unconventional novels of the 20th century.

1.2 A Short Review of Literature

William S. Burroughs' Naked Lunch has been a subject of critical fascination and scholarly

exploration since its publication in 1959. As one of the keystone texts of the Beat Generation and a

seminal work of postmodern literature, it has provoked a wide range of interpretations and

assessments. This literature review overviews key academic perspectives and critical responses to

Naked Lunch and stresses the novel's thematic complexities and narrative innovations. The novel

Naked Lunch is a revolutionary work in 20th-century literature known for its provocative content and

innovative narrative techniques. The present literature review provides academic perspectives and critical

responses to Naked Lunch, offering a comprehensive basis for the study's focus on narratology and narrative


The critical reception of Naked Lunch was marked by much controversy and outrage. Contemporary

critics like Norman Podhoretz initially condemned the novel's explicit content and perceived the lack

of a traditional narrative structure. However, this early controversy also stimulated curiosity and

discussion. Understanding the life and influences of William S. Burroughs is essential to

comprehending Naked Lunch. Scholarly works like William S. Burroughs: An Annotated

Bibliography by Joe Maynard provide insights into Burroughs' biography, including his experiences

with addiction and his association with the Beat Generation.

What makes the novel Naked Lunch is its Narrative Innovations and Cut-Up Technique. The novel's

narrative innovations have captivated scholars and literary critics. Critics like Oliver C. Goble and

Timothy S. Murphy have explored the unconventional structure, the nonlinearity of the narrative, and

Burroughs' use of the "cut-up" technique. This technique, involving the rearrangement of text, plays

a pivotal role in disrupting conventional storytelling norms. Timothy S. Murphy's work delves into

the postmodern and modern aspects of William Burroughs' literary style. He has examined how

Naked Lunch challenges conventional narrative structures and contributes to the discourse on


Naked Lunch is often situated within the larger context of postmodern and Beat Generation literature.

Critics like Ann Charters and R.J. Ellis have examined how the novel embodies the countercultural

spirit of its time, challenging the boundaries of reality and reflecting the cultural and political

rebelliousness of the 1950s. Ann Charters, a prominent Beat Generation scholar, positioned Naked

Lunch within the broader context of Beat literature. She emphasized its countercultural and anti-

establishment themes, viewing it as a reflection of the rebellious spirit of the 1950s.

Many scholars have emphasized the novel's ability to serve as a lens to view its era's societal and

political issues. Works by Howard Brookman and others have highlighted Naked Lunch as a satirical

critique of authoritarian structures, addiction, and the dehumanizing effects of control systems.

It is a socio-cultural and political commentary of America that resulted in banning and legal

challenges. The novel's tumultuous history of censorship and legal battles is the subject of analysis

by critics like Barry Miles. They have explored how Naked Lunch faced bans and legal challenges in

various countries due to its explicit content, leading to debates on freedom of expression and

obscenity. Barry Miles was a biographer and writer of Beat literature who discussed the legal

challenges and censorship issues Naked Lunch faced in various countries. He highlighted the novel's

controversial history and its impact on debates around freedom of expression.

Naked Lunch has had a legacy and lasting impact on the literary landscape. Scholars like Oliver

Harris and Timothy S. Murphy have investigated its influence on subsequent generations of writers,

positioning it as a pioneering work that pushed the boundaries of experimental and countercultural

literature. Timothy S. Murphy's work delves into the postmodern and modern aspects of William

Burroughs' literary style. He has examined how Naked Lunch challenges conventional narrative

structures and contributes to the discourse on postmodernism. Oliver Harris, a scholar and editor of

Burroughs' works, emphasized the novel's lasting influence on subsequent generations of writers. He

explored its contribution to the development of experimental and postmodern literature.

The other critics who offer a range of perspectives on Naked Lunch, reflecting the divisive and

provocative nature of the novel, are Norman Mailer, Lionel Trilling, John Updike and J.D. O’Hara.

Norman Mailer, a prominent literary figure, described Naked Lunch as "the novel that will cure the

novel." He praised its experimental and boundary-pushing nature, acknowledging its role in

challenging traditional narrative conventions. The influential literary critic Lionel Trilling was too

critical of the novel, stating that it "is not to be read at all." He was among those who found the

novel's explicit content and unconventional narrative structure challenging and questioned its artistic

merit. Similarly, a renowned novelist and critic, John Updike, noted the provocative and disturbing

nature of "Naked Lunch." He acknowledged that it was a challenging and provocative work but

expressed discomfort with its explicit content. It is J. D. O'Hara who has written extensively about

the narrative and structural innovations in Naked Lunch. His work focuses on the novel's

fragmentation and nonlinearity, shedding light on the impact of these narrative choices. His criticism

is a great aid to research on the present topic, i.e. a narratological study of Naked Lunch.

1.3 Statement of the problem:

The present study investigates the following major problems by conducting a comprehensive

narratological study of Naked Lunch. This study offers a nuanced understanding of the novel's

narrative techniques, their relationship to thematic elements, and their role in the broader context of

postmodern and countercultural literature. This research contributes to the ongoing discussion

surrounding this iconic work and extends the scholarly exploration of Burroughs' literary legacy.

The main problem is evaluating the Narrative Complexity and Structure of Naked Lunch, celebrated

for its unconventional narrative structure, characterized by fragmentation, nonlinearity, and the

prominent use of the "cut-up" technique. The intricate interplay of these narrative elements poses

the initial problem. How do these unconventional narrative features influence the reader's

perception of the story's temporal and spatial dimensions? What role do they play in shaping

character identity and the overall reading experience?

The novel Naked Lunch's first line, “I can feel the heat closing in and feel them out there making

their moves”, clues us to the in-depth feelings of the protagonist and the thematic plus Stylistic

Integration of this novel. The novel's thematic complexity, featuring explorations of drug addiction,

homosexuality, and social commentary, raises further questions. How does Burroughs' narrative

technique complement or contrast with the novel's thematic concerns? To what extent do the

narrative choices inform the reader's engagement with the controversial themes explored within the


Another point to trace is the cultural and Literary Significance of Naked Lunch because this novel is

situated within the cultural and literary context of the Beat Generation and postmodernism. The

problem arises regarding how Burroughs' narratological innovations contribute to its countercultural

and postmodern identity. How do the novel's narrative complexities reflect its era's cultural and

political rebelliousness, and how do they engage with the larger discourse of postmodern and

experimental literature?

There are many unanswered questions in the Critical Discourse of the novel Naked Lunch. The

critical reception of Naked Lunch has been extensive and diverse, with scholars exploring various

facets of the novel. Yet, an opportunity remains to deepen the analysis of its narratological aspects.

What gaps exist in the existing critical literature, and how can a narratological lens provide new

insights into the novel's narrative intricacies? The present research addresses these central problems

by conducting a comprehensive narratological study of Naked Lunch. This study offers a nuanced

understanding of the novel's narrative techniques, their relationship to thematic elements, and their

role in the broader context of postmodern and countercultural literature. The research is expected to

contribute to the ongoing discussion surrounding this iconic work and extend the scholarly

exploration of Burroughs' literary legacy.

1.4 The Objective and Significance of the Study:

The main objective of this study is to conduct an in-depth examination of the narratological aspects

of William S. Burroughs' novel Naked Lunch. This study seeks to achieve the following goals:

Narrative Analysis to dissect and understand the intricate narrative structures and techniques

employed in Naked Lunch, including fragmentation, nonlinearity, and the "cut-up" method, to show

how these techniques shape the narrative and the reader's experience.

Another aim of this study is an exploration of the Thematic Integration of the novel, i.e. an

investigation of the relationship between the novel's thematic content, which includes themes of drug

addiction, homosexuality, and societal critique, and the narratological elements, thus uncovering how

narrative choices enhance or complicate the reader's engagement with the thematic material.

The study also would contextualize Naked Lunch within the broader literary and cultural milieu of

the Beat Generation and postmodernism by exploring how the novel's narrative innovations

contribute to its countercultural identity and reflect the cultural and political rebelliousness of the era.

Moreover, the study aims to address the existing gaps within the critical literature by providing a

fresh perspective on the narratological aspects of the novel. Another aim of this research is to extend

the scholarship on Burroughs' work by offering new insights into the novel's narrative complexities

and stylistic innovations.

The significance of the study is its contribution to the reader's understanding of the narratology used

in Naked Lunch. The present narratological analysis of the novel Naked Lunch is expected to deepen

our comprehension of its narrative complexities, furthering our appreciation of its artistic and literary value.

This thesis endeavours to provide a comprehensive and innovative exploration of the narratological

elements in Naked Lunch. Thereby advancing our understanding of this iconic work, its role in

literary history, and its cultural significance within the 20th-century countercultural and postmodern


The research would contribute to the exploration of avant-garde and experimental storytelling

methods. By addressing previously unexplored narratological aspects of Naked Lunch, this thesis

donates to the ongoing scholarly dialogue surrounding the novel and the wider body of literature

associated with William S. Burroughs, thus extending the boundaries of critical discourse.

1.5 Research Questions and Hypothesis

The following are the research questions:

RQ1: To what extent do the unconventional narrative structures in Naked Lunch reflect the novel's

countercultural and postmodern identity, and how do they challenge these literary movements?

RQ 2: How do the narratological elements in Naked Lunch intersect with/ contribute to the

thematic content, particularly the novel's exploration of drug addiction, homosexuality, and societal


RQ3: What is the relationship between the "cut-up" technique and the novel's narrative structure,

and how does it influence the reader's experience and interpretation of the text?

RQ 4: How have critics and scholars engaged with the narratological aspects of Naked Lunch, and

in what ways might a fresh narratological analysis provide new insights into the novel's narrative

complexities and stylistic innovations?

Based on the questions mentioned above, the following hypotheses are formulated:

H01: The unconventional narrative techniques used by Burroughs in Naked Lunch, including

fragmentation and nonlinearity, will be found to disrupt traditional storytelling norms and challenge

the reader's perception of time, space, and character identity within the narrative.

H02: The researcher hypothesizes that the novel's narratological innovations will be closely aligned

with the countercultural and postmodern identity of the Beat Generation, effectively reflecting the

cultural and political rebelliousness of its era while defying conventional narrative expectations.

Ho 3: The "cut-up" technique, as a prominent narratological feature, will be instrumental in

redefining narrative structures and challenging the reader's traditional understanding of storytelling.

Ho 3: The narratological elements of Naked Lunch will be intimately intertwined with the novel's

thematic content, providing a lens through which readers engage with the themes of addiction,

homosexuality, and societal critique, thus enhancing the thematic experience.

2. Methodology

2.1 Research Methodology - Critical Approaches and Theories Used

The present research will employ a multi-faceted research methodology that integrates various

theories and approaches to comprehensively analyze the novel's narrative structure and interplay

with thematic elements. The research design incorporates the following key methods and


By applying structuralist narratology, the study analyzes the underlying narrative structures of

Naked Lunch, focusing on plot, character, time, and space. Such an approach aids the identification

and examination of the novel's core narrative elements and their functions. The work of Gérard

Genette is an example of narrative theory. Genette provides an analytical system for looking at

narration as separate from the narrated story. For example, when applying Genette's five main

concepts, one might consider the order of events (does the story begin in the middle of the action?

What does that tell readers about the narrator's perception?), the voice of the narrator (are they a

character? Do they come across as logical, or unreliable?), the frequency of events (does the narrator

repeat phrases? How does that affect a reader's understanding of the work?), the duration (does the

narrator slowly narrate every stimulus? Do they skip key details over great periods? And the mood

(how is the narrator affected by the story?).

The application of Vladimir Propp's narrative morphology theory assists in identifying recurring

narrative functions and character types within the novel, providing insight into the underlying

narrative pattern. Building on poststructuralist and deconstructive principles, the research questions

how Burroughs deconstructs traditional narrative norms, challenging the reader's perception of

language, identity, and storytelling. This approach aids in uncovering how the text destabilizes

meaning and authority. By incorporating Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the study delves into the

subconscious elements of the narrative. By exploring the characters' motivations, desires, and the

portrayal of addiction, it uncovers the psychological underpinnings of the narrative.

In conjunction with these approaches, the study engages in literary analysis and cultural studies to

place Naked Lunch within the broader context of the Beat Generation, postmodernism, and the

countercultural movements of the mid-20th century. This interdisciplinary perspective gives a

holistic understanding of the novel Naked Lunch's narrative choices and cultural significance.

The research methodology includes close reading and textual analysis of Naked Lunch to identify

specific narrative techniques and thematic content instances. This approach enables the detailed

examination of the novel's textual intricacies. The study also employs historical research to

contextualize the novel Naked Lunch within the political, social, and cultural climate of the 1950s

and 1960s. Understanding the historical backdrop allows a more nuanced interpretation of the novel's

societal and political critiques.

The research engages in comparative analysis by juxtaposing Naked Lunch with other Beat

Generation literature and postmodern texts. This comparative approach highlights the distinctiveness

of Burroughs' narrative choices. As an integral part of the research, the study extensively reviews

critical literature on Naked Lunch to situate the narratological analysis within the existing scholarly


Therefore, this multi-faceted research methodology allows for a comprehensive examination of the

narratological aspects of Naked Lunch and their significance within the broader literary and cultural

context. The study aims to provide a thorough and insightful analysis of William S. Burroughs'

seminal work by integrating various theories and approaches.

2.2 Data Analysis- Overall Critical Analysis of the Work

A Narratological Study of William Burroughs' Naked Lunch involves comprehensively examining

the novel's narratological elements and their intersection with thematic content and the broader

socio-cultural context. The narratological analysis will commence with a detailed study of the

novel's narrative structure and techniques, focusing on fragmentation, nonlinearity, and the "cut-up"


In Naked Lunch, Lee, a heroin user, looks to escape New York to avoid arrest by the police. He

thus embarks on a journey through Philadelphia and Mexico before arriving in the fictional state of

Freeland, where all life is well-ordered and hygienic. Following a riot in a Freeland psychological

reconditioning centre, however, Lee flees to the strange and fantastical city of Interzone. There, he

encounters bizarre orgies, medical experiments involving giant centipedes, and pornographic

performances. He takes a hallucinogenic drug, yage, which leads to a spiritual epiphany about all

life's temporal and spatial fluidity. However, Lee then finds himself again in his New York

apartment, pursued by two police officers who wish to impound his notebooks. Lee tricks and kills

the men before fleeing to Panama City and Tangier to avoid this.

A narratological analysis of William S. Burroughs' novel Naked Lunch reveals a complex and

innovative narrative structure characterized by fragmentation, nonlinearity, and the prominent use

of the "cut-up" method. These narrative techniques challenge conventional storytelling norms,

engage the reader in a unique reading experience, and contribute to the novel's postmodern and

countercultural identity. The narration is involved in the form of fragmentation. It is visible that

Naked Lunch is intensely fragmented, with narrative elements scattered throughout the text. The

novel lacks a traditional linear plot and is divided into loosely connected vignettes. This

fragmentation mirrors the disjointed nature of the protagonist William Lee's experiences.

The fragmented structure disorients the reader, reflecting the chaotic and disordered world of

addiction and societal critique presented in Naked Lunch. It dismantles the traditional narrative order

and encourages the reader to engage with the text nonlinearly and discontinuously.

Another feature of the narratology is the nonlinearity of the present in Burroughs’ writing. The

narrative of Naked Lunch unfolds in a nonlinear fashion. Events in Naked Lunch do not follow a

chronological sequence, and time is presented as fluid and unstable. The reader encounters scenes

and episodes out of order, challenging to construct a linear and coherent timeline of events.

Nonlinearity heightens the disorienting effect, reinforcing the novel's themes of addiction and the

fractured nature of identity. It also mirrors addiction's nonlinear, cyclical nature, as characters often

relapse or revisit past experiences.

In Naked Lunch, Burroughs uses the "cut-up" method, which involves physically cutting and

rearranging text, a technique he developed with Brion Gysin. This method is evident in the novel's

composition, with sections and phrases often rearranged to create a fragmented narrative. The "cut-

up" method challenges traditional authorial control, introducing an element of chance and

randomness. This randomness contributes to the novel's overall chaos and subversion of

conventional narrative authority. The technique emphasizes the malleability of language and

meaning, reflecting Burroughs' exploration of the limits of language and the deconstruction of


In sum, the narrative structure and techniques of Naked Lunch play a crucial role in shaping the

reader's experience and understanding of the novel. The fragmentation, nonlinearity, and use of the

"cut-up" method disrupt conventional narrative norms, encouraging readers to engage with the text

in a fragmented and nonlinear manner. This innovative narrative approach aligns with the

countercultural and postmodern identity of the novel and contributes to its status as a pioneering

work in experimental literature. Chapters three and four of this thesis will deeply explore the

narratological techniques found in the novel Naked Lunch by William Burroughs.

2.3 Tentative Outline

The following is just a tentative outline. And the titles and number of chapters are apt
to change during this research work.

I. An introduction /Background
A. Introduction
B. General Overview
C. Review of Literature
B. Methodology

C. Hypothesis
D. Literary Review
E. Thesis Framework
F. Definition of keywords.

II. Literary theories and approaches

A. Structural Narratology
B. Post-Structuralism and Deconstruction
C. Psychoanalytic Theory
D. Interdisciplinary Analysis
1. Textual Analysis
2. Historical Contextualization
3. Comparative Literature Study
4. Concepts of Roland Barthes, Claude Bremond, Gerald Prince, and Seymour Chatman,
5. Concept of Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, and Jean Baudrillard
6. Concepts of Genette’s and Vladimir Propp’s Narrative Morphology Theory

III. Analysis of the novel by applying the theories and approaches

A. . Narrative Structure and Techniques in "Naked Lunch"
1. Fragmentation and Nonlinearity
2. The "Cut-Up" Technique
3. Thematic Integration
4. Psychological Underpinnings
5. Impact on Reader's Experience

IV. Analysis of the novel applying the theories and approaches.

B. Cultural and Literary Context of "Naked Lunch"
1. Beat Generation and Countercultural Movements
2. Postmodern Identity
3. Societal Critique and Rebellion
4. Challenges to Literary Norms
V. Conclusion
1. summing up
2. Findings
3. Suggestions for further research

2.4 References

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