Bad Romance Orff Ensemble Lesson Outline

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“Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga

For an Orff Ensemble

Julia Hayes

1. Teacher will demonstrate safely taking instruments out of the closet

2. Students will follow teacher’s example, safely get their instruments, then go back to their

seats, which will be arranged by part

3. Teacher will pass out sheet music to each student according to their parts

4. Teacher will lead class in speaking the most common rhythms in the piece

5. Students will sight read the piece at a slow tempo

6. Teacher will allow students to take some time to practice their parts individually

7. Students will come back together and play the song all together at a slower tempo

8. Teacher will assist students through any parts of the piece that they are having difficulty


9. Students will play the whole piece together at tempo

10. Students will organize sheet music by part and hand pages back to teacher

11. Teacher will demonstrate safely putting instruments back in the closet

12. Students will follow teacher’s example, safely putting their instruments away in the

closet in the spaces they originally came from

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