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There are things that make you melt, before they’re gone and as they leave, they ask

you to solidify.
But it isn’t as simple, as the icing on the cake, because life has taught you to be as soft and sweet as
the sponge soaked in a thick sugar syrup and you find it to be a total misfit, if suddenly, it throws to
you, a little chilly powder. In the process, you have to soak up all, either the sugar or the spice, all
equally well. Life is about creating the balance between the two extremes which of course we’ve
never been prepared to tackle. As it has always been quoted by, I say, most of the great poets in this
world, that darkness is necessary for stars to shine, absence of it, is necessary for you to notice its
presence, and so I believe, those so-called wrong situations are necessary for you to have a little
pungency in life and this is why this quarantine is getting so very boring, there’s nothing for you to
explore. Sitting in the corner of your room on a cozy couch, doesn’t bring to you what you desire
most out of life. It asks you to get over all such stupid stuffs.

What we’re trying to do, is asking reality to be as real as that virtual world, which we have kept
creating on since all the passing years, inside the terrible dark place, our minds. Sometimes, we dive
so deep into our thoughts that, it can be quite difficult if not, impossible to not drown in them while
reliving our worst fears. And we, I think, all of the mankind is suffering situations that are locked
inside our brains, we are worrying all those worries that are not yet existent, nor does the
probability of their existence lie there in the future, oh! we are feeling all those guilts of mistakes we
were a mere part of, and if not, mistakes then what else life is all about. It is a series of doing and
undoing stuffs and finally making it work. Maybe it’s one of the harsh realities that all we are doing is
fooling ourselves.

But ultimately, life is too short to be thought of as a burden cause some of us still find each day too
little for all the thoughts we want to think, all the walks we want to take, all the books we want to
read, and the friends we want to see. We have got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen, we
have got to dance over the songs we have been dancing throughout our childhoods, oh! cause
growing up doesn’t mean losing the child out of your heart. No doubt, it’s possible that life is not
feeding you love on a silver spoon but we must learn to lick it off the edges of the sharp knives.
Remember, God will never take anything away from you without the intention of replacing it with
something much better.

We have all had dreams since our childhoods and with passing years, we are stacking down hopes
that this dream can too come true, reach its final destination, and maybe it’s way too early to leave
it off or maybe it’s way too late to pursue it all over again. The advantage that comes along with
dreams is that they have no eligibility criteria, you are always too fit to dream any, if you are willing
enough to chase them this time, till you reach the acceptable.

It’s the little things sunsets, coffee, long drives, giggles, sappy movies, ice-creams, lollipops, deep
conversations, cozy socks, and music or maybe much more, that matter the most. Suppose, it is not
the extent of things “small or big” that make a difference. But perhaps, the extent to which they
spark a fire in our souls, that no substance on the earth can extinguish, leaving us to burn with a
passion for life and a desire for the dream to come true. Let us make our lives a beautiful lie if not a
sweet truth.

Just because our paths are different doesn’t mean any of us are lost in any way. And everything we
hear is an opinion, not a fact as everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. Rather any of my
opinions, must not be someone’s reality.

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