NewTiger5 U2 Higher Test AnswerKey

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1 Answer key Unit 2

Test Higher Level
1 Listen to two friends talking Sarah: I can do this sport when it’s cold and when
about sports. Complete the sentences it’s hot. I sometimes go to the sea or a lake.
My boat isn’t very big, but there’s space for
with one word.
a team of three. I like going fast and feeling
Girl: I love watching sports on TV! the wind.
Boy: Me too. All right. Shall we watch the rugby
Answers: 1 f 2 e 3 d 4 g
match? It’s England against Australia. Great
Girl: Hmmm … What else is there? 3 Look at the example. Then listen
Boy: Let’s see. There’s badminton on Channel 1. to a radio programme and correct
Girl: Badminton? What’s that? the sentences.
Boy: It’s like tennis.
Welcome to another show of Sports Today! Do you
Girl: Oh … Look! Kayaking! Let’s watch this!
know that Action Weekend is nearly here? It’s the
Boy: It’s finished.
first weekend in May and there are lots of great
Girl: Is there another water sport?
matches to watch! On Saturday, we’ve got the
Boy: Yes. There’s surfing after this. It’s the World
badminton match for girls. That’s in the morning.
Championships in California, USA.
In the afternoon, you can watch rugby. The game
Girl: Oh, let’s watch that then!
starts at half past four and it’s in the New Stadium.
Boy: OK! At six o’clock there’s a cricket match, but
On Sunday, there’s a cycling competition in the
it usually takes a very long time.
mountains. There’s also a bowling tournament in
Girl: I’d like to do some sport in the evening! How
the evening. For tickets please call 906337. I’ll say
about a bike ride?
that again: 906337. Have fun! Now let’s talk about
Boy: Great idea! Let’s cycle to the lake and back.
yesterday’s football match.
Girl: Good. Shhh … It’s starting!
Answers: 1 March May (example) 2 Boys Girls
Answers: 1 England 2 badminton 3 kayaking 4 six
3 cricket rugby 4 Saturday Sunday 5 isn’t is
5 cycling
6 906237 906337

2 Which sport is each person

talking about? Listen and write the Reading
correct letters.
David: It’s my favourite sport. It’s fun, but also
4 Read and write the correct letters.
difficult. I usually play it with my dad and There are two pictures you don’t
my brother. My ball is blue and it’s quite need to use.
big. I wear special shoes. I sometimes go Answers: 1 f 2 c 3 a 4 e
to the cinema after a game.
Gill: I live near the mountains and a big river.
I do this sport in spring or summer with
5 Read and complete the sentences
my family. We wear helmets and special with one word.
jackets called ‘lifejackets’. It isn’t easy and Answers: 1 Scotland 2 Olympic 3 players 4 points
sometimes it’s dangerous because you can 5 skates 6 men
fall in the water!
Sam: I love the sea. I’m good at swimming and 6 Read and write T (true), F (false) or
I’m not afraid of big waves. I don’t wear
a helmet to do this sport. I only need a
DS (doesn’t say).
board. Riding waves is amazing! Answers: 1 T 2 DS 3 T 4 F 5 DS 6 F 7 T

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1 Answer key Unit 2

Test Higher Level


7 Look at the example. Then look and

write sentences.
Answers: 1 He’s scuba diving. (example) 2 He’s
playing badminton. 3 He’s playing cricket. 4 He’s/
She’s snowboarding. 5 He’s surfing. 6 He’s/She’s
sailing. 7 He’s/She’s bowling.

8 Look and write sentences using the

present continuous and the words in
Answers: 1 She isn’t surfing. 2 She is kayaking.
3 They are cycling. 4 They aren’t riding a horse.
5 Is he playing badminton? 6 He is playing rugby.

9 Read and complete the crossword.

Answers: 1 rafting 2 goalkeeper 3 muscles
4 stadium 5 jogging 6 exercise 7 snorkelling


10 Name the sports.

11 Look. What are they doing? Answer

Part 1 1 sailing 2 kayaking 3 rollerblading 4 scuba
diving 5 snowboarding
Part 2 1 They’re bowling. 2 She’s ice skating.
3 She’s snorkelling. 4 They’re playing badminton.
5 He’s kitesurfing. Answers to additional questions
as asked.

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