Activity 2-Beed-21

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Teaching Science in Primary Grades

(BEED 21)

Name: Arjay Estorgio

Section: BEEd 2-1


I. You are a Science III teacher. Your topic to be discussed on the next day is about
describe the parts and functions of the sense organs of the human body. What
approach will you use and why?
I’ll probably use the collaborative approach. This kind of approach let’s student learn by
interacting with others. Given that they’re grade 3, little kids, letting them work together will add
more excitement because they are about to share their ideas to one another. The topic as well
can be discussed easily by them since they have it and they are aware of different organs
present in their body, they can actively share their experiences about a certain organ and also
learn something by their groupmates’ story. It will also trigger their mind to think outside of the
box since they are required to mention a completely different organ aside from what their group
already given.

II. Prepare an activity that use any of the principles and/or approaches that we have
discussed about this objective:
Classify animals according to body parts and use. (S3LT-IIc-d-5)
Follow the given format.
A. Title of the Activity: No Missing Piece
B. Objectives:
 To classify animals according to body parts and use
 To identify the different body parts of an animal
 To differentiate animals with regards to their body structure
C. Procedure/s:
1. Students will be grouped into three by the game “The Boat is Sinking”
2. The teacher will provide pictures where each of these is a piece of a puzzle to complete
a whole picture of a kind of animal.
3. Group members should solve the puzzle by matching the body parts, forming a whole
picture of an animal.
4. Each group has to classify these pictures of animals depending on their body structure
or parts and use.
5. They must choose at least 3 and maximum of 5 group members to present and discuss
their answers and reasons oh how they’ve grouped those animals by kind.

D. Question (3-5 questions)

1. What are the general parts of an animal?
2. What are the different kinds of animals according to their body parts and use?
3. What kind of animal has hallow bones, body covered with feather and has wings?
4. How do fish and birds differ from each other?
5. What can you say about how those body parts working together as one?

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